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OWLNext 7.0
Borland's Object Windows Library for the modern age
Object Windows Library (OWLNext Core) More...
Namespaces | |
namespace | detail |
Classes | |
class | fpbase |
Provides the basic operations common to all object file stream I/O. More... | |
class | ifpstream |
ifpstream is a simple "mix" of its bases, fpbase and ipstream. More... | |
class | ipstream |
ipstream, a specialized input stream derivative of pstream, is the base class for reading (extracting) streamable objects. More... | |
struct | ObjectBuilder |
class | ofpstream |
Provides the base class for writing (inserting) streamable objects to file streams. More... | |
class | opstream |
Base class for writing streamable objects. More... | |
class | pstream |
Base class for handling streamable objects. More... | |
struct | RECT16 |
class | TAEnvelope |
Envelope-letter type of smart pointer array. More... | |
class | TAnimateCtrl |
Encapsulates the Animation Control (a window that silently displays an Audio Video Interleaved, AVI clip). More... | |
class | TAPointer |
Pointer to an array of type T. More... | |
class | TAppDictionary |
TAppDictionary implementation for DLLs only. More... | |
class | TApplication |
Derived from TModule and TMsgThread and virtually derived from TEventHandler, TApplication acts as an object-oriented stand-in for an application module. More... | |
class | TArrayBase |
base array class -> reduce code size More... | |
class | TArrayProperty |
class | TAutoSysLink |
Derives from TSysLink and provides automatic handling of link activation. More... | |
struct | TBandInfo |
Equivalent to BANDINFOSTRUCT. More... | |
class | TBarDescr |
Descriptor of Bar Implementation. More... | |
class | TBaseList |
class | TBaseListIterator |
class | TBaseMemBlocks |
Used internally. More... | |
class | TBaseNode |
class | TBidirCharIterator |
struct | TBinField |
The TBinField struct describes a group of like-typed fields in a structure to be read or written using the Binary I/O Struct calls. More... | |
class | TBitFlags |
For example: More... | |
class | TBitmap |
TBitmap is the GDI bitmap class derived from TGdiObject. More... | |
class | TBitmapCell |
class | TBitmapGadget |
Derived from TGadget, TBitmapGadget is a simple gadget that can display an array of bitmap images one at a time. More... | |
class | TBitmapPickerGadget |
class | TBitSet |
Simplifies setting and testing bits in a 32 count array of uint8 (32 bytes). More... | |
class | TBlockList |
Used internally. More... | |
class | TBrush |
The GDI Brush class is derived from TGdiObject. More... | |
class | TBtnBitmap |
TBtnBitmap is an enhanced version of TBitmap with the ability to update the face color of a bitmap to match the system setting (COLOR_BTNFACE). More... | |
class | TBufferedFile |
The TBufferedFile class is derived from TFile encapsulates standard file characteristics and operations using buffered I/O. More... | |
class | TButton |
TButton is an interface class derived from TControl that represents a pushbutton interface element. More... | |
class | TButtonGadget |
Derived from TGadget, TButtonGadget represent buttons that you can click on or off. More... | |
class | TButtonTextDrawItem |
class | TButtonTextGadget |
Derived from TButtonGadget, TButtonTextGadget represents buttons with bitmap and text, or with text only, or with bitmap only, that you can click on or off. More... | |
class | TCBExDragInfo |
class | TCBExEditInfo |
class | TCBExItemInfo |
class | TCBExNotifyInfo |
class | TCelArray |
TCelArray is a horizontal array of cels (a unit of animation) created by slicing a portion of or an entire bitmap into evenly sized shapes. More... | |
class | TCharFormat |
TCharFormat encapsulates the CHARFORMAT2 structure which contains information about character formatting in a rich edit control. More... | |
class | TCharIterator |
class | TCharRange |
TCharRange encapsulates the CHARRANGE structure, which specifies a range of characters in a rich edit control. More... | |
class | TCharSet |
Derived from TBitSet, TCharSet sets and clears bytes for a group of characters. More... | |
class | TCheckBox |
TCheckBox is a streamable interface class that represents a check box control. More... | |
class | TCheckFailure |
class | TCheckList |
TCheckList is an owner-drawn list box to select multiple items. More... | |
class | TCheckListArray |
class | TCheckListData |
class | TCheckListItem |
Each item displayed and manipulated by TCheckList. More... | |
class | TChooseColorDialog |
Wrapper for the Choose-Color common dialog. More... | |
class | TChooseFontDialog |
Encapsulates the Choose-Font common dialog. More... | |
struct | TCkInfo |
RIFF chunk information data structure. More... | |
class | TClientDC |
A device context class derived from TWindowDC, TClientDC provides access to the client area owned by a window. More... | |
class | TClipboard |
The clipboard class encapsulates the methods for the clipboard object of Windows. More... | |
class | TClipboardFormatIterator |
class | TClipboardViewer |
Mix-in class that registers as a clipboard viewer when the user interface element is created and removes itself from the clipboard-viewer chain when it is destroyed. More... | |
class | TCmdLine |
Command line argument processing class, processes in the form: More... | |
class | TCodePages |
Encapsulates Windows code page functionality. More... | |
class | TCollection |
Simple template holding pointers to Ts used internally by ObjectWindows Controls. More... | |
class | TColor |
Class wrapper for management of color values. More... | |
class | TColorCell |
class | TColorPicker |
class | TColorPickerGadget |
class | TColorScheme |
class | TColumnHeader |
TColumnHeader encapsulates the 'header control', a window usually positioned above columns of text or numbers. More... | |
class | TComboBox |
You can use TComboBox to create a combo box or a combo box control in a parent TWindow, or to facilitate communication between your application and the combo box controls of TDialog. More... | |
class | TComboBoxData |
An interface object that represents a transfer buffer for a TComboBox. More... | |
class | TComboBoxEx |
ComboBoxEx controls are combo box controls that provide native support for item images. More... | |
class | TComboBoxExData |
class | TComboBoxExItem |
Encapsulates an item in an extended combo box (COMBOBOXEXITEM). More... | |
class | TCommandEnabler |
Base class for an extensible interface for auto enabling/disabling of commands (menu items, tool bar buttons, ...) More... | |
class | TCommonDialog |
Derived from TDialog, TCommonDialog is the abstract base class for TCommonDialog objects. More... | |
class | TComRef |
class | TComRefBase |
Encapsulation of OLE interface pointers. More... | |
class | TConfigFile |
Save/Load configuration parameters Base abstract class. More... | |
class | TConfigFileSection |
Small inline wrapper around Section. More... | |
class | TConstArrayProperty |
array read only array More... | |
class | TConstObjArrayProperty |
array read only array More... | |
class | TConstObjProperty |
Read only Property container for object. More... | |
class | TConstProperty |
class | TContextMenu |
Wraps the IContextMenu interface (currently lightweight). More... | |
class | TControl |
TControl unifies its derived control classes, such as TScrollBar, TControlGadget, and TButton. More... | |
class | TControlBar |
Derived from TGadgetWindow, TControlBar implements a control bar that provides mnemonic access for its button gadgets. More... | |
class | TControlEnabler |
A TCommandEnabler for child controls in a dialog. More... | |
class | TControlGadget |
TControlGadget serves as a surrogate for TControl so that you can place TControl objects such as edit controls, buttons, sliders, gauges, or third-party controls, into a gadget window. More... | |
class | TCoolBand |
class | TCoolBar |
This simple implementation does no more than encapsulte the messages which can be sent to the rebar control. More... | |
class | TCountedSemaphore |
Counted semaphore. Currently Win32 only. More... | |
class | TCreatedDC |
An abstract TDC class, TCreatedDC serves as the base for DCs that are created and deleted. More... | |
class | TCriticalSection |
Lightweight intra-process thread synchronization. More... | |
struct | TCurrentEvent |
Current event structure for windows events. More... | |
class | TCursor |
TCursor, derived from TGdiBase, represents the GDI cursor object class. More... | |
class | TDatagramSocket |
The TDatagramSocket encapsulates a Winsock datagram (non-reliable, packet-based) socket. More... | |
class | TDataObject |
Wraps the IDataObject interface (currently lightweight). More... | |
class | TDate |
The TDate class represents a date. More... | |
class | TDateTimeChange |
class | TDateTimeFormat |
class | TDateTimeFormatQuery |
class | TDateTimeKeyDown |
class | TDateTimePicker |
class | TDateTimePickerData |
class | TDateTimeString |
class | TDC |
TDC is the root class for GDI DC wrappers. More... | |
class | TDecoratedFrame |
TDecoratedFrame automatically positions its client window (you must supply a client window) so that it is the same size as the client rectangle. More... | |
class | TDecoratedMDIFrame |
Derived from both TMDIFrame and TDecoratedFrame, TDecoratedMDIFrame is an MDI frame that supports decorated child windows. More... | |
class | TDefaultGuiFont |
Encapsulates the system font used for a specific GUI element, e.g. icon, caption, menu, message. More... | |
class | TDelegatedTransferDialog |
Dialog derivative of TDelegatedTransferWindow. More... | |
class | TDelegatedTransferWindow |
TWindow mix-in Delegates the job of transferring data to the given function object. More... | |
class | TDesktopDC |
A DC class that provides access to the desktop window's client area which is the window behind all other windows. More... | |
class | TDiagBase |
struct | TDiagBaseHook |
class | TDiagException |
class | TDiagFunction |
class | TDialog |
Typically used to obtain information from a user, a dialog box is a window inside of which other controls such as buttons and scroll bars can appear. More... | |
struct | TDialogAttr |
Holds a TDialog object's creation attributes, which include the style, appearance, size, and types of controls associated with the dialog box. More... | |
class | TDialogRes |
class | TDialogView |
Derived from TDialog and TView. More... | |
class | TDib |
Pseudo-GDI object Device Independent Bitmap (DIB) class. More... | |
class | TDibDC |
A DC class that provides access to DIBs using DIBSection, WinG, or the DIB.DRV driver. More... | |
class | TDiBitmap |
The TDiBitmap class is a combination of a TDib and a TBitmap. More... | |
class | TDiskFileHandle |
struct | TDispatch |
Undefined default template for dispatchers Template specialization is used to allow the compiler to look up the dispatcher for a particular message at compile-time. More... | |
struct | TDispatch< DM_GETDEFID > |
struct | TDispatch< DM_REPOSITION > |
struct | TDispatch< DM_SETDEFID > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_ACTIVATE > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_ACTIVATEAPP > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_ASKCBFORMATNAME > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_CANCELMODE > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_CAPTURECHANGED > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_CHANGECBCHAIN > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_CHAR > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_CHARTOITEM > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_CHILDACTIVATE > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_CHILDINVALID > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_CLOSE > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_COMMAND_ENABLE > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_COMPACTING > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_COMPAREITEM > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_CONTEXTMENU > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_COPYDATA > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_CREATE > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_CTLCOLORBTN > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_CTLCOLORDLG > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_CTLCOLOREDIT > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_CTLCOLORSCROLLBAR > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_CUT > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_DEADCHAR > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_DELETEITEM > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_DESTROY > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_DESTROYCLIPBOARD > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_DEVICECHANGE > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_DEVMODECHANGE > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_DISPLAYCHANGE > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_DRAWITEM > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_DROPFILES > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_ENABLE > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_ENDSESSION > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_ENTERIDLE > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_ENTERMENULOOP > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_ERASEBKGND > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_EXITMENULOOP > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_EXITSIZEMOVE > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_FONTCHANGE > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_GETDLGCODE > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_GETFONT > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_GETICON > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_GETMINMAXINFO > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_GETTEXT > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_GETTEXTLENGTH > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_HELP > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_HOTKEY > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_HSCROLL > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_HSCROLLCLIPBOARD > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_INITMENU > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_INITMENUPOPUP > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_INPUTLANGCHANGE > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_KEYDOWN > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_KEYUP > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_KILLFOCUS > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_LBUTTONDOWN > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_LBUTTONUP > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_MBUTTONDOWN > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_MBUTTONUP > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_MDIACTIVATE > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_MDICASCADE > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_MDICREATE > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_MDIDESTROY > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_MEASUREITEM > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_MENUCHAR > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_MENUSELECT > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_MOUSEACTIVATE > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_MOUSEHOVER > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_MOUSEHWHEEL > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_MOUSELEAVE > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_MOUSEMOVE > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_MOUSEWHEEL > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_MOVE > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_MOVING > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_NCACTIVATE > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_NCCALCSIZE > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_NCCREATE > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_NCDESTROY > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_NCHITTEST > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_NCLBUTTONUP > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_NCMBUTTONDBLCLK > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_NCMBUTTONDOWN > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_NCMBUTTONUP > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_NCMOUSEHOVER > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_NCMOUSELEAVE > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_NCMOUSEMOVE > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_NCPAINT > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_NCRBUTTONDBLCLK > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_NCRBUTTONDOWN > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_NCRBUTTONUP > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_NEXTDLGCTL > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_NEXTMENU > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_NOTIFY > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_OCEVENT > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_OWLCANCLOSE > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_OWLCREATETTIP > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_OWLDOCUMENT > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_OWLFRAMESIZE > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_OWLHELPHIT > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_OWLNOTIFY > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_OWLPREPROCMENU > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_OWLVIEW > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_OWLWAKEUP > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_OWLWINDOWDOCKED > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_PAINT > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_PAINTCLIPBOARD > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_PALETTECHANGED > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_PALETTEISCHANGING > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_PARENTNOTIFY > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_PASTE > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_POWERBROADCAST > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_PRINT > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_PRINTCLIENT > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_QUERYDRAGICON > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_QUERYENDSESSION > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_QUERYOPEN > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_QUEUESYNC > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_RBUTTONDOWN > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_RBUTTONUP > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_RENDERALLFORMATS > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_RENDERFORMAT > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_SETCURSOR > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_SETFOCUS > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_SETFONT > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_SETICON > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_SETREDRAW > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_SETTEXT > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_SETTINGCHANGE > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_SHOWWINDOW > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_SIZE > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_SIZECLIPBOARD > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_SIZING > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_SPOOLERSTATUS > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_STYLECHANGED > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_STYLECHANGING > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_SYSCHAR > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_SYSCOMMAND > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_SYSDEADCHAR > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_SYSKEYDOWN > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_SYSKEYUP > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_TCARD > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_THEMECHANGED > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_TIMECHANGE > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_TIMER > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_UNDO > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_USERCHANGED > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_VKEYTOITEM > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_VSCROLL > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_VSCROLLCLIPBOARD > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED > |
struct | TDispatch< WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING > |
class | TDllLoader |
TDllLoader<> provides an easy way to load one instance of a DLL on demand. More... | |
class | TDockable |
TDockable is an abstract base class for fixed or floating docking windows that want to be dockable into docking slips. More... | |
class | TDockableControlBar |
A control bar class that is dockable. More... | |
class | TDockableGadgetWindow |
A version of TGadgetWindow which is dockable. More... | |
class | TDockingSlip |
TDockingSlip is an abstract base class for windows which accepts and holds dockable windows. More... | |
class | TDocManager |
TDocManager creates a document manager object that manages the list of current documents and registered templates, handles standard file menu commands, and displays the user-interface for file and view selection boxes. More... | |
class | TDocTemplate |
TDocTemplate is an abstract base class that contains document template functionality. More... | |
class | TDocTemplateT |
To register the associated document and view classes, a parameterized subclass, TDocTemplateT<D,V>, is used to construct a particular document and view, where D represents the document class and V represents the view class. More... | |
class | TDocument |
An abstract base class, TDocument is the base class for all document objects and serves as an interface between the document, its views, and the document manager (TDocManager class). More... | |
class | TDragList |
TDragList is a draggable list box. More... | |
class | TDragListEventHandler |
A TEventHandler mix-in. More... | |
class | TDrawItem |
class | TDrawItemBase |
Class will be base class for owner draw items: ListBox,ComboBox,Menu atc. More... | |
class | TDrawItemProxy |
Proxy parent for TDrawItem. More... | |
class | TDrawMenuItem |
Derived from TButtonTextDrawItem, the TDrawMenuItem class is used for owner drawn menus. More... | |
class | TDrawMenuItemProxy |
Derived from TDrawItemProxy, TDrawMenuItemProxy is a proxy parent for TDrawMenuItem. More... | |
class | TDropInfo |
TDropInfo is a simple class that supports file-name drag-and-drop operations using the WM_DROPFILES message. More... | |
class | TDropTarget |
Wraps the IDropTarget interface (currently lightweight). More... | |
class | TDvFileOpenDialog |
TDvFileOpenDialog encapsulates the FileOpen dialog used by the DocView manager. More... | |
class | TDvFileSaveDialog |
TDvFileSaveDialog encapsulates the FileSave dialog used by the DocView manager. More... | |
class | TDvOpenSaveData |
TDvOpenSaveData encapsulates the information used to initialized the Open or Save As dialog box by ObjectWindows' DocView manager. More... | |
class | TDvOpenSaveDataOwner |
TDvOpenSaveDataOwner is a mixin class used by the DocView encapsulation of the FileOpen and FileSave dialogs. More... | |
class | TDynamicBitmapGadget |
Class will send EvEnable message to window, so you can set bitmap, using SetCheck() method of TCommandEnabler. More... | |
class | TDynamicTextGadget |
Small class will send EvEnable to window, You can set text by handling EvCommandEnable message. More... | |
struct | TEdgeConstraint |
TEdgeConstraint adds member functions that set edge (but not size) constraints. More... | |
struct | TEdgeOrHeightConstraint |
struct | TEdgeOrSizeConstraint |
struct | TEdgeOrWidthConstraint |
class | TEdgeSlip |
TEdgeSlip is the class of windows used by THarbor as the actual docking slips along the decorated frame client's edges. More... | |
class | TEdit |
A TEdit is an interface object that represents an edit control interface element. More... | |
class | TEditFile |
TEditFile is a file-editing window. More... | |
class | TEditSearch |
TEditSearch is an edit control that responds to Find, Replace, and FindNext menu commands. More... | |
class | TEditStream |
TEditStream encapsulates the EDITSTREAM structure, which contains information about a data stream used with a rich edit control. More... | |
class | TEditView |
Derived from TView and TEditSearch, TEditView provides a view wrapper for the ObjectWindows text edit class (TEdit). More... | |
class | TEnDropFiles |
Structure sent with EN_DROPFILES notification. More... | |
class | TEnhMetaFilePict |
TEnhMetaFilePict is a class that encapsulates the enhanced metafile. More... | |
class | TEnProtected |
Structure sent with EN_PROTECTED notification. More... | |
class | TEnvelope |
Envelope-letter type of smart pointers. More... | |
class | TErrorMode |
Simple encapsulation of the SetErrorMode call. More... | |
class | TEventHandler |
TEventHandler is a base class from which you can derive classes that handle messages. More... | |
class | TEventSemaphore |
class | TExtractIcon |
Wraps the IExtractIcon interface (currently lightweight). More... | |
class | TFile |
The TFile class encapsulates standard file characteristics and operations. More... | |
class | TFileDocument |
Derived from TDocument, TFileDocument opens and closes views and provides stream support for views. More... | |
class | TFileDroplet |
TFileDroplet encapsulates information about a single dropped file, its name, where it was dropped, and whether or not it was in the client area. More... | |
class | TFileHandle |
class | TFileLineIterator |
The TFileLineIterator class is used to iterate through a TTextFile file. More... | |
class | TFileName |
The TFileName class constructs filenames. More... | |
class | TFileNameIterator |
TFileNameIterator is used to iterate through a list of file names. More... | |
class | TFileOpenDialog |
TFileOpenDialog is a modal dialog box that lets you specify the name of a file to open. More... | |
class | TFileSaveDialog |
TFileSaveDialog is a modal dialog box that lets you enter the name of a file to save. More... | |
struct | TFileStatus |
class | TFileTime |
TFileTime is a class derived from the structure FILETIME. More... | |
class | TFilterValidator |
A streamable class, TFilterValidator checks an input field as the user types into it. More... | |
class | TFindDialog |
TFindDialog objects represents modeless dialog box interface elements that let you specify text to find. More... | |
class | TFindReplaceDialog |
TFindReplaceDialog is an abstract base class for a modeless dialog box that lets you search for and replace text. More... | |
class | TFindText |
TFindText encapsulates the FINDTEXT structure, which contains information about text to search for in a rich edit control. More... | |
class | TFixedPoint |
class | TFlatComboBox |
class | TFlatEdit |
class | TFlatHandleGadget |
A gadget that is used on the far right of a status bar to provide re-sizing grip for the host window. More... | |
class | TFlatListBox |
class | TFlatPainter |
class | TFlatScroller |
Class TFlatScroller implements the actual scroller object. More... | |
class | TFloatingFrame |
Derived from TFrameWindow and TTinyCaption, TFloatingFrame implements a floating frame that can be positioned anywhere in the parent window. More... | |
class | TFloatingSlip |
TFloatingSlip is a floating frame which can hold a dockable window. More... | |
class | TFont |
TFont derived from TGdiObject provides constructors for creating font objects from explicit information or indirectly. More... | |
class | TFormatRange |
TFormatRange encapsulates the FORMATRANGE structure, which contains information that a rich edit control uses to format its output for a particular device. More... | |
class | TFrameWindow |
Derived from TWindow, TFrameWindow controls such window-specific behavior as keyboard navigation and command processing for client windows. More... | |
class | TFuncObjProperty |
class | TFuncObjPropertyGet |
class | TFuncObjPropertyIdx |
