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OWLNext 7.0
Borland's Object Windows Library for the modern age
THotKey encapsulates the hot-key control, a window that allows the user to enter a combination of keystrokes to be used as a a hot key. More...
#include <owl/hotkey.h>
Public Member Functions | |
THotKey (TWindow *parent, int id, int x, int y, int w, int h, TModule *module=0) | |
Constructors for THotKey initialize data fields using parameters passed and default values. | |
THotKey (TWindow *parent, int resourceId, TModule *module=0) | |
Constructs a hot key control from resource. | |
THotKey (THandle hWnd, TModule *module=0) | |
Constructs a hot key object to encapsulate (alias) an existing control. | |
uint16 | GetHotKey () |
Returns the 16-bit virtual key code for the control. | |
void | SetHotKey (uint16 hotKey) |
Sets the virtual key code and modifier flags for the hot key. | |
void | SetHotKey (uint8 vk, uint8 mods) |
Sets the virtual key code and modifier flags for the hot key. | |
void | SetRules (uint16 invalid, uint16 defFlag) |
Set the invalid key combinations for this control. | |
uint | Transfer (uint16 &key, TTransferDirection direction) |
Safe overload. | |
![]() | |
TControl (TWindow *parent, int id, LPCTSTR title, int x, int y, int w, int h, TModule *module=nullptr) | |
Invokes TWindow's constructor, passing it parent (parent window), title (caption text), and module. | |
TControl (TWindow *parent, int id, const tstring &title, int x, int y, int w, int h, TModule *module=nullptr) | |
String-aware overload. | |
TControl (TWindow *parent, int resourceId, TModule *module=nullptr) | |
Constructs an object to be associated with an interface control of a TDialog object. | |
TControl (TWindow *parent, int resourceId, const tstring &title, TModule *=nullptr) | |
Overload for controls loaded from resource Allows the title specified in the resource data to be overridden. | |
~TControl () override | |
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void | TraceWindowPlacement () |
TWindow (TWindow *parent, LPCTSTR title=nullptr, TModule *module=nullptr) | |
Adds this to the child list of parent if nonzero, and calls EnableAutoCreate so that this will be created and displayed along with parent. | |
TWindow (TWindow *parent, const tstring &title, TModule *module=nullptr) | |
String-aware overload. | |
TWindow (HWND handle, TModule *module=nullptr) | |
Constructs a TWindow that is used as an alias for a non-ObjectWindows window, and sets wfAlias. | |
virtual | ~TWindow () override |
Destroys this window (unless this is an alias) and the children. | |
TApplication * | GetApplication () const |
Gets a pointer to the TApplication object associated with this. | |
virtual bool | Register () |
Registers the Windows registration class of this window, if this window is not already registered. | |
TScroller * | GetScroller () |
Returns the associated scroller object for this window. | |
void | SetScroller (TScroller *scroller) |
Sets the scroller object for this window. | |
virtual void | CloseWindow (int retVal=0) |
Determines if it is okay to close a window before actually closing the window. | |
TWindowAttr & | GetWindowAttr () |
Returns the TWindowAttr structure, which contains the window's creation attributes. | |
const TWindowAttr & | GetWindowAttr () const |
Returns the TWindowAttr structure, which contains the window's creation attributes. | |
LPCTSTR | GetCaption () const |
Returns the Title member of TWindow. | |
virtual bool | CanClose () |
Use this function to determine if it is okay to close a window. | |
void | ChildBroadcastMessage (TMsgId, TParam1=0, TParam2=0) |
Sends the specified message to all immediate children using SendMessage. | |
TResult | HandleMessage (TMsgId, TParam1=0, TParam2=0) |
Dispatches the given message using the response table. | |
virtual TResult | EvCommand (uint id, HWND hWndCtl, uint notifyCode) |
WindowProc calls EvCommand to handle WM_COMMAND messages. | |
virtual TResult | EvNotify (uint id, TNotify ¬ifyInfo) |
Handles WM_NOTIFY and subdispatch messages from child controls. | |
TResult | DefaultProcessing () |
Handles default processing of events, which includes continued processing of menu/accelerators commands and enablers, as well as notifications. | |
virtual void | Paint (TDC &dc, bool erase, TRect &rect) |
Repaints the client area (the area you can use for drawing) of a window. | |
void | SubclassWindowFunction () |
Installs the instance thunk as the WindowProc and saves the old window function in DefaultProc. | |
void | SetFlag (uint mask) |
Sets the specified TWindow wfXxxx constant flags (for example wfAlias, wfTransfer, and so on) in the Flags member. | |
void | ClearFlag (uint mask) |
Clears the specified TWindow wfXxxx constant flags (for example wfAlias, wfTransfer, and so on) in the Flags member. | |
bool | IsFlagSet (uint mask) |
Returns the state of the bit flag in Attr.Flags whose mask is supplied. | |
void | EnableAutoCreate () |
Ensures that an associated child window interface element is created and displayed along with its parent window. | |
void | DisableAutoCreate () |
Disables the feature that allows an associated child window interface element to be created and displayed along with its parent window. | |
virtual TTooltip * | GetTooltip () const |
