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OWLNext 7.0
Borland's Object Windows Library for the modern age
The control classes support standard Windows controls such as list boxes, combo boxes, group boxes, check boxes, scroll bars, buttons, radio buttons, edit controls, and static controls. More...
Classes | |
class | owl::TButton |
TButton is an interface class derived from TControl that represents a pushbutton interface element. More... | |
class | owl::TCheckBox |
TCheckBox is a streamable interface class that represents a check box control. More... | |
class | owl::TComboBox |
You can use TComboBox to create a combo box or a combo box control in a parent TWindow, or to facilitate communication between your application and the combo box controls of TDialog. More... | |
class | owl::TComboBoxData |
An interface object that represents a transfer buffer for a TComboBox. More... | |
class | owl::TControl |
TControl unifies its derived control classes, such as TScrollBar, TControlGadget, and TButton. More... | |
class | owl::TEdit |
A TEdit is an interface object that represents an edit control interface element. More... | |
struct | owl::TEdit::TRange |
Represents a half-open range of positions in the edit control, e.g. More... | |
class | owl::TEditFile |
TEditFile is a file-editing window. More... | |
class | owl::TEditSearch |
TEditSearch is an edit control that responds to Find, Replace, and FindNext menu commands. More... | |
class | owl::TGauge |
A streamable class derived from TControl, TGauge defines the basic behavior of gauge controls. More... | |
class | owl::TBtnBitmap |
TBtnBitmap is an enhanced version of TBitmap with the ability to update the face color of a bitmap to match the system setting (COLOR_BTNFACE). More... | |
class | owl::TGlyphButton |
TGlyphButton encapsulates a control which is capable of displaying a bitmap (or glyph) and/or text. More... | |
class | owl::TGroupBox |
An instance of a TGroupBox is an interface object that represents a corresponding group box element. More... | |
class | owl::TListBox |
An interface object that represents a corresponding list box element. More... | |
class | owl::TListBoxData |
Used to transfer the contents of a list box. More... | |
class | owl::TNoteTabItem |
TNoteTabItem holds information about each tab in a notetab control. More... | |
class | owl::TNoteTab |
TNoteTab encapsulates a tab control with each tab item along the bottom of the window. More... | |
class | owl::TPickListPopup |
The PickList allows selection of an item from a popup list. More... | |
class | owl::TPickListDialog |
The PickListDialog allows selection of an item from a list in a dialog with OK and Cancel buttons. More... | |
class | owl::TPictureWindow |
This class displays a dib in a window in different ways. More... | |
class | owl::TProgressBar |
class | owl::TRadioButton |
Defines an interface object that represents a corresponding radio button element in Windows. More... | |
class | owl::TCharFormat |
TCharFormat encapsulates the CHARFORMAT2 structure which contains information about character formatting in a rich edit control. More... | |
class | owl::TCharRange |
TCharRange encapsulates the CHARRANGE structure, which specifies a range of characters in a rich edit control. More... | |
class | owl::TParaFormat |
TParaFormat encapsulates the PARAFORMAT structure, which contains information about paragraph formatting attributes of a rich edit control. More... | |
class | owl::TFormatRange |
TFormatRange encapsulates the FORMATRANGE structure, which contains information that a rich edit control uses to format its output for a particular device. More... | |
class | owl::TEditStream |
TEditStream encapsulates the EDITSTREAM structure, which contains information about a data stream used with a rich edit control. More... | |
class | owl::TTextRange |
TTextRange encapsulates the TEXTRANGE structure, which contains information about a range of text in a rich edit control. More... | |
class | owl::TFindText |
TFindText encapsulates the FINDTEXT structure, which contains information about text to search for in a rich edit control. More... | |
class | owl::TRichEditModule |
Wrapper object which loads the DLL providing the implementation of the RichEdit control. More... | |
class | owl::TRichEdit |
TRichEdit encapsulates a rich edit control, a window in which a user can enter, edit and format text. More... | |
Typedefs | |
typedef TDllLoader< TRichEditModule > | owl::TRichEditDll |
TRichEditDll is a simple object which takes advantages of OWL's TDllLoader to ensure that only one copy of an object [theoretically representing a DLL] is created. | |
Functions | |
owl::TEdit::TEdit (TWindow *parent, int id, LPCTSTR text, int x, int y, int w, int h, uint textLimit=0, bool multiline=false, TModule *=nullptr) | |
Constructs an edit control object with a parent window (parent). | |
owl::TEdit::TEdit (TWindow *parent, int id, const tstring &text, int x, int y, int w, int h, uint textLimit=0, bool multiline=false, TModule *=nullptr) | |
String-aware overload. | |
owl::TEdit::TEdit (TWindow *parent, int resourceId, uint textLimit=0, TModule *=nullptr) | |
Constructor for TEdit associated with a MS-Windows interface element created by MS-Windows from a resource definition. | |
owl::TEdit::TEdit (THandle hWnd, TModule *=nullptr) | |
Constructs a TEdit object to encapsulate (alias) an existing control. | |
owl::TEdit::~TEdit () override | |
Destructor for a TEdit control. | |
owl::TEdit::TRange::TRange (int b=0, int e=-1) | |
int | owl::TEdit::TRange::GetSize () const |
virtual void | owl::TEdit::GetSubText (TCHAR *textBuf, int startPos, int endPos) const |
Deprecated. Use GetTextRange instead. | |
bool | owl::TEdit::IsModified () const |
Returns true if the user has changed the text in the edit control. | |
void | owl::TEdit::ClearModify () |
Resets the change flag of the edit control causing IsModified to return false. | |
virtual int | owl::TEdit::GetLineFromPos (int charPos) const |
Return the line number associated with character index "CharPos". | |
int | owl::TEdit::GetLineIndex (int lineNumber) const |
In a multiline edit control, GetLineIndex returns the number of characters that appear before the line number specified by lineNumber. | |
auto | owl::TEdit::Transfer (void *buffer, TTransferDirection) -> uint override |
Transfers state information for TEdit controls. | |
TCHAR * | owl::TEdit::LockBuffer (uint newSize=0) |
Lock and unlock this edit control's buffer. | |
void | owl::TEdit::UnlockBuffer (LPCTSTR buffer, bool updateHandle=false) |
Unlock the edit control's buffer locked by LockBuffer. | |
void | owl::TEdit::EvChildInvalid (HWND) |
Handler for input validation message sent by parent. | |
int | owl::TEdit::ScrollText (int how) |
owl::TEditSearch::TEditSearch (TWindow *parent=nullptr, int id=0, LPCTSTR text=nullptr, int x=0, int y=0, int w=0, int h=0, TModule *module=nullptr) | |
Constructs a TEditSearch object given the parent window, resource ID, and character string (text). | |
owl::TEditSearch::TEditSearch (TWindow *parent, int id, const tstring &text, int x=0, int y=0, int w=0, int h=0, TModule *=nullptr) | |
String-aware overload. | |
owl::TEditSearch::TEditSearch (TWindow *parent, int resourceId, TModule &module) | |
This constructor, which aliases an Edit control created from a dialog resource is 'unconventional' in that it expects a TModule reference instead of the traditional 'TModule* = 0'. | |
owl::TEditSearch::~TEditSearch () override | |
void | owl::TEditSearch::SetupWindow () override |
void | owl::TEditSearch::DoSearch () |
Performs a search or replace operation base on information in SearchData. | |
TFindReplaceDialog::TData & | owl::TEditSearch::GetSearchData () |
Returns the search data used for the common dialog. | |
void | owl::TEditSearch::SetSearchData (const TFindReplaceDialog::TData &searchdata) |
Uses new search data. | |
TFindReplaceDialog * | owl::TEditSearch::GetSearchDialog () |
Returns the common dialog pointer. | |
void | owl::TEditSearch::SetSearchDialog (TFindReplaceDialog *searchdialog) |
Uses new common dialog pointer. | |
uint | owl::TEditSearch::GetSearchCmd () |
Returns the user selected command that brought up the search dialog. | |
void | owl::TEditSearch::SetSearchCmd (uint searchcmd) |
Remembers the command the user selected to bring up the search dialog. | |
void | owl::TEditSearch::CmEditFind () |
void | owl::TEditSearch::CmEditReplace () |
void | owl::TEditSearch::CeEditFindReplace (TCommandEnabler &ce) |
Enables the find or replace option (only if no dialog is up). | |
void | owl::TEditSearch::CmEditFindNext () |
void | owl::TEditSearch::CeEditFindNext (TCommandEnabler &ce) |
Enables FindNext (only if there's data to search for). | |
TResult | owl::TEditSearch::EvFindMsg (TParam1, TParam2) |
Registered commdlg message. | |
owl::TNoteTabItem::TNoteTabItem (const tstring &label, INT_PTR clientData=0, int imageIdx=-1, TAbsLocation imageLoc=alLeft) | |
Constructor of Notetab Item object. | |
owl::TNoteTabItem::TNoteTabItem () | |
Default constructor of Notetab Item object. | |
owl::TNoteTab::TNoteTab (TWindow *parent, int id, int x, int y, int w, int h, TWindow *buddy=0, bool dialogBuddy=true, TModule *module=0) | |
Constructor of NoteTab object. | |
owl::TNoteTab::TNoteTab (TWindow *parent, int resourceId, TWindow *buddy=0, bool dialogBuddy=true, TModule *module=0) | |
Constructor of NoteTab object. | |
int | owl::TNoteTab::Add (LPCTSTR txt, INT_PTR clientData=0, int imageIdx=-1, TAbsLocation imageLoc=alLeft, bool shouldSelect=true) |
Adds a new tabitem to the notetab control. | |