class | TFuncObjPropertyIdxGet |
class | TFuncObjPropertyIdxPut |
class | TFuncObjPropertyPut |
class | TFuncObjPropertyVarPut |
class | TFuncProperty |
class | TFuncPropertyGet |
class | TFuncPropertyIdx |
class | TFuncPropertyIdxGet |
class | TFuncPropertyIdxPut |
class | TFuncPropertyPut |
class | TFuncPropertyVarPut |
class | TFunctionTranslator0 |
class | TFunctionTranslator1 |
class | TFunctionTranslator2 |
class | TFunctionTranslator3 |
class | TFunctionTranslator4 |
class | TFunctionTranslator5 |
class | TFunctionTranslator6 |
class | TFunctionTranslatorV0 |
class | TFunctionTranslatorV1 |
class | TFunctionTranslatorV2 |
class | TFunctionTranslatorV3 |
class | TFunctionTranslatorV4 |
class | TFunctionTranslatorV5 |
class | TFunctionTranslatorV6 |
class | TFunctor0 |
Functor with 0 parameters, return R. More... | |
class | TFunctor1 |
Functor with 1 parameter, return R. More... | |
class | TFunctor2 |
Functor with 2 parameters, return R. More... | |
class | TFunctor3 |
Functor with 3 parameters, return R. More... | |
class | TFunctor4 |
Functor with 4 parameters, return R. More... | |
class | TFunctor5 |
Functor with 5 parameters, return R. More... | |
class | TFunctor6 |
Functor with 6 parameters, return R. More... | |
class | TFunctorBase |
Base functor class holds all of the actual data. More... | |
class | TFunctorV0 |
Functor with 0 parameters, void return. More... | |
class | TFunctorV1 |
Functor with 1 parameter, void return. More... | |
class | TFunctorV2 |
Functor with 2 parameters, void return. More... | |
class | TFunctorV3 |
Functor with 3 parameters, void return. More... | |
class | TFunctorV4 |
Functor with 4 parameters, void return. More... | |
class | TFunctorV5 |
Functor with 5 parameters, void return. More... | |
class | TFunctorV6 |
Functor with 6 parameters, void return. More... | |
class | TGadget |
TGadget is the base class for the following derived gadget classes: More... | |
class | TGadgetComboBox |
For use with TGadgetWindow. More... | |
class | TGadgetControl |
TGadgetControl is a specialized, easily constructed gadget window that holds one gadget for use as a control in a window. More... | |
class | TGadgetEdit |
For use with TGadgetWindow. More... | |
class | TGadgetList |
TGadgetList is a list of gadgets with management functions. More... | |
class | TGadgetListBox |
For use with TGadgetWindow. More... | |
class | TGadgetWindow |
Derived from TWindow, TGadgetWindow maintains a list of tiled gadgets for a window and lets you dynamically arrange tool bars. More... | |
class | TGadgetWindowFont |
Derived from TFont, TGadgetWindowFont is the default font used by TGadgetWindow. More... | |
class | TGauge |
A streamable class derived from TControl, TGauge defines the basic behavior of gauge controls. More... | |
class | TGdiBase |
Root and abstract class for Windows object wrappers. More... | |
class | TGdiObject |
GdiObject is the root, pseudo-abstract base class for ObjectWindows' GDI (Graphics Device Interface) wrappers. More... | |
class | TGlobalAllocator |
Provides class-specific operator new and operator delete that allocate from global memory. More... | |
class | TGlyphButton |
TGlyphButton encapsulates a control which is capable of displaying a bitmap (or glyph) and/or text. More... | |
class | TGridPicker |
class | TGroupBox |
An instance of a TGroupBox is an interface object that represents a corresponding group box element. More... | |
class | THalftonePalette |
A halftone palette is intended for use when the stretching mode of a device context is set to HALFTONE. More... | |
class | THarbor |
THarbor is the object that holds all the docking slips. More... | |
class | THatch8x8Brush |
Derived from TBrush, THatch8x8Brush defines a small, 8x8, monochrome, configurable hatch brush. More... | |
class | THdrDispInfo |
class | THdrFilterBtnClick |
class | THdrItem |
THdrItem contains information about an item in a header control. More... | |
class | THdrNotify |
THdrNotify encapsulates the 'HD_NOTIFY' structure which is sent with the WM_NOTIFY messages sent by the HeaderControl to its parent. More... | |
class | THeaderHitTestInfo |
THeaderHitTestInfo contains hittest information for the header control. More... | |
class | THelpContext |
THelpContext is a class that maintains information about a menu item id and a child control id with a help context id. More... | |
class | THelpFileManager |
THelpFileManager, which is designed to be a mix-in for TApplication, uses the global context table. More... | |
struct | THelpHitInfo |
class | THlpAklink |
class | THlpEnumIt |
class | THlpFtsQuery |
class | THlpNotify |
class | THlpPopup |
class | THlpSetInfoType |
class | THlpTrack |
class | THlpWinType |
class | THostEntry |
THostEntry encapsulates the attributes of a host (hostent). More... | |
class | THostInfoManager |
The THostInfoManager class (and its friend class THostInfoWindow) encapsulate the Winsock database functions gethostbyname(), gethostbyaddr(), and gethostname(). More... | |
class | THostInfoWindow |
A private class created by THostInfoManager to catch WinSock messages. More... | |
class | THotKey |
THotKey encapsulates the hot-key control, a window that allows the user to enter a combination of keystrokes to be used as a a hot key. More... | |
class | THSlider |
Derived from TSlider, THSlider provides implementation details for horizontal sliders. More... | |
class | THSplitter |
Represents a horizontal splitter. More... | |
class | THSplitterIndicator |
Horizontal indicator. More... | |
class | THtmlHelpDll |
Wrapper for the HHCTRL.OCX itself. More... | |
class | TIC |
Derived from TCreatedDC, TIC is a device context (DC) class that provides a constructor for creating a DC object from explicit driver, device, and port names. More... | |
class | TIcon |
TIcon, derived from TGdiObject, represents the GDI object icon class. More... | |
class | TIdentityPalette |
An identity palette is a palette where the colors and order of those colors match the physical palette. More... | |
class | TImageInfo |
TImageInfo is a wrapper class for a structure that describes an image within an image list. More... | |
class | TImageList |
TImageList is a wrapper class for the ImageList common "control". More... | |
class | TImageListDrawParam |
class | TINetSocketAddress |
The TINetSocketAddress class encapsulates a Winsock Internet address. More... | |
class | TIniConfigFile |
Encapsulates the Windows INI file interface Get/SetPrivateProfileXXX functions. More... | |
class | TInputDialog |
Provides a generic dialog box to retrieve text input by a user. More... | |
class | TInStream |
Derived from TStream and istream, TInStream is a base class used to define input streams for documents. More... | |
class | TIPAddress |
class | TIPAddressBits |
Also used as transfer buffer. More... | |
class | TIPtrArray |
class | TISortedPtrArray |
class | TLangModule |
International resource support: [APP]ENG.DLL - default application module. More... | |
struct | TLayoutConstraint |
TLayoutConstraint is a structure that defines a relationship (a layout constraint) between an edge or size of one window and an edge or size of one of the window's siblings or its parent. More... | |
class | TLayoutMetrics |
When specifying the layout metrics for a window, four layout constraints are needed. More... | |
class | TLayoutWindow |
Derived from TWindow, TLayoutWindow provides functionality for defining the layout metrics for a window. More... | |
class | TListBox |
An interface object that represents a corresponding list box element. More... | |
class | TListBoxData |
Used to transfer the contents of a list box. More... | |
class | TListBoxView |
Provides views for list boxes. More... | |
class | TListViewCtrl |
Encapsulates the ListView control, a window that displays a collection of items, each item consisting of an icon and a label. More... | |
class | TListViewCtrlView |
class | TLocalAllocator |
Provides class-specific operator new and operator delete that allocate from local memory. More... | |
struct | TLocaleString |
Designed to provide support for localized registration parameters, the TLocaleString Struct defines a localizable substitute for char* strings. More... | |
class | TLookupValidator |
A streamable class, TLookupValidator compares the string typed by a user with a list of acceptable values. More... | |
class | TLvBkImage |
class | TLvCacheHint |
class | TLvColumn |
Encapsulates structure LVCOLUMN, used to pass or retrieve column attributes in a TListViewCtrl. More... | |
class | TLvCustomDraw |
class | TLvDispInfoNotify |
A TListViewCtrl notification to repaint an item. More... | |
class | TLvFindInfo |
Encapsulates structure LVFINDINFO, used to find an item in a TListViewCtrl. More... | |
class | TLvFindItem |
class | TLvFooterInfo |
Encapsulates structure LVFOOTERINFO, used to pass or retrieve footer information in a TListViewCtrl. More... | |
class | TLvFooterItem |
Encapsulates structure LVFOOTERITEM, used to pass or retrieve footer item information in a TListViewCtrl. More... | |
class | TLvGetInfoTip |
class | TLvHitTestInfo |
Encapsulates structure LVHITTESTINFO, used to contain information about a hit test in a TListViewCtrl. More... | |
class | TLvItem |
Encapsulates structure LVITEM, used to describe an item in a TListViewCtrl. More... | |
class | TLvItemActivate |
class | TLvKeyDownNotify |
A TListViewCtrl notification that a key has been pressed. More... | |
class | TLvNotify |
Basic TListViewCtrl notification. More... | |
class | TLvOdStateChanged |
class | TLvTileViewInfo |
Encapsulates structure LVTILEVIEWINFO, used to pass or retrieve tile view information in a TListViewCtrl. More... | |
class | TMailer |
The TMailer class encapsulates the MAPI DLL (MAPI [32].DLL). More... | |
class | TMapNode |
Usage: typedef TMapNode<string,string> TStringMapNode; typedef TSortedObjectArray< TStringMapNode > TStringMap; typedef TSortedObjectArray< TStringMapNode >::Iterator TStringMapIterator;. More... | |
struct | TMargins |
Used by the TGadgetWindow and TGadget classes, TMargins contains the measurements of the margins for the gadget. More... | |
class | TMarker |
template <class A> class TMarker Provides the mark for TMemStack. More... | |
class | TMBaseMemBlocks |
template <class A> class TMBaseMemBlocks Used internally. More... | |
class | TMBlockList |
template <class Alloc> class TMBlockList Used internally. More... | |
class | TMCHitTestInfo |
MonthCalendar Control notifications. More... | |
class | TMci |
TMci is a Windows MCI (Media Control Interface) encapsulation class. More... | |
class | TMciHiddenWindow |
A private TWindow derivative used by TMci to capture events. More... | |
class | TMciWaveAudio |
Wrapper to play .WAV files. More... | |
class | TMDIChild |
TMDIChild defines the basic behavior of all MDI child windows. More... | |
class | TMDIClient |
Multiple Document Interface (MDI) client windows (represented by a TMDIClient object) manage the MDI child windows of a TMDIFrame parent. More... | |
class | TMDIFrame |
Multiple Document Interface (MDI) frame windows, represented by TMDIFrame, are overlapped windows that serve as main windows of MDI-compliant applications. More... | |
class | TMemberTranslator0 |
class | TMemberTranslator1 |
class | TMemberTranslator2 |
class | TMemberTranslator3 |
class | TMemberTranslator4 |
class | TMemberTranslator5 |
class | TMemberTranslator6 |
class | TMemberTranslatorV0 |
class | TMemberTranslatorV1 |
class | TMemberTranslatorV2 |
class | TMemberTranslatorV3 |
class | TMemberTranslatorV4 |
class | TMemberTranslatorV5 |
class | TMemberTranslatorV6 |
class | TMemBlocks |
Single-size block allocator. More... | |
class | TMemComboBox |
class | TMemConfigFile |
class | TMemoryDC |
A device context (DC) class derived from TCreatedDC, TMemoryDC provides access to a memory DC. More... | |
class | TMemStack |
Implements mark and release style memory management using the standard allocator. More... | |
class | TMenu |
The TMenu class encapsulates window menus. More... | |
class | TMenuDescr |
Menu with information used to allow merging. More... | |
class | TMenuGadget |
TMenuGadget is a text gadget that, when pressed, acts as a pop-up menu. More... | |
class | TMenuItemEnabler |
Derived from TCommandEnabler, TMenuItemEnabler is a command enabler for menu items. More... | |
class | TMenuItemInfo |
class | TMessageBar |
Derived from TGadgetWindow, TMessageBar implements a message bar with one text gadget as wide as the window and no border. More... | |
class | TMetaFileDC |
A DC class that provides access to a DC with a metafile selected into it for drawing on (into). More... | |
class | TMetaFilePict |
TMetaFilePict is a support class used with TMetaFileDC to simplify metafile operations, such as playing into a device context (DC) or storing data on the Clipboard. More... | |
class | TMIPtrArray |
class | TMMarker |
Managed memory stack. More... | |
class | TMMemBlocks |
Managed single-size block allocator. More... | |
class | TMMemStack |
template <class A> class TMMemStack More... | |
class | TMObjectArray |
holded array pointers to strings More... | |
class | TModeGadget |
TModeGadget is a mode-tracking text gadget class. More... | |
class | TModule |
ObjectWindows dynamic-link libraries (DLLs) construct an instance of TModule, which acts as an object-oriented stand-in for the library (DLL) module. More... | |
class | TModuleProc |
TModuleProc is a base class that does inital binding of a function name or ordinal to the corresponding function in the given module (DLL). More... | |
class | TModuleVersionInfo |
TModuleVersionInfo provides access to a TModule's VERSIONINFO resource. More... | |
class | TMonthCalendar |
struct | TMonthCalendarData |
class | TMRSWSection |
Multiple Read, Single Write section. More... | |
class | TMsgFilter |
Structure sent with EN_MSGFILTER notification. More... | |
class | TMsgThread |
TMsgThread implements basic behavior for threads that own message queues, including mutex locking for the queue. More... | |
class | TMSortedObjectArray |
class | TMutex |
Mutual-exclusive semaphore. More... | |
class | TNCPaintDC |
A DC class that provides access to the non-client area owned by a window. More... | |
class | TNewStreamer |
class | TNmChar |
class | TNmCustomDraw |
class | TNmDayState |
class | TNmIPAddress |
IP Address control notifications. More... | |
class | TNmKey |
class | TNmMouse |
class | TNmObjectNotify |
class | TNmPGCalcSize |
Pager Control notifications. More... | |
class | TNmPGScroll |
class | TNmSelChange |
class | TNmUpDown |
TNmUpDown is a wrapper of the NM_UPDOWN structure sent with notifications from an 'UpDown' control. More... | |
class | TNoteTab |
TNoteTab encapsulates a tab control with each tab item along the bottom of the window. More... | |
class | TNoteTabItem |
TNoteTabItem holds information about each tab in a notetab control. More... | |
class | TNotify |
TNotify is a thin wrapper around the NMHDR structure. More... | |
class | TObjArrayIterator |
class Iterator for TObjectContainer More... | |
class | TObjectArray |
class | TObjProperty |
Property container for object. More... | |
class | TOldStreamer |
Provides a base class for all streamable objects. More... | |
class | TOle |
delay loading Ole32.DLL/COMPOBJ.DLL More... | |
class | TOleAuto |
delay loading OLEAUT32.DLL/OLE2DISP.DLL More... | |
Structure describing the binary layout of toolbar resources. More... | |
class | TOpenSaveDialog |
TOpenSaveDialog is the base class for modal dialogs that let you open and save a file under a specified name. More... | |
class | TOutStream |
Derived from TStream and ostream, TOutStream is a base class used to create output storage streams for a document. More... | |
class | TPageScroller |
class | TPaintDC |
A DC class that wraps begin and end paint calls for use in an WM_PAINT response function. More... | |
class | TPalette |
TPalette is the GDI Palette class derived from TGdiObject. More... | |
class | TPaletteEntry |
Wrapper for Windows' PALETTEENTRY type. More... | |
class | TPaneSplitter |
TPaneSplitter is a class that acts as a container for child windows (called panes) and splitters (pane mover, separator). More... | |
class | TPaneSplitterView |
class | TParaFormat |
TParaFormat encapsulates the PARAFORMAT structure, which contains information about paragraph formatting attributes of a rich edit control. More... | |
class | TPen |
TPen is derived from TGdiObject. More... | |
class | TPickerCell |
bsabstract base class More... | |
class | TPickerGadget |
class | TPickListDialog |
The PickListDialog allows selection of an item from a list in a dialog with OK and Cancel buttons. More... | |
class | TPickListPopup |
The PickList allows selection of an item from a popup list. More... | |
class | TPictureWindow |
This class displays a dib in a window in different ways. More... | |
class | TPidl |
TPidl is an item identifier list class (ITEMIDLIST). More... | |
class | TPoint |
TPoint is a support class, derived from tagPOINT. More... | |
class | TPointer |
Smart pointer to a single object. Provides member access operator -> More... | |
class | TPointerBase |
Smart pointer base class. More... | |
struct | tPOINTF |
Base struct for the TPointF class. More... | |
class | TPointF |
TPointF is similar to TPoint, but uses floating variables rather than integers. More... | |
class | TPointL |
TPointL is similar to TPoint, but uses long rather than int variables. More... | |
class | TPopupButtonGadget |
class | TPopupMenu |
TPopupMenu creates an empty pop-up menu to add to an existing window or pop-up menu. More... | |
class | TPopupMenuGadget |
class | TPopupPicker |
class | TPReadObjects |
class | TPreconditionFailure |
class | TPreviewDCBase |
TPreviewDCBase is the base class encapsulating a 'dual' device context - i.e. More... | |
class | TPreviewPage |
TPreviewPage encapsulates a window which displays print-preview data. More... | |
class | TPreviewWin |
TPreviewWin encapsulates a simple preview window frame. More... | |
class | TPrintDC |
A DC class that provides access to a printer. More... | |
class | TPrintDialog |
TPrintDialog displays a modal print or a page setup dialog. More... | |
class | TPrinter |
TPrinter is an encapsulation around the Windows printer device interface, and represents the physical printer device. More... | |
class | TPrinterAbortDlg |
TPrinterAbortDlg is the object type of the default printer-abort dialog box. More... | |
class | TPrintout |
TPrintout represents the physical printed document that is to sent to a printer to be printed. More... | |
class | TPrintPreviewDC |
Derived from TPrintDC, TPrintPreviewDC maps printer device coordinates to logical screen coordinates. More... | |
class | TProcInstance |
A ProcInstance object. More... | |
class | TProfile |
An instance of TProfile encapsulates a setting within a system file, often referred to as a profile or initialization file. More... | |
class | TProgressBar |
class | TProperty |
simple type/pointer More... | |
class | TPropertyPage |
The 'TPropertyPage' object represents a dialog box found within a property sheet. More... | |
class | TPropertySheet |
TPropertySheet encapsulates a window which contains one or more overlapping child windows knowns as property pages. More... | |
class | TPshNotify |
class | TPtrArray |
array of pointers of simple types More... | |
class | TPtrArrayIterator |
Iterator for Pointer Container. More... | |
class | TPWrittenObjects |
class | TPXPictureValidator |
TPXPictureValidator objects compare user input with a picture of a data format to determine the validity of entered data. More... | |
class | TQtFile |
The TQtFile class is used for reading and writing QuickTime files. More... | |
struct | TQtInfo |
QuickTime atom information data structure. More... | |
class | TRadioButton |
Defines an interface object that represents a corresponding radio button element in Windows. More... | |
class | TRangeValidator |
Determines whether the data typed by a user falls within a designated range of integers. More... | |
class | TRbHitTestInfo |
class | TRebarInfo |
class | TRecentFiles |
TRecentFiles implements a most-recent files list, designed to be mixed in with TApplication. More... | |
class | TRect |
TRect is a mathematical class derived from tagRect. More... | |
class | TRegConfigFile |
Derived from TConfigFile, TRegConfigFile is used to maintain configuration settings in the registry. More... | |
class | TRegexp |
This class represents regular expressions. More... | |
class | TRegFormatHeap |
Used internally to provide buffers for formating registration strings. More... | |
class | TRegion |
TRegion, derived from TGdiObject, represents GDI abstract shapes or regions. More... | |
class | TRegistry |
TRegistry provides high level stream and list access to the registry. More... | |
struct | TRegItem |
A single registration list entry. More... | |
class | TRegKey |
Encapsulates a registration key in the Windows Registry. More... | |
class | TRegKeyIterator |
Iterator for walking thru the subkeys of a key. More... | |
class | TRegLink |
A linked structure in which each node points to a list of TRegList objects (or TRegList-derived objects) or TDocTemplate objects. More... | |
class | TRegList |
A registration parameter table, composed of a list of TRegItems. More... | |
class | TRegParamList |
A list of param entries for use as an intermediate between a TRegList and the actual template list used to generate the registration. More... | |
class | TRegSymbolTable |
High level symbol-based registry entry manipulation. More... | |
class | TRegTemplateList |
List of parameterized template strings that represent the actual entries to be registered. More... | |
class | TRegValue |
Encapsulates a value-data entry within one registration key. More... | |
class | TRegValueIterator |
Iterator for walking through the values of a key. More... | |
class | TReplaceDialog |
TReplaceDialog creates a modeless dialog box that lets the user enter a selection of text to replace. More... | |
class | TReqResize |
Structure sent with EN_REQUESTRESIZE notification. More... | |
class | TResId |
class | TResIdT |
TResId encapsulates a Windows resource identifier. More... | |
class | TResource |
TResource simplifies access to a resource by encapsulating the find, load, lock and free steps for accessing a resource. More... | |
class | TResponseTableEntry |
A template class, TResponseTableEntry lets you define a pattern for entries into a response table. More... | |
class | TRgbQuad |
Wrapper for Windows' RBGQUAD type. More... | |
class | TRgbTriple |
Wrapper for Windows' RBGTRIPLE type. More... | |
class | TRichEdit |
TRichEdit encapsulates a rich edit control, a window in which a user can enter, edit and format text. More... | |
class | TRichEditModule |
Wrapper object which loads the DLL providing the implementation of the RichEdit control. More... | |
class | TRichEditPagePreview |
TRichEditPagePreview is a window which displays rich edit data formatted for a particular printer DC. More... | |
class | TRichEditPreviewFrame |
TRichEditPreviewFrame is a window object which contains preview pages displaying data from a rich edit control. More... | |
class | TRichEditPrintout |
TRichEditPrintout encapsulates the information to print/preview data from a rich edit control. More... | |
class | TRichEditView |
class | TRiffFile |
The TRiffFile class is used for reading and writing RIFF files. More... | |
class | TRollDialog |
Allow a dialog to "roll" up and down, similar to the Corel interface. More... | |
class | TScreenDC |
Derived from TWindowDC, TScreenDC is a DC class that provides direct access to the screen bitmap. More... | |
class | TScrollBar |
TScrollBar objects represent standalone vertical and horizontal scroll bar controls. More... | |
struct | TScrollBarData |
The TScrollBarData structure contains integer values that represent a range of thumb positions on the scroll bar. More... | |
class | TScroller |
Class TScroller implements the actual scroller object. More... | |
class | TSelChange |
Structure sent with EN_SELCHANGE notification. More... | |
class | TSelectionIndexMapper |
Maps between application-specific value and a selection index, such as a radio-button group index or a list box selection. More... | |
class | TSemaphore |
Base class for handle-based thread synchronization classes, TMutex, TCountedSemaphore and TEventSemaphore. More... | |
class | TSemaphoreSet |
Semaphore object aggregator. More... | |
class | TSeparatorGadget |
TSeparatorGadget is a simple class you can use to create a separator between gadgets. More... | |
class | TSerializer |
This class sends a block of data to another window. More... | |
class | TSerializeReceiver |
Mix-in class that automatically puts together the block of data sent by TSerializer. More... | |
class | TServiceEntry |
Encapsulates information about a service. More... | |
class | TServiceManager |
The TServiceManager class (and its friend class TServiceWindow) encapsulate the Winsock database functions getservbyname(), getservbyport(), WSAAsyncGetServByName(), and WSAAsyncGetServByPort(). More... | |
class | TServiceWindow |
TServiceWindow is a private class created by the TServiceManager to catch notifications. More... | |
class | TShell |
delay loading SHELL32.DLL/SHELL.DLL More... | |
class | TShellItem |
An item in the shell's name space. More... | |
class | TShellItemIterator |
TShellItemIterator is an interator for walking through the contents of a folder. More... | |
class | TShellMalloc |
Wraps the shell's IMalloc interface. More... | |
class | TShouldDelete |
class | TSHPath |
delay loading SHLWAPI.DLL More... | |
class | TSHReg |
delay loading SHLWAPI.DLL More... | |
class | TSize |
The tagSIZE struct is defined as. More... | |
class | TSizeGripGadget |
TSizeGripGadget is a gadget that is used on the far right of a status bar to provide re-sizing grip for the host window. More... | |
class | TSlider |
An abstract base class derived from TScrollBar, TSlider defines the basic behavior of sliders (controls that are used for providing nonscrolling, position information). More... | |
class | TSocket |
TSocket encapsulates the basic attributes of a socket. More... | |
class | TSocketAddress |
The TSocketAddress class stores a Winsock socket address. More... | |
class | TSocketError |
TSocketError converts Windows Sockets errors to string messages. More... | |
class | TSocketInfo |
TSocketInfo encapsulates the structure that contains details of the Windows Socket implementation. More... | |
class | TSocketManager |
A class that starts up WinSock and provides information about the system's WinSock. More... | |
class | TSocketWindow |
Derived from TWindow, a private window used to catch notification messages. More... | |
class | TSortedObjectArray |
class | TSortedPtrArray |
sorted array of pointers of simple types More... | |
class | TSplashWindow |
This class creates a layout window that contains a TPictureWindow and optionally, a TStatic and a TGauge. More... | |
class | TSplitter |
Abstract base class for TVSplitter and THSplitter. More... | |
class | TSplitterIndicator |
Indicates to the user where the splitter will be moved to when dragging completes. More... | |
class | TSplitterIndicatorList |
class | TSplitterIndicatorMgr |
Handles the moving of the indicators. More... | |
class | TStandardAllocator |
Provides class-specific operator new and operator delete that simply call the global operator new and operator delete. More... | |
class | TStatic |
An interface object that represents a static text interface element. More... | |
class | TStaticSync |
TStaticSync provides a system-independent interface to build sets of classes that act somewhat like monitors, i.e., classes in which only one member function can execute at any one time regardless of which instance it is being called on. More... | |
class | TStatusBar |
Status bars have more options than a plain message bar: you can have multiple text gadgets, different style borders, and you can reserve space for mode indicators. More... | |
class | TStream |
An abstract base class, TStream provides links between streams and documents, views, and document files. More... | |
class | TStreamable |
class | TStreamableBase |
Classes that inherit from TStreamableBase are known as streamable classes (their objects can be written to and read from streams). More... | |
class | TStreamableClass |
TStreamableClass is used by the private database class and pstream in the registration of streamable classes. More... | |
class | TStreamableTypes |
class | TStreamer |