virtual void | EnableTooltip (bool enable=true) |
void | SetTooltip (TTooltip *tooltip) |
void | EnableTransfer () |
Enables the transfer mechanism, which allows state data to be transferred between the window and a transfer buffer. | |
void | DisableTransfer () |
Disables (for the interface object) the transfer mechanism, which allows state data to be transferred to and from a transfer buffer. | |
TModule * | GetModule () const |
Returns a pointer to the module object. | |
void | SetModule (TModule *module) |
Sets the default module for this window. | |
tstring | LoadString (uint id) const |
HBITMAP | LoadBitmap (TResId id) const |
HACCEL | LoadAccelerators (TResId id) const |
HMENU | LoadMenu (TResId id) const |
HCURSOR | LoadCursor (TResId id) const |
HICON | LoadIcon (TResId id) const |
std::string | LoadHtml (TResId id) const |
virtual bool | Create () |
Creates the window interface element to be associated with this ObjectWindows interface element. | |
bool | CreateChildren () |
Creates the child windows in the child list whose auto-create flags (with wfAutoCreate mask) are set. | |
virtual void | Destroy (int retVal=0) |
Destroys an MS-Windows element associated with the TWindow. | |
virtual int | Execute () |
Creates the underlying HWND and makes it modal with the help of TApplication's BeginModal support. | |
virtual int | DoExecute () |
Do actual modal execution using the Begin/End Modal support of TApplication. | |
void | AttachHandle (HWND handle) |
void | DetachHandle () |
virtual bool | PreProcessMsg (MSG &msg) |
Called from TApplication::ProcessAppMsg() to give the window an opportunity to perform preprocessing of the Windows message. | |
virtual bool | IdleAction (long idleCount) |
Called when no messages are waiting to be processed, IdleAction performs idle processing as long as true is returned. | |
virtual bool | HoldFocusHWnd (HWND hLose, HWND hGain) |
Responds to a request by a child window to hold its HWND when it is losing focus. | |
int | GetId () const |
Returns Attr.Id, the ID used to find the window in a specified parent's child list. | |
auto | ChildWithId (int id) const -> const TWindow * |
auto | ChildWithId (int id) -> TWindow * |
Returns a pointer to the window in the child window list that has the supplied id. | |
HWND | GetParentH () const |
Return the handle of the parent. | |
TWindow * | GetParentO () const |
Return the OWL's parent for this window. | |
TWindow * | GetParent () const |
Retrieves the OWL object of the parent window. If none exists, returns 0. | |
virtual void | SetParent (TWindow *newParent) |
Sets the parent for the specified window by setting Parent to the specified new Parent window object. | |
void | SetNext (TWindow *next) |
Sets the next window in the sibling list. | |
virtual bool | SetDocTitle (LPCTSTR docname, int index) |
Default behavior for updating document title is to pass it to parent frame. | |
bool | SetDocTitle (const tstring &docname, int index) |
void | SetCaption (LPCTSTR title) |
Copies title to an allocated string pointed to by title. | |
void | SetCaption (const tstring &title) |
void | SetCaption (uint resourceStringId) |
Sets the window title to the resource string identified by the given id. | |
bool | SetCursor (TModule *module, TResId resId) |
Sets the mouse cursor for the window, loading the given resId from the given module . | |
auto | GetBkgndColor () const -> TColor |
Returns the overriding background color set for the window. | |
void | SetBkgndColor (TColor color, bool shouldUpdate=true) |
Sets the background color for the window. | |
auto | GetTextColor () const -> TColor |
Returns the overriding text color set for the window. | |
void | SetTextColor (TColor color, bool shouldUpdate=true) |
Sets the text color for the window. | |
void | SetAcceleratorTable (TResId resId) |
TResult | ForwardMessage (HWND handle, bool send=true) |
Forwards the window's current message. | |
TResult | ForwardMessage (bool send=true) |
Forwards the window's current message. | |
void | SendNotification (int id, int notifyCode, HWND hCtl, TMsgId=WM_COMMAND) |
Repacks a command message (msg) so that a child window (hCtl) can send a message to its parent regardless of whether this is a WIN16 or WIN32 application. | |
void | SendNotification (HWND receiver, int id, int notifyCode, HWND hCtl, TMsgId=WM_COMMAND) |
Repacks a command message (msg) so that a child window (hCtl) can send a message to its parent regardless of whether this is a WIN16 or WIN32 application. | |
TResult | SendNotification (int id, NMHDR &, TMsgId=WM_NOTIFY) |
Repacks a command message (msg) so that a child window (hCtl) can send a message to its parent regardless of whether this is a WIN16 or WIN32 application. | |
TResult | SendNotification (HWND receiver, uint id, NMHDR &, TMsgId=WM_NOTIFY) |
Repacks a command message (msg) so that a child window (hCtl) can send a message to its parent regardless of whether this is a WIN16 or WIN32 application. | |
virtual TResult | WindowProc (TMsgId, TParam1, TParam2) |
First virtual function called to handling incoming messages to a TWindow. | |
virtual TResult | DefWindowProc (TMsgId, TParam1, TParam2) |
Virtual function provides final default processing for an incoming message Calls original window proc that was subclassed, using ::CallWindowProc to make sure that registers get setup correctly. | |