int | owl::TNoteTab::Add (const tstring &txt, INT_PTR clientData=0, int imageIdx=-1, TAbsLocation imageLoc=alLeft, bool shouldSelect=true) |
int | owl::TNoteTab::Insert (LPCTSTR txt, int index, INT_PTR clientData=0, int imageIdx=-1, TAbsLocation imageLoc=alLeft, bool shouldSelect=true) |
Inserts a new TTabItem at the specified index. | |
int | owl::TNoteTab::Insert (const tstring &txt, int index, INT_PTR clientData=0, int imageIdx=-1, TAbsLocation imageLoc=alLeft, bool shouldSelect=true) |
bool | owl::TNoteTab::Delete (int index) |
Remove the tabitem at the specified 'index'. | |
bool | owl::TNoteTab::DeleteAll () |
Removes all tab items in the notetab control. Always returns true. | |
int | owl::TNoteTab::GetCount () const |
Return the number of tab items in the notetab control. | |
int | owl::TNoteTab::GetSel () const |
Returns the index of the selected tabitem. | |
int | owl::TNoteTab::SetSel (int index) |
Selects the tabitem at the specified index. | |
void | owl::TNoteTab::SetWindowFace (bool) |
Specifies whether active tab should use the system's window color. | |
bool | owl::TNoteTab::GetWindowFace () const |
Returns the flag specifying whether the active tab should use the system's window color. | |
void | owl::TNoteTab::SetStyle3d (bool) |
Specifies whether the note tab should draw a 3D edge. | |
bool | owl::TNoteTab::GetStyle3d () const |
Returns the flag specifying whether the notetab control should draw a 3D border. | |
void | owl::TNoteTab::EnableThemes (bool) |
Specifies whether the note tab should use Windows visual styles (themes). | |
bool | owl::TNoteTab::AreThemesEnabled () const |
int | owl::TNoteTab::GetFirstVisibleTab () const |
Returns FirstVisibleTab. | |
void | owl::TNoteTab::SetFirstVisibleTab (int index) |
Sets FirstVisibleTab to index if index is valid. | |
bool | owl::TNoteTab::EnsureVisible (int index) |
If the tab specified by index is not visible, it is scrolled into view. | |
int | owl::TNoteTab::GetMinimalHeight () |
Returns the minimal control height for which tabs are not clipped. | |
TSize | owl::TNoteTab::GetMargin () const |
Returns the amount of vertical space above the tabs. | |
void | owl::TNoteTab::SetMargin (const TSize &) |
Sets the amount of space to the left of the tabs and above the tabs. | |
TSize | owl::TNoteTab::GetLabelMargin () const |
Returns the amount of padding around the tab label. | |
void | owl::TNoteTab::SetLabelMargin (const TSize &) |
Sets the amount of padding around the tab label. | |
int | owl::TNoteTab::GetLabelImageMargin () const |
Returns the horizontal spacing between image and text in the label. | |
void | owl::TNoteTab::SetLabelImageMargin (int) |
Sets the horizontal spacing between image and text in the label. | |
TSize | owl::TNoteTab::GetFocusMargin () const |
Returns the margin around the focus rectangle for the selected tab. | |
void | owl::TNoteTab::SetFocusMargin (const TSize &) |
Sets the margin around the focus rectangle for the selected tab. | |
int | owl::TNoteTab::GetTabSpacing () const |
Returns the horizontal distance between two tabs. | |
void | owl::TNoteTab::SetTabSpacing (int) |
Sets the horizontal distance between two tabs. | |
int | owl::TNoteTab::GetTabTapering () const |
Returns the amount of narrowing on each side of the tab towards the bottom. | |
void | owl::TNoteTab::SetTabTapering (int) |
Sets the amount of narrowing on each side of the tab towards the bottom. | |
int | owl::TNoteTab::GetSelectedTabProtrusion () const |
Returns the amount of extra height of the selected tab. | |
void | owl::TNoteTab::SetSelectedTabProtrusion (int) |
Sets the amount of extra height of the selected tab. | |
const TFont & | owl::TNoteTab::GetTabFont () const |
Returns the font used to render the text part of the tab labels. | |
void | owl::TNoteTab::SetTabFont (const TFont &) |
Sets the font used to render the text part of the tab labels. | |
const TFont & | owl::TNoteTab::GetSelectedTabFont () const |
Returns the font used to render the text part of the selected tab label. | |
void | owl::TNoteTab::SetSelectedTabFont (const TFont &) |
Sets the font used to render the text part of the selected tab label. | |
TColor | owl::TNoteTab::GetTabColor () const |
Returns the fill color used to paint the tabs. | |
void | owl::TNoteTab::SetTabColor (const TColor &) |
Sets the fill color used to paint the tabs. | |
TColor | owl::TNoteTab::GetSelectedTabColor () const |
Returns the fill color used to paint the selected tab. | |
void | owl::TNoteTab::SetSelectedTabColor (const TColor &) |
Sets the fill color used to paint the selected tab. | |
TColor | owl::TNoteTab::GetEdgeColor () const |
Returns the pen color used to draw the edges of the tabs. | |
void | owl::TNoteTab::SetEdgeColor (const TColor &) |
Sets the pen color used to draw the edges of the tabs. | |
bool | owl::TNoteTab::GetItem (int index, TNoteTabItem &item) const |
Retrieve information about the tab item at the specified index. | |
TNoteTabItem | owl::TNoteTab::GetItem (int index) const |
Functional style overload. | |
bool | owl::TNoteTab::SetItem (int index, const TNoteTabItem &item) |
Updates information about the tab item at the specified index. | |
bool | owl::TNoteTab::IsVisible (int index) const |
Returns true if the tab item at the specified index is visible. | |
bool | owl::TNoteTab::IsFullyVisible (int index) const |
Returns true if the horizontal projection of the tab item at the specified index is contained within the horizontal projection of the current effective tabs area. | |
TAbsLocation | owl::TNoteTab::GetScrollLocation () const |
Get the scroller location. | |
void | owl::TNoteTab::SetScrollLocation (TAbsLocation pos) |
Set the scroller location. | |
void | owl::TNoteTab::SetCelArray (TCelArray *array, TAutoDelete=AutoDelete) |
Sets the bitmap array to be used for the tabs. | |
TCelArray * | owl::TNoteTab::GetCelArray () |
Get a pointer to the array of bitmaps used for the tabs. | |
void | owl::TNoteTab::SetCelArrayTransparentColor (const TColor &) |
Sets the color assigned to denote transparency in the bitmaps used for the tabs (see SetCelArray). | |
TColor | owl::TNoteTab::GetCelArrayTransparentColor () const |
Returns the color assigned to denote transparency in the bitmaps used for the tabs (see SetCelArray). | |
HWND | owl::TNoteTab::GetBuddy () const |
Return handle of buddy window associated with the notetab control. | |
void | owl::TNoteTab::SetBuddy (HWND buddy) |
Sets handle of the buddy window associated with this notetab control. | |
auto | owl::TNoteTab::Transfer (void *buffer, TTransferDirection) -> uint override |
Overrides TWindow virtual member function to handle transfers. | |
auto | owl::TNoteTab::GetWindowClassName () -> TWindowClassName override |
Returns "OWL_Notetab" - the Window class name of the notetab control object. | |
void | owl::TNoteTab::SetupWindow () override |
Overriden virtual of TWindow - Initializes font used by control and resize accordingly. | |
void | owl::TNoteTab::Paint (TDC &, bool erase, TRect &) override |
TWindow::Paint override. | |
void | owl::TNoteTab::EvSize (uint sizeType, const TSize &size) |
WM_SIZE handler - Relay tab items. | |
void | owl::TNoteTab::EvLButtonDown (uint modKeys, const TPoint &point) |
WM_LBUTTONDOWN handler - Checks whether the mouse was clicked on a tab item and selects it. | |
uint | owl::TNoteTab::EvGetDlgCode (const MSG *msg) |
WM_GETDLGCODE handler - Informs dialog manager that arrow keys are to be used. | |
void | owl::TNoteTab::EvKeyDown (uint key, uint repeatCount, uint flags) |
WM_KEYDOWN handler - handles arrow keys to allow user to navigate through tab items. | |
void | owl::TNoteTab::EvSetFocus (THandle hWndLostFocus) |
Handle WM_SETFOCUS: Draw focus to identify selected tab. | |
void | owl::TNoteTab::EvKillFocus (THandle hwndGetFocus) |
Handle WM_KillFOCUS: Remove dotted focus rectangle from selected tab. | |
void | owl::TNoteTab::EvHScroll (uint scrollCode, uint thumbPos, HWND hWndCtl) |
Sets the first visible tab to the given thumb position. | |
void | owl::TNoteTab::EvPaint () |
EV_WM_PAINT handler. | |
bool | owl::TNoteTab::EvEraseBkgnd (HDC) |
Disables automatic background erasure by returning false . | |
void | owl::TNoteTab::InitCtrl () |
Initialize internal variables used by NoteTab. | |
void | owl::TNoteTab::SetTabRects (int firstTab) |
Lays out tab items (and scroll buttons) with the specified index at the leftmost. | |
void | owl::TNoteTab::InvalidateTab (int index) |
Invalidates the rectangle occupied by the tab at the specified index. | |
void | owl::TNoteTab::SetTabSize (int index) |
Updates the internal information stored about the label of a particular tab item. | |
int | owl::TNoteTab::TabFromPoint (const TPoint &pt) const |
Returns the index of the tab item at the specified window coordinate. | |
TRect | owl::TNoteTab::GetScrollingTabsArea () const |
Returns the rectangle of the area reserved for tabs when scrolling is active. | |
TRect | owl::TNoteTab::GetScrollerArea () const |
Returns the desired location of the scrollers within the tab. | |
bool | owl::TNoteTab::NotifyAndSelect (int index) |
Selects the tab at the given index and sends the appropriate notifications. | |
void | owl::TNoteTab::Update () |
Variables | |
int | owl::TEdit::TRange::cpMin |
int | owl::TEdit::TRange::cpMax |
TRect | owl::TNoteTabItem::Rect |
Location of tab [client-area base coords]. | |
tstring | owl::TNoteTabItem::Label |
Label of tab. | |
TSize | owl::TNoteTabItem::LabelSize |
Width and height of label. | |
INT_PTR | owl::TNoteTabItem::ClientData |
User-defined data associated with item. | |