Provides a base class for all streamable objects. More... | |
class | TStreamFile |
class | TStreamHandle |
class | TStreamSocket |
The TStreamSocket encapsulates a Winsock stream socket. More... | |
class | TString |
Reference to reference counted string object TUString Lightweight reference object consisting of a pointer to actual object Facilitates copying and assignment with minimal string reallocations. More... | |
class | TStringLookupValidator |
Derived from TLookupValidator, TStringLookupValidator is a streamable class. More... | |
class | TSTypedArray |
class | TSync |
TSync provides a system-independent interface to build classes that act like monitors, i.e., classes in which only one member can execute on a particular instance at any one time. More... | |
class | TSysLink |
Encapsulates the SysLink common control, a Windows control that provides a convenient way to embed hypertext links in a window. More... | |
class | TSysStr |
System string (BSTR) encapsulation. More... | |
class | TSystem |
Provides information on OS relevant information. More... | |
class | TSystemMenu |
TSystemMenu creates a system menu object that then becomes the existing system menu. More... | |
class | TSystemMessage |
class | TSystemTime |
TSystemTime is a class derived from the structure SYSTEMTIME. More... | |
class | TTabbedBase |
TTabbedBase implements a tabbed window, designed to be mixed in with TWindow derived. More... | |
class | TTabbedView |
class | TTabbedWindow |
Tabbed windows it is used in tabbed window. More... | |
class | TTabCheckList |
Represents an owner-drawn list box that can select multiple items with tabs. More... | |
class | TTabControl |
TTabControl encapsulates the tab control - a window that provides a user interface analogous to dividers in a notebook. More... | |
class | TTabHitTestInfo |
TTabHitTestInfo is a thin [very thin] wrapper around the TC_HITTESTINFO structure. More... | |
class | TTabItem |
TTabItem encapsulates the attributes of a single tab within a tab control. More... | |
class | TTabKeyDown |
Wrapper of the TC_KEYDOWN structure sent to the parent of a tabcontrol to notify that a key has been pressed. More... | |
class | TTernaryNode |
class | TTernaryTree |
class | TTextCell |
class | TTextFile |
The TTextFile class is derived from TBufferedFile and encapsulates standard file characteristics and operations using text based buffered I/O. More... | |
class | TTextGadget |
Derived from TGadget, TTextGadget is a text gadget object. More... | |
class | TTextRange |
TTextRange encapsulates the TEXTRANGE structure, which contains information about a range of text in a rich edit control. More... | |
class | TTheme |
Encapsulates a theme handle. More... | |
class | TThemeModule |
This singleton encapsulates the "uxtheme.dll" module. More... | |
class | TThemePart |
Encapsulates a themed part. More... | |
class | TThread |
TThread provides a system-independent interface to threads. More... | |
class | TTime |
The TTime class encapsulates time functions and characteristics. More... | |
class | TTimeGadget |
A gadget for displaying a time and/or date message. More... | |
class | TTinyCaption |
Derived from TWindow, TTinyCaption is a mix-in class that handles a set of non-client events to produce a smaller caption bar for a window. More... | |
class | TTmpBuffer |
class | TTmpBufferBase |
Static temporary fixed buffer, provides fast temporary buffer, for use in functions. More... | |
class | TToolbarBldr |
class | TToolbarRes |
class | TToolBox |
class | TToolInfo |
TToolInfo contains information about a particular tool (a tool is either a window or an application-defined rectangular area within a window's client area). More... | |
class | TTooltip |
TTooltip encapsulates a tooltip window - i.e. More... | |
class | TTooltipDispInfo |
class | TTooltipEnabler |
TTooltipEnabler is the object forwarded along the command-chain to retrieve the tip text of a tool. More... | |
class | TTooltipHitTestInfo |
TTooltipHitTestInfo is a thin [very thin] wrapper around the TTHITTESTINFO structure, used to determined whether a point is within the bounding rectangle of a particular tool. More... | |
class | TTooltipText |
TTooltipText identifies a tool for which text is to be displayed. More... | |
class | TTraceWindow |
class | TTransferBufferBinder |
Provides a customization hook for binding and creating controls. More... | |
class | TTransferBufferBinder< TCheckBox > |
Binder for TCheckBox; restricts the field type to WORD (uint16). More... | |
class | TTransferBufferBinder< TCheckList > |
Binder for TCheckList; restricts the field type to TCheckListData. More... | |
class | TTransferBufferBinder< TComboBox > |
Binder for TComboBox; restricts the field type to TComboBoxData. More... | |
class | TTransferBufferBinder< TComboBoxEx > |
Binder for TComboBoxEx; restricts the field type to TComboBoxExData. More... | |
class | TTransferBufferBinder< TDateTimePicker > |
Binder for TDateTimePicker; restricts the field type to TDateTimePickerData. More... | |
class | TTransferBufferBinder< TEdit > |
Binder for TEdit; restricts the possible field types to character array or tstring. More... | |
class | TTransferBufferBinder< THotKey > |
Binder for THotKey; restricts the field type to uint16. More... | |
class | TTransferBufferBinder< TIPAddress > |
Binder for TIPAddress; restricts the field type to TIPAddressBits. More... | |
class | TTransferBufferBinder< TListBox > |
Binder for TListBox; restricts the field type to TListBoxData. More... | |
class | TTransferBufferBinder< TMemComboBox > |
Binder for TMemComboBox; restricts the possible field types to character array, tstring or TComboBoxData. More... | |
class | TTransferBufferBinder< TMonthCalendar > |
Binder for TMonthCalendar; restricts the field type to TMonthCalendarData. More... | |
class | TTransferBufferBinder< TRadioButton > |
Binder for TRadioButton; restricts the field type to WORD (uint16). More... | |
class | TTransferBufferBinder< TScrollBar > |
Binder for TScrollBar; restricts the field type to TScrollBarData. More... | |
class | TTransferBufferBinder< TSlider > |
Binder for TSlider; restricts the field type to TScrollBarData. More... | |
class | TTransferBufferBinder< TStatic > |
Binder for TStatic; restricts the possible field types to character array or tstring. More... | |
class | TTransferBufferBinderImplementation |
Generic binder implementation; restricts the field type for the given control type. More... | |
class | TTransferBufferWindow |
Provides the type-safe interface needed to set up a safe transfer buffer. More... | |
class | TTransferBufferWindowBase |
Serves as the base class for safe transfer buffer windows. More... | |
class | TTransferDialog |
Dialog class derived from TTransferWindow Provides convenient initialization of the dialog and transfer window bases. More... | |
struct | TTransferFormat |
Contains stream formatting parameters for use with TransferDlgItemText. More... | |
struct | TTransferInfo |
Used to pass information to transfer functions. More... | |
class | TTransferWindow |
Mix-in class template providing support for data transfer to and from controls. More... | |
class | TTrayIcon |
class | TTreeNode |
Use this class to navigate the TTreeViewCtrl. More... | |
class | TTreeViewCtrl |
Encapsulates the TreeView common control. More... | |
class | TTreeViewCtrlView |
class | TTtCustomDraw |
class | TTvComparator |
Base class for comparing tree nodes. More... | |
class | TTvCustomDraw |
class | TTvDispInfoNotify |
A TTreeViewCtrl notification to repaint an item. More... | |
class | TTvGetInfoTip |
class | TTvHitTestInfo |
A TTreeViewCtrl notification for hit-testing. More... | |
class | TTvItem |
Used to represent the data to be stored in the TTreeViewCtrl. More... | |
class | TTvKeyDownNotify |
A TTreeViewCtrl notification that a key has been pressed. More... | |
class | TTvNotify |
Basic TTreeViewCtrl notification. More... | |
class | TTypedArray |
(store pointer to object) - Jogy: incorrect, stores simple types without assuming that they are pointer to objects More... | |
class | TUDAccel |
TUDAccel is a very thin wrapper for the UDACCEL structure which contains information about updown accelarators. More... | |
class | TUIBorder |
Assists in drawing borders of many styles. More... | |
class | TUIFace |
TUIFace assists in painting UI elements in various states. More... | |
class | TUIHandle |
Assists in drawing user manupulators for on-screen objects. More... | |
class | TUIHelper |
Wrapper for misc. Win4 USER functions. More... | |
class | TUIMetric |
TUIMetric encapsulates the GetSystemMetric() API. More... | |
class | TUIPart |
Encapsulates the DrawFrameControl 32-bit API. More... | |
class | TUpDown |
TUpDown encapsulates an up-down control, which is a window with a pair of arrow buttons that the user can click to increment or decrement a value. More... | |
class | TUser |
delay loading USER :), just for some memory/resource check programs More... | |
class | TUString |
Privately used by TString to manage string pointers This is a reference counted union of various string representatons Constructors/destructors are private to enforce reference count model Create functions are used to facilitate rapid allocation schemes Null pointers are never stored; instead a static null object is ref'd. More... | |
class | TValidator |
A streamable class, TValidator defines an abstract data validation object. More... | |
class | TVersion |
delay loading VERSION.DLL More... | |
class | TView |
Abstract base class for view access from document. More... | |
class | TVoidPointer |
class | TVSlider |
Derived from TSlider, TVSlider provides implementation details for vertical sliders. More... | |
class | TVSplitter |
Represents a vertical splitter. More... | |
class | TVSplitterIndicator |
Vertical indicator. More... | |
class | TWaitableTimer |
class | TWaitCursor |
TWaitCursor is a simple class used to display a wait cursor. More... | |
class | TWindow |
TWindow, derived from TEventHandler and TStreamableBase, provides window-specific behavior and encapsulates many functions that control window behavior and specify window creation and registration attributes. More... | |
struct | TWindowAttr |
Holds TWindow attributes set during construction of a window. More... | |
class | TWindowClassName |
Type-safe encapsulation of a Windows class name, a union between ATOM and LPCTSTR. More... | |
class | TWindowDC |
Derived from TDC, TWindowDC is a device context (DC) class that provides access to the entire area owned by a window. More... | |
class | TWindowView |
Derived from both TWindow and TView, TWindowView is a streamable base class that can be used for deriving window-based views. More... | |
class | TWinMM |
delay loading WINMM.DLL More... | |
class | TWinSock |
TWinSock is an alias for an instance of the TDllLoader template which ensures the underlying DLL is loaded and available. More... | |
class | TWinSockDll |
The TWinSockDll class encapsulates the WinSock DLL (WINSOCK.DLL). More... | |
class | TXBadFormat |
The TXBadFormat class is used for throwing exceptions when a bad file format is encountered. More... | |
class | TXBase |
Derived from xmsg, TXBase is the base class for ObjectWindows and ObjectComponents exception-handling classes. More... | |
class | TXClipboard |
TXClipboard creates the TXClipboard exception with a string resource. More... | |
class | TXCommCtrl |
Exception object thrown by the Common Control wrappers of ObjectWindows. More... | |
class | TXEndSession |
TXEndSession is thrown from TWindow's handler for WM_ENDSESSION. More... | |
class | TXGdi |
Describes an exception resulting from GDI failures such as creating too many TWindow device contexts (DCs). More... | |
class | TXInvalidMainWindow |
A nested class, TXInvalidMainWindow describes an exception that results from an invalid Window. More... | |
class | TXInvalidModule |
A nested class, TXInvalidModule describes an exception that results from an invalid module. More... | |
class | TXMenu |
A nested class, TXMenu describes an exception that occurs when a menu item cannot be constructed. More... | |
class | TXModuleVersionInfo |
Exception class for TModuleVersionInfo. [VH 2005-04-03]. More... | |
class | TXNotSupportedCall |
class | TXOutOfMemory |
Describes an exception that results from running out of memory. More... | |
class | TXOwl |
TXOwl is root class of the ObjectWindows exception hierarchy. More... | |
class | TXPrinter |
TXPrinter describes an exception that results from an invalid printer object. More... | |
class | TXPrinting |
TXPrinting describes an exception that indicates that printing failed. More... | |
class | TXRegistry |
Thrown for errors within the Registry classes. More... | |
class | TXShell |
Base Shell exception class. Handles all TShellItem and related class exceptions. More... | |
class | TXTheme |
class | TXValidator |
A nested class, TXValidator describes an exception that results from an invalid validator object. More... | |
class | TXWindow |
A nested class, TXWindow describes an exception that results from trying to create an invalid window. More... | |
Enumerations | |
enum | { BF_CHECKED = 0x01 , BF_GRAYED = 0x02 , BF_UNCHECKED = 0x00 } |
Check box and radio button objects use the button flag constants to indicate the state of a selection box. More... | |
enum | THintText { htStatus = 0x0001 , htTooltip = 0x0002 , htUserDefined } |
enum | TRelPosition { rpNone , rpAbove , rpBelow , rpRightOf , rpLeftOf } |
General use 2-D rectangular relative position enum. More... | |
enum | TGridType { YCoord , XCoord } |
enum | { dnCreate , dnClose , dnRename } |
Definitions of dnXxx document/view message notifications. More... | |
enum | { ofRead_workaround = std::ios::in , ofWrite_workaround = std::ios::out } |
enum | TDocMode { ofParent = 0 , ofRead = std::ios::in , ofWrite = std::ios::out , ofReadWrite = ofRead_workaround | ofWrite_workaround , ofAtEnd = std::ios::ate , ofAppend = std::ios::app , ofTruncate = std::ios::trunc , ofNoCreate = 0x40 , ofNoReplace = 0x80 , ofBinary = std::ios::binary , ofIosMask = 0x00FF , ofTransacted = 0x1000 , ofPreserve = 0x2000 , ofPriority = 0x4000 , ofTemporary = 0x8000 , shCompat = 0x0600 , shNone = 0x0800 , shRead = 0x0A00 , shWrite = 0x0C00 , shReadWrite = 0x0E00 , shDefault = 0 , shMask = (shCompat|shNone|shRead|shWrite) } |
Document open and sharing modes - used in storage and stream constructors. More... | |
enum | TByteOrderType { boLittle_Endian , boBig_Endian } |
The byte order type. More... | |
enum | TVarType { varEnd , varPOINTER , varCHAR , varUCHAR , varSHORT , varLONG , varINT8 , varINT16 , varINT32 , varUSHORT , varULONG , varUINT8 , varUINT16 , varUINT32 , varFLOAT , varDOUBLE , varINT64 , varUINT64 , varLastMember } |
These identify host program variable types and let the binary I/O package read and write routines know how to store or retrieve bytes from host buffer arrays and when to sign-extend. More... | |
enum | TAutoDelete { NoAutoDelete , AutoDelete } |
Flag for Handle ctors to control Handle deletion in dtor. More... | |
enum | TAbsLocation { alNone = 0 , alTop = 1 , alBottom = 2 , alLeft = 3 , alRight = 4 } |
General use absolute 2-D rectangular location enum. More... | |
enum | TEdge { lmLeft , lmTop , lmRight , lmBottom , lmCenter } |
The TEdge enum describes the following constants that define the boundaries of a window: More... | |
enum | TWidthHeight { lmWidth = lmCenter + 1 , lmHeight } |
Used by the TLayoutConstraint struct, TWidthHeight enumerates the values that control the width (lmWidth) and height (lmHeight) of the window. More... | |
enum | TMeasurementUnits { lmPixels , lmLayoutUnits } |
Used by the TLayoutConstraint struct, TMeasurementUnits enumerates the measurement units (lmPixels or lmLayoutUnits) that control the dimension of the window. More... | |
enum | TRelationship { lmAsIs = 0 , lmPercentOf = 1 , lmAbove = 2 , lmLeftOf = lmAbove , lmBelow = 3 , lmRightOf = lmBelow , lmSameAs = 4 , lmAbsolute = 5 } |
Used by the TLayoutConstraint struct, TRelationship specifies the relationship between the edges and sizes of one window and the edges and sizes of another window (which can be a parent or sibling). More... | |
enum | StreamableInit { streamableInit } |
enum | TPrintoutFlags { pfGraphics = 0x01 , pfText = 0x02 , pfBoth = (pfGraphics|pfText) } |
TPrintout banding flags. More... | |
enum | ocrClipFormat { ocrText = 1 , ocrBitmap = 2 , ocrMetafilePict = 3 , ocrSylk = 4 , ocrDif = 5 , ocrTiff = 6 , ocrOemText = 7 , ocrDib = 8 , ocrPalette = 9 , ocrPenData = 10 , ocrRiff = 11 , ocrWave = 12 , ocrUnicodeText = 13 , ocrEnhMetafile = 14 } |
Format: standard clipboard numeric format, or name of custom format. More... | |
enum | ocrAspect { ocrContent = 1 , ocrThumbnail = 2 , ocrIcon = 4 , ocrDocPrint = 8 } |
Aspect: view types supported by transfer. More... | |
enum | ocrMedium { ocrNull = 0 , ocrHGlobal = 1 , ocrFile = 2 , ocrIStream = 4 , ocrIStorage = 8 , ocrGDI = 16 , ocrMfPict = 32 , ocrStaticMed = 1024 } |
Medium: means of data transfer. More... | |
enum | ocrDirection { ocrGet = 1 , ocrSet = 2 , ocrGetSet = 3 } |
Direction: transfer directions supported. More... | |
enum | ocrObjectStatus { ocrRecomposeOnResize = 1 , ocrOnlyIconic = 2 , ocrInsertNotReplace = 4 , ocrStatic = 8 , ocrCantLinkInside = 16 , ocrCanLinkByOle1 = 32 , ocrIsLinkObject = 64 , ocrInsideOut = 128 , ocrActivateWhenVisible = 256 , ocrRenderingIsDeviceIndependent = 512 , ocrNoSpecialRendering = 512 } |
IOleObject miscellaneous status flags, defined for each or all aspects. More... | |
enum | ocrVerbMenuFlags { ocrGrayed = 1 , ocrDisabled = 2 , ocrChecked = 8 , ocrMenuBarBreak = 32 , ocrMenuBreak = 64 } |
IOleObject verb menu flags. More... | |
enum | ocrVerbAttributes { ocrNeverDirties = 1 , ocrOnContainerMenu = 2 } |
IOleObject verb attribute flags. More... | |
enum | { RtDialog = 0x0005 , RtToolbar = 0x00F1 , RtNewDialog = 0x2005 } |
enum | TSplitDirection { psHorizontal , psVertical , psNone } |
Enumeration describing whether to split a window in the X or Y plane. More... | |
enum | TValidatorOptions { voFill = 0x0001 , voTransfer = 0x0002 , voOnAppend = 0x0004 , voReserved = 0x00F8 } |
Bit-register flags used with TValidator::SetOption and UnsetOption. More... | |
enum | TPicResult { prComplete , prIncomplete , prEmpty , prError , prSyntax , prAmbiguous , prIncompNoFill } |
Validation result type. More... | |
enum | TWindowFlag { wfAlias = 0x0001 , wfAutoCreate = 0x0002 , wfFromResource = 0x0004 , wfShrinkToClient = 0x0008 , wfMainWindow = 0x0010 , wfFullyCreated = 0x0020 , wfStreamTop = 0x0040 , wfPredefinedClass = 0x0080 , wfTransfer = 0x0100 , wfUnHidden = 0x0200 , wfUnDisabled = 0x0400 , wfDeleteOnClose = 0x0800 , wfPropagateIdle = 0x1000 , wfModalWindow = 0x2000 , wfDetached = 0x4000 , wfInsertAtEdge = 0x8000 } |
Define bit masks for the internally used flag attributes of TWindow. More... | |
enum | TTransferDirection { tdGetData , tdSetData , tdSizeData } |
The TTransferDirection enum describes the constants that the transfer function uses to determine how to transfer data to and from the transfer buffer. More... | |
enum | TEventStatus { esPartial , esComplete } |
Mixin window event implementation return status. More... | |
enum | TNotificationSet { NotifyNone = 0x00 , NotifyRead = 0x01 , NotifyWrite = 0x02 , NotifyOOB = 0x04 , NotifyAccept = 0x08 , NotifyConnect = 0x10 , NotifyClose = 0x20 , NotifyAll = 0x3F } |
Enumeration describing the type of event notifications you want to receive for a given socket. More... | |
enum | action { M_BOL = (0x80 | _T('^')) , M_EOL = (0x80 | _T('$')) , M_ANY = (0x80 | _T('.')) , M_CCL = (0x80 | _T('[')) , M_OPT = (0x80 | _T('?')) , M_CLOSE = (0x80 | _T('*')) , M_PCLOSE = (0x80 | _T('+')) } |
enum | TimeZone { CarolineIslands =-11 , MarianaIslands , Japan , China , minusSeven , minusSix , Pakistan , CaspianSea , Turkey , Finland , Europe , Greenwich , Azores , two , Greenland , Atlantic , USEastern , USCentral , USMountain , USPacific , Alaska , Hawaii , Bearing } |
Functions | |
TAppDictionary & | OWLGetAppDictionary () |
Global exported TAppDictionary in Owl. | |
TApplication * | GetApplicationObject (uint pid=0) |
Global function that calls GetApplication() on owl's app-dictionary. | |
TMessageBox | SetDefMessageBox (TMessageBox) |
int | OWLMessageBox (HWND wnd, const tstring &text, const tstring &caption, uint type) |
int | OWLMessageBox (HWND wnd, const LPCTSTR text, const LPCTSTR caption, uint type) |
int | OWLMessageBox (TWindow *wnd, TResId resId, const tstring &caption, uint type, TModule *module=nullptr) |
int | OWLMessageBox (TWindow *wnd, TResId resId, const LPCTSTR caption, uint type, TModule *module=nullptr) |
TWindow * | GetWindowPtr (HWND hWnd, const TApplication *app=nullptr) |
Raw function to retrieve a TWindow pointer given an HWND from the a given app, or any app (app==0). | |
template<class T > | |
int | operator== (const TBitSet< T > &bs1, const TBitSet< T > &bs2) |
template<class T > | |
TBitSet< T > | operator& (const TBitSet< T > &bs1, const TBitSet< T > &bs2) |
template<class T > | |
TBitSet< T > | operator| (const TBitSet< T > &bs1, const TBitSet< T > &bs2) |
template<class T > | |
int | operator!= (const TBitSet< T > &bs1, const TBitSet< T > &bs2) |
long | NColors (uint16 bitCount) |
Functions to convert number of bits to number of palette colors and back, and build an RGB COLORREF. | |
uint16 | NBits (long colors) |
Return the number of bits required to represent a given number of colors. | |
COLORREF | MkRGB (uint r, uint g, uint b) |
owl::ipstream & | operator>> (owl::ipstream &is, TColor &c) |
Extract the color value from a persistent input stream. | |
owl::opstream & | operator<< (owl::opstream &os, const TColor &c) |
Insert the color value into a persistent output stream. | |
void | InitializeCommonControls (uint controlFlags) |
Wrapper for the Windows API function InitCommmonControlsEx. | |
auto | GetCommCtrlVersion () -> DWORD |
Returns the version number of the Common Control library (ComCtl32.dll). | |
unsigned | HashValue (TDate &d) |
template<class T > | |
auto | to_tstring (const T &v) -> tstring |
template<> | |
auto | to_tstring (const std::filesystem::path &p) -> tstring |
auto | to_tstring (LPCSTR s) -> tstring |
auto | to_tstring (LPCWSTR s) -> tstring |
auto | to_tstring (std::string s) -> tstring |
auto | to_tstring (const std::wstring &s) -> tstring |
uint32 | OWLGetVersion () |
Get version of OWL at runtime. | |
TModule & | OWLGetModule () |
Returns a reference to the global OWL module object. When linking dynamically to OWLNext, this is the module of the OWLNext DLL. When linking statically to OWLNext, it is the same as the one returned from GetGlobalModule. | |
void | InitGlobalModule (HINSTANCE hInstance) |
TModule & | GetGlobalModule () |
uint16 | MkUint16 (uint8 lo, uint8 hi) |
uint32 | MkUint32 (uint16 lo, uint16 hi) |
uint16 | LoUint16 (LRESULT r) |
int16 | LoInt16 (LRESULT r) |
uint16 | HiUint16 (LRESULT r) |
int16 | HiInt16 (LRESULT r) |
uint8 | LoUint8 (LRESULT r) |
int8 | LoInt8 (LRESULT r) |
uint8 | HiUint8 (LRESULT r) |
int8 | HiInt8 (LRESULT r) |
uint16 | SwapUint16 (uint16 u16) |
uint32 | SwapUint32 (uint32 u32) |
template<class T > | |
void | InUse (const T &arg) |
Handy utility to avoid compiler warnings about unused parameters. | |
template<class TGetText > | |
tstring | CopyText (int size, TGetText get_text) |
Copies text from a C-string (null-terminated character array) into a string object, using a function or functor (function object) to do the actual copying. | |
template<class T , class U > | |
bool | IsRepresentable (U v) |
Helper function for testing for integer truncations. | |
template<TResult(*)(void *, TParam1, TParam2) F> | |
TResult | AnyDispatch (TGeneric &obj, TAnyPMF, TParam1 p1, TParam2 p2) |
template<class T , TResult(T::*)(TParam1, TParam2) M> | |
TResult | DispatchRawArguments (void *i, TParam1 p1, TParam2 p2) |
template<class T , void(T::*)() M> | |
TResult | DispatchChildNotify (void *i, TParam1, TParam2) |
template<class T , void(T::*)(uint) M> | |
TResult | DispatchChildNotifyWithCode (void *i, TParam1 p1, TParam2) |
template<class T , void(T::*)() M> | |
TResult | DispatchCommand (void *i, TParam1, TParam2) |
template<class T , void(T::*)(uint) M> | |
TResult | DispatchCommandWithId (void *i, TParam1 p1, TParam2) |
int | HandleGlobalException (owl::TXBase &x, LPCTSTR caption, LPCTSTR canResume=nullptr) |
tostream & | operator<< (tostream &os, const TFileStatus &status) |
Inserts time t into persistent stream s. | |
TByteOrderType | EndianType () |
TFile & | operator>> (TFile &file, int8 &c) |
TFile & | operator>> (TFile &file, uint8 &c) |
TFile & | operator>> (TFile &file, int16 &i) |
TFile & | operator>> (TFile &file, uint16 &i) |
TFile & | operator>> (TFile &file, signed int &i) |
TFile & | operator>> (TFile &file, unsigned int &i) |
TFile & | operator>> (TFile &file, bool &b) |
TFile & | operator>> (TFile &file, int32 &i) |
TFile & | operator>> (TFile &file, uint32 &i) |
TFile & | operator>> (TFile &file, int64 &i) |
TFile & | operator>> (TFile &file, uint64 &i) |
TFile & | operator>> (TFile &file, float &f) |
TFile & | operator>> (TFile &file, double &d) |
TFile & | operator>> (TFile &file, tchar *str) |
TFile & | operator<< (TFile &file, int8 c) |
TFile & | operator<< (TFile &file, uint8 c) |
TFile & | operator<< (TFile &file, int16 i) |
TFile & | operator<< (TFile &file, uint16 i) |
TFile & | operator<< (TFile &file, signed int i) |
TFile & | operator<< (TFile &file, unsigned int i) |
TFile & | operator<< (TFile &file, bool b) |
TFile & | operator<< (TFile &file, int32 i) |
TFile & | operator<< (TFile &file, uint32 i) |
TFile & | operator<< (TFile &file, int64 i) |
TFile & | operator<< (TFile &file, uint64 i) |
TFile & | operator<< (TFile &file, float f) |
TFile & | operator<< (TFile &file, double d) |
TFile & | operator<< (TFile &file, const tchar *s) |
TFile & | operator<< (TFile &file, const tstring &s) |
template<class TRT > | |
TFunctorV0 | Functor (TFunctorV0 *, TRT(*f)()) |
template<class TCallee , class TRT , class TCallType > | |
TFunctorV0 | Functor (TFunctorV0 *, TCallee &c, TRT(TCallType::*const &f)()) |
template<class TCallee , class TRT , class TCallType > | |
TFunctorV0 | Functor (TFunctorV0 *, const TCallee &c, TRT(TCallType::*const &f)() const) |
template<class R , class TRT > | |
TFunctor0< R > | Functor (TFunctor0< R > *, TRT(*f)()) |
template<class R , class TCallee , class TRT , class TCallType > | |
TFunctor0< R > | Functor (TFunctor0< R > *, TCallee &c, TRT(TCallType::*const &f)()) |
template<class R , class TCallee , class TRT , class TCallType > | |
TFunctor0< R > | Functor (TFunctor0< R > *, const TCallee &c, TRT(TCallType::*const &f)() const) |
template<class P1 , class TRT , class TP1 > | |
TFunctorV1< P1 > | Functor (TFunctorV1< P1 > *, TRT(*f)(TP1)) |
template<class P1 , class TCallee , class TRT , class TCallType , class TP1 > | |
TFunctorV1< P1 > | Functor (TFunctorV1< P1 > *, TCallee &c, TRT(TCallType::*const &f)(TP1)) |
template<class P1 , class TCallee , class TRT , class TCallType , class TP1 > | |
TFunctorV1< P1 > | Functor (TFunctorV1< P1 > *, const TCallee &c, TRT(TCallType::*const &f)(TP1) const) |
template<class R , class P1 , class TRT , class TP1 > | |
TFunctor1< R, P1 > | Functor (TFunctor1< R, P1 > *, TRT(*f)(TP1)) |
template<class R , class P1 , class TCallee , class TRT , class TCallType , class TP1 > | |
TFunctor1< R, P1 > | Functor (TFunctor1< R, P1 > *, TCallee &c, TRT(TCallType::*const &f)(TP1)) |
template<class R , class P1 , class TCallee , class TRT , class TCallType , class TP1 > | |
TFunctor1< R, P1 > | Functor (TFunctor1< R, P1 > *, const TCallee &c, TRT(TCallType::*const &f)(TP1) const) |
template<class P1 , class P2 , class TRT , class TP1 , class TP2 > | |
TFunctorV2< P1, P2 > | Functor (TFunctorV2< P1, P2 > *, TRT(*f)(TP1, TP2)) |
template<class P1 , class P2 , class TCallee , class TRT , class TCallType , class TP1 , class TP2 > | |
TFunctorV2< P1, P2 > | Functor (TFunctorV2< P1, P2 > *, TCallee &c, TRT(TCallType::*const &f)(TP1, TP2)) |
template<class P1 , class P2 , class TCallee , class TRT , class TCallType , class TP1 , class TP2 > | |
TFunctorV2< P1, P2 > | Functor (TFunctorV2< P1, P2 > *, const TCallee &c, TRT(TCallType::*const &f)(TP1, TP2) const) |
template<class R , class P1 , class P2 , class TRT , class TP1 , class TP2 > | |
TFunctor2< R, P1, P2 > | Functor (TFunctor2< R, P1, P2 > *, TRT(*f)(TP1, TP2)) |
template<class R , class P1 , class P2 , class TCallee , class TRT , class TCallType , class TP1 , class TP2 > | |