virtual void | EvCommandEnable (TCommandEnabler &ce) |
Called by WindowProc to handle WM_COMMAND_ENABLE messages, EvCommandEnable calls the CmXxxx command-handling function or calls DefaultProcessing to handle the incoming message. | |
void | RouteCommandEnable (HWND hInitCmdTarget, TCommandEnabler &ce) |
Walks the chain of windows from the initial target window to this window. | |
void | SetTransferBuffer (void *transferBuffer, uint size) |
Sets TransferBuffer and TransferBufferSize. | |
template<class TBuffer > | |
void | SetTransferBuffer (TBuffer *transferBuffer) |
Sets TransferBuffer and TransferBufferSize. | |
template<class TElement , uint Count> | |
void | SetTransferBuffer (TElement(&transferBuffer)[Count]) |
Sets TransferBuffer and TransferBufferSize. | |
void * | GetTransferBuffer () const |
uint | GetTransferBufferSize () const |
virtual void | TransferData (TTransferDirection direction) |
Transfers data between the TWindow's data buffer and the child windows in its ChildList (data is not transfered between any child windows whose wfTransfer flag is not set) | |
HWND | GetHandle () const |
Returns the handle of the window. | |
operator HWND () const | |
Allows a TWindow& to be used as an HWND in Windows API calls by providing an implicit conversion from TWindow to HWND. | |
bool | IsWindow () const |
Returns true if an HWND is being used. | |
auto | GetClassName (TCHAR *className, int maxCount) const -> int |
Returns the Windows class name for this object's window handle. | |
long | GetClassLong (int index) const |
Retrieves the 32-bit value containing information about the window class. | |
long | SetClassLong (int index, long newLong) |
Sets the long value at the specified offset (index). | |
uint16 | GetClassWord (int index) const |
Gets a 16-bit value containing information about the class or style of the window. | |
uint16 | SetClassWord (int index, uint16 newWord) |
Sets the word value at the specified offset (index). | |
LONG_PTR | GetWindowLongPtr (int index) const |
Retrieves information about the window depending on the value stored in index. | |
LONG_PTR | SetWindowLongPtr (int index, LONG_PTR newLong) |
Changes information about the window. For a list of constants, see GetWindowLongPtr() | |
long | GetWindowLong (int index) const |
Retrieves information about the window depending on the value stored in index. | |
long | SetWindowLong (int index, long newLong) |
Changes information about the window. | |
uint16 | GetWindowWord (int index) const |
Retrieves information about this window depending on the value of index. | |
uint16 | SetWindowWord (int index, uint16 newWord) |
Changes information about the window. | |
WNDPROC | GetWindowProc () const |
WNDPROC | SetWindowProc (WNDPROC wndProc) |
int | EnumProps (PROPENUMPROC proc) |
Enumerates all the items in the property list of the current window and passes them one by one to the callback function indicated in proc. | |
HANDLE | GetProp (uint16 atom) const |
Returns a handle to the property list of the specified window. | |
HANDLE | RemoveProp (uint16 atom) const |
Removes the property specified by atom from the application's property list. | |
bool | SetProp (uint16 atom, HANDLE data) const |
Adds an item to the property list of the specified window. | |
HANDLE | GetProp (LPCTSTR str) const |
Returns a handle to the property list of the specified window. | |
HANDLE | GetProp (const tstring &str) const |
HANDLE | RemoveProp (LPCTSTR str) const |
Removes the property specified by str, a null-terminated string, from the application's property list. | |
HANDLE | RemoveProp (const tstring &str) const |
bool | SetProp (LPCTSTR str, HANDLE data) const |
Adds an item to the property list of the specified window. | |
bool | SetProp (const tstring &str, HANDLE data) const |
uint32 | GetStyle () const |
Gets the style bits of the underlying window or the 'Style' member of the attribute structure associated with this TWindow object. | |
uint32 | SetStyle (uint32 style) |
Sets the style bits of the underlying window or the 'Style' member of the attribute structure associated with this TWindow object. | |
uint32 | GetExStyle () const |
Gets the extra style bits of the window. | |
uint32 | SetExStyle (uint32 style) |
Sets the extra style bits of the window. | |
bool | ModifyStyle (uint32 offBits, uint32 onBits, uint swpFlags=0) |
Modifies the style bits of the window. | |
bool | ModifyExStyle (uint32 offBits, uint32 onBits, uint swpFlags=0) |
Modifies the style bits of the window. | |
bool | MoveWindow (int x, int y, int w, int h, bool repaint=false) |
Repositions the specified window. | |
bool | MoveWindow (const TRect &rect, bool repaint=false) |
Repositions the window. | |
virtual bool | ShowWindow (int cmdShow) |
Displays this TWindow in a given state. | |
void | ShowOwnedPopups (bool show) |
Shows or hides all owned pop-up windows according to the value of show. | |
bool | IsWindowVisible () const |
Returns true if the window is visible. | |
bool | IsZoomed () const |
Returns true if window is zoomed or maximized. | |
bool | IsIconic () const |
Returns true if window is iconic or minimized. | |
int | GetWindowTextLength () const |
Returns the length, in characters, of the specified window's title. | |