int | owl::TNoteTabItem::ImageIdx |
Index of tab image. | |
TAbsLocation | owl::TNoteTabItem::ImageLoc |
Placement of tab image. | |
Requirement type and functions | |
enum | owl::TEdit::TRequireOption { owl::TEdit::roNone , owl::TEdit::roNonEmpty , owl::TEdit::roNonBlank } |
void | owl::TEdit::SetNotRequired () |
Sets the requirement option for the edit control to reflect a value is not required. | |
void | owl::TEdit::SetRequired (TRequireOption option=roNonBlank) |
Sets the requirement option for the edit control. | |
TRequireOption | owl::TEdit::GetRequired () const |
Returns the requirement option for the edit control. | |
bool | owl::TEdit::IsRequired () const |
Returns true if a value is required for the edit control. | |
Accessors | |
int | owl::TEdit::GetNumLines () const |
Return the number of lines in the associated edit control. | |
int | owl::TEdit::GetLineLength (int lineNumber) const |
Return the length of line number "lineNumber". | |
bool | owl::TEdit::GetLine (TCHAR *str, int strSize, int lineNumber) const |
Return the text of line number "lineNumber" (0-terminated) | |
tstring | owl::TEdit::GetLine (int lineNumber) const |
String-aware overload If the length of the returned string differs from GetLineLength an error occured. | |
virtual void | owl::TEdit::GetSelection (int &startPos, int &endPos) const |
Return the starting and ending positions of the selected text. | |
TRange | owl::TEdit::GetSelection () const |
Functional style overload. | |
virtual int | owl::TEdit::GetCurrentPosition () const |
Return the current caret position. | |
virtual tstring | owl::TEdit::GetTextRange (const TRange &) const |
Retrieves a specified range of text from the edit control. | |
Operations | |
bool | owl::TEdit::DeleteSubText (int startPos, int endPos) |
Deletes the text between the starting and ending positions specified by startPos and endPos, respectively. | |
bool | owl::TEdit::DeleteSubText (const TRange &r) |
bool | owl::TEdit::DeleteLine (int lineNumber) |
Deletes the text in the line specified by lineNumber in a multiline edit control. | |
bool | owl::TEdit::DeleteSelection () |
Deletes the currently selected text, and returns false if no text is selected. | |
virtual bool | owl::TEdit::SetSelection (int startPos, int endPos) |
Select the characters in the range "startPos .. endPos". | |
bool | owl::TEdit::SetSelection (const TRange &r) |
bool | owl::TEdit::ClearSelection () |
Scrolling text | |
void | owl::TEdit::Scroll (int horizontalUnit, int verticalUnit) |
Scroll the text by the specified horizontal and vertical amounts. | |
void | owl::TEdit::ScrollCaret () |
int | owl::TEdit::LineDown () |
EM_SCROLL, SB_LINEDOWN Scrolls down one line. | |
int | owl::TEdit::LineUp () |
EM_SCROLL, SB_LINEUP Scrolls up one line. | |
int | owl::TEdit::PageDown () |
EM_SCROLL, SB_PAGEDOWN Scrolls down one page. | |
int | owl::TEdit::PageUp () |
EM_SCROLL, SB_PAGEUP Scrolls up one page. | |
void | owl::TEdit::Insert (LPCTSTR str) |
Inserts the text supplied in str into the edit control at the current text insertion point (cursor position), and replaces any currently selected text. | |
void | owl::TEdit::Insert (const tstring &str) |
virtual int | owl::TEdit::Search (int startPos, LPCTSTR text, bool caseSensitive=false, bool wholeWord=false, bool up=false) |
searches for and selects the given text and returns the offset of the text or -1 if the text is not found | |
int | owl::TEdit::Search (int startPos, const tstring &text, bool caseSensitive=false, bool wholeWord=false, bool up=false) |
void | owl::TEdit::GetRect (TRect &frmtRect) const |
Gets the formatting rectangle of a multiline edit control. | |
void | owl::TEdit::SetRect (const TRect &frmtRect) |
Sets the formatting rectangle for a multiline edit control. | |
void | owl::TEdit::SetRectNP (const TRect &frmtRect) |
Sets the formatting rectangle for a multiline edit control. | |
bool | owl::TEdit::FormatLines (bool addEOL) |
Indicates if the end-of-line characters (carriage return, linefeed) are to be added or removed from text lines that are wordwrapped in a multiline edit control. | |
void | owl::TEdit::SetTabStops (int numTabs, const int *tabs) |
Sets the tab stop positions in a multiline edit control. | |
virtual void | owl::TEdit::LimitText (int) |
Limit the amount of new text that can be entered in the edit control. | |
virtual int | owl::TEdit::GetLimitText () const |
HLOCAL | owl::TEdit::GetMemHandle () const |
Return the memory handle for the edit control's buffer. | |
void | owl::TEdit::SetMemHandle (HLOCAL localMem) |
Sets the memory handle for the edit control's buffer. | |
void | owl::TEdit::SetPasswordChar (uint ch) |
SetPasswordChar sets the character to be displayed in place of a user-typed character. | |
int | owl::TEdit::GetFirstVisibleLine () const |
Indicates the topmost visible line in an edit control. | |
void | owl::TEdit::SetReadOnly (bool readOnly) |
Sets the edit control to be read-only or read-write. | |
uint | owl::TEdit::GetPasswordChar () const |
Returns the character to be displayed in place of a user-typed character. | |
EDITWORDBREAKPROC | owl::TEdit::GetWordBreakProc () const |
Get word-breaking procedure. | |
void | owl::TEdit::SetWordBreakProc (EDITWORDBREAKPROC proc) |
In a multiline edit control, SetWordBreakProc indicates that an application-supplied word-break function has replaced the default word-break function. | |
Clipboard operations | |
bool | owl::TEdit::CanUndo () const |
Returns true if it is possible to undo the last edit. | |
void | owl::TEdit::EmptyUndoBuffer () |
If an operation inside the edit control can be undone, the edit control undo flag is set. | |
void | owl::TEdit::Undo () |
Undoes the last edit. | |
virtual void | owl::TEdit::Paste () |
Inserts text from the Clipboard into the edit control at the current text insertion point (cursor position). | |
void | owl::TEdit::Copy () |
Copies the currently selected text into the Clipboard. | |
void | owl::TEdit::Cut () |
Deletes the currently selected text and copies it into the Clipboard. | |
Validator functions | |
bool | owl::TEdit::IsValid (bool reportErr=false) |
Always returns true if the TEdit object does not have an associated TValidator object (i.e. | |
TValidator * | owl::TEdit::GetValidator () |
Return the validator associated with this edit control. | |
void | owl::TEdit::SetValidator (TValidator *validator) |
Sets a new validator for this control, can be 0. Cleans up the old validator. | |
void | owl::TEdit::ValidatorError () |
Handles validation errors that occur as a result of validating the edit control. | |
bool | owl::TEdit::IsRefocusing () const |
Return true when this edit control is attempting to regain focus after an EvKillFocus() with invalid contents. | |
Margin functions | |
void | owl::TEdit::SetLeftMargin (uint16 margin) |
void | owl::TEdit::SetRightMargin (uint16 margin) |
void | owl::TEdit::SetMarginUseFontInfo () |
uint32 | owl::TEdit::GetMargins () const |
Position and character functions | |
virtual uint32 | owl::TEdit::CharFromPos (int16 x, int16 y) |
virtual uint32 | owl::TEdit::PosFromChar (uint charIndex) |
void | owl::TEdit::Clear () override |
Override TStatic virtual member functions. | |
Command response functions for edit menu items | |
void | owl::TEdit::CmEditCut () |
void | owl::TEdit::CmEditCopy () |
void | owl::TEdit::CmEditPaste () |
void | owl::TEdit::CmEditDelete () |
void | owl::TEdit::CmEditClear () |
void | owl::TEdit::CmEditUndo () |
Command enabler functions for edit menu items | |
void | owl::TEdit::CmSelectEnable (TCommandEnabler &commandHandler) |
This function is called for Cut/Copy/Delete menu items to determine whether or not the item is enabled. | |
void | owl::TEdit::CmPasteEnable (TCommandEnabler &commandHandler) |
This function is called for the Paste menu item to determine whether or not the item is enabled. | |
void | owl::TEdit::CmCharsEnable (TCommandEnabler &commandHandler) |
This function is called for the Clear menu item to determine whether or not the item is enabled. | |
void | owl::TEdit::CmModEnable (TCommandEnabler &commandHandler) |
This function is called for the Undo menu item to determine whether or not the item is enabled. | |
Child id notification handled at the child | |
void | owl::TEdit::ENErrSpace () |
Override TWindow virtual member functions | |
auto | owl::TEdit::GetWindowClassName () -> TWindowClassName override |
Return name of predefined Windows edit class. | |
void | owl::TEdit::SetupWindow () override |
void | owl::TEdit::EvChar (uint key, uint repeatCount, uint flags) |
Validates Self whenever a character is entered. | |
void | owl::TEdit::EvKeyDown (uint key, uint repeatCount, uint flags) |
EvKeyDown translates the virtual key code into a movement. | |
uint | owl::TEdit::EvGetDlgCode (const MSG *) |
Responds to WM_GETDLGCODE messages that are sent to a dialog box associated with a control. | |
void | owl::TEdit::EvSetFocus (HWND hWndLostFocus) |
Handle the set focus message and make sure the anti-oscillation flag is cleared. | |
void | owl::TEdit::EvKillFocus (HWND hWndGetFocus) |
Validates this whenever the focus is about to be lost. | |
bool | owl::TEdit::EvUpDown (TNmUpDown &) |
Handles up-down messages from an up-down control and adjusts contents if there is a validator to help. | |
auto | owl::TEdit::CanClose () -> bool override |
Checks to see if all child windows can be closed before closing the current window. | |
The control classes support standard Windows controls such as list boxes, combo boxes, group boxes, check boxes, scroll bars, buttons, radio buttons, edit controls, and static controls.