TFunctor2< R, P1, P2 > | Functor (TFunctor2< R, P1, P2 > *, TCallee &c, TRT(TCallType::*const &f)(TP1, TP2)) |
template<class R , class P1 , class P2 , class TCallee , class TRT , class TCallType , class TP1 , class TP2 > | |
TFunctor2< R, P1, P2 > | Functor (TFunctor2< R, P1, P2 > *, const TCallee &c, TRT(TCallType::*const &f)(TP1, TP2) const) |
template<class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class TRT , class TP1 , class TP2 , class TP3 > | |
TFunctorV3< P1, P2, P3 > | Functor (TFunctorV3< P1, P2, P3 > *, TRT(*f)(TP1, TP2, TP3)) |
template<class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class TCallee , class TRT , class CallType , class TP1 , class TP2 , class TP3 > | |
TFunctorV3< P1, P2, P3 > | Functor (TFunctorV3< P1, P2, P3 > *, TCallee &c, TRT(CallType::*const &f)(TP1, TP2, TP3)) |
template<class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class TCallee , class TRT , class CallType , class TP1 , class TP2 , class TP3 > | |
TFunctorV3< P1, P2, P3 > | Functor (TFunctorV3< P1, P2, P3 > *, const TCallee &c, TRT(CallType::*const &f)(TP1, TP2, TP3) const) |
template<class R , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class TRT , class TP1 , class TP2 , class TP3 > | |
TFunctor3< R, P1, P2, P3 > | Functor (TFunctor3< R, P1, P2, P3 > *, TRT(*f)(TP1, TP2, TP3)) |
template<class R , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class TCallee , class TRT , class CallType , class TP1 , class TP2 , class TP3 > | |
TFunctor3< R, P1, P2, P3 > | Functor (TFunctor3< R, P1, P2, P3 > *, TCallee &c, TRT(CallType::*const &f)(TP1, TP2, TP3)) |
template<class R , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class TCallee , class TRT , class CallType , class TP1 , class TP2 , class TP3 > | |
TFunctor3< R, P1, P2, P3 > | Functor (TFunctor3< R, P1, P2, P3 > *, const TCallee &c, TRT(CallType::*const &f)(TP1, TP2, TP3) const) |
template<class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class TRT , class TP1 , class TP2 , class TP3 , class TP4 > | |
TFunctorV4< P1, P2, P3, P4 > | Functor (TFunctorV4< P1, P2, P3, P4 > *, TRT(*f)(TP1, TP2, TP3, TP4)) |
template<class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class TCallee , class TRT , class CallType , class TP1 , class TP2 , class TP3 , class TP4 > | |
TFunctorV4< P1, P2, P3, P4 > | Functor (TFunctorV4< P1, P2, P3, P4 > *, TCallee &c, TRT(CallType::*const &f)(TP1, TP2, TP3, TP4)) |
template<class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class TCallee , class TRT , class CallType , class TP1 , class TP2 , class TP3 , class TP4 > | |
TFunctorV4< P1, P2, P3, P4 > | Functor (TFunctorV4< P1, P2, P3, P4 > *, const TCallee &c, TRT(CallType::*const &f)(TP1, TP2, TP3, TP4) const) |
template<class R , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class TRT , class TP1 , class TP2 , class TP3 , class TP4 > | |
TFunctor4< R, P1, P2, P3, P4 > | Functor (TFunctor4< R, P1, P2, P3, P4 > *, TRT(*f)(TP1, TP2, TP3, TP4)) |
template<class R , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class TCallee , class TRT , class CallType , class TP1 , class TP2 , class TP3 , class TP4 > | |
TFunctor4< R, P1, P2, P3, P4 > | Functor (TFunctor4< R, P1, P2, P3, P4 > *, TCallee &c, TRT(CallType::*const &f)(TP1, TP2, TP3, TP4)) |
template<class R , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class TCallee , class TRT , class CallType , class TP1 , class TP2 , class TP3 , class TP4 > | |
TFunctor4< R, P1, P2, P3, P4 > | Functor (TFunctor4< R, P1, P2, P3, P4 > *, const TCallee &c, TRT(CallType::*const &f)(TP1, TP2, TP3, TP4) const) |
template<class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class TRT , class TP1 , class TP2 , class TP3 , class TP4 , class TP5 > | |
TFunctorV5< P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 > | Functor (TFunctorV5< P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 > *, TRT(*f)(TP1, TP2, TP3, TP4, TP5)) |
template<class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class TCallee , class TRT , class CallType , class TP1 , class TP2 , class TP3 , class TP4 , class TP5 > | |
TFunctorV5< P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 > | Functor (TFunctorV5< P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 > *, TCallee &c, TRT(CallType::*const &f)(TP1, TP2, TP3, TP4, TP5)) |
template<class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class TCallee , class TRT , class CallType , class TP1 , class TP2 , class TP3 , class TP4 , class TP5 > | |
TFunctorV5< P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 > | Functor (TFunctorV5< P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 > *, const TCallee &c, TRT(CallType::*const &f)(TP1, TP2, TP3, TP4, TP5) const) |
template<class R , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class TRT , class TP1 , class TP2 , class TP3 , class TP4 , class TP5 > | |
TFunctor5< R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 > | Functor (TFunctor5< R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 > *, TRT(*f)(TP1, TP2, TP3, TP4, TP5)) |
template<class R , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class TCallee , class TRT , class CallType , class TP1 , class TP2 , class TP3 , class TP4 , class TP5 > | |
TFunctor5< R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 > | Functor (TFunctor5< R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 > *, TCallee &c, TRT(CallType::*const &f)(TP1, TP2, TP3, TP4, TP5)) |
template<class R , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class TCallee , class TRT , class CallType , class TP1 , class TP2 , class TP3 , class TP4 , class TP5 > | |
TFunctor5< R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 > | Functor (TFunctor5< R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 > *, const TCallee &c, TRT(CallType::*const &f)(TP1, TP2, TP3, TP4, TP5) const) |
template<class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class TRT , class TP1 , class TP2 , class TP3 , class TP4 , class TP5 , class TP6 > | |
TFunctorV6< P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 > | Functor (TFunctorV6< P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 > *, TRT(*f)(TP1, TP2, TP3, TP4, TP5, TP6)) |
template<class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class TCallee , class TRT , class CallType , class TP1 , class TP2 , class TP3 , class TP4 , class TP5 , class TP6 > | |
TFunctorV6< P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 > | Functor (TFunctorV6< P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 > *, TCallee &c, TRT(CallType::*const &f)(TP1, TP2, TP3, TP4, TP5, TP6)) |
template<class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class TCallee , class TRT , class CallType , class TP1 , class TP2 , class TP3 , class TP4 , class TP5 , class TP6 > | |
TFunctorV6< P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 > | Functor (TFunctorV6< P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 > *, const TCallee &c, TRT(CallType::*const &f)(TP1, TP2, TP3, TP4, TP5, TP6) const) |
template<class R , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class TRT , class TP1 , class TP2 , class TP3 , class TP4 , class TP5 , class TP6 > | |
TFunctor6< R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 > | Functor (TFunctor6< R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 > *, TRT(*f)(TP1, TP2, TP3, TP4, TP5, TP6)) |
template<class R , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class TCallee , class TRT , class CallType , class TP1 , class TP2 , class TP3 , class TP4 , class TP5 , class TP6 > | |
TFunctor6< R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 > | Functor (TFunctor6< R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 > *, TCallee &c, TRT(CallType::*const &f)(TP1, TP2, TP3, TP4, TP5, TP6)) |
template<class R , class P1 , class P2 , class P3 , class P4 , class P5 , class P6 , class TCallee , class TRT , class CallType , class TP1 , class TP2 , class TP3 , class TP4 , class TP5 , class TP6 > | |
TFunctor6< R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 > | Functor (TFunctor6< R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 > *, const TCallee &c, TRT(CallType::*const &f)(TP1, TP2, TP3, TP4, TP5, TP6) const) |
TClipboard & | operator<< (TClipboard &clipboard, TPalette &palette) |
Get the palette object from the clipboard. | |
TClipboard & | operator<< (TClipboard &clipboard, TBitmap &bitmap) |
Get the bitmap object from the clipboard. | |
TClipboard & | operator<< (TClipboard &clipboard, TDib &dib) |
Get the DIB from the clipboard. | |
Gdiplus::Color | ConvertToGdiplus (const TColor &v, BYTE alphaChannel=255) |
ConvertToGdiplus overload; Converts TColor to Gdiplus::Color with the given alpha channel. | |
int16 | Sqrt (int32 val) |
int | Sqrt (int64 val) |
ipstream & | operator>> (ipstream &is, TPoint &p) |
Extracts a TPoint object from persistent stream is, and copies it to p. | |
tistream & | operator>> (tistream &is, TPoint &p) |
Extracts a TPoint object from stream is, and copies it to p. | |
opstream & | operator<< (opstream &os, const TPoint &p) |
Inserts the given TPoint object p into persistent stream os. | |
tostream & | operator<< (tostream &os, const TPoint &p) |
Formats and inserts the given TPoint object p into the ostream os. | |
ipstream & | operator>> (ipstream &is, TPointL &p) |
tistream & | operator>> (tistream &is, TPointL &p) |
opstream & | operator<< (opstream &os, const TPointL &p) |
tostream & | operator<< (tostream &os, const TPointL &p) |
ipstream & | operator>> (ipstream &is, TPointF &p) |
tistream & | operator>> (tistream &is, TPointF &p) |
opstream & | operator<< (opstream &os, const TPointF &p) |
tostream & | operator<< (tostream &os, const TPointF &p) |
ipstream & | operator>> (ipstream &is, TSize &s) |
Extracts a TSize object from is, the given input stream, and copies it to s. | |
tistream & | operator>> (tistream &os, TSize &s) |
Formats and inserts the given TSize object s into the ostream os. | |
opstream & | operator<< (opstream &os, const TSize &s) |
Inserts the given TSize object s into the opstream os. | |
tostream & | operator<< (tostream &os, const TSize &s) |
Insert a size into an output stream. | |
ipstream & | operator>> (ipstream &is, TRect &r) |
Extracts a TRect object from is, the given input stream, and copies it to r. | |
tistream & | operator>> (tistream &is, TRect &r) |
Extracts the rectangle from a regular input stream. | |
opstream & | operator<< (opstream &os, const TRect &r) |
Inserts the given TRect object, r, into the opstream, os. | |
tostream & | operator<< (tostream &os, const TRect &r) |
Formats and inserts the given TRect object, r, into the ostream, os. | |
bool | IsIndirectHelpContext (const THelpContext &context) |
Return true if the context entry is a pointer to another table. | |
bool | IsLastIndirectContext (const THelpContext &context) |
Return true if this entry is the last entry. | |
TClipboard & | operator<< (TClipboard &clipboard, TMetaFilePict &mfp) |
Inserts the metafile picture onto the clipboard. | |
ipstream & | operator>> (ipstream &is, tstring &str) |
This operator of ipstream extracts (reads) from the ipstream is, to the string str. | |
opstream & | operator<< (opstream &os, const tstring &str) |
ipstream & | operator>> (ipstream &ps, int8 &ch) |
This friend operator of ipstream extracts (reads) from the ipstream ps, to the given argument. | |
ipstream & | operator>> (ipstream &ps, uint8 &ch) |
This friend operator of ipstream extracts (reads) from the ipstream ps, to the given argument. | |
ipstream & | operator>> (ipstream &ps, char &ch) |
This friend operator of ipstream extracts (reads) from the ipstream ps, to the given argument. | |
ipstream & | operator>> (ipstream &ps, signed short &sh) |
This friend operator of ipstream extracts (reads) from the ipstream ps, to the given argument. | |
ipstream & | operator>> (ipstream &ps, unsigned short &sh) |
This friend operator of ipstream extracts (reads) from the ipstream ps, to the given argument. | |
ipstream & | operator>> (ipstream &ps, signed int &i) |
This friend operator of ipstream extracts (reads) from the ipstream ps, to the given argument. | |
ipstream & | operator>> (ipstream &ps, unsigned int &i) |
This friend operator of ipstream extracts (reads) from the ipstream ps, to the given argument. | |
ipstream & | operator>> (ipstream &ps, bool &b) |
This friend operator of ipstream extracts (reads) from the ipstream ps, to the given argument. | |
ipstream & | operator>> (ipstream &ps, signed long &l) |
This friend operator of ipstream extracts (reads) from the ipstream ps, to the given argument. | |
ipstream & | operator>> (ipstream &ps, unsigned long &l) |
This friend operator of ipstream extracts (reads) from the ipstream ps, to the given argument. | |
ipstream & | operator>> (ipstream &, int64 &) |
ipstream & | operator>> (ipstream &, uint64 &) |
ipstream & | operator>> (ipstream &ps, float &f) |
This friend operator of ipstream extracts (reads) from the ipstream ps, to the given argument. | |
ipstream & | operator>> (ipstream &ps, double &d) |
This friend operator of ipstream extracts (reads) from the ipstream ps, to the given argument. | |
ipstream & | operator>> (ipstream &ps, long double &l) |
This friend operator of ipstream extracts (reads) from the ipstream ps, to the given argument. | |
opstream & | operator<< (opstream &, int8) |
opstream, a specialized derivative of pstream, is the base class for writing (inserting) streamable objects. | |
opstream & | operator<< (opstream &ps, uint8 ch) |
This friend operator of opstream inserts (writes) the given argument to the given ipstream object. | |
opstream & | operator<< (opstream &ps, char ch) |
This friend operator of opstream inserts (writes) the given argument to the given ipstream object. | |
opstream & | operator<< (opstream &ps, signed short sh) |
This friend operator of opstream inserts (writes) the given argument to the given ipstream object. | |
opstream & | operator<< (opstream &ps, unsigned short sh) |
This friend operator of opstream inserts (writes) the given argument to the given ipstream object. | |
opstream & | operator<< (opstream &ps, signed int i) |
This friend operator of opstream inserts (writes) the given argument to the given ipstream object. | |
opstream & | operator<< (opstream &ps, unsigned int i) |
This friend operator of opstream inserts (writes) the given argument to the given ipstream object. | |
opstream & | operator<< (opstream &ps, bool b) |
This friend operator of opstream inserts (writes) the given argument to the given ipstream object. | |
opstream & | operator<< (opstream &ps, signed long l) |
This friend operator of opstream inserts (writes) the given argument to the given ipstream object. | |
opstream & | operator<< (opstream &ps, unsigned long l) |
This friend operator of opstream inserts (writes) the given argument to the given ipstream object. | |
opstream & | operator<< (opstream &, int64) |
opstream & | operator<< (opstream &, uint64) |
opstream & | operator<< (opstream &ps, float f) |
This friend operator of opstream inserts (writes) the given argument to the given ipstream object. | |
opstream & | operator<< (opstream &ps, double d) |
This friend operator of opstream inserts (writes) the given argument to the given ipstream object. | |
opstream & | operator<< (opstream &ps, long double l) |
This friend operator of opstream inserts (writes) the given argument to the given ipstream object. | |
template<class Base > | |
void | WriteBaseObject (Base *base, opstream &out) |
template<class Base > | |
void | ReadBaseObject (Base *base, ipstream &in) |
template<class Base > | |
void | WriteVirtualBase (Base *base, opstream &out) |
template<class Base > | |
void | ReadVirtualBase (Base *base, ipstream &in) |
bool | GetDiagEnabled (LPCSTR filename, LPCSTR diagGroup, bool defEnabled) |
Retrieves a diagnostic group's enabled flag from a private ini-file. | |
int | GetDiagLevel (LPCSTR filename, LPCSTR diagGroup, int defLevel) |
Retrieves a diagnostic group's level setting from a private ini-file. | |
template<class T > | |
bool | ToBool (const T &t) |
void | OwlDumpStack (uint32 target=OWL_STACK_DUMP_TARGET_DEFAULT) |
ModuleId | GetModuleId () |
BSTR | SysAllocString (const char *str) |
template<class T > | |
T * | __owl_construct (void *P) |
template<class T > | |
T * | __owl_construct (void *P, const T &t) |
template<class T > | |
void | __owl_destruct (T *t) |
char * | __owl_construct (void *p, char c) |
void | __owl_destruct (char *) |
int * | __owl_construct (void *p, int c) |
unsigned int * | __owl_construct (void *p, unsigned int c) |
void | __owl_destruct (int *) |
long * | __owl_construct (void *p, long c) |
void | __owl_destruct (long *) |
TTime | operator+ (const TTime &t, long s) |
Adds s seconds to time t. | |
TTime | operator+ (long s, const TTime &t) |
Adds s seconds to time t. | |
TTime | operator- (const TTime &t, long s) |
Performs subtraction, in seconds, between s and t. | |
TTime | operator- (long s, const TTime &t) |
Performs subtraction, in seconds, between s and t. | |
unsigned | HashValue (TTime &t) |
template<class T > | |
tstring | GetFullTypeName (T *w) |
Helper; returns the type of a window as an tstring. | |
template<class TControlType , class TBuffer , uint N> | |
TControlType & | RestrictCharArray (tchar(TBuffer::*)[N], TControlType &c) |
Helper for char buffers; restricts the field type to a char array type of the right size. | |
void | DoEnableAutoCreate (TWindow *win, void *) |
A TActionFunc defined in window.cpp. | |
IMPLEMENT_STREAMABLE1 (TApplication, TModule) | |
bool | FilterWindow (HWND hWnd) |
bool | OwlCopyBmp (TBitmap &dstBM, const TBitmap &srcBM, const TPoint &pt, const TSize &size, const TPoint offset) |
Copy specified bitmap to the destination DC. | |
int | SortCheckList (const void *a, const void *b) |
DIAG_DECLARE_GROUP (OwlCommDialog) | |
auto | operator== (const TCodePages::TCodePage &lhs, const TCodePages::TCodePage &rhs) -> bool |
auto | operator!= (const TCodePages::TCodePage &lhs, const TCodePages::TCodePage &rhs) -> bool |
auto | operator<= (const TCodePages::TCodePage &lhs, const TCodePages::TCodePage &rhs) -> bool |
auto | operator>= (const TCodePages::TCodePage &lhs, const TCodePages::TCodePage &rhs) -> bool |
auto | operator< (const TCodePages::TCodePage &lhs, const TCodePages::TCodePage &rhs) -> bool |
auto | operator> (const TCodePages::TCodePage &lhs, const TCodePages::TCodePage &rhs) -> bool |
DIAG_DEFINE_GROUP_INIT (OWL_INI, OwlCommDialog, 1, 0) | |
EV_COMMAND (IDOK, CmOkCancel) | |
bool | is_digit (tchar c) |
where string is integer???? | |
bool | is_integer (TCHAR *text) |
TDrawItem * | ItemData2DrawItem (ULONG_PTR data) |
Handles WM_DRAWITEM message (for owner draw controls & menus) by forwarding message to control itself. | |
DIAG_DEFINE_GROUP_INIT (OWL_INI, OwlControl, 1, 0) | |
_OWLSTATICFUNC (static int) FindMatch(const tchar *str | |
FindMatch (const tchar *str, const tchar **candidates, int icand) | |
TDate | operator+ (const TDate &dt, int dd) |
Returns a new TDate containing the sum of this TDate and dd. | |
TDate | operator+ (int dd, const TDate &dt) |
Returns a new TDate containing the sum of this TDate and dd. | |
TDate | operator- (const TDate &dt, int dd) |
_OWLSTATICFUNC (static void) SkipDelim(tistream &strm) | |
ParseMonth (tistream &s, tchar *month) | |
tostream & | operator<< (tostream &s, const TDate &d) |
Inserts date into output stream os. | |
tistream & | operator>> (tistream &s, TDate &d) |
Extracts date from input stream is. | |
opstream & | operator<< (opstream &os, const TDate &d) |
ipstream & | operator>> (ipstream &is, TDate &d) |
bool | EvBarInserter (TDecoratedFrame &frame, TGadgetWindow &destWindow, TAbsLocation loc) |
IMPLEMENT_STREAMABLE3 (TDecoratedFrame, TFrameWindow, TLayoutWindow, TWindow) | |
IMPLEMENT_STREAMABLE4 (TDecoratedMDIFrame, TMDIFrame, TDecoratedFrame, TFrameWindow, TWindow) | |
tstring | GetDiagIniFullFileName_ (LPCSTR filename_) |
_OWLDATA (uint) GetWindowPtrMsgId | |
_OWLDATA (TDialog *) DlgCreationWindow | |
DIAG_DEFINE_GROUP_INIT (OWL_INI, OwlDocking, 1, 0) | |
IMPLEMENT_STREAMABLE1 (TEditFile, TEditSearch) | |
IMPLEMENT_STREAMABLE2 (TEditView, TEditSearch, TView) | |
DIAG_DEFINE_GROUP_INIT (OWL_INI, OwlFileSystem, 1, 0) | |
uint | __sys2Atr (uint32 attrib) |
uint | __attr2Sys (uint attrib) |
TTime | __MakeTTime (uint16 fdate, uint16 ftime) |
void | __MakeDosTime (const TTime &time, uint16 &fdate, uint16 &ftime) |
int | binCVTCharMBF (uint8 *src, uint8 *dst, int, int size, int count) |
int | binCVTCharLBF (uint8 *src, uint8 *dst, int, int size, int count) |
TFile & | operator>> (TFile &file, tstring &s) |
IMPLEMENT_STREAMABLE1 (TFileDocument, TDocument) | |
IMPLEMENT_STREAMABLE1 (TFilterValidator, TValidator) | |
IMPLEMENT_STREAMABLE2 (TFloatingFrame, TTinyCaption, TFrameWindow) | |
IMPLEMENT_STREAMABLE1 (TFrameWindow, TWindow) | |
IMPLEMENT_STREAMABLE1 (TFlatScroller, TScroller) | |
DIAG_DEFINE_GROUP_INIT (OWL_INI, OwlMain, true, 0) | |
LRESULT CALLBACK | BButtonProc (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) |
IMPLEMENT_STREAMABLE2 (TInputDialog, TDialog, TWindow) | |
tostream & | operator<< (tostream &os, const TFixedPoint &p) |
tostream & | operator<< (tostream &os, const TLayoutConstraint &c) |
tostream & | operator<< (tostream &os, const TLayoutMetrics &m) |
tostream & | operator<< (tostream &os, const TConstraint &c) |
tostream & | operator<< (tostream &os, const TVariable &v) |
tostream & | operator<< (tostream &os, const TChildMetrics &m) |
IMPLEMENT_STREAMABLE1 (TLayoutWindow, TWindow) | |
IMPLEMENT_STREAMABLE2 (TListBoxView, TListBox, TView) | |
IMPLEMENT_STREAMABLE1 (TLookupValidator, TValidator) | |
IMPLEMENT_STREAMABLE1 (TStringLookupValidator, TLookupValidator) | |
IMPLEMENT_STREAMABLE2 (TMDIChild, TFrameWindow, TWindow) | |
IMPLEMENT_STREAMABLE2 (TMDIFrame, TFrameWindow, TWindow) | |
ostream & | operator<< (ostream &os, const TModule &m) |
DIAG_DEFINE_GROUP_INIT (OWL_INI, MsgThreads, 1, 0) | |
TWindow * | GetCreationWindow () |
void | SetCreationWindow (TWindow *w) |
WNDPROC | GetDefWindowProc () |
TResult CALLBACK | DispatchWindowMessage (TWindow *w, TMsgId msg, TParam1 param1, TParam2 param2) |
void * | GetDispatchHelper () |
void * | GetMessageReceiverMemberFunctionAddress () |
void | HSL_to_RGB (double &h, double &sl, double &l, double *r, double *g, double *b) |
convert HSL to RGB | |
IMPLEMENT_STREAMABLE1 (TPXPictureValidator, TValidator) | |
int | GlyphHeight (TEXTMETRIC &tm) |
template<class T1 , class T2 > | |
void | SetClear (T1 &var, T2 bitsOn, T2 bitsOff) |
int CALLBACK | TPrinterAbortProc (HDC hDC, int code) |
EV_PSN_SETACTIVE (SetActive) | |
EV_PSN_KILLACTIVE (KillActive) | |
EV_PSN_APPLY (Apply) | |
EV_PSN_RESET (Reset) | |
EV_PSN_HELP (Help) | |
EV_PSN_WIZBACK (WizBack) | |
EV_PSN_WIZFINISH (WizFinish) | |
EV_PSN_WIZNEXT (WizNext) | |
EV_PSN_QUERYCANCEL (QueryCancel) | |
IMPLEMENT_STREAMABLE1 (TRadioButton, TCheckBox) | |
IMPLEMENT_STREAMABLE1 (TRangeValidator, TFilterValidator) | |
int | makepat (const tchar *exp, PatternType *pat, size_t maxpattern) |
const tchar * | matchs (const tchar *str, const PatternType *pat, tchar **startpat) |
const tchar * | patcmp (const tchar *, const pattern *, const tchar *) |
int | esc (const tchar **) |
DWORD CALLBACK | RichEditStrmInWithIStream (DWORD_PTR dwCookie, LPBYTE pbBuff, LONG cb, LONG *pcb) |
DWORD CALLBACK | RichEditStrmOutWithOstream (DWORD_PTR dwCookie, LPBYTE pbBuff, LONG cb, LONG *pcb) |
IMPLEMENT_STREAMABLE2 (TRichEditView, TRichEdit, TView) | |
IMPLEMENT_STREAMABLE1 (TScrollBar, TControl) | |
EV_REGISTERED (SerializerMessage, BlockReceived) | |
EV_NM_CLICK (UINT_MAX, EvFollowLink) | |
EV_NM_RETURN (UINT_MAX, EvFollowLink) | |
tostream & | operator<< (tostream &s, const TTime &t) |
Inserts time t into output stream os. | |
opstream & | operator<< (opstream &os, const TTime &d) |
ipstream & | operator>> (ipstream &is, TTime &d) |
opstream & | operator<< (opstream &s, const TFileTime &d) |
ipstream & | operator>> (ipstream &s, TFileTime &d) |
EV_COMMAND (Cm_SaveTrace, CmSave) | |
EV_COMMAND (Cm_Top, CmTop) | |
EV_COMMAND (Cm_EditClear, CmEditClear) | |
EV_COMMAND (Cm_EditSelectAll, CmEditSelectAll) | |
EV_COMMAND (Cm_SetLevel, CmSetLevel) | |
EV_COMMAND_ENABLE (Cm_SetLevel, CeSetLevel) | |
EV_COMMAND (Cm_NextPane, CmNextPane) | |
EV_COMMAND (Cm_PreviousPane, CmPreviousPane) | |
EV_LBN_SELCHANGE (Idc_ModuleListBox, LbnSelChangeModule) | |
EV_LBN_DBLCLK (Idc_GroupListBox, CmSetLevel) | |
int CALLBACK | OwlTreeWindCompare (LPARAM itemData1, LPARAM itemData2, LPARAM lParam) |
TDrawItem * | lTCB (uint32 data) |
IMPLEMENT_STREAMABLE2 (TWindowView, TWindow, TView) | |
IMPLEMENT_STREAMABLE2 (TDialogView, TDialog, TView) | |
bool | operator== (const TSocketAddress &address1, const TSocketAddress &address2) |
Both addresses should be in the same byte ordering as each other. | |
bool | operator== (const TSocketError &socketError1, const TSocketError &socketError2) |
This function tests for equality between two TSocketError objects. | |
bool | operator== (const TSocket &socket1, const TSocket &socket2) |
While it's possible that two sockets could refer to the same SOCKET (though this would likely create a mess if not governed with care), it's defined as not possible that two Sockets could have the same window member. | |
Parameter factories | |
template<class T1 , class T2 > | |
TParam2 | MkParam2 (const T1 &lo, const T2 &hi) |
TParam1 | MkParam1 (uint lo, uint hi) |
template<class TDest , class T > | |
TDest | ConvertToGdiplus (const T &) |
ConvertToGdiplus template; Converts any of TSize, TPoint and TRect to its counter-part in GDI+; Gdiplus::Size/SizeF, Point/PointF and Rect/RectF. | |
template<> | |
Gdiplus::Size | ConvertToGdiplus< Gdiplus::Size > (const TSize &v) |
template<> | |
Gdiplus::SizeF | ConvertToGdiplus< Gdiplus::SizeF > (const TSize &v) |
template<> | |
Gdiplus::Point | ConvertToGdiplus< Gdiplus::Point > (const TPoint &v) |
template<> | |
Gdiplus::PointF | ConvertToGdiplus< Gdiplus::PointF > (const TPoint &v) |
template<> | |
Gdiplus::Rect | ConvertToGdiplus< Gdiplus::Rect > (const TRect &v) |
template<> | |
Gdiplus::RectF | ConvertToGdiplus< Gdiplus::RectF > (const TRect &v) |
TSize | ConvertFromGdiplus (const Gdiplus::Size &v) |
ConvertFromGdiplus overloads; Converts any of Gdiplus::Size/SizeF, Point/PointF, Rect/RectF and Color to its counter-part in OWLNext; TSize, TPoint, TRect and TColor. | |
TSize | ConvertFromGdiplus (const Gdiplus::SizeF &v) |
TPoint | ConvertFromGdiplus (const Gdiplus::Point &v) |
TPoint | ConvertFromGdiplus (const Gdiplus::PointF &v) |
TRect | ConvertFromGdiplus (const Gdiplus::Rect &v) |
TRect | ConvertFromGdiplus (const Gdiplus::RectF &v) |
TColor | ConvertFromGdiplus (const Gdiplus::Color &v) |
Converts Gdiplus::Color to TColor. | |
template<class TDest , class T > | |
TDest | gdiplus_cast (const T &) |
gdiplus_cast template; Simulates a cast operator that can convert to and from any of OWLNext types TSize, TPoint, TRect and TColor, and its counter-part in GDI+; Gdiplus::Size/SizeF, Point/PointF, Rect/RectF and Color. | |
template<> | |
Gdiplus::Size | gdiplus_cast< Gdiplus::Size > (const TSize &v) |
template<> | |
Gdiplus::SizeF | gdiplus_cast< Gdiplus::SizeF > (const TSize &v) |
template<> | |
Gdiplus::Point | gdiplus_cast< Gdiplus::Point > (const TPoint &v) |
template<> | |
Gdiplus::PointF | gdiplus_cast< Gdiplus::PointF > (const TPoint &v) |
template<> | |
Gdiplus::Rect | gdiplus_cast< Gdiplus::Rect > (const TRect &v) |
template<> | |
Gdiplus::RectF | gdiplus_cast< Gdiplus::RectF > (const TRect &v) |
template<> | |
Gdiplus::Color | gdiplus_cast< Gdiplus::Color > (const TColor &v) |
template<> | |
TSize | gdiplus_cast< TSize > (const Gdiplus::Size &v) |
template<> | |
TSize | gdiplus_cast< TSize > (const Gdiplus::SizeF &v) |
template<> | |
TPoint | gdiplus_cast< TPoint > (const Gdiplus::Point &v) |
template<> | |
TPoint | gdiplus_cast< TPoint > (const Gdiplus::PointF &v) |
template<> | |
TRect | gdiplus_cast< TRect > (const Gdiplus::Rect &v) |
template<> | |
TRect | gdiplus_cast< TRect > (const Gdiplus::RectF &v) |
template<> | |
TColor | gdiplus_cast< TColor > (const Gdiplus::Color &v) |
Utility functions for control data transfer | |
tstring | GetDlgItemText (HWND ctrl) |
String overload. | |
void | SetDlgItemText (HWND ctrl, const tstring &text) |
String overload. | |
bool | IsChecked (HWND ctrl) |
Returns true if the given control has BST_CHECKED state. | |
bool | IsUnchecked (HWND ctrl) |
Returns true if the given control has BST_UNCHECKED state. | |
bool | IsIndeterminate (HWND ctrl) |
Returns true if the given control has BST_INDETERMINATE state. | |