int | GetWindowText (TCHAR *str, int maxCount) const |
Copies the window's title into a buffer pointed to by string. | |
tstring | GetWindowText () const |
String-aware overload. | |
void | SetWindowText (LPCTSTR str) |
Sets the window's text to the given string (by copying). | |
void | SetWindowText (const tstring &str) |
void | SetWindowText (uint resourceStringId) |
Sets the window title to the resource string identified by the given id. | |
WINDOWPLACEMENT | GetWindowPlacement () const |
Wrapper for Windows API. | |
void | SetWindowPlacement (const WINDOWPLACEMENT &place) |
Wrapper for Windows API. | |
virtual void | Invalidate (bool erase=true) |
Invalidates (mark for painting) the entire client area of a window. | |
virtual void | InvalidateRect (const TRect &rect, bool erase=true) |
Invalidates a specified client area. | |
void | InvalidateRgn (HRGN hRgn, bool erase=true) |
Invalidates a client area within a region specified by the hRgn parameter when the application receives a WM_PAINT message. | |
void | Validate () |
Calls the function ValidateRect to validate (that is, remove from the area to be updated) the entire client area (the area you can use for drawing). | |
void | ValidateRect (const TRect &rect) |
Validates a portion of the client area indicated by rect. | |
void | ValidateRgn (HRGN hRgn) |
Validates the client area within a region of the current window. | |
void | UpdateWindow () |
Updates the client area of the specified window by immediately sending a WM_PAINT message. | |
bool | FlashWindow (bool invert) |
Changes the window from active to inactive or vice versa. | |
bool | GetUpdateRect (TRect &rect, bool erase=true) const |
Retrieves the screen coordinates of the rectangle that encloses the updated region of the specified window. | |
int | GetUpdateRgn (TRegion &rgn, bool erase=true) const |
Copies a window's update region into a region specified by region. | |
bool | LockWindowUpdate (bool lock=true) |
Prevents or enables window drawing for one window at a time. | |
bool | RedrawWindow (TRect *update, HRGN hUpdateRgn, uint redrawFlags=RDW_INVALIDATE|RDW_UPDATENOW|RDW_ERASE) |
Redraws the rectangle specified by update and the region specified by hUpdateRgn. | |
auto | GetWindowRgn (TRegion &) const -> int |
Obtains a copy of the region of the window within which the system permits drawing. | |
void | ResetWindowRgn (bool repaint=false) |
Calls SetWindowRgn(nullptr, repaint) . | |
auto | SetWindowRgn (HRGN, bool repaint=false) -> bool |
Sets the area within the window where the system permits drawing. | |
auto | SetWindowRgn (const TRegion &, bool repaint=false) -> bool=delete |
auto | SetWindowRgn (TRegion &&r, bool repaint=false) -> bool |
Overload for TRegion. | |
int | GetDlgCtrlID () const |
Returns the ID of the control. | |
HWND | GetDlgItem (int childId) const |
Retrieves the handle of a control specified by childId. | |
uint | GetDlgItemInt (int childId, bool *translated=0, bool isSigned=true) const |
Translates the text of a specified control into an integer value and returns it. | |
void | SetDlgItemInt (int childId, uint value, bool isSigned=true) const |
Sets the child window with the Id (childId) in the window to the integer value specified in value. | |
int | GetDlgItemText (int childId, TCHAR *text, int maxValue) const |
Retrieves the text of a control specified by childId. | |
tstring | GetDlgItemText (int childId) const |
String-aware overload. | |
void | SetDlgItemText (int childId, LPCTSTR text) const |
Sets the title or text of a control in a dialog box. | |
void | SetDlgItemText (int childId, const tstring &text) const |
void | SetDlgItemText (int childId, uint resourceStringId) const |
uint | IsDlgButtonChecked (int buttonId) const |
Indicates if the child button specified in the integer parameter, buttonId, is checked, or if a button is grayed, checked, or neither. | |
bool | IsChild (HWND hWnd) const |
Returns true if the window is a child window or a descendant window of this window. | |
HWND | GetNextDlgGroupItem (HWND hWndCtrl, bool previous=false) const |
Returns either the next or the previous control in the dialog box. | |
HWND | GetNextDlgTabItem (HWND hWndCtrl, bool previous=false) const |
Returns the handle of the first control that lets the user press the Tab key to move to the next control (that is, the first control with the WS_TABSTOP style associated with it). | |
void | CheckDlgButton (int buttonId, uint check) |
Places a check mark in (or removes a check mark from) the button specified in buttonId. | |
void | CheckRadioButton (int firstButtonId, int lastButtonId, int checkButtonId) |
Checks the radio button specified by checkButtonId and removes the check mark from the other radio buttons in the group. | |
void | SetDlgItemFont (int childId, HFONT f, bool redraw=false) const |
HFONT | GetDlgItemFont (int childId) const |
TRect | GetDlgItemRect (int childId) const |
Returns the window rectangle of the given child, specified in this window's client coordinates. | |
HMENU | GetMenu () const |
Returns the handle to the menu of the indicated window. | |
HMENU | GetSystemMenu (bool revert=false) const |
Returns a handle to the system menu so that an application can access the system menu. | |
bool | SetMenu (HMENU hMenu) |