Although most windows come with scroll bars already installed, you can use TScrollBar to create a standalone vertical or horizontal scroll bar; for example, as a dialog box control.
Unlike standard Windows controls, ObjectWindows supports widgets, specialized controls written entirely in C++. The widget classes ObjectWindows provides include support for sliders, controls that are used for providing nonscrolling position information, and gauges, controls that provide duration or analog information about a particular process.
TSlider defines
the basic behavior of sliders.THSlider implements
horizontal sliders.TVSlider implements
vertical sliders.TGauge defines
the basic behavior of gauge controls.TUrlLink defines
the basic behavior of URL Link controls.TGridPicker defines
the basic behavior of grid controls. TRichEditDll is a simple object which takes advantages of OWL's TDllLoader to ensure that only one copy of an object [theoretically representing a DLL] is created.
TRichEditDll provides the 'IsAvailable' method which returns true if the DLL is available and loaded. TRichEditDll is used internally by OWL's TRichEdit class to ensure that the DLL is available and loaded. You may consider using TRichEditDll if your application creates rich edit controls without instantiating a TRichEdit object. (For example, if the control is part of a dialog resource). The following snippet illustrates:
Definition at line 244 of file richedit.h.
Constructs a TEdit object to encapsulate (alias) an existing control.
Definition at line 144 of file edit.cpp.
References owl::TWindow::EnableTransfer().
owl::TEdit::TEdit | ( | TWindow * | parent, |
int | id, | ||
const tstring & | text, | ||
int | x, | ||
int | y, | ||
int | w, | ||
int | h, | ||
uint | textLimit = 0, | ||
bool | multiline = false, | ||
TModule * | module = nullptr ) |
String-aware overload.
Definition at line 115 of file edit.cpp.
References owl::TWindow::ModifyExStyle(), owl::TWindow::ModifyStyle(), and WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE.
owl::TEdit::TEdit | ( | TWindow * | parent, |
int | id, | ||
LPCTSTR | text, | ||
int | x, | ||
int | y, | ||
int | w, | ||
int | h, | ||
uint | textLen = 0, | ||
bool | multiline = false, | ||
TModule * | module = nullptr ) |
Constructs an edit control object with a parent window (parent).
Sets the creation attributes of the edit control and fills its Attr data members with the specified control ID (Id), position (x, y) relative to the origin of the parent window's client area, width (w), and height (h). If text buffer length (textLimit) is 0 or 1, there is no explicit limit to the number of characters that can be entered. Otherwise textLimit - 1 characters can be entered. By default, initial text (text) in the edit control is left-justified and the edit control has a border. Multiline edit controls have horizontal and vertical scroll bars
Definition at line 100 of file edit.cpp.
owl::TEdit::TEdit | ( | TWindow * | parent, |
int | resourceId, | ||
uint | textLen = 0, | ||
TModule * | module = nullptr ) |
Constructor for TEdit associated with a MS-Windows interface element created by MS-Windows from a resource definition.
Constructs a TEdit object to be associated with an edit control of a TDialog. Invokes the TStatic constructor with identical parameters. The resourceID parameter must correspond to an edit resource that you define. Enables the data transfer mechanism by calling EnableTransfer.
Definition at line 135 of file edit.cpp.
References owl::TWindow::EnableTransfer().
owl::TEditSearch::TEditSearch | ( | TWindow * | parent, |
int | id, | ||
const tstring & | text, | ||
int | x = 0, | ||
int | y = 0, | ||
int | w = 0, | ||
int | h = 0, | ||
TModule * | module = nullptr ) |
String-aware overload.
Definition at line 52 of file editsear.cpp.
This constructor, which aliases an Edit control created from a dialog resource is 'unconventional' in that it expects a TModule reference instead of the traditional 'TModule* = 0'.
This is, however, to avoid ambiguities between the two forms of constructor. Since it is traditionally created as a child of a TDialog-derived class, you can simply use the module of the parent object. For example,
Definition at line 126 of file editsear.h.
owl::TEditSearch::TEditSearch | ( | TWindow * | parent = nullptr, |
int | id = 0, | ||
LPCTSTR | text = nullptr, | ||
int | x = 0, | ||
int | y = 0, | ||
int | w = 0, | ||
int | h = 0, | ||
TModule * | module = nullptr ) |
Constructs a TEditSearch object given the parent window, resource ID, and character string (text).
Definition at line 35 of file editsear.cpp.
owl::TNoteTab::TNoteTab | ( | TWindow * | parent, |
int | id, | ||
int | x, | ||
int | y, | ||
int | w, | ||
int | h, | ||
TWindow * | buddy = 0, | ||
bool | dialogBuddy = true, | ||
TModule * | module = 0 ) |
Constructor of NoteTab object.
Use this constructor when creating a notetab control from scratch.
Definition at line 64 of file notetab.cpp.
References owl::TNoteTab::InitCtrl().
owl::TNoteTab::TNoteTab | ( | TWindow * | parent, |
int | resourceId, | ||
TWindow * | buddy = 0, | ||
bool | dialogBuddy = true, | ||
TModule * | module = 0 ) |
Constructor of NoteTab object.
Use this constructor when aliasing a control defined within a dialog template.
Definition at line 82 of file notetab.cpp.
References owl::TNoteTab::InitCtrl().
inline |
inline |
override |
Destructor for a TEdit control.
Definition at line 154 of file edit.cpp.
References owl::TEdit::SetValidator().
override |
Definition at line 70 of file editsear.cpp.
int owl::TNoteTab::Add | ( | LPCTSTR | txt, |
INT_PTR | clientData = 0, | ||
int | imageIdx = -1, | ||
TAbsLocation | imageLoc = alLeft, | ||
bool | shouldSelect = true ) |
Adds a new tabitem to the notetab control.
Definition at line 122 of file notetab.cpp.
References owl::TNoteTab::GetCount(), and owl::TNoteTab::Insert().
Checks to see if all child windows can be closed before closing the current window.
If any child window returns false, CanClose returns false and terminates the process. If all child windows can be closed, CanClose returns true.
Reimplemented from owl::TWindow.
Reimplemented in owl::TEditFile, owl::TEditView, and owl::TRichEditView.
Definition at line 432 of file edit.cpp.
References owl::TWindow::CanClose(), owl::TEdit::IsValid(), and owl::TWindow::IsWindowEnabled().
inline |
Returns true if it is possible to undo the last edit.
Definition at line 690 of file edit.h.
References CONST_CAST, owl::TWindow::GetHandle(), and PRECONDITION.
protected |
Enables FindNext (only if there's data to search for).
Definition at line 169 of file editsear.cpp.
References owl::TFindReplaceDialog::TData::FindWhat.
protected |
Enables the find or replace option (only if no dialog is up).
Definition at line 147 of file editsear.cpp.
Reimplemented in owl::TRichEdit.
Definition at line 732 of file edit.h.
References owl::TWindow::GetHandle(), owl::MkUint32(), PRECONDITION, and owl::TWindow::SendMessage().
overridevirtual |
Override TStatic virtual member functions.
Overrides TStatic's virtual member function and clears all text.
Reimplemented from owl::TStatic.
Definition at line 421 of file edit.cpp.
References owl::TEdit::DeleteSubText().
inline |
Resets the change flag of the edit control causing IsModified to return false.
The flag is set when text is modified.
Definition at line 276 of file edit.h.
References owl::TWindow::GetHandle(), PRECONDITION, and owl::TWindow::SendMessage().
protected |
This function is called for the Clear menu item to determine whether or not the item is enabled.
Definition at line 466 of file edit.cpp.
References owl::TEdit::GetLineLength(), and owl::TEdit::GetNumLines().
inlineprotected |
Automatically responds to a menu selection with a menu ID of CM_EDITCLEAR by calling Clear().
Definition at line 390 of file edit.h.
References owl::TEdit::Clear().
inlineprotected |
Automatically responds to a menu selection with a menu ID of CM_EDITCOPY by calling Copy().
Definition at line 366 of file edit.h.
References owl::TEdit::Copy().
inlineprotected |
Automatically responds to a menu selection with a menu ID of CM_EDITCUT by calling Cut().
Definition at line 358 of file edit.h.
References owl::TEdit::Cut().
inlineprotected |
Automatically responds to a menu selection with a menu ID of CM_EDITDELETE by calling DeleteSelection().
Definition at line 382 of file edit.h.
References owl::TEdit::DeleteSelection().
protected |
Opens a modeless TFindDialog in response to an incoming Find command with a CM_EDITFIND command.
Definition at line 118 of file editsear.cpp.
References owl::TDialog::Create().
protected |
Responds to an incoming FindNext command with a CM_EDITFINDNEXT command identifier by calling DoSearch to repeat the search operation.
Definition at line 157 of file editsear.cpp.
References owl::TEditSearch::DoSearch(), owl::TFindReplaceDialog::TData::Flags, and owl::TFindReplaceDialog::UpdateData().
inlineprotected |
Automatically responds to a menu selection with a menu ID of CM_EDITPASTE by calling Paste().
Definition at line 374 of file edit.h.
References owl::TEdit::Paste().
protected |
Opens a TReplaceDialog in response to an incoming Replace command with a CM_EDITREPLACE command.
Definition at line 133 of file editsear.cpp.
References owl::TDialog::Create().
inlineprotected |
Automatically responds to a menu selection with a menu ID of CM_EDITUNDO by calling Undo().
