OWLNext    7.0
Borland's Object Windows Library for the modern age
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 Accessing application objectsYou might need to access an application object from outside that object's scope
 Finding the objectTo find the current application object from a window object, TWindow has a member function, TWindow::GetApplication(), that returns a pointer to the application object
 Creating a small applicationHere's the smallest application you can create
 Using WinMain and OwlMainObjectWindows provides a default WinMain function that provides extensive error checking and exception handling
 About command enablingObjectWindows provides a mechanism, command enabling, that you can use to dynamically change the appearance of controls to indicate if a feature is available or to indicate the state of the application
 Handling command-enabling messagesThe basic idea behind command enabling is that the decision to enable or disable a function should be made by the object that handles the command
 Working with command-enablingIf you receive a command-enabling message and the handler function was called, you can perform actions using the command-enabling object passed to the handler function
 TCommandEnabler: The command-enabling interfaceAlthough in command-enabling functions you always manipulate an object derived from TCommandEnabler as opposed to an actual TCommandEnabler object, in practice it appears as if you are working with a TCommandEnabler object
 Common command-enabling tasksThis section describes how to perform some of the more common tasks for which you'll use command enabling, including
 Enabling and disabling command itemsEnabling and disabling command items is as simple as calling the TCommandEnabler::Enable() function in your handler function
 Changing menu item textYou use the SetText function to specify the text of a menu item
 Toggling command itemsYou can use command-item toggling to provide the users of your applications visual cues about what functions are enabled, various application states, and so on
 ObjectWindows Exception HandlingObjectWindows provides a robust exception-handling mechanism for dealing with exceptional situations
 ObjectWindows Exception HierarchyObjectWindows provides a number of classes that can be thrown as exceptions
 Working with TXBaseAs the base class for the ObjectWindows exception classes, TXBase provides the basic interface for working with ObjectWindows exceptions
 Constructing and Destroying TXBaseTXBase provides two public constructors:
 Cloning Exception ObjectsTXBase contains a function called TXBase::Clone()
 Throwing TXBase ExceptionsAfter you have created or cloned a TXBase object, you can throw the object in two ways:
 Working with TXOwlAs the base class for the ObjectWindows exception classes, TXOwl provides the basic interface for working with ObjectWindows exceptions
 Constructing and Destroying TXOwlTXOwl has two constructors to provide flexibility in passing the exception message string:
 Cloning TXOwl and TXOwl-Derived Exception ObjectsTXOwl contains a Clone function
 Specialized ObjectWindows Exception ClassesA number of regular ObjectWindows classes implement specialized exception classes, all of which are based on TXOwl that are defined within the implementing class definition to provide name scoping
 Todo List