Sets the specified window's menu to the menu indicated by hMenu. | |
bool | HiliteMenuItem (HMENU hMenu, uint idItem, uint hilite) |
Either highlights or removes highlighting from a top-level item in the menu. | |
void | DrawMenuBar () |
DrawMenuBar redraws the menu bar. | |
bool | KillTimer (UINT_PTR timerId) |
Gets rid of the timer and removes any WM_TIMER messages from the message queue. | |
UINT_PTR | SetTimer (UINT_PTR timerId, uint timeout, TIMERPROC proc=0) |
Creates a timer object associated with this window. | |
bool | RegisterHotKey (int idHotKey, uint modifiers, uint virtKey) |
Registers a hotkey ID with the current application. | |
bool | UnregisterHotKey (int idHotKey) |
Unregisters a hotkey ID with the current application. | |
bool | WinHelp (LPCTSTR helpFile, uint command, ULONG_PTR data) const |
Invokes a specified help system. | |
bool | WinHelp (const tstring &helpFile, uint command, ULONG_PTR data) const |
void | AssignContextMenu (TPopupMenu *menu) |
Associates a pop-up menu with the window so that it can automatically handle a WM_CONTEXTMENU message. | |
TPopupMenu * | GetContextMenu () const |
Returns the associated popup menu used by the window. | |
int | MessageBox (LPCTSTR text, LPCTSTR caption=0, uint flags=MB_OK) const |
Creates and displays a message box that contains a message (text), a title (caption), and icons or push buttons (type). | |
int | MessageBox (const tstring &text, const tstring &caption=tstring(), uint flags=MB_OK) const |
int | MessageBox (uint resId, LPCTSTR caption=0, uint flags=MB_OK) const |
int | MessageBox (uint resId, const tstring &caption, uint flags=MB_OK) const |
auto | MessageBoxIndirect (HINSTANCE resourceModule, TResId text, TResId caption, uint flags, TResId icon, DWORD_PTR contextHelpId, MSGBOXCALLBACK, DWORD languageId) const -> int |
Displays a standard message box. | |
auto | MessageBoxIndirect (TResId icon, const tstring &text, const tstring &caption, uint flags=MB_OK) const -> int |
Displays a standard message box using the given icon. | |
auto | FormatMessageBox (const tstring &formatStr, const tstring &caption, uint flags,...) const -> int |
auto | FormatMessageBox (const tstring &, std::nullptr_t, uint,...) const -> int=delete |
HTASK | GetWindowTask () const |
Returns a handle to the task that created the specified window. | |
void | DragAcceptFiles (bool accept) |
If a window can process dropped files, DragAcceptFiles sets accept to true. | |
TCurrentEvent & | GetCurrentEvent () |
Returns the current event to be processed in the message queue. | |
void | SethAccel (HACCEL) |
auto | GetChildren () |
Returns a TWindow::TChildrenRange that can be iterated by standard means. | |
auto | GetChildren () const |
Const overload of TWindow::GetChildren. | |
TWindow * | Next () |
Returns a pointer to the next sibling window in the window's sibling list. | |
auto | Next () const -> const TWindow * |
TWindow * | Previous () |
Returns a pointer to the TWindow's previous sibling (the window previous to the TWindow in its parent's child window list) | |
auto | Previous () const -> const TWindow * |
TWindow * | GetFirstChild () |
Returns a pointer to the first child window, which is the first window created in the interface object's child list. | |
auto | GetFirstChild () const -> const TWindow * |
TWindow * | GetLastChild () |
Returns a pointer to the last child window in the interface object's child list. | |
auto | GetLastChild () const -> const TWindow * |
uint | NumChildren () const |
Returns the number of child windows of the window. | |
bool | GetScrollInfo (int bar, SCROLLINFO *scrollInfo) const |
Retrieves the properties of the given scroll bar. | |
SCROLLINFO | GetScrollInfo (int bar, uint mask=SIF_ALL) const |
Function-style overload Returns selected properties of the given scroll bar. | |
int | SetScrollInfo (int bar, SCROLLINFO *scrollInfo, bool redraw=true) |
Sets the properties of the given scroll bar. | |
int | GetScrollPos (int bar) const |
Returns the thumb position in the scroll bar. | |
int | SetScrollPos (int bar, int pos, bool redraw=true) |
Sets the thumb position in the scroll bar. | |
int | GetScrollTrackPos (int bar) const |
Returns the thumb track position in the scroll bar. | |
void | GetScrollRange (int bar, int &minPos, int &maxPos) const |
Returns the minimum and maximum positions in the scroll bar. | |
TScrollRange | GetScrollRange (int bar) const |
Function-style overload. | |
void | SetScrollRange (int bar, int minPos, int maxPos, bool redraw=true) |
Sets the thumb position in the scroll bar. | |
void | SetScrollRange (int bar, const TScrollRange &, bool redraw=true) |
Overload taking the range as a pair. | |
int | GetScrollPage (int bar) const |
Returns the page property (SCROLLINFO::nPage) of the given scroll bar. | |
void | SetScrollPage (int bar, int page, bool redraw=true) |
Sets the page property (SCROLLINFO::nPage) of the given scroll bar. | |
bool | EnableScrollBar (uint sbFlags=SB_BOTH, uint arrowFlags=ESB_ENABLE_BOTH) |
Disables or enables one or both of the scroll bar arrows on the scroll bars associated with this window. | |
void | ShowScrollBar (int bar, bool show=true) |
Displays or hides the scroll bar. | |
void | ScrollWindow (int dx, int dy, const TRect *scroll=nullptr, const TRect *clip=nullptr) |
Scrolls a window in the vertical (dx) and horizontal (dy) directions. | |