Definition at line 398 of file edit.h.
References owl::TEdit::Undo().
protected |
This function is called for the Undo menu item to determine whether or not the item is enabled.
Definition at line 476 of file edit.cpp.
References owl::TEdit::IsModified().
protected |
This function is called for the Paste menu item to determine whether or not the item is enabled.
Definition at line 455 of file edit.cpp.
References owl::TClipboard::IsClipboardFormatAvailable().
protected |
This function is called for Cut/Copy/Delete menu items to determine whether or not the item is enabled.
Definition at line 442 of file edit.cpp.
References owl::TEdit::GetSelection().
inline |
Copies the currently selected text into the Clipboard.
Definition at line 323 of file edit.h.
References owl::TWindow::GetHandle(), PRECONDITION, and owl::TWindow::SendMessage().
inline |
Deletes the currently selected text and copies it into the Clipboard.
Definition at line 332 of file edit.h.
References owl::TWindow::GetHandle(), PRECONDITION, and owl::TWindow::SendMessage().
Remove the tabitem at the specified 'index'.
Returns true on success; false otherwise.
Definition at line 162 of file notetab.cpp.
References CHECK, owl::TNoteTab::GetCount(), owl::TNoteTab::InvalidateTab(), owl::TNoteTab::IsVisible(), and owl::TNoteTab::SetTabRects().
bool owl::TNoteTab::DeleteAll | ( | ) |
Removes all tab items in the notetab control. Always returns true.
Definition at line 209 of file notetab.cpp.
Deletes the text in the line specified by lineNumber in a multiline edit control.
If -1 passed, deletes the current line. DeleteLine does not delete the line break and affects no other lines. Returns true if successful. Returns false if lineNumber is not -1 and is out of range or if an error occurs.
Definition at line 854 of file edit.cpp.
References _T, owl::TEdit::DeleteSubText(), owl::TEdit::GetLineFromPos(), owl::TEdit::GetLineIndex(), owl::TEdit::GetLineLength(), and owl::TStatic::SetText().
bool owl::TEdit::DeleteSelection | ( | ) |
Deletes the currently selected text, and returns false if no text is selected.
Definition at line 819 of file edit.cpp.
References owl::TEdit::GetSelection(), and owl::TWindow::SendMessage().
Definition at line 93 of file edit.h.
References owl::TEdit::DeleteSubText().
Deletes the text between the starting and ending positions specified by startPos and endPos, respectively.
DeleteSubText returns true if successful.
Definition at line 838 of file edit.cpp.
References owl::TEdit::DeleteSelection(), and owl::TEdit::SetSelection().
void owl::TEditSearch::DoSearch | ( | ) |
Performs a search or replace operation base on information in SearchData.
Definition at line 91 of file editsear.cpp.
References _T, owl::TFindReplaceDialog::TData::FindWhat, owl::TFindReplaceDialog::TData::Flags, owl::TWindow::FormatMessageBox(), owl::TEdit::Insert(), owl::TWindow::LoadString(), owl::TFindReplaceDialog::TData::ReplaceWith, and owl::TEdit::Search().
inline |
If an operation inside the edit control can be undone, the edit control undo flag is set.
EmptyUndoBuffer resets or clears this flag.
Definition at line 296 of file edit.h.
References owl::TWindow::GetHandle(), PRECONDITION, and owl::TWindow::SendMessage().
Specifies whether the note tab should use Windows visual styles (themes).
Definition at line 396 of file notetab.h.
References owl::TNoteTab::Update().
protected |
Beeps when edit control runs out of space.
Sounds a beep in response to an error notification message that is sent when the edit control unsuccessfully attempts to allocate more memory.
Definition at line 166 of file edit.cpp.
References owl::TWindow::DefaultProcessing().
If the tab specified by index is not visible, it is scrolled into view.
If the given index is -1, the index of the selected tab is used instead. Returns true if successful, false on failure.
Definition at line 1637 of file notetab.cpp.
References CHECK, owl::TNoteTab::GetCount(), owl::TNoteTab::GetFirstVisibleTab(), owl::TNoteTab::GetSel(), owl::TNoteTab::IsFullyVisible(), PRECONDITION, and owl::TNoteTab::SetFirstVisibleTab().
Validates Self whenever a character is entered.
Allows the character entry to be processed normally, then validates the result and restores Self's text to its original state if there is an incorrect entry. By default, the SupressFill parameter of the IsValidInput method call to the Validator is set to False, so that it is free to modify the string, if it is so configured.
Definition at line 214 of file edit.cpp.
References _tcscpy, _tcslen, owl::TValidator::Error(), owl::TWindow::EvChar(), owl::TEdit::GetSelection(), owl::TStatic::GetText(), owl::TStatic::GetTextLen(), owl::TValidator::HasOption(), owl::TEdit::IsModified(), owl::TValidator::IsValidInput(), owl::TEdit::LockBuffer(), owl::TWindow::SendMessage(), owl::TEdit::SetSelection(), owl::TEdit::UnlockBuffer(), and owl::voOnAppend.
Handler for input validation message sent by parent.
Handle input validation message sent by parent.
Definition at line 403 of file edit.cpp.
References owl::TEdit::ValidatorError().
Disables automatic background erasure by returning false
Definition at line 1672 of file notetab.cpp.
Registered commdlg message.
Responds to a message sent by the modeless find or replace dialog box.
Calls DoSearch to continue searching if text is not found or the end of the document has not been reached.
Definition at line 180 of file editsear.cpp.
References owl::TEditSearch::DoSearch(), owl::TFindReplaceDialog::TData::Flags, PRECONDITION, and owl::TFindReplaceDialog::UpdateData().
Responds to WM_GETDLGCODE messages that are sent to a dialog box associated with a control.
EvGetDlgCode allows the dialog manager to intercept a message that would normally go to a control and then ask the control if it wants to process this message. If not, the dialog manager processes the message. The msg parameter indicates the kind of message, for example a control, command, or edit message, sent to the dialog box manager. If the edit control contains valid input, then TABs are allowed for changing focus. Otherwise, request that TABs be sent to Self, where we will generate the Invalid message (See EvKeyDown()). Tabulator handling is needed, because if EvKillFocus simply disregards validating upon focus changes to the Ok/Cancel buttons, then tabbing to either of those controls from an invalid field would bypass validation, an undesired side-effect. Or simply, if focus is set to the Cancel button because it was pressed, we don't want validation; if focus was set via tabbing, we do want validation. So tabulator handling is captured since EvKillFocus won't know the difference.
Definition at line 193 of file edit.cpp.
References owl::TWindow::EvGetDlgCode(), and owl::TEdit::IsValid().
WM_GETDLGCODE handler - Informs dialog manager that arrow keys are to be used.
Definition at line 1223 of file notetab.cpp.
References owl::TWindow::EvGetDlgCode().
Sets the first visible tab to the given thumb position.
Definition at line 1653 of file notetab.cpp.
References owl::TNoteTab::SetFirstVisibleTab().
EvKeyDown translates the virtual key code into a movement.
key indicates the virtual key code of the pressed key, repeatCount holds the number of times the same key is pressed, flags contains one of the messages that translates to a virtual key (VK) code for the mode indicators. If the Tab key is sent to the edit control, EvKeyDown checks the validity before allowing the focus to change. The control will only get a TAB if EvGetDlgCode(above) allows it, which is done when the control contains invalid input (we re-validate here just for completeness, in case descendants redefine any of this behavior). We need to validate on TAB focus-changes because there is a case not handled by EvKillFocus: when focus is lost to an OK or Cancel button by tabbing. See EvGetDlgCode for more information. Otherwise, for validators with the OnAppend option, perform an input validation if the selection moves to the end. i.e. it becomes appending.
Definition at line 285 of file edit.cpp.
References _tcslen, owl::TWindow::DefaultProcessing(), owl::TValidator::Error(), owl::TEdit::GetSelection(), owl::TStatic::GetTextLen(), owl::TValidator::HasOption(), owl::TEdit::IsValid(), owl::TValidator::IsValidInput(), owl::TEdit::LockBuffer(), owl::TEdit::UnlockBuffer(), owl::TEdit::ValidatorError(), and owl::voOnAppend.
WM_KEYDOWN handler - handles arrow keys to allow user to navigate through tab items.
Definition at line 1233 of file notetab.cpp.
References CHECK, owl::TNoteTab::EnsureVisible(), owl::TNoteTab::EvHScroll(), owl::TNoteTab::GetCount(), owl::TNoteTab::GetFirstVisibleTab(), owl::TNoteTab::GetSel(), owl::TWindow::Invalidate(), owl::TNoteTab::IsFullyVisible(), owl::TNoteTab::NotifyAndSelect(), and owl::TNoteTab::SetFirstVisibleTab().
Validates this whenever the focus is about to be lost.
In response to a WM_KILLFOCUS message sent to a window that is losing the keyboard, EvKillFocus hides and then destroys the caret. EvKillFocus validates text whenever the focus is about to be lost and will reclaim the focus if the text is not valid. It doesn't kill the focus if another application, a Cancel button, or an OK button (in which case CanClose is called to validate text if pressed) has the focus. See EvGetDlgCode for more information.
Definition at line 330 of file edit.cpp.
References owl::TWindow::EvKillFocus(), owl::TWindow::GetDlgCtrlID(), owl::TWindow::GetHandle(), owl::TWindow::GetParent(), owl::TWindow::GetParentO(), owl::GetWindowPtr(), owl::TEdit::IsRequired(), owl::TEdit::IsValid(), owl::TWindow::PostMessage(), and WM_CHILDINVALID.
Handle WM_KillFOCUS: Remove dotted focus rectangle from selected tab.
Definition at line 1211 of file notetab.cpp.
References owl::TWindow::EvKillFocus(), owl::TNoteTab::GetCount(), owl::TWindow::InvalidateRect(), PRECONDITION, and owl::TWindow::UpdateWindow().