void | CheckDlgButton (HWND ctrl, bool checked=true) |
Sets the state of the given control to BST_CHECKED (or BST_UNCHECKED). | |
void | UncheckDlgButton (HWND ctrl, bool unchecked=true) |
Sets the state of the given control to BST_UNCHECKED (or BST_CHECKED). | |
int | GetSelectedRadioButtonIndex (HWND firstCtrl) |
Returns the zero-based index of the selected radiobutton in the group of controls starting with the given control. | |
void | SetSelectedRadioButtonIndex (HWND firstCtrl, int selIndex) |
Selects the control with the given zero-based index in the group of controls starting with the given control. | |
Utility functions for control data transfer - integer child ID overloads | |
tstring | GetDlgItemText (HWND parent, int ctrl) |
void | SetDlgItemText (HWND parent, int ctrl, const tstring &text) |
bool | IsChecked (HWND parent, int ctrl) |
bool | IsUnchecked (HWND parent, int ctrl) |
bool | IsIndeterminate (HWND parent, int ctrl) |
void | CheckDlgButton (HWND parent, int ctrl, int state) |
void | CheckDlgButton (HWND parent, int ctrl, bool checked=true) |
void | UncheckDlgButton (HWND parent, int ctrl, bool unchecked=true) |
int | GetSelectedRadioButtonIndex (HWND parent, int ctrl) |
void | SetSelectedRadioButtonIndex (HWND parent, int ctrl, int selIndex) |
Transfer utility functions | |
void | TransferCheckBoxData (const TTransferInfo &, HWND ctrl, bool &b) |
Transfers the state of the checkbox to the given bool variable. | |
void | TransferCheckBoxData (const TTransferInfo &, HWND ctrl, UINT &state) |
Transfers the state of the checkbox to the given integer variable. | |
void | TransferCheckListData (const TTransferInfo &, HWND ctrl, TCheckListData &data) |
Transfers all the data for a check list box. | |
void | TransferComboBoxData (const TTransferInfo &, HWND ctrl, TComboBoxData &data) |
Transfers all the data for a combo box control. | |
void | TransferComboBoxData (const TTransferInfo &, HWND ctrl, int &selIndex) |
Transfers the selection index of a combo box control. | |
void | TransferComboBoxData (const TTransferInfo &, HWND ctrl, tstring &selString, bool exact=false) |
Transfers the selection string of a combo box control. | |
void | TransferComboBoxExData (const TTransferInfo &, HWND ctrl, TComboBoxExData &data) |
Transfers all the data for an extended combo box control. | |
void | TransferDateTimePickerData (const TTransferInfo &, HWND ctrl, TDateTimePickerData &data) |
Transfers all the data for a date and time picker control. | |
void | TransferDateTimePickerData (const TTransferInfo &, HWND ctrl, TSystemTime &selTime) |
Transfers the selected date and time of a date and time picker control. | |
void | TransferDateTimePickerData (const TTransferInfo &, HWND ctrl, tstring &selTime) |
Transfers the selected date and time of a date and time picker control as a string. | |
void | TransferDlgItemText (const TTransferInfo &, HWND ctrl, tstring &text) |
Transfers the text contents of a control. | |
template<class T > | |
void | TransferDlgItemText (const TTransferInfo &i, HWND ctrl, T &value, const TTransferFormat &f) |
Transfers the lexical conversion of the text contents of a control using the given format. | |
template<class T > | |
void | TransferDlgItemText (const TTransferInfo &, HWND, T *value, const TTransferFormat &) |
Overload - won't compile The sole purpose of this overload is to forbid pointers. | |
template<class T > | |
void | TransferDlgItemText (const TTransferInfo &i, HWND ctrl, T &value) |
Transfers the lexical conversion of the text contents of a control. | |
template<class T > | |
void | TransferEditData (const TTransferInfo &i, HWND ctrl, T &value) |
Transfers the lexical conversion of the text contents of an edit control. | |
template<class T > | |
void | TransferEditData (const TTransferInfo &i, HWND ctrl, T &value, const TTransferFormat &f) |
Transfers the lexical conversion of the text contents of an edit control using the given format. | |
void | TransferHotKeyData (const TTransferInfo &, HWND ctrl, uint16 &key) |
Transfers the hotkey value of a hotkey control. | |
void | TransferIPAddressData (const TTransferInfo &, HWND ctrl, TIPAddressBits &data) |
Transfers the address of a IP address control as an object. | |
void | TransferIPAddressData (const TTransferInfo &, HWND ctrl, uint32 &data) |
Transfers the address for a IP address control as a 32-bit value. | |
void | TransferListBoxData (const TTransferInfo &, HWND ctrl, TListBoxData &data) |
Transfers all the data for a list box control. | |
void | TransferListBoxData (const TTransferInfo &, HWND ctrl, int &selIndex) |
Transfers the selection index of a list box control. | |
void | TransferListBoxData (const TTransferInfo &, HWND ctrl, tstring &selString, bool exact=false) |
Transfers the selection string of a list box control. | |
void | TransferMonthCalendarData (const TTransferInfo &, HWND ctrl, TMonthCalendarData &data) |
Transfers all the data for a calendar control. | |
void | TransferMonthCalendarData (const TTransferInfo &, HWND ctrl, TSystemTime &curSel) |
Transfers the selected date and time of a calendar control. | |
void | TransferMonthCalendarData (const TTransferInfo &, HWND ctrl, std::pair< TSystemTime, TSystemTime > &rangeSel) |
Transfers the selection range of a calendar control. | |
void | TransferRadioButtonData (const TTransferInfo &, HWND ctrl, int &selIndex) |
Transfers the index of the selected radio button within a group. | |
void | TransferScrollBarData (const TTransferInfo &, HWND ctrl, TScrollBarData &data) |
Transfers all the data for a scroll bar control. | |
void | TransferScrollBarData (const TTransferInfo &, HWND ctrl, int &position) |
Transfers the current position of a scroll bar control. | |
void | TransferSliderData (const TTransferInfo &, HWND ctrl, TScrollBarData &data) |
Transfers all the data for a slider control. | |
void | TransferSliderData (const TTransferInfo &, HWND ctrl, int &position) |
Transfers the current position of a slider control. | |
template<class T > | |
void | TransferStaticData (const TTransferInfo &i, HWND ctrl, T &value) |
Transfers the lexical conversion of the text contents of a static control. | |
template<class T > | |
void | TransferStaticData (const TTransferInfo &i, HWND ctrl, T &value, const TTransferFormat &f) |
Transfers the lexical conversion of the text contents of a static control using the given format. | |
Transfer utility functions - integer child ID overloads | |
template<class T > | |
void | TransferCheckBoxData (const TTransferInfo &i, int ctrl, T &value) |
Transfers the state of the checkbox to the given variable. | |
void | TransferCheckListData (const TTransferInfo &i, int ctrl, TCheckListData &data) |
Transfers all the data for an a check list box. | |
template<class T > | |
void | TransferComboBoxData (const TTransferInfo &i, int ctrl, T &value) |
Transfers the data or selection index of a combo box control. | |
void | TransferComboBoxData (const TTransferInfo &i, int ctrl, tstring &selString, bool exact=false) |
Transfers the selection string of a combo box control. | |
void | TransferComboBoxExData (const TTransferInfo &i, int ctrl, TComboBoxExData &data) |
Transfers all the data for an extended combo box control. | |
template<class T > | |
void | TransferDateTimePickerData (const TTransferInfo &i, int ctrl, T &value) |
Transfers the data or selected date and time of a date and time picker. | |
template<class T > | |
void | TransferDlgItemText (const TTransferInfo &i, int ctrl, T &value) |
Transfers the lexical conversion of the text contents of a control. | |
template<class T > | |
void | TransferDlgItemText (const TTransferInfo &i, int ctrl, T &value, const TTransferFormat &f) |
Transfers the lexical conversion of the text contents of a control using the given format. | |
template<class T > | |
void | TransferEditData (const TTransferInfo &i, int ctrl, T &value) |
Transfers the lexical conversion of the text contents of an edit control. | |
template<class T > | |
void | TransferEditData (const TTransferInfo &i, int ctrl, T &value, const TTransferFormat &f) |
Transfers the lexical conversion of the text contents of an edit control using the given format. | |
void | TransferHotKeyData (const TTransferInfo &i, int ctrl, uint16 &key) |
Transfers the hotkey value of a hotkey control. | |
template<class T > | |
void | TransferIPAddressData (const TTransferInfo &i, int ctrl, T &value) |
Transfers the address for a IP address control. | |
template<class T > | |
void | TransferListBoxData (const TTransferInfo &i, int ctrl, T &value) |
Transfers the data or selection index of a list box control. | |
void | TransferListBoxData (const TTransferInfo &i, int ctrl, tstring &selString, bool exact=false) |
Transfers the selection string of a list box control. | |
template<class T > | |
void | TransferMonthCalendarData (const TTransferInfo &i, int ctrl, T &value) |
Transfers the data or selected date and time of a calendar control. | |
void | TransferRadioButtonData (const TTransferInfo &i, int ctrl, int &selIndex) |
Transfers the index of the selected radio button within a group. | |
template<class T > | |
void | TransferScrollBarData (const TTransferInfo &i, int ctrl, T &value) |
Transfers the data or current position of a scroll bar control. | |
template<class T > | |
void | TransferSliderData (const TTransferInfo &i, int ctrl, T &value) |
Transfers the data or current position of a slider control. | |
template<class T > | |
void | TransferStaticData (const TTransferInfo &i, int ctrl, T &value) |
Transfers the lexical conversion of the text contents of a static control. | |
template<class T > | |
void | TransferStaticData (const TTransferInfo &i, int ctrl, T &value, const TTransferFormat &f) |
Transfers the lexical conversion of the text contents of a static control using the given format. | |
Transfer utility functions - DDX-like overloads | |
void | DDX_CBIndex (const TTransferInfo &i, int id, int &selIndex) |
Transfers the selection index of a combo box control. | |
void | DDX_CBString (const TTransferInfo &i, int id, tstring &selString) |
Transfers the selection string of a combo box control. | |
void | DDX_CBStringExact (const TTransferInfo &i, int id, tstring &selString) |
Transfers the exact selection string of a combo box control. | |
void | DDX_Check (const TTransferInfo &i, int id, UINT &state) |
Transfers the state of the checkbox to the given integer variable. | |
void | DDX_DateTimeCtrl (const TTransferInfo &i, int id, TSystemTime &selTime) |
Transfers the selected date and time of a date and time picker control. | |
void | DDX_DateTimeCtrl (const TTransferInfo &i, int id, tstring &selTime) |
Transfers the selected date and time of a date and time picker control as a string. | |
void | DDX_HotKey (const TTransferInfo &i, int id, uint16 &key) |
Transfers the hotkey value of a hotkey control. | |
void | DDX_IPAddress (const TTransferInfo &i, int id, uint32 &data) |
Transfers the address for a IP address control as a 32-bit value. | |
void | DDX_LBIndex (const TTransferInfo &i, int id, int &selIndex) |
Transfers the selection index of a list box control. | |
void | DDX_LBString (const TTransferInfo &i, int id, tstring &selString) |
Transfers the selection string of a list box control. | |
void | DDX_LBStringExact (const TTransferInfo &i, int id, tstring &selString) |
Transfers the exact selection string of a list box control. | |
void | DDX_MonthCalCtrl (const TTransferInfo &i, int id, TSystemTime &curSel) |
Transfers the selected date and time of a calendar control. | |
void | DDX_Radio (const TTransferInfo &i, int id, int &selIndex) |
Transfers the index of the selected radio button within a group. | |
void | DDX_Scroll (const TTransferInfo &i, int id, int &position) |
Transfers the current position of a scroll bar control. | |
void | DDX_Slider (const TTransferInfo &i, int id, int &position) |
Transfers all the data for a slider control. | |
template<class T > | |
void | DDX_Text (const TTransferInfo &i, int id, T &value) |
Transfers the lexical conversion of the text contents of a static control. | |
Transfer utility functions - indirect transfer via member functions | |
template<class TCtrl , class D , class R , class A > | |
void | TransferCheckBoxData (const TTransferInfo &i, const TCtrl &ctrl, D *d, R(D::*get)() const, void(D::*set)(A)) |
Transfers the state of the checkbox using the given data source and member functions. | |
template<class TCtrl , class D , class R , class A > | |
void | TransferCheckListData (const TTransferInfo &i, const TCtrl &ctrl, D *d, R(D::*get)() const, void(D::*set)(A)) |
Transfers data for a check list box using the given data source and member functions. | |
template<class TCtrl , class D , class R , class A > | |
void | TransferComboBoxData (const TTransferInfo &i, const TCtrl &ctrl, D *d, R(D::*get)() const, void(D::*set)(A)) |
Transfers data for a combo box using the given data source and member functions. | |
template<class TCtrl , class TArg1 , class D , class R , class A > | |
void | TransferComboBoxData (const TTransferInfo &i, const TCtrl &ctrl, TArg1 arg1, D *d, R(D::*get)() const, void(D::*set)(A)) |
Transfers data for a combo box using the given data source and member functions. | |
template<class TCtrl , class D , class R , class A > | |
void | TransferDateTimePickerData (const TTransferInfo &i, const TCtrl &ctrl, D *d, R(D::*get)() const, void(D::*set)(A)) |
Transfers data for a date and time picker control using the given data source and member functions. | |
template<class TCtrl , class D , class R , class A > | |
void | TransferDlgItemText (const TTransferInfo &i, const TCtrl &ctrl, D *d, R(D::*get)() const, void(D::*set)(A)) |
Transfers the text contents of a control using the given data source and member functions. | |
template<class TCtrl , class D , class R , class A > | |
void | TransferDlgItemText (const TTransferInfo &i, const TCtrl &ctrl, const TTransferFormat &f, D *d, R(D::*get)() const, void(D::*set)(A)) |
Transfers the text contents of a control using the given data source and member functions. | |
template<class TCtrl , class D , class R , class A > | |
void | TransferEditData (const TTransferInfo &i, const TCtrl &ctrl, D *d, R(D::*get)() const, void(D::*set)(A)) |
Transfers data for a edit control using the given data source and member functions. | |
template<class TCtrl , class D , class R , class A > | |
void | TransferEditData (const TTransferInfo &i, const TCtrl &ctrl, const TTransferFormat &f, D *d, R(D::*get)() const, void(D::*set)(A)) |
Transfers data for a edit control using the given data source and member functions. | |
template<class TCtrl , class D , class R , class A > | |
void | TransferHotKeyData (const TTransferInfo &i, const TCtrl &ctrl, D *d, R(D::*get)() const, void(D::*set)(A)) |
Transfers data for a hotkey control using the given data source and member functions. | |
template<class TCtrl , class D , class R , class A > | |
void | TransferIPAddressData (const TTransferInfo &i, const TCtrl &ctrl, D *d, R(D::*get)() const, void(D::*set)(A)) |
Transfers data for an IP address control using the given data source and member functions. | |
template<class TCtrl , class D , class R , class A > | |
void | TransferListBoxData (const TTransferInfo &i, const TCtrl &ctrl, D *d, R(D::*get)() const, void(D::*set)(A)) |
Transfers data for a list box using the given data source and member functions. | |
template<class TCtrl , class TArg1 , class D , class R , class A > | |
void | TransferListBoxData (const TTransferInfo &i, const TCtrl &ctrl, TArg1 arg1, D *d, R(D::*get)() const, void(D::*set)(A)) |
Transfers data for a list box using the given data source and member functions. | |
template<class TCtrl , class D , class R , class A > | |
void | TransferMonthCalendarData (const TTransferInfo &i, const TCtrl &ctrl, D *d, R(D::*get)() const, void(D::*set)(A)) |
Transfers data for a list box using the given data source and member functions. | |
template<class TCtrl , class D , class R , class A > | |
void | TransferRadioButtonData (const TTransferInfo &i, const TCtrl &ctrl, D *d, R(D::*get)() const, void(D::*set)(A)) |
Transfers the index of the selected radio button within a group using the given data source and member functions. | |
template<class TCtrl , class D , class R , class A > | |
void | TransferScrollBarData (const TTransferInfo &i, const TCtrl &ctrl, D *d, R(D::*get)() const, void(D::*set)(A)) |
Transfers data for a scroll bar control using the given data source and member functions. | |
template<class TCtrl , class D , class R , class A > | |
void | TransferSliderData (const TTransferInfo &i, const TCtrl &ctrl, D *d, R(D::*get)() const, void(D::*set)(A)) |
Transfers data for a slider control using the given data source and member functions. | |
template<class TCtrl , class D , class R , class A > | |
void | TransferStaticData (const TTransferInfo &i, const TCtrl &ctrl, D *d, R(D::*get)() const, void(D::*set)(A)) |
Transfers data for a static control using the given data source and member functions. | |
template<class TCtrl , class D , class R , class A > | |
void | TransferStaticData (const TTransferInfo &i, const TCtrl &ctrl, const TTransferFormat &f, D *d, R(D::*get)() const, void(D::*set)(A)) |
Transfers data for a static control using the given data source and member functions. | |
Transfer utility functions - indirect transfer via functors | |
template<class TCtrl , class G , class S > | |
void | TransferCheckBoxData (const TTransferInfo &i, const TCtrl &ctrl, G get, S set) |
Transfers the state of the checkbox using the given functors. | |
template<class TCtrl , class G , class S > | |
void | TransferCheckListData (const TTransferInfo &i, const TCtrl &ctrl, G get, S set) |
Transfers data for a check list box using the given functors. | |
template<class TCtrl , class G , class S > | |
void | TransferComboBoxData (const TTransferInfo &i, const TCtrl &ctrl, G get, S set) |
Transfers data for a combo box using the given functors. | |
template<class TCtrl , class TArg1 , class G , class S > | |
void | TransferComboBoxData (const TTransferInfo &i, const TCtrl &ctrl, TArg1 arg1, G get, S set) |
Transfers data for a combo box using the given functors. | |
template<class TCtrl , class G , class S > | |
void | TransferDateTimePickerData (const TTransferInfo &i, const TCtrl &ctrl, G get, S set) |
Transfers data for a date and time picker control using the given functors. | |
template<class TCtrl , class G , class S > | |
void | TransferDlgItemText (const TTransferInfo &i, const TCtrl &ctrl, G get, S set) |
Transfers the text contents of a control using the given functors. | |
template<class TCtrl , class G , class S > | |
void | TransferDlgItemText (const TTransferInfo &i, const TCtrl &ctrl, const TTransferFormat &f, G get, S set) |
Transfers the text contents of a control using the given functors. | |
template<class TCtrl , class G , class S > | |
void | TransferEditData (const TTransferInfo &i, const TCtrl &ctrl, G get, S set) |
Transfers data for a edit control using the given functors. | |
template<class TCtrl , class G , class S > | |
void | TransferEditData (const TTransferInfo &i, const TCtrl &ctrl, const TTransferFormat &f, G get, S set) |
Transfers data for a edit control using the given functors. | |
template<class TCtrl , class G , class S > | |
void | TransferHotKeyData (const TTransferInfo &i, const TCtrl &ctrl, G get, S set) |
Transfers data for a hotkey control using the given functors. | |
template<class TCtrl , class G , class S > | |
void | TransferIPAddressData (const TTransferInfo &i, const TCtrl &ctrl, G get, S set) |
Transfers data for an IP address control using the given functors. | |
template<class TCtrl , class G , class S > | |
void | TransferListBoxData (const TTransferInfo &i, const TCtrl &ctrl, G get, S set) |
Transfers data for a list box using the given functors. | |
template<class TCtrl , class TArg1 , class G , class S > | |
void | TransferListBoxData (const TTransferInfo &i, const TCtrl &ctrl, TArg1 arg1, G get, S set) |
Transfers data for a list box using the given functors. | |
template<class TCtrl , class G , class S > | |
void | TransferMonthCalendarData (const TTransferInfo &i, const TCtrl &ctrl, G get, S set) |
Transfers data for a list box using the given functors. | |
template<class TCtrl , class G , class S > | |
void | TransferRadioButtonData (const TTransferInfo &i, const TCtrl &ctrl, G get, S set) |
Transfers the index of the selected radio button within a group using the given functors. | |
template<class TCtrl , class G , class S > | |
void | TransferScrollBarData (const TTransferInfo &i, const TCtrl &ctrl, G get, S set) |
Transfers data for a scroll bar control using the given functors. | |
template<class TCtrl , class G , class S > | |
void | TransferSliderData (const TTransferInfo &i, const TCtrl &ctrl, G get, S set) |
Transfers data for a slider control using the given functors. | |
template<class TCtrl , class G , class S > | |
void | TransferStaticData (const TTransferInfo &i, const TCtrl &ctrl, G get, S set) |
Transfers data for a static control using the given functors. | |
template<class TCtrl , class G , class S > | |
void | TransferStaticData (const TTransferInfo &i, const TCtrl &ctrl, const TTransferFormat &f, G get, S set) |
Transfers data for a static control using the given functors. | |
Variables | |
const int | CheckList_BoxWidth = 15 |
const uint | MAXENTRIES |
Maximum number of entries in each Vector. | |
const int | IDW_TOOLBAR = 32041 |
const uint | dtProhibited |
Flags which are stripped off when invoking Open/Save dialogs [See SelectDocPath() method for more information ]. | |
const uint | dtNewDoc = 0x80000000L |
create new document, no path used | |
const uint | dtAutoDelete = 0x40000000L |
delete doc when last view is deleted | |
const uint | dtNoAutoView = 0x20000000L |
no automatic create of default view | |
const uint | dtSingleView = 0x10000000L |
only a single view per document | |
const uint | dtAutoOpen = 0x08000000L |
open document upon creation | |
const uint | dtUpdateDir = 0x04000000L |
syncronize directory with dialog dir | |
const uint | dtHidden = 0x02000000L |
hide template from user selection | |
const uint | dtSelected = 0x01000000L |
indicates template last selected | |
const uint | dtDynRegInfo = 0x00800000L |
reginfo table is dynamic, not static | |
const uint | dtSingleUse = 0x00400000L |
to be registered as single use | |
const uint | dtRegisterExt = 0x00200000L |
register extension with this app | |
const uint | dtForbidNew = 0x00100000L |
forbids creating new document | |
const uint | dtReadOnly = 0x0001 |
const uint | dtOverwritePrompt = 0x0002 |
const uint | dtHideReadOnly = 0x0004 |
const uint | dtPathMustExist = 0x0800 |
const uint | dtFileMustExist = 0x1000 |
const uint | dtCreatePrompt = 0x2000 |
const uint | dtNoReadOnly = 0x8000 |
const uint | dtNoTestCreate = 0x10000L |
const unsigned int | IDW_MDICLIENT = 32000 |
ID of MDI client window. | |
const unsigned int | IDW_FIRSTMDICHILD = 32001 |
child window IDs, 32 max to 32032 | |
const int | TablePtr = -1 |
const TLangId | LangSysDefault = 0x0800 |
const TLangId | LangUserDefault = 0x0400 |
const TLangId | LangNeutral = 0x0000 |
const int | IDW_STATUSBAR = 32040 |
class _RTTI | TStreamable |
TModule * | Module = 0 |
const int | ocrVerbLimit = 8 |
Maximum number of verbs registered per class. | |
const int | ocrFormatLimit = 8 |
Maximum number of data formats per class. | |
class _OWLFASTTHIS _RTTI | TStreamer |
class _OWLFASTTHIS _RTTI | TStreamableBase |
const int | AS_MANY_AS_NEEDED = -1 |
Arranges its gadgets in a matrix. | |
const auto | ScmTrace = 0xFEC0 |
const int | TextSpaceV = 0 |
const int | TextSpaceH = 0 |
const tchar | whitespace [] = _T(" \t") |
const tchar | terminator [] = _T("=/ \t\"") |
const uint32 | SECONDS_IN_DAY = 86400L |
const tchar ** | candidates |
const tchar int | icand |
const uint | BLANK_HELP = UINT_MAX |
const int | TextSpaceE = 15 |
const int | ButtonSpaceH = 0 |
const int | ButtonSpaceV = 0 |
const int | B_size = 516 |
const int | serverNamePrefixLen = sizeof serverNamePrefix / sizeof(tchar) - 1 |
const int | DefaultGripSize = 6 |
const uint | GadgetWindowTimerID = 0xBACA |
const uint | GadgetWindowTimeOut = 1000 |
const int | LayoutMargin = 4 |
const int | FaceToFocusRectDelta = 1 |
const int | BUTTONSTATE_PUSHED = 0x0004 |
const int | BUTTONSTATE_FOCUS = 0x0008 |
const int | BUTTONSTATE_HOT = 0x0010 |
const uint32 | BUTTONSTYLE_MASK = 0x000000FFL |
const long | RopDSPDxax = 0x00E20746L |
const tchar | VirtualLastLineStr [] = _T("---") |
const TLangId | InvalidLangId = 0xFFFF |
const int | MaxMenuTextLen = 512 |
const uint8 | ThunkInitializerForBorland32Bit [] |
const uint8 | ThunkInitializerForMicrosoft32Bit [] |
const uint8 | ThunkInitializerForMicrosoft64Bit [] |
const int | CellSpacing = 2 |
const uint | PropSheetTimerID = 0xBACB |
const uint | PropSheetTimeOut = 100 |
const int | CM_MRU_LAST = CM_MRU_FIRST + TRecentFiles::MaxMenuItems |
const uint | FullPathName = TFileName::Server|TFileName::Device|TFileName::Path |
const uint | FullFileName = TFileName::Server|TFileName::Device|TFileName::Path|TFileName::File|TFileName::Ext |
const tchar * | CountKey = _T("Count") |
const tchar * | MruPrefix = _T("File") |
const tchar * | MenuItemDefault = _T("Default") |
const tchar * | Section = _T("Recent File List") |
const tchar * | MaxCountKey = _T("MaxCount") |
const int | MaxMenuItemLen = 255 |
const int | MaxRegValueLen = MaxMenuItemLen |
const int | MaxFormatLen = 40 |
const int | MinPointSize = 6 |
const int | MaxPointSize = 128 |
const tchar | RichEditDllName [] = _T("RICHED32.DLL") |
const tchar | RichEdit20DllName [] = _T("RICHED20.DLL") |
const int | TimerId = 1 |
const int | PercentThreshold = 95 |
const int | InitSize = 5 |
const int | InitDelta = 5 |
const int | HorzPad = 6 |
const int | VertPad = 4 |
const int | HorzSelInc = 1 |
const int | VertSelInc = 1 |
const int | HorzMargin = 3 |
const int | VertMargin = 3 |
const int | ClientMargin = 2 |
const int | ID_Updown = 0x100 |
const int | DefDelay = 500 |
const int | DefTipTextCacheSize = 128 |
const unsigned | TOOLTIP_TIMERID = 0xABBA |
const long | RopPSDPxax = 0x00B8074AL |
const uint | UpDownTimerID1 = 0x1000 |
const uint | UpDownTimerID2 = 0x1001 |
const uint | InitDelay = 500 |
const uint | RepeatDelay = 50 |
const uint | MinUniqueViewId = 0x8000 |
Definitions of dmXxx document manager operational mode flags | |
const uint | dmSDI = 0x0001 |
Does not support multiple open documents. | |
const uint | dmMDI = 0x0002 |
Supports multiple open documents. | |
const uint | dmMenu = 0x0004 |
Set IDs for file menu. | |
const uint | dmSaveEnable = 0x0010 |
Enable FileSave even if doc is unmodified. | |
const uint | dmNoRevert = 0x0020 |
Disable FileRevert menu item. | |
Definitions of WM_OWLNOTIFY event IDs (view notifications) | |
event ID's up to vnCustomBase reserved for general doc-view notifications | |
const uint | vnViewOpened = 1 |
a new view has just been constructed | |
const uint | vnViewClosed = 2 |
another view is about to be destructed | |
const uint | vnDocOpened = 3 |
document has just been opened | |
const uint | vnDocClosed = 4 |
document has just been closed | |
const uint | vnCommit = 5 |
document is committing, flush cached changes | |
const uint | vnRevert = 6 |
document has reverted, reload data from doc | |
const uint | vnIsDirty = 7 |
respond true if uncommitted changes present | |
const uint | vnIsWindow = 8 |
respond true if passed HWND is that of view | |
const uint | vnCustomBase = 100 |
base of document class specific notifications | |
Document and view property access flags | |
Define document and view property attributes. Documents, views, and applications use these attributes to determine how to process a document or view. | |
const uint | pfGetText = 1 |
property accessible as text format | |
const uint | pfGetBinary = 2 |
property accessible as native non-text format | |
const uint | pfConstant = 4 |
property is invariant for object instance | |
const uint | pfSettable = 8 |
property settable as native format | |
const uint | pfUnknown = 16 |
property defined but unavailable in object | |
const uint | pfHidden = 32 |
property should be hidden from normal browse | |
const uint | pfUserDef =128 |
property has been user-defined at run time | |
Property sheet notifications | |
const int | PropPageID = 0xFFF0 |
Property sheets notify property pages of events via the standard WM_NOTIFY message. | |
Object Windows Library (OWLNext Core)
typedef TStreamer *(* owl::BUILDER) (TStreamableBase *) |
Definition at line 58 of file streambl.h.