void | ScrollWindowEx (int dx, int dy, const TRect *scroll=0, const TRect *clip=0, HRGN hUpdateRgn=nullptr, TRect *update=0, uint flags=0) |
Scrolls a window in the vertical (dx) and horizontal (dy) directions. | |
void | ShutDownWindow (int retVal=0) |
This inline version of ShutDownWindow calls the static version of ShutDownWindow. | |
TResult | SendMessage (TMsgId, TParam1=0, TParam2=0) const |
Sends a message (msg) to a specified window or windows. | |
TResult | SendDlgItemMessage (int childId, TMsgId, TParam1=0, TParam2=0) |
Sends a message (msg) to the control specified in childId. | |
bool | PostMessage (TMsgId, TParam1=0, TParam2=0) |
Posts a message (msg) to the window in the application's message queue. | |
HWND | SetCapture () |
Sets the mouse capture to the current window. | |
HWND | SetFocus () |
Sets the keyboard focus to current window and activates the window that receives the focus by sending a WM_SETFOCUS message to the window. | |
bool | IsWindowEnabled () const |
Returns true if the window is enabled. | |
virtual bool | EnableWindow (bool enable) |
Allows the given window to receive input from the keyboard of mouse. | |
void | SetRedraw (bool redraw) |
Sends a WM_SETREDRAW message to a window so that changes can be redrawn (redraw = true) or to prevent changes from being redrawn (redraw = false). | |
bool | TrackMouseEvent (uint flags=TME_HOVER|TME_LEAVE, int hoverTime=HOVER_DEFAULT) |
Posts messages when the mouse pointer leaves a window or hovers over a window for a specified amount of time. | |
bool | CancelMouseEvent (uint flags=TME_HOVER|TME_LEAVE) |
Encapsulates a call to TrackMouseEvent, passing the TME_CANCEL flag. | |
TRACKMOUSEEVENT | QueryMouseEventTracking () const |
Returns the current state of mouse event tracking initiated by TrackMouseEvent. | |
void | ClientToScreen (TPoint &point) const |
Converts the client coordinates specified in point to screen coordinates for the new window. | |
TPoint | MapClientToScreen (const TPoint &p) const |
Function-style version of ClientToScreen. | |
void | MapClientToScreen (TPoint *p, int count) const |
Maps the given points, specified in client coordinates in this window, to screen coordinates. | |
template<size_t Count> | |
void | MapClientToScreen (TPoint(&p)[Count]) const |
Overload for array See MapClientToScreen(TPoint*, int). | |
TRect | MapClientToScreen (const TRect &r) const |
Functional-style overload for TRect; converts the given rectangle coordinates and returns the result. | |
void | ScreenToClient (TPoint &point) const |
Uses the screen coordinates specified in point to calculate the client window's coordinates and then places the new coordinates into point. | |
TPoint | MapScreenToClient (const TPoint &p) const |
Functional-style version of ScreenToClient. | |
void | MapScreenToClient (TPoint *p, int count) const |
Maps the given points, specified in screen coordinates, to client coordinates in this window. | |
template<size_t Count> | |
void | MapScreenToClient (TPoint(&p)[Count]) const |
Overload for array See MapScreenToClient(TPoint*, int). | |
TRect | MapScreenToClient (const TRect &r) const |
Functional-style overload for TRect; converts the given rectangle coordinates and returns the result. | |
void | MapWindowPoints (HWND hWndTo, TPoint *pts, int count) const |
Maps a set of points in one window to a relative set of points in another window. | |
void | MapWindowPoints (const TWindow &wndTo, TPoint *p, int n) const |
Overload for TWindow See MapWindowPoints(HWND, TPoint*, int). | |
template<size_t Count> | |
void | MapWindowPoints (HWND hWndTo, TPoint(&p)[Count]) const |
Overload for array See MapWindowPoints(HWND, TPoint*, int). | |
template<size_t Count> | |
void | MapWindowPoints (const TWindow &wndTo, TPoint(&p)[Count]) const |
Overload for TWindow and array See MapWindowPoints(HWND, TPoint*, int). | |
TPoint | MapWindowPoints (HWND hWndTo, const TPoint &p) const |
Functional-style overload for TPoint; converts the given point coordinates and returns the result. | |
TPoint | MapWindowPoints (const TWindow &wndTo, const TPoint &p) const |
Overload for TWindow and TPoint See MapWindowPoints(HWND, const TPoint&). | |
TRect | MapWindowPoints (HWND hWndTo, const TRect &r) const |
Functional-style overload for TRect; converts the given rectangle coordinates and returns the result. | |
TRect | MapWindowPoints (const TWindow &wndTo, const TRect &r) const |
Overload for TWindow and TRect See MapWindowPoints(HWND, const TRect&). | |
TRect | MapWindowRect (HWND hWndTo) const |
Maps the window's rectangle (GetWindowRect) to client coordinates in the given destination window. | |
TRect | MapWindowRect (const TWindow &wndTo) const |
Overload for TWindow See MapWindowRect(HWND). | |
TRect | MapClientRect (HWND hWndTo) const |
Maps the window's client rectangle (GetClientRect) to client coordinates in the given destination window. | |
TRect | MapClientRect (const TWindow &wndTo) const |
Overload for TWindow See MapClientRect(HWND). | |
void | GetClientRect (TRect &rect) const |
Gets the coordinates of the window's client area and then copies them into the object referred to by TRect. | |
TRect | GetClientRect () const |
Gets the coordinates of the window's client area (the area in a window you can use for drawing). | |