WM_LBUTTONDOWN handler - Checks whether the mouse was clicked on a tab item and selects it.
Definition at line 1183 of file notetab.cpp.
References owl::TNoteTab::GetScrollerArea(), owl::TWindow::IsWindowVisible(), owl::TNoteTab::NotifyAndSelect(), PRECONDITION, owl::TWindow::SetFocus(), and owl::TNoteTab::TabFromPoint().
protected |
EV_WM_PAINT handler.
Definition at line 1663 of file notetab.cpp.
References owl::TControl::EvPaint().
Handle the set focus message and make sure the anti-oscillation flag is cleared.
Definition at line 365 of file edit.cpp.
References owl::TWindow::EvSetFocus().
Handle WM_SETFOCUS: Draw focus to identify selected tab.
Definition at line 1199 of file notetab.cpp.
References owl::TWindow::EvSetFocus(), owl::TNoteTab::GetCount(), owl::TWindow::InvalidateRect(), PRECONDITION, and owl::TWindow::UpdateWindow().
WM_SIZE handler - Relay tab items.
Definition at line 1136 of file notetab.cpp.
References owl::TUIMetric::CxEdge, owl::TUIMetric::CyEdge, owl::TNoteTab::EnsureVisible(), owl::TWindow::EvSize(), owl::TWindow::GetClientRect(), owl::TNoteTab::GetCount(), owl::TNoteTab::GetSel(), owl::TWindow::InvalidateRect(), owl::TNoteTab::IsVisible(), and owl::TNoteTab::SetTabRects().
Handles up-down messages from an up-down control and adjusts contents if there is a validator to help.
Definition at line 382 of file edit.cpp.
References _tcscpy, owl::TValidator::Adjust(), owl::TEdit::GetSelection(), owl::TEdit::LockBuffer(), owl::TEdit::SetSelection(), and owl::TEdit::UnlockBuffer().
Indicates if the end-of-line characters (carriage return, linefeed) are to be added or removed from text lines that are wordwrapped in a multiline edit control.
Returns true if these characters are placed at the end of wordwrapped lines or false if they are removed.
Definition at line 593 of file edit.h.
References owl::TWindow::GetHandle(), PRECONDITION, and owl::TWindow::SendMessage().
HWND owl::TNoteTab::GetBuddy | ( | ) | const |
Return handle of buddy window associated with the notetab control.
Definition at line 479 of file notetab.cpp.
inline |
inline |
int owl::TNoteTab::GetCount | ( | ) | const |
Return the number of tab items in the notetab control.
Definition at line 222 of file notetab.cpp.
inlinevirtual |
Return the current caret position.
Definition at line 454 of file edit.h.
References owl::TWindow::GetHandle(), owl::TEdit::GetSelection(), and PRECONDITION.
inline |
inline |
Indicates the topmost visible line in an edit control.
For single-line edit controls, the return value is 0. For multiline edit controls, the return value is the index of the topmost visible line.
Definition at line 640 of file edit.h.
References CONST_CAST, owl::TWindow::GetHandle(), and PRECONDITION.
inline |
inline |
TNoteTabItem owl::TNoteTab::GetItem | ( | int | index | ) | const |
Functional style overload.
Definition at line 449 of file notetab.cpp.
References CHECK, owl::TNoteTab::GetItem(), and owl::InUse().
bool owl::TNoteTab::GetItem | ( | int | index, |
TNoteTabItem & | tabItem ) const |
Retrieve information about the tab item at the specified index.
Always returns true.
Definition at line 436 of file notetab.cpp.
References owl::TNoteTab::GetCount(), and PRECONDITION.
inline |
inline |
inlinevirtual |
Definition at line 725 of file edit.h.
References CONST_CAST, owl::TWindow::GetHandle(), and PRECONDITION.
String-aware overload If the length of the returned string differs from GetLineLength an error occured.
Definition at line 560 of file edit.cpp.
References owl::CopyText(), and owl::TEdit::GetLineLength().
Return the text of line number "lineNumber" (0-terminated)
Retrieves a line of text (whose line number is supplied) from the edit control and returns it in str (NULL-terminated). strSize indicates how many characters to retrieve. GetLine returns false if it is unable to retrieve the text or if the supplied buffer is too small.
Definition at line 511 of file edit.cpp.
References CONST_CAST, owl::TEdit::GetLineLength(), and owl::TWindow::SendMessage().
Return the line number associated with character index "CharPos".
From a multiline edit control, returns the line number on which the character position specified by charPos occurs. If charPos is greater than the position of the last character, the number of the last line is returned. If charPos is-1, the number of the line that contains the first selected character is returned. If there is no selection, the line containing the caret is returned.
Reimplemented in owl::TRichEdit.
Definition at line 472 of file edit.h.
References CONST_CAST, owl::TWindow::GetHandle(), and PRECONDITION.
In a multiline edit control, GetLineIndex returns the number of characters that appear before the line number specified by lineNumber.
If lineNumber is -1, GetLineIndex returns the number of the line that contains the caret is returned.
Definition at line 483 of file edit.h.
References CONST_CAST, owl::TWindow::GetHandle(), and PRECONDITION.
Return the length of line number "lineNumber".
From a multiline edit control, GetLineLength returns the number of characters in the line specified by lineNumber. If it is -1, the following applies:
Definition at line 494 of file edit.cpp.
References CONST_CAST, and owl::TEdit::GetLineIndex().
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 718 of file edit.h.
References CONST_CAST, owl::TWindow::GetHandle(), and PRECONDITION.
inline |
Return the memory handle for the edit control's buffer.
Definition at line 620 of file edit.h.
References CONST_CAST, owl::TWindow::GetHandle(), and PRECONDITION.
int owl::TNoteTab::GetMinimalHeight | ( | ) |
Returns the minimal control height for which tabs are not clipped.
Definition at line 271 of file notetab.cpp.
References owl::TUIMetric::CyEdge, owl::TNoteTab::GetCount(), and owl::TNoteTab::SetTabSize().
inline |
Return the number of lines in the associated edit control.
Definition at line 409 of file edit.h.
References CONST_CAST, owl::TWindow::GetHandle(), and PRECONDITION.
inline |
Returns the character to be displayed in place of a user-typed character.
When the edit control is created with the ES_PASSWORD style specified, the default display character is an asterisk (*).
Definition at line 660 of file edit.h.
References CONST_CAST, owl::TWindow::GetHandle(), and PRECONDITION.
Gets the formatting rectangle of a multiline edit control.
Definition at line 562 of file edit.h.
References CONST_CAST, owl::TWindow::GetHandle(), and PRECONDITION.
inline |
protected |
Returns the desired location of the scrollers within the tab.
Definition at line 1540 of file notetab.cpp.
References owl::alLeft, owl::alNone, owl::alRight, owl::TUIMetric::CxFixedFrame, owl::TUIMetric::CxHScroll, owl::TUIMetric::CyFixedFrame, owl::TUIMetric::CyHScroll, and owl::TWindow::GetClientRect().
protected |
Returns the rectangle of the area reserved for tabs when scrolling is active.
Definition at line 1571 of file notetab.cpp.
References owl::alLeft, owl::alRight, owl::TWindow::GetClientRect(), and owl::TNoteTab::GetScrollerArea().
inline |
inline |
Returns the user selected command that brought up the search dialog.
Definition at line 164 of file editsear.h.
inline |
Returns the search data used for the common dialog.
Definition at line 136 of file editsear.h.
inline |
Returns the common dialog pointer.
Definition at line 150 of file editsear.h.
int owl::TNoteTab::GetSel | ( | ) | const |
Returns the index of the selected tabitem.
Definition at line 234 of file notetab.cpp.
inline |
const TFont & owl::TNoteTab::GetSelectedTabFont | ( | ) | const |
Returns the font used to render the text part of the selected tab label.
Definition at line 384 of file notetab.cpp.
inline |
TEdit::TRange owl::TEdit::GetSelection | ( | ) | const |
Functional style overload.
Definition at line 979 of file edit.cpp.
References owl::TEdit::GetSelection().
Return the starting and ending positions of the selected text.
Returns the starting (startPos) and ending (endPos) positions of the currently selected text. By using GetSelection in conjunction with GetSubText, you can get the currently selected text.
Reimplemented in owl::TRichEdit.
Definition at line 443 of file edit.h.
References CONST_CAST, owl::TWindow::GetHandle(), and PRECONDITION.
inline |
Deprecated. Use GetTextRange instead.
Retrieve the text of the associated edit control between the given positions.
Note that the buffer must be large enough to hold the text, otherwise buffer overrun will occur. The destination is always null-terminated.
NB! This function is deprecated. Use GetTextRange instead.
Reimplemented in owl::TRichEdit.
Definition at line 887 of file edit.cpp.
References _T, _tcscpy, owl::TEdit::GetTextRange(), and WARN.
inline |
const TFont & owl::TNoteTab::GetTabFont | ( | ) | const |
Returns the font used to render the text part of the tab labels.
Definition at line 364 of file notetab.cpp.
inline |
inline |
Retrieves a specified range of text from the edit control.
The range is half-open; i.e. range [0,2) for "abc" returns "ab". An empty string is returned if either
If the end of the range is beyond the valid range then it is limited to the valid range. A special case is the range [0, -1). It will return the full text.
Reimplemented in owl::TRichEdit.
Definition at line 910 of file edit.cpp.
References _T, CHECK, owl::TEdit::GetLine(), owl::TEdit::GetLineFromPos(), owl::TEdit::GetLineIndex(), owl::TStatic::GetText(), owl::TStatic::GetTextLen(), and WARN.
inline |
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Return name of predefined Windows edit class.
Reimplemented from owl::TWindow.
Reimplemented in owl::TRichEdit.
Definition at line 990 of file edit.cpp.