Definition at line 52 of file streambl.h.
Definition at line 145 of file regexp.cpp.
Definition at line 20 of file regexp.cpp.
Definition at line 119 of file dispatch.h.
Definition at line 108 of file dispatch.h.
Definition at line 42 of file decframe.h.
Definition at line 90 of file decmdifr.h.
Definition at line 43 of file docmanag.cpp.
Definition at line 29 of file bardescr.h.
Definition at line 31 of file decframe.h.
Loader for the HHCTRL.OCX.
Definition at line 227 of file hlpmanag.h.
typedef std::ifstream owl::tifstream |
Definition at line 43 of file strmdefs.h.
Definition at line 42 of file strmdefs.h.
typedef std::istream owl::tistream |
Definition at line 39 of file strmdefs.h.
typedef std::istringstream owl::tistringstream |
Definition at line 37 of file strmdefs.h.
Holds a language ID, a predefined number that represents a base language and dialect.
For example, the number 409 represents American English. TLocaleString uses the language ID to find the correct translation for strings.
Definition at line 26 of file lclstrng.h.
Definition at line 25 of file listview.h.
Definition at line 33 of file listwind.h.
Definition at line 31 of file listwind.h.
Definition at line 35 of file listwind.h.
Definition at line 94 of file commview.h.
Definition at line 383 of file commctrl.h.
Definition at line 394 of file commctrl.h.
Definition at line 37 of file listwind.h.
Definition at line 410 of file commctrl.h.
Definition at line 362 of file commctrl.h.
Definition at line 27 of file listwind.h.
Definition at line 422 of file commctrl.h.
Definition at line 446 of file commctrl.h.
Definition at line 29 of file listwind.h.
Definition at line 458 of file commctrl.h.
Definition at line 373 of file commctrl.h.
Definition at line 351 of file commctrl.h.
Definition at line 434 of file commctrl.h.
Definition at line 57 of file applicat.h.
Message ID type.
Definition at line 53 of file dispatch.h.
typedef TSortedObjectArray<TObjInfo> owl::TObjInfoBag |
Definition at line 57 of file gdiobjec.cpp.
typedef std::ofstream owl::tofstream |
Definition at line 44 of file strmdefs.h.
typedef std::ostream owl::tostream |
Definition at line 40 of file strmdefs.h.
typedef std::ostringstream owl::tostringstream |
Definition at line 36 of file strmdefs.h.
First parameter type.
Definition at line 54 of file dispatch.h.
Second parameter type.
Definition at line 55 of file dispatch.h.
Alias for convenience.
Definition at line 2894 of file dispatch.h.
typedef TDispatch<WM_PARENTNOTIFY>::TChildInfoArgs owl::TParentNotifyChildInfo |
Alias for convenience.
Definition at line 2895 of file dispatch.h.
typedef TDispatch<WM_PARENTNOTIFY>::TMouseInfoArgs owl::TParentNotifyMouseInfo |
Alias for convenience.
Definition at line 2896 of file dispatch.h.
Definition at line 575 of file module.cpp.
Definition at line 574 of file module.cpp.
Result type.
Definition at line 52 of file dispatch.h.
Definition at line 227 of file splitter.h.
Definition at line 484 of file template.h.
typedef std::streambuf owl::tstreambuf |
Definition at line 41 of file strmdefs.h.
Definition at line 28 of file lclstrng.h.
typedef std::string owl::tstring |
typedef TSortedObjectArray<TStringMapNode> owl::TStringMap |
Definition at line 1003 of file configfl.cpp.
typedef std::stringstream owl::tstringstream |
Definition at line 38 of file strmdefs.h.
Definition at line 26 of file treewind.h.
Definition at line 25 of file treewind.h.
Definition at line 98 of file treeviewctrl.h.
Definition at line 521 of file commctrl.h.
Definition at line 485 of file commctrl.h.
Definition at line 531 of file commctrl.h.
Definition at line 506 of file commctrl.h.
Definition at line 496 of file commctrl.h.
Definition at line 474 of file commctrl.h.
Check box and radio button objects use the button flag constants to indicate the state of a selection box.
Enumerator | |
BF_CHECKED | Item is checked. |
BF_GRAYED | Item is grayed. |
BF_UNCHECKED | Item is unchecked. |
Definition at line 28 of file checkbox.h.
Enumerator | |
RtDialog | |
RtToolbar | |
RtNewDialog |
Definition at line 36 of file resource.h.
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 1797 of file applicat.cpp.
Enumerator | |
M_BOL | |
M_EOL | |
M_ANY | |
M_CCL | |
M_OPT | |
Definition at line 133 of file regexp.cpp.
Enumeration describing the type of event notifications you want to receive for a given socket.
Enumeration describing whether to split a window in the X or Y plane.
Enumerator | |
psHorizontal | Horizontal split. |
psVertical | Vertical split. |
psNone | Unspecified split. |
Definition at line 30 of file splitter.h.
Definition at line 331 of file file.cpp.
References owl::TFile::Archive, owl::TFile::Directory, owl::TFile::Hidden, owl::TFile::Normal, owl::TFile::RdOnly, owl::TFile::System, and owl::TFile::Temporary.
Definition at line 487 of file template.h.
Definition at line 502 of file template.h.
Definition at line 491 of file template.h.
Definition at line 505 of file template.h.
Definition at line 509 of file template.h.
Definition at line 506 of file template.h.
Definition at line 503 of file template.h.
Definition at line 507 of file template.h.
Definition at line 510 of file template.h.
Definition at line 495 of file template.h.
Definition at line 312 of file file.cpp.
References owl::TFile::Archive, owl::TFile::Directory, owl::TFile::Hidden, owl::TFile::Normal, owl::TFile::RdOnly, owl::TFile::System, and owl::TFile::Temporary.
owl::_OWLDATA | ( | TDialog * | ) |
extern |
Definition at line 49 of file dateio.cpp.
Definition at line 128 of file dispatch.h.
Definition at line 330 of file glyphbtn.cpp.
Sets the state of the given control to BST_CHECKED (or BST_UNCHECKED).
Definition at line 87 of file transfer.h.
References CheckDlgButton().
Definition at line 134 of file transfer.h.
References CheckDlgButton().
Definition at line 131 of file transfer.h.
References CheckDlgButton().
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
Copies text from a C-string (null-terminated character array) into a string object, using a function or functor (function object) to do the actual copying.
To be used by string-aware functions for copying text from C APIs to string objects. Usually a functor will be provided that wraps a C API function that provides the data.
should copy max (buf_size - 1) characters of text into buf and add a null-terminator. It should return the number of characters copied, excluding the null-terminator.
inline |
Transfers the selection index of a combo box control.
Definition at line 555 of file transfer.h.
References TransferComboBoxData().
inline |
Transfers the selection string of a combo box control.
Definition at line 561 of file transfer.h.
References TransferComboBoxData().
inline |
Transfers the exact selection string of a combo box control.
Definition at line 567 of file transfer.h.
References TransferComboBoxData().
inline |
Transfers the state of the checkbox to the given integer variable.
This overload supports tri-state check boxes (BST_CHECKED, BST_INDETERMINATE, BST_UNCHECKED).
Definition at line 574 of file transfer.h.
References TransferCheckBoxData().
inline |
Transfers the selected date and time of a date and time picker control as a string.
Definition at line 586 of file transfer.h.
References TransferDateTimePickerData().
inline |
Transfers the selected date and time of a date and time picker control.
Definition at line 580 of file transfer.h.
References TransferDateTimePickerData().
inline |
Transfers the hotkey value of a hotkey control.
Definition at line 592 of file transfer.h.
References TransferHotKeyData().
inline |
Transfers the address for a IP address control as a 32-bit value.
Definition at line 598 of file transfer.h.
References TransferIPAddressData().
inline |
Transfers the selection index of a list box control.
Definition at line 604 of file transfer.h.
References TransferListBoxData().
inline |
Transfers the selection string of a list box control.
Definition at line 610 of file transfer.h.
References TransferListBoxData().
inline |
Transfers the exact selection string of a list box control.
Definition at line 616 of file transfer.h.
References TransferListBoxData().
inline |
Transfers the selected date and time of a calendar control.
Definition at line 622 of file transfer.h.
References TransferMonthCalendarData().
inline |
Transfers the index of the selected radio button within a group.
Definition at line 628 of file transfer.h.
References TransferRadioButtonData().
inline |
Transfers the current position of a scroll bar control.
Definition at line 634 of file transfer.h.
References TransferScrollBarData().
inline |
Transfers all the data for a slider control.
Definition at line 640 of file transfer.h.
References TransferSliderData().
void owl::DDX_Text | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
int | id, | ||
T & | value ) |
Transfers the lexical conversion of the text contents of a static control.
For example, numbers will be transferred as their representation as text.
Definition at line 648 of file transfer.h.
References TransferDlgItemText().
owl::DIAG_DECLARE_GROUP | ( | OwlApp | ) |
owl::DIAG_DECLARE_GROUP | ( | OwlCmd | ) |
owl::DIAG_DECLARE_GROUP | ( | OwlCommCtrl | ) |
owl::DIAG_DECLARE_GROUP | ( | OwlCommDialog | ) |
owl::DIAG_DECLARE_GROUP | ( | OwlControl | ) |
owl::DIAG_DECLARE_GROUP | ( | OwlDocView | ) |
owl::DIAG_DECLARE_GROUP | ( | OwlGadget | ) |
owl::DIAG_DECLARE_GROUP | ( | OwlGDI | ) |
owl::DIAG_DECLARE_GROUP | ( | OwlGDIOrphan | ) |
owl::DIAG_DECLARE_GROUP | ( | OwlMain | ) |
owl::DIAG_DECLARE_GROUP | ( | OwlMsg | ) |
owl::DIAG_DECLARE_GROUP | ( | OwlThread | ) |
owl::DIAG_DECLARE_GROUP | ( | OwlWin | ) |
MsgThreads | , | ||
1 | , | ||
0 | ) |
OwlCommCtrl | , | ||
1 | , | ||
0 | ) |
OwlCommDialog | , | ||
1 | , | ||
0 | ) |
OwlControl | , | ||
1 | , | ||
0 | ) |
OwlDocking | , | ||
1 | , | ||
0 | ) |
OwlDocView | , | ||
1 | , | ||
0 | ) |
OwlFileSystem | , | ||
1 | , | ||
0 | ) |
OwlGDIOrphan | , | ||
1 | , | ||
0 | ) |
Definition at line 213 of file dispatch.h.
Definition at line 217 of file dispatch.h.
Definition at line 221 of file dispatch.h.
Definition at line 225 of file dispatch.h.
Definition at line 209 of file dispatch.h.
A TActionFunc defined in window.cpp.
Definition at line 2141 of file window.cpp.
References owl::TWindow::EnableAutoCreate(), and owl::TWindow::GetHandle().
Definition at line 549 of file regexp.cpp.
CmArrangeIcons | ) |
CmCascadeChildren | ) |
CmCloseChildren | ) |
CmContextHelp | ) |
CmCreateChild | ) |
owl::EV_COMMAND | ( | CM_EDITADD | , |
CmEditAdd | ) |
owl::EV_COMMAND | ( | CM_EDITCLEAR | , |
CmEditClear | ) |
owl::EV_COMMAND | ( | Cm_EditClear | , |
CmEditClear | ) |
owl::EV_COMMAND | ( | CM_EDITCOPY | , |
CmEditCopy | ) |
owl::EV_COMMAND | ( | CM_EDITCUT | , |
CmEditCut | ) |
CmEditDelete | ) |
owl::EV_COMMAND | ( | CM_EDITEDIT | , |
CmEditItem | ) |
owl::EV_COMMAND | ( | CM_EDITFIND | , |
CmEditFind | ) |
CmEditFindNext | ) |
owl::EV_COMMAND | ( | CM_EDITPASTE | , |
CmEditPaste | ) |
CmEditReplace | ) |
owl::EV_COMMAND | ( | Cm_EditSelectAll | , |
CmEditSelectAll | ) |
owl::EV_COMMAND | ( | CM_EDITUNDO | , |
CmEditUndo | ) |
owl::EV_COMMAND | ( | CM_FILECLOSE | , |
CmFileClose | ) |
owl::EV_COMMAND | ( | CM_FILENEW | , |
CmFileNew | ) |
owl::EV_COMMAND | ( | CM_FILEOPEN | , |
CmFileOpen | ) |
CmFileRevert | ) |
owl::EV_COMMAND | ( | CM_FILESAVE | , |
CmFileSave | ) |
CmFileSaveAs | ) |
CmFormatBkColor | ) |
CmFormatBold | ) |
CmFormatColor | ) |
CmFormatFont | ) |
CmFormatItalic | ) |
CmFormatStrikeout | ) |
CmFormatUnderline | ) |
owl::EV_COMMAND | ( | Cm_NextPane | , |
CmNextPane | ) |
CmParagraphBullet | ) |
CmParagraphCenter | ) |
CmParagraphLeft | ) |
CmParagraphRight | ) |
owl::EV_COMMAND | ( | Cm_PreviousPane | , |
CmPreviousPane | ) |
owl::EV_COMMAND | ( | Cm_SaveTrace | , |
CmSave | ) |
owl::EV_COMMAND | ( | Cm_SetLevel | , |
CmSetLevel | ) |
CmTileChildren | ) |
CmTileChildrenHoriz | ) |
owl::EV_COMMAND | ( | Cm_Top | , |
CmTop | ) |
CmViewCreate | ) |
owl::EV_COMMAND | ( | CM_WHAT_IS_THIS | , |
CmWhatIsThis | ) |
owl::EV_COMMAND | ( | IDB_DONE | , |
CmDone | ) |
owl::EV_COMMAND | ( | IDB_NEXT | , |
CmNext | ) |
owl::EV_COMMAND | ( | IDB_ONEUP | , |
CmOneUp | ) |
owl::EV_COMMAND | ( | IDB_PREVIOUS | , |
CmPrevious | ) |
owl::EV_COMMAND | ( | IDB_TWOUP | , |
CmTwoUp | ) |
owl::EV_COMMAND | ( | IDCANCEL | , |
CmCancel | ) |
owl::EV_COMMAND | ( | IDCANCEL | , |
CmOkCancel | ) |
owl::EV_COMMAND | ( | IDOK | , |
CmOk | ) |
owl::EV_COMMAND | ( | IDOK | , |
CmOK | ) |
owl::EV_COMMAND | ( | IDOK | , |
CmOkCancel | ) |
owl::EV_COMMAND_AND_ID | ( | CM_MRU_FIRST+ | 0, |
CmFile | ) |
CmChildActionEnable | ) |
CmChildActionEnable | ) |
CmChildActionEnable | ) |
CeContextHelp | ) |
CeEditClear | ) |
CmCharsEnable | ) |
CeHasSelect | ) |
CmSelectEnable | ) |
CeHasSelect | ) |
CmSelectEnable | ) |
CeHasSelect | ) |
CmSelectEnable | ) |
CeEditFindReplace | ) |
CeEditFindNext | ) |
CeEditPaste | ) |
CmPasteEnable | ) |
CeEditFindReplace | ) |
CeEditUndo | ) |
CmModEnable | ) |
owl::EV_COMMAND_ENABLE | ( | CM_EXIT | , |
CeExit | ) |
References owl::TRegKey::GetCurrentUser(), MaxCountKey, owl::TRecentFiles::MaxMenuItems, and Section.
CeFileClose | ) |
CeFileNew | ) |
CeFileOpen | ) |
CeFileRevert | ) |
CeFileSave | ) |
CmSaveEnable | ) |
CeFileSaveAs | ) |
CeFormatBkColor | ) |
CeFormatBold | ) |
CeFormatColor | ) |
CeFormatFont | ) |
CeFormatItalic | ) |
CeFormatStrikeout | ) |
CeFormatUnderline | ) |
CeParagraphBullet | ) |
CeParagraphCenter | ) |
CeParagraphLeft | ) |
CeParagraphRight | ) |
owl::EV_COMMAND_ENABLE | ( | Cm_SetLevel | , |
CeSetLevel | ) |
CmChildActionEnable | ) |
CmChildActionEnable | ) |
owl::EV_COMMAND_ENABLE | ( | Cm_Top | , |
CeTop | ) |
CeViewCreate | ) |
CeNext | ) |
CePrevious | ) |
CeTwoUp | ) |
owl::EV_LBN_DBLCLK | ( | Idc_GroupListBox | , |
CmSetLevel | ) |
owl::EV_LBN_DBLCLK | ( | IDC_LIST | , |
CmOK | ) |
owl::EV_LBN_SELCHANGE | ( | Idc_ModuleListBox | , |
LbnSelChangeModule | ) |
owl::EV_MESSAGE | ( | BM_GETSTATE | , |
BmGetState | ) |
owl::EV_MESSAGE | ( | BM_SETSTATE | , |
BmSetState | ) |
owl::EV_MESSAGE | ( | BM_SETSTYLE | , |
BMSetStyle | ) |
owl::EV_MESSAGE | ( | BM_SETSTYLE | , |
BmSetStyle | ) |
owl::EV_MESSAGE | ( | MM_MCINOTIFY | , |
EvMciNotify | ) |
DoNotification | ) |
DoNotification | ) |
DoNotification | ) |
owl::EV_MESSAGE | ( | WM_SETNUMBER | , |
EvSetNumber | ) |
owl::EV_NM_CLICK | ( | UINT_MAX | , |
EvFollowLink | ) |
owl::EV_NM_RETURN | ( | UINT_MAX | , |
EvFollowLink | ) |
BNClicked | ) |
ENErrSpace | ) |
CmEditItem | ) |
CmSelChange | ) |
owl::EV_PSN_APPLY | ( | Apply | ) |
owl::EV_PSN_HELP | ( | Help | ) |
owl::EV_PSN_KILLACTIVE | ( | KillActive | ) |
owl::EV_PSN_QUERYCANCEL | ( | QueryCancel | ) |
owl::EV_PSN_RESET | ( | Reset | ) |
owl::EV_PSN_SETACTIVE | ( | SetActive | ) |
owl::EV_PSN_WIZBACK | ( | WizBack | ) |
owl::EV_PSN_WIZFINISH | ( | WizFinish | ) |
owl::EV_PSN_WIZNEXT | ( | WizNext | ) |
DragNotify | ) |
EvFindMsg | ) |
owl::EV_REGISTERED | ( | SerializerMessage | , |
BlockReceived | ) |
EvTabControlSelChange | ) |
EvTabControlSelChanging | ) |
owl::EV_UDN_DELTAPOS | ( | UINT_MAX | , |
EvUpDown | ) |
owl::EV_WM_CTLCOLORBTN | ( | EvCtlColor | ) |
owl::EV_WM_CTLCOLORDLG | ( | EvCtlColor | ) |
owl::EV_WM_CTLCOLOREDIT | ( | EvCtlColor | ) |
owl::EV_WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX | ( | EvCtlColor | ) |
owl::EV_WM_CTLCOLORSCROLLBAR | ( | EvCtlColor | ) |
owl::EV_WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC | ( | EvCtlColor | ) |
bool owl::EvBarInserter | ( | TDecoratedFrame & | frame, |
TGadgetWindow & | destWindow, | ||
TAbsLocation | loc ) |
Definition at line 47 of file decframe.cpp.