HWND | ChildWindowFromPoint (const TPoint &point) const |
Determines which of the child windows contains the point specified in TPoint. | |
void | GetWindowRect (TRect &rect) const |
Gets the screen coordinates of the window's rectangle and copies them into rect. | |
TRect | GetWindowRect () const |
Gets the screen coordinates of the window's rectangle. | |
TRect | GetChildRect (HWND hWnd) const |
Returns the window rectangle of the given window, specified in this window's client coordinates. | |
TRect | GetChildRect (const TWindow &wnd) const |
Overload for TWindow See GetChildRect(HWND). | |
void | BringWindowToTop () |
Brings a pop-up or child window to the top of the stack of overlapping windows and activates it. | |
HWND | SetActiveWindow () |
Activates a top-level window. | |
HWND | GetLastActivePopup () const |
Returns the last active pop-up window in the list. | |
HWND | GetNextWindow (uint dirFlag) const |
Finds the handle associated with either the next or previous window in the window manager's list. | |
HWND | GetTopWindow () const |
Returns a handle to the top window currently owned by this parent window. | |
HWND | GetWindow (uint cmd) const |
Returns the handle of the window that has the indicated relationship to this window. | |
bool | SetWindowPos (HWND hWndInsertAfter, const TRect &rect, uint flags) |
Changes the size of the window pointed to by rect. | |
bool | SetWindowPos (HWND hWndInsertAfter, int x, int y, int w, int h, uint flags) |
Set the new window position. | |
void | CreateCaret (HBITMAP hBitmap) |
Creates a new caret for the system. | |
void | CreateCaret (bool isGray, int width, int height) |
Create a new caret for the system with the specified shape, bitmap shade, width, and height. | |
void | HideCaret () |
Removes the caret from the specified display screen. | |
void | ShowCaret () |
Displays the caret in the specified shape in the active window at the current position. | |
void | SetWindowFont (HFONT font, bool redraw=true) |
Sets the font that a control uses to draw text. | |
void | SetWindowFont (const TFont &font, bool redraw=true) |
Sets the font that a control uses to draw text. | |
HFONT | GetWindowFont () |
Gets the font the control uses to draw text. | |
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virtual bool | Find (TEventInfo &info, TEqualOperator op=0) |
Searches the list of response table entries looking for a match. | |
TResult | Dispatch (TEventInfo &info, TParam1, TParam2=0) |
Takes the message data from TEventInfo's Msg data member and dispatches it to the correct event-handling function. | |
TResult | DispatchMsg (TMsgId, uint id, TParam1, TParam2) |
Search for the event given the message and it and dispatch to the event handler if found. | |
![]() | |
virtual | ~TStreamableBase () |
Protected Member Functions | |
uint | Transfer (void *buffer, TTransferDirection direction) |
Transfer a uint16 (the virtual key code) for the control. | |
virtual auto | GetWindowClassName () -> TWindowClassName |
Return the class name for a hot key control. | |
![]() | |
TControl (HWND hWnd, TModule *module=nullptr) | |
Constructor to alias non-OWL control. | |
virtual int | CompareItem (COMPAREITEMSTRUCT &compareInfo) |
Function called when a WM_COMPAREITEM is sent to parent on our behalf. | |
virtual void | DeleteItem (DELETEITEMSTRUCT &deleteInfo) |
Function called when a WM_DELETEITEM is sent to parent on our behalf. | |
virtual void | MeasureItem (MEASUREITEMSTRUCT &measureInfo) |
Function called when a WM_MEASUREITEM is sent to parent on our behalf. | |
virtual void | DrawItem (DRAWITEMSTRUCT &drawInfo) |
Function called when a WM_DRAWITEM is sent to parent on our behalf. | |
virtual void | ODADrawEntire (DRAWITEMSTRUCT &drawInfo) |
Responds to a notification message sent to a drawable control when the control needs to be drawn. | |
virtual void | ODAFocus (DRAWITEMSTRUCT &drawInfo) |
Responds to a notification sent to a drawable control when the focus has shifted to or from the control. | |
virtual void | ODASelect (DRAWITEMSTRUCT &drawInfo) |
Responds to a notification sent to a drawable control when the selection state of the control changes. | |
void | EvPaint () |
Intercept WM_PAINT to redirect from TWindow to the underlying control if this Owl object is just a wrapper for a predefined class. | |
auto | EvEraseBkgnd (HDC) -> bool |
Provides special handling for predefined controls. | |
int | EvCompareItem (uint ctrlId, const COMPAREITEMSTRUCT &comp) |
Handles WM_COMPAREITEM message (for owner draw controls) by calling the corresponding virtual function. | |
void | EvDeleteItem (uint ctrlId, const DELETEITEMSTRUCT &del) |
Handles WM_DELETEITEM message (for owner draw controls) by calling the corresponding virtual function. | |
void | EvDrawItem (uint ctrlId, const DRAWITEMSTRUCT &draw) |
Handles WM_DRAWITEM message (for owner draw controls) by calling the corresponding virtual function. | |
void | EvMeasureItem (uint ctrlId, MEASUREITEMSTRUCT &meas) |
Handles WM_MEASUREITEM message (for owner draw controls) by calling the corresponding virtual function. | |
![]() | |
TWindow () | |
Protected constructor for use by immediate virtually derived classes. | |
void | Init (TWindow *parent, LPCTSTR title, TModule *module) |
Normal initialization of a default constructed TWindow. | |