References _T.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Returns "OWL_Notetab" - the Window class name of the notetab control object.
Reimplemented from owl::TWindow.
Definition at line 98 of file notetab.cpp.
References OWL_NOTETAB.
inline |
inline |
Get word-breaking procedure.
Definition at line 669 of file edit.h.
References CONST_CAST, owl::TWindow::GetHandle(), and PRECONDITION.
protected |
Initialize internal variables used by NoteTab.
Definition at line 512 of file notetab.cpp.
References owl::alRight, owl::TUIMetric::CySizeFrame, owl::TWindow::ModifyStyle(), owl::TWindow::SetBkgndColor(), owl::TNoteTab::SetTabFont(), owl::TColor::Sys3dFace, owl::TColor::SysWindow, and owl::TColor::SysWindowFrame.
Definition at line 114 of file edit.h.
References owl::TEdit::Insert().
Inserts the text supplied in str into the edit control at the current text insertion point (cursor position), and replaces any currently selected text.
Insert is similar to Paste(), but does not affect the Clipboard.
Definition at line 553 of file edit.h.
References owl::TWindow::GetHandle(), PRECONDITION, and owl::TWindow::SendMessage().
int owl::TNoteTab::Insert | ( | LPCTSTR | txt, |
int | index, | ||
INT_PTR | clientData = 0, | ||
int | imageIdx = -1, | ||
TAbsLocation | imageLoc = alLeft, | ||
bool | shouldSelect = true ) |
Inserts a new TTabItem at the specified index.
Definition at line 136 of file notetab.cpp.
References owl::TNoteTab::GetCount(), PRECONDITION, owl::TNoteTab::SetSel(), owl::TNoteTab::SetTabRects(), and owl::TNoteTab::SetTabSize().
Invalidates the rectangle occupied by the tab at the specified index.
Definition at line 561 of file notetab.cpp.
References owl::TNoteTab::GetCount(), owl::TWindow::GetHandle(), owl::TWindow::InvalidateRect(), and PRECONDITION.
Returns true if the horizontal projection of the tab item at the specified index is contained within the horizontal projection of the current effective tabs area.
Vertical visibility is ignored.
Definition at line 1610 of file notetab.cpp.
References CHECK, owl::TNoteTab::GetCount(), owl::TRect::IsEmpty(), owl::TNoteTab::IsVisible(), and PRECONDITION.
inline |
Returns true if the user has changed the text in the edit control.
Definition at line 418 of file edit.h.
References CONST_CAST, owl::TWindow::GetHandle(), and PRECONDITION.
inline |
Return true when this edit control is attempting to regain focus after an EvKillFocus() with invalid contents.
inline |
Returns true if a value is required for the edit control.
Definition at line 771 of file edit.h.
References owl::TEdit::GetRequired(), and owl::TEdit::roNone.
Always returns true if the TEdit object does not have an associated TValidator object (i.e.
if TEdit.Validator == 0) and it is not required. If the edit control is required, requirement is validated. If the edit control has a validator, and the reportError parameter is set to true, then IsValid calls the validator's Valid method. If the reportError parameter is false, IsValid calls the validator's IsValid method.
Definition at line 1019 of file edit.cpp.
References _T, _tcslen, _tcsspn, owl::TWindow::GetFocus(), owl::TEdit::GetRequired(), owl::TEdit::IsRequired(), owl::TValidator::IsValid(), owl::TWindow::LoadString(), owl::TEdit::LockBuffer(), owl::TWindow::MessageBox(), owl::TEdit::roNonBlank, owl::TWindow::SetFocus(), owl::TEdit::UnlockBuffer(), and owl::TValidator::Valid().
Returns true if the tab item at the specified index is visible.
Note that true is returned even if the tab is only partially visible. Use IsFullyVisible to check for full visibility.
Definition at line 1598 of file notetab.cpp.
References owl::TNoteTab::GetCount(), and PRECONDITION.
Limit the amount of new text that can be entered in the edit control.
Reimplemented in owl::TRichEdit.
Definition at line 611 of file edit.h.
References owl::TWindow::GetHandle(), PRECONDITION, and owl::TWindow::SendMessage().
inline |
EM_SCROLL, SB_LINEDOWN Scrolls down one line.
Definition at line 523 of file edit.h.
References owl::TEdit::ScrollText().
inline |
EM_SCROLL, SB_LINEUP Scrolls up one line.
Definition at line 530 of file edit.h.
References owl::TEdit::ScrollText().
Lock and unlock this edit control's buffer.
Lock the edit control's buffer, optionally resizing it first, and return a pointer to the beginning of it, or 0 if failure.
Allows direct access to the text in the edit control.
Must call UnlockBuffer when finished with buffer.
Definition at line 571 of file edit.cpp.
References owl::GetCommCtrlVersion(), owl::TEdit::GetMemHandle(), owl::TStatic::GetText(), owl::TStatic::GetTextLen(), and owl::TWindow::GetWindowLong().
Selects the tab at the given index and sends the appropriate notifications.
Returns false if the change was vetoed by the buddy/parent, true otherwise. Does nothing and returns false if the tab at the given index is already selected.
Definition at line 1499 of file notetab.cpp.
References owl::TNoteTab::GetCount(), owl::TWindow::GetHandle(), owl::TWindow::GetParent(), PRECONDITION, owl::TWindow::SendNotification(), and owl::TNoteTab::SetSel().
inline |
EM_SCROLL, SB_PAGEDOWN Scrolls down one page.
Definition at line 537 of file edit.h.
References owl::TEdit::ScrollText().
inline |
EM_SCROLL, SB_PAGEUP Scrolls up one page.
Definition at line 544 of file edit.h.
References owl::TEdit::ScrollText().
TWindow::Paint override.
Reimplemented from owl::TWindow.
Definition at line 1083 of file notetab.cpp.
References CHECK, owl::TDC::FillRgn(), owl::TDC::FillSolidRect(), owl::TWindow::GetBkgndColor(), owl::TWindow::GetClientRect(), owl::TNoteTab::GetCount(), owl::TWindow::Invalidate(), owl::TRect::IsEmpty(), owl::TRect::IsNull(), owl::TWindow::IsWindowVisible(), owl::TColor::None, owl::TNoteTabItem::Rect, owl::TColor::Sys3dFace, owl::TColor::Transparent, and owl::TWindow::UpdateWindow().
inlinevirtual |
Inserts text from the Clipboard into the edit control at the current text insertion point (cursor position).
Reimplemented in owl::TRichEdit.
Definition at line 314 of file edit.h.
References owl::TWindow::GetHandle(), PRECONDITION, and owl::TWindow::SendMessage().
Reimplemented in owl::TRichEdit.
Definition at line 738 of file edit.h.
References owl::TWindow::GetHandle(), PRECONDITION, and owl::TWindow::SendMessage().
Scroll the text by the specified horizontal and vertical amounts.
Scrolls a multiline edit control horizontally and vertically using the numbers of characters specified in horizontalUnit and verticalUnit. Positive values result in scrolling to the right or down in the edit control, and negative values result in scrolling to the left or up.
Definition at line 497 of file edit.h.
References owl::TWindow::GetHandle(), PRECONDITION, and owl::TWindow::SendMessage().
inline |
Sroll the caret into view in an edit control.
Definition at line 505 of file edit.h.
References owl::TWindow::GetHandle(), PRECONDITION, and owl::TWindow::SendMessage().
Definition at line 513 of file edit.h.
References owl::HiUint16(), owl::LoUint16(), and owl::TWindow::SendMessage().
virtual |
searches for and selects the given text and returns the offset of the text or -1 if the text is not found
Performs either a case-sensitive or case-insensitive search for the supplied text. If the text is found, the matching text is selected, and Search returns the position of the beginning of the matched text. If the text is not found in the edit control's text, Search returns -1. If -1 is passed as startPos, then the search starts from either the end or the beginning of the currently selected text, depending on the search direction.
Reimplemented in owl::TRichEdit.
Definition at line 746 of file edit.cpp.
References _istalnum, _tcslen, AnsiNext, AnsiPrev, owl::TEdit::GetSelection(), owl::TEdit::LockBuffer(), owl::TWindow::SendMessage(), owl::TEdit::SetSelection(), and owl::TEdit::UnlockBuffer().
Sets handle of the buddy window associated with this notetab control.
Definition at line 488 of file notetab.cpp.
References owl::TWindow::TWindow(), and owl::GetWindowPtr().
void owl::TNoteTab::SetCelArray | ( | TCelArray * | array, |
TAutoDelete | del = AutoDelete ) |
Sets the bitmap array to be used for the tabs.
Use SetCelArrayTransparentColor to set the bitmap pixel color that should not be drawn. The default color is TColor::Sys3dFace.
Definition at line 1697 of file notetab.cpp.
References owl::AutoDelete, and owl::TNoteTab::Update().
Sets the color assigned to denote transparency in the bitmaps used for the tabs (see SetCelArray).
All the bitmap pixels of this color will be fully transparent (i.e. not drawn).
Definition at line 1710 of file notetab.cpp.
References owl::TNoteTab::Update().
Sets the pen color used to draw the edges of the tabs.
Definition at line 425 of file notetab.cpp.
References owl::TNoteTab::Update().
Sets FirstVisibleTab to index if index is valid.
Definition at line 1624 of file notetab.cpp.
References owl::TNoteTab::GetCount(), owl::TNoteTab::GetFirstVisibleTab(), and owl::TNoteTab::SetTabRects().
Sets the margin around the focus rectangle for the selected tab.
Definition at line 324 of file notetab.cpp.
References owl::TNoteTab::Update().
bool owl::TNoteTab::SetItem | ( | int | index, |
const TNoteTabItem & | item ) |
Updates information about the tab item at the specified index.
Definition at line 460 of file notetab.cpp.