References owl::TWindow::GetHandle(), and owl::TDecoratedFrame::Insert().
Definition at line 1775 of file applicat.cpp.
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
gdiplus_cast template; Simulates a cast operator that can convert to and from any of OWLNext types TSize, TPoint, TRect and TColor, and its counter-part in GDI+; Gdiplus::Size/SizeF, Point/PointF, Rect/RectF and Color.
This template is an alternative to the more specific conversion functions ConvertToGdiplus and ConvertFromGdiplus.
inline |
Definition at line 193 of file gdiplus.h.
References ConvertToGdiplus().
inline |
Definition at line 169 of file gdiplus.h.
References ConvertToGdiplus< Gdiplus::Point >().
inline |
Definition at line 175 of file gdiplus.h.
References ConvertToGdiplus< Gdiplus::PointF >().
inline |
Definition at line 181 of file gdiplus.h.
References ConvertToGdiplus< Gdiplus::Rect >().
inline |
Definition at line 187 of file gdiplus.h.
References ConvertToGdiplus< Gdiplus::RectF >().
inline |
Definition at line 157 of file gdiplus.h.
References ConvertToGdiplus< Gdiplus::Size >().
inline |
Definition at line 163 of file gdiplus.h.
References ConvertToGdiplus< Gdiplus::SizeF >().
inline |
Definition at line 235 of file gdiplus.h.
References ConvertFromGdiplus().
inline |
Definition at line 211 of file gdiplus.h.
References ConvertFromGdiplus().
inline |
Definition at line 217 of file gdiplus.h.
References ConvertFromGdiplus().
inline |
Definition at line 223 of file gdiplus.h.
References ConvertFromGdiplus().
inline |
Definition at line 229 of file gdiplus.h.
References ConvertFromGdiplus().
inline |
Definition at line 199 of file gdiplus.h.
References ConvertFromGdiplus().
inline |
Definition at line 205 of file gdiplus.h.
References ConvertFromGdiplus().
TApplication * owl::GetApplicationObject | ( | uint | pid = 0 | ) |
Global function that calls GetApplication() on owl's app-dictionary.
Used by EXEs, or DLLs statically linking Owl. Never returns 0, will make an alias app if needed. Primarily for compatibility
Definition at line 298 of file appdict.cpp.
References _T, owl::TAppDictionary::GetApplication(), OWLGetAppDictionary(), and WARN.
Returns the version number of the Common Control library (ComCtl32.dll).
The upper WORD of the returned value contains the major version number, and the lower WORD contains the minor version number.
Definition at line 26 of file commctrl.cpp.
owl::TWindow * owl::GetCreationWindow | ( | ) |
WNDPROC owl::GetDefWindowProc | ( | ) |
Definition at line 165 of file owl.cpp.
Retrieves a diagnostic group's enabled flag from a private ini-file.
The master enable switch 'Enabled' overrides individual group settings. The ini-file is searched for in standard profile places.
Definition at line 93 of file diaginit.cpp.
References _A2W, _T, _USES_CONVERSION, GetDiagIniFullFileName_(), and owl::TProfile::GetInt().
Definition at line 78 of file diaginit.cpp.
References _A2W, _T, _USES_CONVERSION, owl::TFileName::Canonical(), owl::TFileName::Device, owl::TFileName::Ext, owl::TFileName::File, owl::TFileName::HasParts(), owl::TFileName::Path, and owl::TFileName::Server.
Retrieves a diagnostic group's level setting from a private ini-file.
The ini-file is searched for in standard profile places.
Definition at line 106 of file diaginit.cpp.
References _A2W, _USES_CONVERSION, and GetDiagIniFullFileName_().
void * owl::GetDispatchHelper | ( | ) |
Definition at line 509 of file owl.cpp.
References DispatchWindowMessage().
String overload.
Definition at line 57 of file transfer.h.
References owl::TWindow::GetDlgItemText().
Definition at line 116 of file transfer.h.
References owl::TWindow::GetDlgItemText().
Helper; returns the type of a window as an tstring.
TODO: Move to a more suitable home where it is more convenient for reuse.
Definition at line 262 of file transferbuffer.h.
extern |
Definition at line 48 of file global.cpp.
References InitGlobalModule(), and Module.
inline |
Definition at line 53 of file streambl.h.
Returns the zero-based index of the selected radiobutton in the group of controls starting with the given control.
The function searches controls until the next control with the WS_GROUP is found.
Definition at line 82 of file transfer.cpp.
Definition at line 140 of file transfer.h.
References GetSelectedRadioButtonIndex().
extern |
Raw function to retrieve a TWindow pointer given an HWND from the a given app, or any app (app==0).
Determine the object pointer by sending a GetWindowPtrMsgId message to the window.
Use the TWindow or TApplication member versions in new code for more protection.
When TWindow::ReceiveMessage receives this message it returns a pointer to the object. If app is non-zero, then the process makes sure that the corresponding TWindow is returned.
Definition at line 1557 of file window.cpp.
inline |
Definition at line 183 of file preview.cpp.
int owl::HandleGlobalException | ( | owl::TXBase & | x, |
LPCTSTR | caption, | ||
LPCTSTR | canResume = nullptr ) |
Definition at line 29 of file except.cpp.
References _T.
Definition at line 227 of file time.h.
References owl::TTime::Hash().
convert HSL to RGB
given h,s,l on [0..1],return r,g,b on [0..1]
Definition at line 427 of file palette.cpp.
TScrollBar | ) |
owl::IMPLEMENT_STREAMABLE | ( | TDocManager | ) |
owl::IMPLEMENT_STREAMABLE | ( | TModule | ) |
owl::IMPLEMENT_STREAMABLE | ( | TPrinter | ) |
owl::IMPLEMENT_STREAMABLE | ( | TPrintout | ) |
owl::IMPLEMENT_STREAMABLE | ( | TScroller | ) |
owl::IMPLEMENT_STREAMABLE1 | ( | TApplication | , |
TModule | ) |
owl::IMPLEMENT_STREAMABLE1 | ( | TEditFile | , |
TEditSearch | ) |
owl::IMPLEMENT_STREAMABLE1 | ( | TEditSearch | , |
TEdit | ) |
owl::IMPLEMENT_STREAMABLE1 | ( | TFileDocument | , |
TDocument | ) |
References ReadBaseObject().
owl::IMPLEMENT_STREAMABLE1 | ( | TFilterValidator | , |
TValidator | ) |
owl::IMPLEMENT_STREAMABLE1 | ( | TFlatScroller | , |
TScroller | ) |
owl::IMPLEMENT_STREAMABLE1 | ( | TFrameWindow | , |
TWindow | ) |
owl::IMPLEMENT_STREAMABLE1 | ( | TLayoutWindow | , |
TWindow | ) |
owl::IMPLEMENT_STREAMABLE1 | ( | TLookupValidator | , |
TValidator | ) |
owl::IMPLEMENT_STREAMABLE1 | ( | TMDIClient | , |
TWindow | ) |
owl::IMPLEMENT_STREAMABLE1 | ( | TMemComboBox | , |
TComboBox | ) |
owl::IMPLEMENT_STREAMABLE1 | ( | TPXPictureValidator | , |
TValidator | ) |
owl::IMPLEMENT_STREAMABLE1 | ( | TRadioButton | , |
TCheckBox | ) |
owl::IMPLEMENT_STREAMABLE1 | ( | TRangeValidator | , |
TFilterValidator | ) |
owl::IMPLEMENT_STREAMABLE1 | ( | TScrollBar | , |
TControl | ) |
owl::IMPLEMENT_STREAMABLE1 | ( | TStringLookupValidator | , |
TLookupValidator | ) |
owl::IMPLEMENT_STREAMABLE2 | ( | TDialogView | , |
TDialog | , | ||
TView | ) |
owl::IMPLEMENT_STREAMABLE2 | ( | TEditView | , |
TEditSearch | , | ||
TView | ) |
owl::IMPLEMENT_STREAMABLE2 | ( | TFloatingFrame | , |
TTinyCaption | , | ||
TFrameWindow | ) |
owl::IMPLEMENT_STREAMABLE2 | ( | TInputDialog | , |
TDialog | , | ||
TWindow | ) |
owl::IMPLEMENT_STREAMABLE2 | ( | TListBoxView | , |
TListBox | , | ||
TView | ) |
owl::IMPLEMENT_STREAMABLE2 | ( | TMDIChild | , |
TFrameWindow | , | ||
TWindow | ) |
owl::IMPLEMENT_STREAMABLE2 | ( | TMDIFrame | , |
TFrameWindow | , | ||
TWindow | ) |
owl::IMPLEMENT_STREAMABLE2 | ( | TRichEditView | , |
TRichEdit | , | ||
TView | ) |
owl::IMPLEMENT_STREAMABLE2 | ( | TWindowView | , |
TWindow | , | ||
TView | ) |
owl::IMPLEMENT_STREAMABLE3 | ( | TDecoratedFrame | , |
TFrameWindow | , | ||
TLayoutWindow | , | ||
TWindow | ) |
owl::IMPLEMENT_STREAMABLE4 | ( | TDecoratedMDIFrame | , |
TMDIFrame | , | ||
TDecoratedFrame | , | ||
TFrameWindow | , | ||
TWindow | ) |
Wrapper for the Windows API function InitCommmonControlsEx.
The given argument must be one or a combination of flags indicating the controls to register. Throws TXCommCtrl on failure.
Definition at line 19 of file commctrl.cpp.
where string is integer????
Definition at line 108 of file configfl.cpp.
Definition at line 115 of file configfl.cpp.
References _T, _tcslen, is_digit(), and PRECONDITION.
Returns true if the given control has BST_CHECKED state.
Definition at line 69 of file transfer.h.
Definition at line 122 of file transfer.h.
References IsChecked().
Returns true if the given control has BST_INDETERMINATE state.
Definition at line 81 of file transfer.h.
Definition at line 128 of file transfer.h.
References IsIndeterminate().
inline |
Return true if the context entry is a pointer to another table.
Definition at line 292 of file hlpmanag.h.
References TablePtr.
inline |
Return true if this entry is the last entry.
Definition at line 305 of file hlpmanag.h.
Returns true if the given control has BST_UNCHECKED state.
Definition at line 75 of file transfer.h.
Definition at line 125 of file transfer.h.
References IsUnchecked().
Handles WM_DRAWITEM message (for owner draw controls & menus) by forwarding message to control itself.
Definition at line 4464 of file window.cpp.
References owl::TDrawItemBase::drawId.
Definition at line 297 of file unixxcpt.cpp.
int owl::makepat | ( | const tchar * | exp, |
PatternType * | pat, | ||
size_t | maxpattern ) |
const tchar * owl::matchs | ( | const tchar * | str, |
const PatternType * | pat, | ||
tchar ** | startpat ) |
Definition at line 68 of file dispatch.h.
Definition at line 65 of file dispatch.h.
Functions to convert number of bits to number of palette colors and back, and build an RGB COLORREF.
Convert a bit count into a color count for color table use, verifying that the bit count is one that is supported by Windows, ie 1, 4, 8, 16, 24, 32.
If the bit count is not supported, -1 is returned.
auto owl::operator!= | ( | const TCodePages::TCodePage & | lhs, |
const TCodePages::TCodePage & | rhs ) -> bool |
Definition at line 110 of file codepages.cpp.
auto owl::operator< | ( | const TCodePages::TCodePage & | lhs, |
const TCodePages::TCodePage & | rhs ) -> bool |
Definition at line 119 of file codepages.cpp.
ostream & owl::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
const TModule & | m ) |
Definition at line 1647 of file module.cpp.
inline |
inline |
Get the bitmap object from the clipboard.
Definition at line 1002 of file gdiobjec.h.
inline |
Get the DIB from the clipboard.
Definition at line 1011 of file gdiobjec.h.
inline |
Inserts the metafile picture onto the clipboard.
Definition at line 188 of file metafile.h.
inline |
Get the palette object from the clipboard.
Definition at line 993 of file gdiobjec.h.
Inserts date into output stream os.
Definition at line 184 of file dateio.cpp.
Inserts time t into output stream os.
Definition at line 41 of file timeio.cpp.
auto owl::operator<= | ( | const TCodePages::TCodePage & | lhs, |
const TCodePages::TCodePage & | rhs ) -> bool |
Definition at line 113 of file codepages.cpp.
auto owl::operator== | ( | const TCodePages::TCodePage & | lhs, |
const TCodePages::TCodePage & | rhs ) -> bool |
Definition at line 107 of file codepages.cpp.
While it's possible that two sockets could refer to the same SOCKET (though this would likely create a mess if not governed with care), it's defined as not possible that two Sockets could have the same window member.
This is because the window is created uniquely on construction for each TSocket.
Definition at line 149 of file wsksock.cpp.
bool owl::operator== | ( | const TSocketAddress & | address1, |
const TSocketAddress & | address2 ) |
Both addresses should be in the same byte ordering as each other.
We just happen to know for a fact that the sockaddr's have same data as TSocketAddress's.
Definition at line 63 of file wskaddr.cpp.
bool owl::operator== | ( | const TSocketError & | socketError1, |
const TSocketError & | socketError2 ) |
This function tests for equality between two TSocketError objects.
The important criteria for determining equality is the error value. The string is unimportant.
Definition at line 69 of file wskerr.cpp.
auto owl::operator> | ( | const TCodePages::TCodePage & | lhs, |
const TCodePages::TCodePage & | rhs ) -> bool |
Definition at line 122 of file codepages.cpp.
auto owl::operator>= | ( | const TCodePages::TCodePage & | lhs, |
const TCodePages::TCodePage & | rhs ) -> bool |
Definition at line 116 of file codepages.cpp.
inline |
Definition at line 939 of file file.cpp.
References _T, and TFILE_ERROR.
Extracts date from input stream is.
Definition at line 240 of file dateio.cpp.
bool owl::OwlCopyBmp | ( | TBitmap & | dstBM, |
const TBitmap & | srcBM, | ||
const TPoint & | pt, | ||
const TSize & | size, | ||
const TPoint | offset = TPoint(0,0) ) |
Copy specified bitmap to the destination DC.
Definition at line 332 of file celarray.cpp.
References CONST_CAST.
void owl::OwlDumpStack | ( | uint32 | target = OWL_STACK_DUMP_TARGET_DEFAULT | ) |
Definition at line 446 of file dumpstack.cpp.
extern |
Global exported TAppDictionary in Owl.
Global dictionary used by OWL for EXE Application lookup.
User Component DLLs should have a similar 'AppDictionary'.
Definition at line 35 of file appdict.cpp.
TModule & owl::OWLGetModule | ( | ) |
Returns a reference to the global OWL module object. When linking dynamically to OWLNext, this is the module of the OWLNext DLL. When linking statically to OWLNext, it is the same as the one returned from GetGlobalModule.
Definition at line 52 of file owl.cpp.
References GetGlobalModule().
uint32 owl::OWLGetVersion | ( | ) |
Get version of OWL at runtime.
Returns the version number of the ObjectWindows library. The version number is represented as an unsigned short. Get version of OWL at runtime
Definition at line 43 of file owl.cpp.
References OWLInternalVersion.
Definition at line 234 of file applicat.cpp.
References owl::TAppDictionary::GetApplication(), owl::TModule::GetName(), and OWLGetAppDictionary().
Definition at line 228 of file applicat.cpp.
References OWLMessageBox().
int owl::OWLMessageBox | ( | TWindow * | wnd, |
TResId | resId, | ||
const LPCTSTR | caption, | ||
uint | type, | ||
TModule * | module = nullptr ) |
Definition at line 255 of file applicat.cpp.
References OWLMessageBox().
int owl::OWLMessageBox | ( | TWindow * | wnd, |
TResId | resId, | ||
const tstring & | caption, | ||
uint | type, | ||
TModule * | module = nullptr ) |
Definition at line 249 of file applicat.cpp.
References OWLMessageBox().
Definition at line 278 of file treeviewctrl.cpp.
Definition at line 67 of file dateio.cpp.
TControlType & owl::RestrictCharArray | ( | tchar(TBuffer::*) | [N], |
TControlType & | c ) |
Helper for char buffers; restricts the field type to a char array type of the right size.
Also configures the control with the right field type setting.
Definition at line 273 of file transferbuffer.h.
References _T, GetFullTypeName(), and WARN.
DWORD CALLBACK owl::RichEditStrmInWithIStream | ( | DWORD_PTR | dwCookie, |
LPBYTE | pbBuff, | ||
LONG | cb, | ||
LONG * | pcb ) |
Definition at line 1793 of file richedit.cpp.
References _T, and PRECONDITION.
DWORD CALLBACK owl::RichEditStrmOutWithOstream | ( | DWORD_PTR | dwCookie, |
LPBYTE | pbBuff, | ||
LONG | cb, | ||
LONG * | pcb ) |
Definition at line 1831 of file richedit.cpp.
Definition at line 30 of file printer.cpp.
Definition at line 138 of file owl.cpp.
References _T, GetCreationWindow(), PRECONDITION, and TRACEX.
TMessageBox owl::SetDefMessageBox | ( | TMessageBox | newMsgBox | ) |
Definition at line 218 of file applicat.cpp.
Definition at line 119 of file transfer.h.
References SetDlgItemText().
Selects the control with the given zero-based index in the group of controls starting with the given control.
The search for the control ends when the next control with the WS_GROUP style is found, i.e. the function will not select a control beyond the first group.
Definition at line 76 of file transfer.cpp.
Definition at line 143 of file transfer.h.
References SetSelectedRadioButtonIndex().
Definition at line 311 of file checklst.cpp.
Definition at line 23 of file geometry.cpp.
Definition at line 39 of file geometry.cpp.
Definition at line 291 of file defs.h.
References HiUint16(), LoUint16(), MkUint32(), and SwapUint16().
Definition at line 130 of file string.h.
References owl::TOleAuto::SysAllocString().
Definition at line 98 of file defs.h.
References to_tstring().
Definition at line 92 of file defs.h.
References USES_CONVERSION, and W2A.
Definition at line 291 of file defs.h.
References STATIC_CAST.
Definition at line 992 of file printer.cpp.
References owl::TAppDictionary::GetApplication(), owl::TPrinter::GetUserAbort(), OWLGetAppDictionary(), and owl::TPrinter::SetUserAbort().
void owl::TransferCheckBoxData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
HWND | ctrl, | ||
bool & | b ) |
Transfers the state of the checkbox to the given bool variable.
Definition at line 88 of file transfer.cpp.
References CheckDlgButton(), IsChecked(), tdGetData, and tdSetData.
void owl::TransferCheckBoxData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
HWND | ctrl, | ||
UINT & | state ) |
Transfers the state of the checkbox to the given integer variable.
This overload supports tri-state check boxes (BST_CHECKED, BST_INDETERMINATE, BST_UNCHECKED).
Definition at line 96 of file transfer.cpp.
References CheckDlgButton(), tdGetData, and tdSetData.
void owl::TransferCheckBoxData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
const TCtrl & | ctrl, | ||
D * | d, | ||
R(D::*)() const | get, | ||
void(D::*)(A) | set ) |
Transfers the state of the checkbox using the given data source and member functions.
Definition at line 891 of file transfer.h.
References owl::detail::Transfer().
void owl::TransferCheckBoxData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
const TCtrl & | ctrl, | ||
G | get, | ||
S | set ) |
Transfers the state of the checkbox using the given functors.
Definition at line 1034 of file transfer.h.
References owl::detail::Transfer().
void owl::TransferCheckBoxData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
int | ctrl, | ||
T & | value ) |
Transfers the state of the checkbox to the given variable.
Definition at line 411 of file transfer.h.
References TransferCheckBoxData().
void owl::TransferCheckListData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
HWND | ctrl, | ||
TCheckListData & | data ) |
Transfers all the data for a check list box.
Definition at line 123 of file transfer.cpp.
void owl::TransferCheckListData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
const TCtrl & | ctrl, | ||
D * | d, | ||
R(D::*)() const | get, | ||
void(D::*)(A) | set ) |
Transfers data for a check list box using the given data source and member functions.
Definition at line 898 of file transfer.h.
References owl::detail::Transfer().
void owl::TransferCheckListData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
const TCtrl & | ctrl, | ||
G | get, | ||
S | set ) |
Transfers data for a check list box using the given functors.
Definition at line 1041 of file transfer.h.
References owl::detail::Transfer().
inline |
Transfers all the data for an a check list box.
Definition at line 417 of file transfer.h.
References TransferCheckListData().
void owl::TransferComboBoxData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
HWND | ctrl, | ||
int & | selIndex ) |
Transfers the selection index of a combo box control.
Definition at line 137 of file transfer.cpp.
void owl::TransferComboBoxData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
HWND | ctrl, | ||
TComboBoxData & | data ) |
Transfers all the data for a combo box control.
Definition at line 131 of file transfer.cpp.
void owl::TransferComboBoxData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
HWND | ctrl, | ||
tstring & | selString, | ||
bool | exact = false ) |
Transfers the selection string of a combo box control.
Definition at line 151 of file transfer.cpp.
void owl::TransferComboBoxData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
const TCtrl & | ctrl, | ||
D * | d, | ||
R(D::*)() const | get, | ||
void(D::*)(A) | set ) |
Transfers data for a combo box using the given data source and member functions.
Definition at line 905 of file transfer.h.
References owl::detail::Transfer().
void owl::TransferComboBoxData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
const TCtrl & | ctrl, | ||
G | get, | ||
S | set ) |
Transfers data for a combo box using the given functors.
Definition at line 1048 of file transfer.h.
References owl::detail::Transfer().
void owl::TransferComboBoxData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
const TCtrl & | ctrl, | ||
TArg1 | arg1, | ||
D * | d, | ||
R(D::*)() const | get, | ||
void(D::*)(A) | set ) |
Transfers data for a combo box using the given data source and member functions.
This overload supports an extra transfer function argument.
Definition at line 913 of file transfer.h.
References owl::detail::Transfer().
void owl::TransferComboBoxData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
const TCtrl & | ctrl, | ||
TArg1 | arg1, | ||
G | get, | ||
S | set ) |
Transfers data for a combo box using the given functors.
This overload supports an extra transfer function argument.
Definition at line 1056 of file transfer.h.
References owl::detail::Transfer().
void owl::TransferComboBoxData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
int | ctrl, | ||
T & | value ) |
Transfers the data or selection index of a combo box control.
Definition at line 424 of file transfer.h.
References TransferComboBoxData().
inline |
Transfers the selection string of a combo box control.
Definition at line 430 of file transfer.h.
References TransferComboBoxData().
void owl::TransferComboBoxExData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
HWND | ctrl, | ||
TComboBoxExData & | data ) |
Transfers all the data for an extended combo box control.
Definition at line 168 of file transfer.cpp.
inline |
Transfers all the data for an extended combo box control.
Definition at line 436 of file transfer.h.
References TransferComboBoxExData().
void owl::TransferDateTimePickerData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
HWND | ctrl, | ||
TDateTimePickerData & | data ) |
Transfers all the data for a date and time picker control.
Definition at line 186 of file transfer.cpp.
void owl::TransferDateTimePickerData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
HWND | ctrl, | ||
tstring & | selTime ) |
Transfers the selected date and time of a date and time picker control as a string.
If the string is empty and the transfer direction is tdSetData, the control is set to no "no date", provided that the control has the DTS_SHOWNONE style. Otherwise the control is set to the default (current) date and time. If the string is non-empty, the transfer direction is tdSetData, and parsing fails, a TXOwl exception is thrown.
Definition at line 206 of file transfer.cpp.
void owl::TransferDateTimePickerData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
HWND | ctrl, | ||
TSystemTime & | selTime ) |
Transfers the selected date and time of a date and time picker control.
Definition at line 192 of file transfer.cpp.
void owl::TransferDateTimePickerData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
const TCtrl & | ctrl, | ||
D * | d, | ||
R(D::*)() const | get, | ||
void(D::*)(A) | set ) |
Transfers data for a date and time picker control using the given data source and member functions.
Definition at line 920 of file transfer.h.
References owl::detail::Transfer().
void owl::TransferDateTimePickerData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
const TCtrl & | ctrl, | ||
G | get, | ||
S | set ) |
Transfers data for a date and time picker control using the given functors.
Definition at line 1063 of file transfer.h.
References owl::detail::Transfer().
void owl::TransferDateTimePickerData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
int | ctrl, | ||
T & | value ) |
Transfers the data or selected date and time of a date and time picker.
Definition at line 443 of file transfer.h.
References TransferDateTimePickerData().
void owl::TransferDlgItemText | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
HWND | ctrl, | ||
tstring & | text ) |
Transfers the text contents of a control.
Definition at line 174 of file transfer.cpp.
References GetDlgItemText(), SetDlgItemText(), tdGetData, and tdSetData.
void owl::TransferDlgItemText | ( | const TTransferInfo & | , |
HWND | , | ||
T * | value, | ||
const TTransferFormat & | ) |
Overload - won't compile The sole purpose of this overload is to forbid pointers.
Definition at line 284 of file transfer.h.
void owl::TransferDlgItemText | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
const TCtrl & | ctrl, | ||
const TTransferFormat & | f, | ||
D * | d, | ||
R(D::*)() const | get, | ||
void(D::*)(A) | set ) |
Transfers the text contents of a control using the given data source and member functions.
The given format is used to format the text when transferring data to the control.
Definition at line 935 of file transfer.h.
References owl::detail::Transfer().
void owl::TransferDlgItemText | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
const TCtrl & | ctrl, | ||
const TTransferFormat & | f, | ||
G | get, | ||
S | set ) |
Transfers the text contents of a control using the given functors.
The given format is used to format the text when transferring data to the control.
Definition at line 1078 of file transfer.h.
References owl::detail::Transfer().
void owl::TransferDlgItemText | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
const TCtrl & | ctrl, | ||
D * | d, | ||
R(D::*)() const | get, | ||
void(D::*)(A) | set ) |
Transfers the text contents of a control using the given data source and member functions.
