OWLNext    7.0
Borland's Object Windows Library for the modern age
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Here is a list of all topics with brief descriptions:
 Base classesTEventHandler, TStreamableBase, and TGdiBase are important base classes
 Window management classesDerived from TEventHandler and TStreamableBase, TWindow is the parent class for all window classes
 Frame WindowsA frame window, which is actually an application's main window, has the ability to contain other client windows and also support UI elements such as menus and icons
 Decorated windowsMultiply inherited from TFrameWindow and TLayoutWindow, decorated window classes let you add decorated control bars, and status bars to the frame of a window and adjust the child window to accommodate the placement of these decorations
 Module and application management classesDerived from TModule, TApplication supplies functionality common to all ObjectWindows applications
 Command enabling classesAlthough several ObjectWindows classes process commands, there are three classes specifically devoted to enabling and disabling the commands available to an application
 Doc/View classesDoc/View class support the Doc/View model, a system in which data is contained in and accessed through a document object, and displayed and manipulated through a view object
 Printer classesTPrinter, TPrintout, and TPreviewPage provide various functions that make it easy for you to set up a printer dialog box, view a document in a print preview window, and print a document
 Graphics classesObjectWindows GDI classes encapsulate Windows' Graphics Device Interface (GDI) to make it easier to use device context (DC) classes and GDI objects
 GDI classesObjectWindows graphics library contains several classes that you can use to create DIBS, brushes, palettes, pens, and other drawing tools
 Device context (DC) classesInstead of drawing directly on a device (like the screen or a printer), you can use GDI classes to draw on a bitmap using a device context (DC)
 Validator classesTValidator forms the base class for several ObjectWindows classes that encapsulate validation objects
 Exception handling classesException handling classes provide various functions that help you write error-free ObjectWindows applications
 ControlsThe control classes support standard Windows controls such as list boxes, combo boxes, group boxes, check boxes, scroll bars, buttons, radio buttons, edit controls, and static controls
 GadgetsTGadget is the base class for several derived classes that support gadget objects that belong to a gadget window, have borders and margins, and their own style attributes
 MenusTMenu and its derived classes let you construct, modify, and create menu objects
 Common Controls
 Common DialogsTDialog lets you create specialized windows referred to as dialog boxes
 New ControlsNew UI controls introduced in OWLNext
 Windows System classesInternal classes
 Utility classesUtility classes
 Internal framework classesInternal classes
 Mix-in ClassesClasses designed to be used in conjunction with other classes to provide special functionality or behavior
 Factory Template classesThe factory template classes create callback code for both automated and non automated Doc/View and non-Doc/view ObjectWindows applications