References owl::TNoteTab::GetCount(), owl::TNoteTab::InvalidateTab(), owl::TNoteTab::SetTabRects(), and owl::TNoteTab::SetTabSize().
Sets the horizontal spacing between image and text in the label.
Definition at line 314 of file notetab.cpp.
References owl::TNoteTab::Update().
Sets the amount of padding around the tab label.
Definition at line 304 of file notetab.cpp.
References owl::TNoteTab::Update().
Definition at line 697 of file edit.h.
References owl::TWindow::GetHandle(), owl::MkUint32(), PRECONDITION, and owl::TWindow::SendMessage().
Sets the amount of space to the left of the tabs and above the tabs.
Note that the horizontal margin is additional to the space required for scroll buttons, if the latter are aligned to the left and visible. In this case, the horizontal margin is the space between the scroll buttons and the first visible tab. Otherwise, the horizontal margin is the space between the left edge of the control and the first visible tab.
Definition at line 294 of file notetab.cpp.
References owl::TNoteTab::Update().
inline |
Definition at line 711 of file edit.h.
References owl::TWindow::GetHandle(), owl::MkUint32(), PRECONDITION, and owl::TWindow::SendMessage().
Sets the memory handle for the edit control's buffer.
Definition at line 629 of file edit.h.
References owl::TWindow::GetHandle(), PRECONDITION, and owl::TWindow::SendMessage().
inline |
Sets the requirement option for the edit control to reflect a value is not required.
Definition at line 755 of file edit.h.
References owl::TEdit::roNone, and owl::TEdit::SetRequired().
SetPasswordChar sets the character to be displayed in place of a user-typed character.
When the ES_PASSWORD style is specified, the default display character is an asterisk (*).
Definition at line 286 of file edit.h.
References owl::TWindow::GetHandle(), PRECONDITION, and owl::TWindow::SendMessage().
Sets the edit control to be read-only or read-write.
Definition at line 649 of file edit.h.
References owl::TWindow::GetHandle(), PRECONDITION, and owl::TWindow::SendMessage().
Sets the formatting rectangle for a multiline edit control.
Definition at line 571 of file edit.h.
References owl::TWindow::GetHandle(), PRECONDITION, and owl::TWindow::SendMessage().
Sets the formatting rectangle for a multiline edit control.
Unlike SetRect(), SetRectNP does not repaint the edit control.
Definition at line 581 of file edit.h.
References owl::TWindow::GetHandle(), PRECONDITION, and owl::TWindow::SendMessage().
inline |
Definition at line 704 of file edit.h.
References owl::TWindow::GetHandle(), owl::MkUint32(), PRECONDITION, and owl::TWindow::SendMessage().
void owl::TNoteTab::SetScrollLocation | ( | TAbsLocation | pos | ) |
Set the scroller location.
Definition at line 1681 of file notetab.cpp.
References owl::TNoteTab::SetTabRects().
Remembers the command the user selected to bring up the search dialog.
Definition at line 171 of file editsear.h.
inline |
Uses new search data.
Definition at line 143 of file editsear.h.
inline |
Uses new common dialog pointer.
Definition at line 157 of file editsear.h.
Selects the tabitem at the specified index.
Definition at line 246 of file notetab.cpp.
References owl::TNoteTab::GetCount(), owl::TNoteTab::InvalidateTab(), and owl::TNoteTab::SetTabRects().
Sets the fill color used to paint the selected tab.
This color is only used when WindowFace mode is selected.
Definition at line 415 of file notetab.cpp.
References owl::TNoteTab::Update().
Sets the font used to render the text part of the selected tab label.
Definition at line 394 of file notetab.cpp.
References owl::TNoteTab::Update().
Sets the amount of extra height of the selected tab.
Definition at line 354 of file notetab.cpp.
References owl::TNoteTab::Update().
Definition at line 97 of file edit.h.
References owl::TEdit::SetSelection().
Select the characters in the range "startPos .. endPos".
Forces the selection of the text between the positions specified by startPos and endPos, but not including the character at endPos.
Reimplemented in owl::TRichEdit.
Definition at line 430 of file edit.h.
References owl::TWindow::GetHandle(), PRECONDITION, and owl::TWindow::SendMessage().
Specifies whether the note tab should draw a 3D edge.
If 'st' is true, the control displays a 3D edge.
Definition at line 377 of file notetab.h.
References owl::TNoteTab::Update().
Sets the fill color used to paint the tabs.
Definition at line 404 of file notetab.cpp.
References owl::TNoteTab::Update().
Sets the font used to render the text part of the tab labels.
Definition at line 374 of file notetab.cpp.
References owl::TNoteTab::Update().
Lays out tab items (and scroll buttons) with the specified index at the leftmost.
Scroll buttons are enabled when needed (unless the scroll location is set to alNone).
Definition at line 1420 of file notetab.cpp.
References owl::alNone, CHECK, owl::TWindow::GetClientRect(), owl::TNoteTab::GetCount(), owl::TWindow::GetHandle(), owl::TNoteTab::GetScrollerArea(), owl::TNoteTab::GetScrollingTabsArea(), owl::TNoteTab::IsFullyVisible(), owl::TWindow::MoveWindow(), PRECONDITION, owl::TUpDown::SetPos(), owl::TUpDown::SetRange(), owl::TWindow::ShowWindow(), and owl::TWindow::UpdateWindow().
Updates the internal information stored about the label of a particular tab item.
Definition at line 1301 of file notetab.cpp.
References _T, owl::TCelArray::CelSize(), owl::TNoteTab::GetSelectedTabFont(), and PRECONDITION.
Sets the horizontal distance between two tabs.
Definition at line 334 of file notetab.cpp.
References owl::TNoteTab::Update().
Sets the tab stop positions in a multiline edit control.
Definition at line 602 of file edit.h.
References owl::TWindow::GetHandle(), PRECONDITION, and owl::TWindow::SendMessage().
Sets the amount of narrowing on each side of the tab towards the bottom.
Definition at line 344 of file notetab.cpp.
References owl::TNoteTab::Update().
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from owl::TWindow.
Reimplemented in owl::TEditFile, owl::TEditSearch, owl::TFlatEdit, owl::TRichEdit, and owl::TRichEditView.
Definition at line 1000 of file edit.cpp.
References owl::TEdit::LimitText(), and owl::TWindow::SetupWindow().
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from owl::TEdit.
Reimplemented in owl::TRichEdit, and owl::TRichEditView.
Definition at line 80 of file editsear.cpp.
References owl::TWindow::PostMessage(), and owl::TEdit::SetupWindow().
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Overriden virtual of TWindow - Initializes font used by control and resize accordingly.
Reimplemented from owl::TWindow.
Definition at line 108 of file notetab.cpp.
References owl::TWindow::GetHandle(), and owl::TWindow::SetupWindow().
void owl::TEdit::SetValidator | ( | TValidator * | validator | ) |
Specifies whether active tab should use the system's window color.
If the 'wf' parameter is true, the system's window color is used.
Definition at line 356 of file notetab.h.
References owl::TNoteTab::Update().
inline |
In a multiline edit control, SetWordBreakProc indicates that an application-supplied word-break function has replaced the default word-break function.
The application-supplied word-break function might break the words in the text buffer at a character other than the default blank character.
Definition at line 681 of file edit.h.
References owl::TWindow::GetHandle(), PRECONDITION, and owl::TWindow::SendMessage().
Returns the index of the tab item at the specified window coordinate.
Returns -1 on failure.
Definition at line 1482 of file notetab.cpp.
References owl::TNoteTab::GetCount().
overridevirtual |
Transfers state information for TEdit controls.
Transfers information for TEdit controls and sends information to the Validator if one exists, and if it has the transfer option set. Transfer can perform type conversion when validators are in place, for example, when TRangeValidator transfers integers. The return value is the size (in bytes) of the transfer data. Delegates to the Validator if there is one & it has the transfer option set, allowing the Validator to convert the text to/from the appropriate type. Else passes to base, TStatic. The return value is the size (in bytes) of the transfer data
Reimplemented from owl::TWindow.
Reimplemented in owl::TRichEdit.
Definition at line 1103 of file edit.cpp.
References CHECK, owl::TEdit::GetNumLines(), owl::TStatic::GetText(), owl::TWindow::GetWindowTextLength(), owl::TValidator::HasOption(), owl::TStatic::SetText(), owl::tdSetData, owl::TValidator::Transfer(), owl::TStatic::Transfer(), and owl::voTransfer.
overridevirtual |
Overrides TWindow virtual member function to handle transfers.
There are no transfers for NoteTab controls.
Reimplemented from owl::TWindow.
Definition at line 501 of file notetab.cpp.
inline |
Undoes the last edit.
Definition at line 305 of file edit.h.
References owl::TWindow::GetHandle(), PRECONDITION, and owl::TWindow::SendMessage().
Unlock the edit control's buffer locked by LockBuffer.
If the contents were changed (buffer is resized or written to), updateHandle should be true. Ignores call if buffer is 0
Definition at line 604 of file edit.cpp.
References owl::GetCommCtrlVersion(), owl::TWindow::GetWindowLong(), owl::TEdit::SetMemHandle(), and owl::TStatic::SetText().
protected |
Definition at line 1527 of file notetab.cpp.
References owl::TNoteTab::GetCount(), owl::TNoteTab::GetFirstVisibleTab(), owl::TWindow::GetHandle(), owl::TWindow::Invalidate(), owl::TNoteTab::SetTabRects(), and owl::TNoteTab::SetTabSize().
void owl::TEdit::ValidatorError | ( | ) |
Handles validation errors that occur as a result of validating the edit control.
Definition at line 412 of file edit.cpp.
References owl::TEdit::IsValid().
INT_PTR owl::TNoteTabItem::ClientData |
TAbsLocation owl::TNoteTabItem::ImageLoc |
TSize owl::TNoteTabItem::LabelSize |