Definition at line 927 of file transfer.h.
References owl::detail::Transfer().
void owl::TransferDlgItemText | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
const TCtrl & | ctrl, | ||
G | get, | ||
S | set ) |
Transfers the text contents of a control using the given functors.
Definition at line 1070 of file transfer.h.
References owl::detail::Transfer().
void owl::TransferDlgItemText | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
HWND | ctrl, | ||
T & | value ) |
Transfers the lexical conversion of the text contents of a control.
For example, numbers will be transferred as their representation as text.
Definition at line 292 of file transfer.h.
References TransferDlgItemText().
void owl::TransferDlgItemText | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
HWND | ctrl, | ||
T & | value, | ||
const TTransferFormat & | f ) |
Transfers the lexical conversion of the text contents of a control using the given format.
For example, numbers will be transferred as their representation as text.
Definition at line 256 of file transfer.h.
References owl::TTransferFormat::Fill, owl::TTransferFormat::Flags, owl::TTransferFormat::Precision, tdGetData, tdSetData, TransferDlgItemText(), and owl::TTransferFormat::Width.
void owl::TransferDlgItemText | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
int | ctrl, | ||
T & | value ) |
Transfers the lexical conversion of the text contents of a control.
For example, numbers will be transferred as their representation as text.
Definition at line 451 of file transfer.h.
References TransferDlgItemText().
void owl::TransferDlgItemText | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
int | ctrl, | ||
T & | value, | ||
const TTransferFormat & | f ) |
Transfers the lexical conversion of the text contents of a control using the given format.
For example, numbers will be transferred as their representation as text.
Definition at line 459 of file transfer.h.
References TransferDlgItemText().
void owl::TransferEditData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
const TCtrl & | ctrl, | ||
const TTransferFormat & | f, | ||
D * | d, | ||
R(D::*)() const | get, | ||
void(D::*)(A) | set ) |
Transfers data for a edit control using the given data source and member functions.
The given format is used to format the text when transferring data to the control.
Definition at line 950 of file transfer.h.
References owl::detail::Transfer().
void owl::TransferEditData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
const TCtrl & | ctrl, | ||
const TTransferFormat & | f, | ||
G | get, | ||
S | set ) |
Transfers data for a edit control using the given functors.
The given format is used to format the text when transferring data to the control.
Definition at line 1093 of file transfer.h.
References owl::detail::Transfer().
void owl::TransferEditData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
const TCtrl & | ctrl, | ||
D * | d, | ||
R(D::*)() const | get, | ||
void(D::*)(A) | set ) |
Transfers data for a edit control using the given data source and member functions.
Definition at line 942 of file transfer.h.
References owl::detail::Transfer().
void owl::TransferEditData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
const TCtrl & | ctrl, | ||
G | get, | ||
S | set ) |
Transfers data for a edit control using the given functors.
Definition at line 1085 of file transfer.h.
References owl::detail::Transfer().
void owl::TransferEditData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
HWND | ctrl, | ||
T & | value ) |
Transfers the lexical conversion of the text contents of an edit control.
For example, numbers will be transferred as their representation as text.
Definition at line 304 of file transfer.h.
References TransferDlgItemText().
void owl::TransferEditData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
HWND | ctrl, | ||
T & | value, | ||
const TTransferFormat & | f ) |
Transfers the lexical conversion of the text contents of an edit control using the given format.
For example, numbers will be transferred as their representation as text.
Definition at line 312 of file transfer.h.
References TransferDlgItemText().
void owl::TransferEditData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
int | ctrl, | ||
T & | value ) |
Transfers the lexical conversion of the text contents of an edit control.
For example, numbers will be transferred as their representation as text.
Definition at line 467 of file transfer.h.
References TransferEditData().
void owl::TransferEditData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
int | ctrl, | ||
T & | value, | ||
const TTransferFormat & | f ) |
Transfers the lexical conversion of the text contents of an edit control using the given format.
For example, numbers will be transferred as their representation as text.
Definition at line 475 of file transfer.h.
References TransferEditData().
void owl::TransferHotKeyData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
HWND | ctrl, | ||
uint16 & | key ) |
Transfers the hotkey value of a hotkey control.
Definition at line 223 of file transfer.cpp.
void owl::TransferHotKeyData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
const TCtrl & | ctrl, | ||
D * | d, | ||
R(D::*)() const | get, | ||
void(D::*)(A) | set ) |
Transfers data for a hotkey control using the given data source and member functions.
Definition at line 957 of file transfer.h.
References owl::detail::Transfer().
void owl::TransferHotKeyData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
const TCtrl & | ctrl, | ||
G | get, | ||
S | set ) |
Transfers data for a hotkey control using the given functors.
Definition at line 1100 of file transfer.h.
References owl::detail::Transfer().
inline |
Transfers the hotkey value of a hotkey control.
Definition at line 481 of file transfer.h.
References TransferHotKeyData().
void owl::TransferIPAddressData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
HWND | ctrl, | ||
TIPAddressBits & | data ) |
Transfers the address of a IP address control as an object.
Definition at line 229 of file transfer.cpp.
void owl::TransferIPAddressData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
HWND | ctrl, | ||
uint32 & | data ) |
Transfers the address for a IP address control as a 32-bit value.
Definition at line 235 of file transfer.cpp.
void owl::TransferIPAddressData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
const TCtrl & | ctrl, | ||
D * | d, | ||
R(D::*)() const | get, | ||
void(D::*)(A) | set ) |
Transfers data for an IP address control using the given data source and member functions.
Definition at line 964 of file transfer.h.
References owl::detail::Transfer().
void owl::TransferIPAddressData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
const TCtrl & | ctrl, | ||
G | get, | ||
S | set ) |
Transfers data for an IP address control using the given functors.
Definition at line 1107 of file transfer.h.
References owl::detail::Transfer().
void owl::TransferIPAddressData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
int | ctrl, | ||
T & | value ) |
Transfers the address for a IP address control.
Definition at line 488 of file transfer.h.
References TransferIPAddressData().
void owl::TransferListBoxData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
HWND | ctrl, | ||
int & | selIndex ) |
Transfers the selection index of a list box control.
Definition at line 255 of file transfer.cpp.
void owl::TransferListBoxData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
HWND | ctrl, | ||
TListBoxData & | data ) |
Transfers all the data for a list box control.
Definition at line 249 of file transfer.cpp.
void owl::TransferListBoxData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
HWND | ctrl, | ||
tstring & | selString, | ||
bool | exact = false ) |
Transfers the selection string of a list box control.
Definition at line 269 of file transfer.cpp.
void owl::TransferListBoxData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
const TCtrl & | ctrl, | ||
D * | d, | ||
R(D::*)() const | get, | ||
void(D::*)(A) | set ) |
Transfers data for a list box using the given data source and member functions.
Definition at line 971 of file transfer.h.
References owl::detail::Transfer().
void owl::TransferListBoxData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
const TCtrl & | ctrl, | ||
G | get, | ||
S | set ) |
Transfers data for a list box using the given functors.
Definition at line 1114 of file transfer.h.
References owl::detail::Transfer().
void owl::TransferListBoxData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
const TCtrl & | ctrl, | ||
TArg1 | arg1, | ||
D * | d, | ||
R(D::*)() const | get, | ||
void(D::*)(A) | set ) |
Transfers data for a list box using the given data source and member functions.
This overload supports an extra transfer function argument.
Definition at line 979 of file transfer.h.
References owl::detail::Transfer().
void owl::TransferListBoxData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
const TCtrl & | ctrl, | ||
TArg1 | arg1, | ||
G | get, | ||
S | set ) |
Transfers data for a list box using the given functors.
This overload supports an extra transfer function argument.
Definition at line 1122 of file transfer.h.
References owl::detail::Transfer().
void owl::TransferListBoxData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
int | ctrl, | ||
T & | value ) |
Transfers the data or selection index of a list box control.
Definition at line 495 of file transfer.h.
References TransferListBoxData().
inline |
Transfers the selection string of a list box control.
Definition at line 501 of file transfer.h.
References TransferListBoxData().
void owl::TransferMonthCalendarData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
HWND | ctrl, | ||
std::pair< TSystemTime, TSystemTime > & | rangeSel ) |
Transfers the selection range of a calendar control.
Definition at line 306 of file transfer.cpp.
void owl::TransferMonthCalendarData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
HWND | ctrl, | ||
TMonthCalendarData & | data ) |
Transfers all the data for a calendar control.
Definition at line 286 of file transfer.cpp.
void owl::TransferMonthCalendarData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
HWND | ctrl, | ||
TSystemTime & | curSel ) |
Transfers the selected date and time of a calendar control.
Definition at line 292 of file transfer.cpp.
void owl::TransferMonthCalendarData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
const TCtrl & | ctrl, | ||
D * | d, | ||
R(D::*)() const | get, | ||
void(D::*)(A) | set ) |
Transfers data for a list box using the given data source and member functions.
Definition at line 986 of file transfer.h.
References owl::detail::Transfer().
void owl::TransferMonthCalendarData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
const TCtrl & | ctrl, | ||
G | get, | ||
S | set ) |
Transfers data for a list box using the given functors.
Definition at line 1129 of file transfer.h.
References owl::detail::Transfer().
void owl::TransferMonthCalendarData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
int | ctrl, | ||
T & | value ) |
Transfers the data or selected date and time of a calendar control.
Definition at line 508 of file transfer.h.
References TransferMonthCalendarData().
void owl::TransferRadioButtonData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
HWND | ctrl, | ||
int & | selIndex ) |
Transfers the index of the selected radio button within a group.
Definition at line 320 of file transfer.cpp.
References GetSelectedRadioButtonIndex(), SetSelectedRadioButtonIndex(), tdGetData, and tdSetData.
void owl::TransferRadioButtonData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
const TCtrl & | ctrl, | ||
D * | d, | ||
R(D::*)() const | get, | ||
void(D::*)(A) | set ) |
Transfers the index of the selected radio button within a group using the given data source and member functions.
Definition at line 993 of file transfer.h.
References owl::detail::Transfer().
void owl::TransferRadioButtonData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
const TCtrl & | ctrl, | ||
G | get, | ||
S | set ) |
Transfers the index of the selected radio button within a group using the given functors.
Definition at line 1136 of file transfer.h.
References owl::detail::Transfer().
inline |
Transfers the index of the selected radio button within a group.
Definition at line 514 of file transfer.h.
References TransferRadioButtonData().
void owl::TransferScrollBarData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
HWND | ctrl, | ||
int & | position ) |
Transfers the current position of a scroll bar control.
Definition at line 338 of file transfer.cpp.
void owl::TransferScrollBarData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
HWND | ctrl, | ||
TScrollBarData & | data ) |
Transfers all the data for a scroll bar control.
Definition at line 332 of file transfer.cpp.
void owl::TransferScrollBarData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
const TCtrl & | ctrl, | ||
D * | d, | ||
R(D::*)() const | get, | ||
void(D::*)(A) | set ) |
Transfers data for a scroll bar control using the given data source and member functions.
Definition at line 1000 of file transfer.h.
References owl::detail::Transfer().
void owl::TransferScrollBarData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
const TCtrl & | ctrl, | ||
G | get, | ||
S | set ) |
Transfers data for a scroll bar control using the given functors.
Definition at line 1143 of file transfer.h.
References owl::detail::Transfer().
void owl::TransferScrollBarData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
int | ctrl, | ||
T & | value ) |
Transfers the data or current position of a scroll bar control.
Definition at line 521 of file transfer.h.
References TransferScrollBarData().
void owl::TransferSliderData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
HWND | ctrl, | ||
int & | position ) |
Transfers the current position of a slider control.
Definition at line 358 of file transfer.cpp.
void owl::TransferSliderData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
HWND | ctrl, | ||
TScrollBarData & | data ) |
Transfers all the data for a slider control.
Definition at line 352 of file transfer.cpp.
void owl::TransferSliderData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
const TCtrl & | ctrl, | ||
D * | d, | ||
R(D::*)() const | get, | ||
void(D::*)(A) | set ) |
Transfers data for a slider control using the given data source and member functions.
Definition at line 1007 of file transfer.h.
References owl::detail::Transfer().
void owl::TransferSliderData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
const TCtrl & | ctrl, | ||
G | get, | ||
S | set ) |
Transfers data for a slider control using the given functors.
Definition at line 1150 of file transfer.h.
References owl::detail::Transfer().
void owl::TransferSliderData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
int | ctrl, | ||
T & | value ) |
Transfers the data or current position of a slider control.
Definition at line 528 of file transfer.h.
References TransferSliderData().
void owl::TransferStaticData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
const TCtrl & | ctrl, | ||
const TTransferFormat & | f, | ||
D * | d, | ||
R(D::*)() const | get, | ||
void(D::*)(A) | set ) |
Transfers data for a static control using the given data source and member functions.
The given format is used to format the text when transferring data to the control.
Definition at line 1022 of file transfer.h.
References owl::detail::Transfer().
void owl::TransferStaticData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
const TCtrl & | ctrl, | ||
const TTransferFormat & | f, | ||
G | get, | ||
S | set ) |
Transfers data for a static control using the given functors.
The given format is used to format the text when transferring data to the control.
Definition at line 1165 of file transfer.h.
References owl::detail::Transfer().
void owl::TransferStaticData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
const TCtrl & | ctrl, | ||
D * | d, | ||
R(D::*)() const | get, | ||
void(D::*)(A) | set ) |
Transfers data for a static control using the given data source and member functions.
Definition at line 1014 of file transfer.h.
References owl::detail::Transfer().
void owl::TransferStaticData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
const TCtrl & | ctrl, | ||
G | get, | ||
S | set ) |
Transfers data for a static control using the given functors.
Definition at line 1157 of file transfer.h.
References owl::detail::Transfer().
void owl::TransferStaticData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
HWND | ctrl, | ||
T & | value ) |
Transfers the lexical conversion of the text contents of a static control.
For example, numbers will be transferred as their representation as text.
Definition at line 390 of file transfer.h.
References TransferDlgItemText().
void owl::TransferStaticData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
HWND | ctrl, | ||
T & | value, | ||
const TTransferFormat & | f ) |
Transfers the lexical conversion of the text contents of a static control using the given format.
For example, numbers will be transferred as their representation as text.
Definition at line 398 of file transfer.h.
References TransferDlgItemText().
void owl::TransferStaticData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
int | ctrl, | ||
T & | value ) |
Transfers the lexical conversion of the text contents of a static control.
For example, numbers will be transferred as their representation as text.
Definition at line 536 of file transfer.h.
References TransferStaticData().
void owl::TransferStaticData | ( | const TTransferInfo & | i, |
int | ctrl, | ||
T & | value, | ||
const TTransferFormat & | f ) |
Transfers the lexical conversion of the text contents of a static control using the given format.
For example, numbers will be transferred as their representation as text.
Definition at line 544 of file transfer.h.
References TransferStaticData().
Sets the state of the given control to BST_UNCHECKED (or BST_CHECKED).
Definition at line 93 of file transfer.h.
References CheckDlgButton().
Definition at line 137 of file transfer.h.
References UncheckDlgButton().
const int owl::B_size = 516 |
Definition at line 534 of file filedoc.cpp.
Definition at line 37 of file decframe.cpp.
const int owl::ButtonSpaceH = 0 |
Definition at line 97 of file drawitem.cpp.
const int owl::ButtonSpaceV = 0 |
Definition at line 98 of file drawitem.cpp.
const int owl::BUTTONSTATE_FOCUS = 0x0008 |
Definition at line 29 of file glyphbtn.cpp.
const int owl::BUTTONSTATE_HOT = 0x0010 |
Definition at line 30 of file glyphbtn.cpp.
const int owl::BUTTONSTATE_PUSHED = 0x0004 |
Definition at line 28 of file glyphbtn.cpp.
const uint32 owl::BUTTONSTYLE_MASK = 0x000000FFL |
Definition at line 31 of file glyphbtn.cpp.
const int owl::CellSpacing = 2 |
Definition at line 761 of file picker.cpp.
const int owl::CheckList_BoxWidth = 15 |
Definition at line 33 of file checklst.h.
const int owl::ClientMargin = 2 |
Definition at line 38 of file tabctrl.cpp.
const int owl::CM_MRU_LAST = CM_MRU_FIRST + TRecentFiles::MaxMenuItems |
Definition at line 31 of file rcntfile.cpp.
Definition at line 42 of file rcntfile.cpp.
const int owl::DefaultGripSize = 6 |
Definition at line 646 of file gadget.cpp.
const int owl::DefDelay = 500 |
Definition at line 43 of file tooltip.cpp.
const int owl::DefTipTextCacheSize = 128 |
Definition at line 46 of file tooltip.cpp.
Definition at line 26 of file button.cpp.
Definition at line 80 of file dialog.cpp.
Definition at line 82 of file dialog.cpp.
Definition at line 81 of file dialog.cpp.
Definition at line 112 of file statusba.cpp.
Definition at line 250 of file hlpmanag.cpp.
Definition at line 29 of file editview.cpp.
Definition at line 26 of file editview.cpp.
Definition at line 28 of file editview.cpp.
Definition at line 26 of file commview.cpp.
Definition at line 30 of file editview.cpp.
Definition at line 140 of file tracewnd.cpp.
Definition at line 32 of file floatfra.cpp.
Definition at line 318 of file glyphbtn.cpp.
Definition at line 171 of file docmanag.cpp.
Definition at line 21 of file clipview.cpp.
owl::EV_WM_CHAR |
Definition at line 196 of file checklst.cpp.
owl::EV_WM_CLOSE |
Definition at line 23 of file commdial.cpp.
Definition at line 25 of file combobex.cpp.
Definition at line 121 of file window.cpp.
Definition at line 113 of file window.cpp.
Definition at line 54 of file gadgetwi.cpp.
Definition at line 26 of file combobex.cpp.
Definition at line 22 of file clipview.cpp.
Definition at line 23 of file clipview.cpp.
Definition at line 27 of file combobex.cpp.
Definition at line 33 of file mdiclien.cpp.
Definition at line 317 of file glyphbtn.cpp.
Definition at line 118 of file window.cpp.
Definition at line 32 of file decframe.cpp.
Definition at line 965 of file docking.cpp.
Definition at line 24 of file button.cpp.
Definition at line 308 of file glyphbtn.cpp.
Definition at line 548 of file docking.cpp.
owl::EV_WM_HELP |
Definition at line 249 of file hlpmanag.cpp.
Definition at line 55 of file notetab.cpp.
Definition at line 35 of file framewin.cpp.
owl::EV_WM_KEYUP |
Definition at line 316 of file glyphbtn.cpp.
Definition at line 962 of file docking.cpp.
Definition at line 195 of file checklst.cpp.
Definition at line 2056 of file docking.cpp.
Definition at line 30 of file mdichild.cpp.
Definition at line 31 of file mdiclien.cpp.
Definition at line 32 of file mdiclien.cpp.
Definition at line 28 of file combobex.cpp.
Definition at line 33 of file decframe.cpp.
Definition at line 30 of file floatfra.cpp.
Definition at line 124 of file window.cpp.
Definition at line 323 of file glyphbtn.cpp.
Definition at line 2054 of file docking.cpp.
Definition at line 123 of file window.cpp.
owl::EV_WM_MOVE |
Definition at line 88 of file window.cpp.
Definition at line 31 of file floatfra.cpp.
Definition at line 963 of file docking.cpp.
Definition at line 31 of file editview.cpp.
Definition at line 29 of file floatfra.cpp.
Definition at line 541 of file docking.cpp.
Definition at line 964 of file docking.cpp.
Definition at line 98 of file docking.cpp.
owl::EV_WM_PAINT |
Definition at line 28 of file control.cpp.
Definition at line 40 of file framewin.cpp.
Definition at line 966 of file docking.cpp.
Definition at line 172 of file docmanag.cpp.
Definition at line 34 of file framewin.cpp.
Definition at line 117 of file window.cpp.
Definition at line 39 of file framewin.cpp.
Definition at line 49 of file gadgetwi.cpp.
Definition at line 50 of file gadgetwi.cpp.
Definition at line 99 of file docking.cpp.
Definition at line 309 of file glyphbtn.cpp.
Definition at line 547 of file docking.cpp.
owl::EV_WM_SIZE |
Definition at line 34 of file decframe.cpp.
Definition at line 544 of file docking.cpp.
Definition at line 53 of file gadgetwi.cpp.
Definition at line 26 of file floatfra.cpp.
Definition at line 626 of file treeviewctrl.cpp.
owl::EV_WM_TIMER |
Definition at line 34 of file propsht.cpp.
Definition at line 18 of file scrollba.cpp.
Definition at line 173 of file docmanag.cpp.
Definition at line 546 of file docking.cpp.
Definition at line 545 of file docking.cpp.
const int owl::FaceToFocusRectDelta = 1 |
Definition at line 27 of file glyphbtn.cpp.
const uint owl::FullFileName = TFileName::Server|TFileName::Device|TFileName::Path|TFileName::File|TFileName::Ext |
Definition at line 33 of file rcntfile.cpp.
const uint owl::FullPathName = TFileName::Server|TFileName::Device|TFileName::Path |
Definition at line 32 of file rcntfile.cpp.
const uint owl::GadgetWindowTimeOut = 1000 |
Definition at line 42 of file gadgetwi.cpp.
const uint owl::GadgetWindowTimerID = 0xBACA |
Definition at line 41 of file gadgetwi.cpp.
const int owl::HorzMargin = 3 |
Definition at line 36 of file tabctrl.cpp.
const int owl::HorzPad = 6 |
Definition at line 32 of file tabctrl.cpp.
const int owl::HorzSelInc = 1 |
Definition at line 34 of file tabctrl.cpp.
const int owl::ID_Updown = 0x100 |
Definition at line 39 of file tabctrl.cpp.
child window IDs, 32 max to 32032
Definition at line 29 of file framewin.h.
ID of MDI client window.
Definition at line 28 of file framewin.h.
const int owl::IDW_STATUSBAR = 32040 |
Definition at line 25 of file messageb.h.
const int owl::IDW_TOOLBAR = 32041 |
Definition at line 24 of file decframe.h.
const uint owl::InitDelay = 500 |
Definition at line 26 of file updown.cpp.
const int owl::InitDelta = 5 |
Definition at line 31 of file tabctrl.cpp.
const int owl::InitSize = 5 |
Definition at line 30 of file tabctrl.cpp.
const TLangId owl::InvalidLangId = 0xFFFF |
Definition at line 46 of file locale.cpp.
const TLangId owl::LangNeutral = 0x0000 |
Definition at line 32 of file lclstrng.h.
const TLangId owl::LangSysDefault = 0x0800 |
Definition at line 30 of file lclstrng.h.
const TLangId owl::LangUserDefault = 0x0400 |
Definition at line 31 of file lclstrng.h.
const int owl::LayoutMargin = 4 |
Definition at line 26 of file glyphbtn.cpp.
Definition at line 46 of file rcntfile.cpp.
const uint owl::MAXENTRIES |
Maximum number of entries in each Vector.
const int owl::MaxFormatLen = 40 |
Definition at line 93 of file regheap.cpp.
const int owl::MaxMenuItemLen = 255 |
Definition at line 48 of file rcntfile.cpp.
const int owl::MaxMenuTextLen = 512 |
Definition at line 17 of file menugadg.cpp.
const int owl::MaxPointSize = 128 |
Definition at line 25 of file richedit.cpp.
const int owl::MaxRegValueLen = MaxMenuItemLen |
Definition at line 49 of file rcntfile.cpp.
Definition at line 44 of file rcntfile.cpp.
const int owl::MinPointSize = 6 |
Definition at line 24 of file richedit.cpp.
TModule * owl::Module = 0 |
Definition at line 34 of file global.cpp.
Definition at line 43 of file rcntfile.cpp.
Definition at line 14 of file animctrl.cpp.
const int owl::PercentThreshold = 95 |
Definition at line 29 of file splashwi.cpp.
const int owl::PropPageID = 0xFFF0 |
Property sheets notify property pages of events via the standard WM_NOTIFY message.
However, there is no Control ID involved in this particular flavour of notification. The WM_NOTIFY handler of ObjectWindows relies on the CtlID for subdispatching. Hence, we'll have PropPageID as the default identifier so that we do not have to repeat dispatching logic in the EvNotify of TPropertyPage.
const uint owl::PropSheetTimeOut = 100 |
Definition at line 31 of file propsht.cpp.
const uint owl::PropSheetTimerID = 0xBACB |
Definition at line 30 of file propsht.cpp.
const uint owl::RepeatDelay = 50 |
Definition at line 27 of file updown.cpp.
Definition at line 30 of file richedit.cpp.
Definition at line 29 of file richedit.cpp.
const long owl::RopDSPDxax = 0x00E20746L |
Definition at line 32 of file glyphbtn.cpp.
const long owl::RopPSDPxax = 0x00B8074AL |
Definition at line 23 of file uiface.cpp.
const auto owl::ScmTrace = 0xFEC0 |
Definition at line 163 of file applicat.cpp.
Definition at line 45 of file rcntfile.cpp.
Definition at line 20 of file filename.cpp.
const int owl::TablePtr = -1 |
Definition at line 282 of file hlpmanag.h.
Definition at line 15 of file cmdline.cpp.
const int owl::TextSpaceE = 15 |
Definition at line 96 of file drawitem.cpp.
const int owl::TextSpaceH = 0 |
Definition at line 95 of file btntextg.cpp.
const int owl::TextSpaceV = 0 |
Definition at line 94 of file btntextg.cpp.
extern |
extern |
extern |
const int owl::TimerId = 1 |
Definition at line 24 of file splashwi.cpp.
const unsigned owl::TOOLTIP_TIMERID = 0xABBA |
Definition at line 51 of file tooltip.cpp.
class _OWLFASTTHIS _RTTI owl::TStreamableBase |
Definition at line 56 of file streambl.h.
class _OWLFASTTHIS _RTTI owl::TStreamer |
Definition at line 55 of file streambl.h.
const uint owl::UpDownTimerID1 = 0x1000 |
Definition at line 24 of file updown.cpp.
const uint owl::UpDownTimerID2 = 0x1001 |
Definition at line 25 of file updown.cpp.
const int owl::VertMargin = 3 |
Definition at line 37 of file tabctrl.cpp.
const int owl::VertPad = 4 |
Definition at line 33 of file tabctrl.cpp.
const int owl::VertSelInc = 1 |
Definition at line 35 of file tabctrl.cpp.
Definition at line 28 of file listboxview.cpp.
Definition at line 14 of file cmdline.cpp.