void | Init (TWindow *parent, const tstring &title, TModule *module) |
void | Init (HWND hWnd, TModule *module) |
Wrapper initialization of a default constructed TWindow. | |
virtual THandle | PerformCreate () |
Called from Create to perform the final step in creating an Windows interface element to be associated with a TWindow. | |
void | SetHandle (THandle) |
Sets the window handle in a derived class. | |
void | GetHWndState (bool forceStyleSync=false) |
Copies the style, coordinate, and the resource id (but not the title) from the existing HWnd into the TWindow members. | |
void | GetWindowTextTitle () |
Updates the TWindow internal caption (Title) from the current window's caption. | |
virtual void | GetWindowClass (WNDCLASS &wndClass) |
Redefined by derived classes, GetWindowClass fills the supplied MS-Windows registration class structure with registration attributes, thus, allowing instances of TWindow to be registered. | |
void | PerformSetupAndTransfer () |
Ensures that the window is fully set up; then transfers data into the window. | |
virtual void | SetupWindow () |
Performs setup following creation of an associated MS-Windows window. | |
virtual void | CleanupWindow () |
Always called immediately before the HWindow becomes invalid, CleanupWindow gives derived classes an opportunity to clean up HWND related resources. | |
void | DispatchScroll (uint scrollCode, uint thumbPos, HWND hWndCtrl) |
Called by EvHScroll and EvVScroll to dispatch messages from scroll bars. | |
void | LoadAcceleratorTable () |
Loads a handle to the window's accelerator table specified in the TWindowAttr structure (Attr.AccelTable). | |
virtual void | RemoveChild (TWindow *child) |
Removes a child window. | |
TWindow * | GetWindowPtr (HWND hWnd) const |
Calls TApplication:GetWindowPtr on the application associated with this window. | |
void | EvClose () |
The default response to a WM_CLOSE message is to call CloseWindow() and then have the window deleted if the Handle was really destroyed. | |
bool | EvCreate (CREATESTRUCT &) |
Response method for an incoming WM_CREATE message. | |
void | EvDestroy () |
Responds to an incoming WM_DESTROY message. | |
int | EvCompareItem (uint ctrlId, const COMPAREITEMSTRUCT &compareInfo) |
Handles WM_COMPAREITEM message (for owner draw controls) by forwarding message to control itself. | |
void | EvDeleteItem (uint ctrlId, const DELETEITEMSTRUCT &deleteInfo) |
Handles WM_DELETEITEM message (for owner draw controls) by forwarding message to control itself. | |
void | EvDrawItem (uint ctrlId, const DRAWITEMSTRUCT &drawInfo) |
void | EvMeasureItem (uint ctrlId, MEASUREITEMSTRUCT &measureInfo) |
Handles WM_MEASUREITEM message (for owner draw controls & menus) by forwarding message to control itself. | |
void | EvHScroll (uint scrollCode, uint thumbPos, HWND hWndCtl) |
Response method for an incoming WM_HSCROLL message. | |
void | EvVScroll (uint scrollCode, uint thumbPos, HWND hWndCtl) |
Response method for an incoming WM_VSCROLL message. | |
void | EvMove (const TPoint &clientOrigin) |
Save the normal position of the window. | |
void | EvNCDestroy () |
Responds to an incoming WM_NCDESTROY message, the last message sent to an MS-Windows interface element. | |
bool | EvQueryEndSession (uint flags) |
Respond to Windows attempt to close down. | |
void | EvSize (uint sizeType, const TSize &size) |
Response method for an incoming WM_SIZE message. | |
void | EvLButtonDown (uint modKeys, const TPoint &point) |
Response method for an incoming WM_LBUTTONDOWN message. | |
bool | EvEraseBkgnd (HDC) |
Handler for WM_ERASEBKGND. | |
void | EvPaint () |
Response method for an incoming WM_PAINT message. | |
void | EvSysColorChange () |
Respond to WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE by broadcasting it to all children. | |
void | EvChildInvalid (HWND hWnd) |
Handle message posted to us by a control needing assistance in dealing with invalid inputs. | |
void | EvCompacting (uint compactRatio) |
The default message handler for WM_COMPACTING. | |
void | EvDevModeChange (LPCTSTR devName) |
The default message handler for WM_DEVMODECHANGE. | |
void | EvEnable (bool enabled) |
The default message handler for WM_ENABLE. | |
void | EvEndSession (bool endSession, uint flags) |
Provides default handling for WM_ENDSESSION. | |
void | EvFontChange () |
The default message handler for WM_FONTCHANGE. | |
void | EvSysCommand (uint cmdType, const TPoint &point) |
Responds to a user-selected command from the System menu or when the user selects the maximize or minimize box. | |
void | EvTimeChange () |
The default message handler for WM_TIMECHANGE. | |
void | EvTimer (uint timerId) |
The default message handler for WM_TIMER. | |
void | EvSettingChange (uint flags, LPCTSTR section) |
void | EvActivate (uint active, bool minimized, HWND hWndOther) |
Default message handler for WM_ACTIVATE. | |
void | EvActivateApp (bool active, DWORD threadId) |
The default message handler for WM_ACTIVATEAPP. | |
void | EvCancelMode () |
The default message handler for WM_CANCELMODE. | |
void | EvGetMinMaxInfo (MINMAXINFO &minmaxinfo) |
The default message handler for WM_GETMINMAXINFO. | |
int | EvGetText (int bufSize, TCHAR *buf) |
The default message handler for WM_GETTEXT. | |
int | EvGetTextLength () |
The default message handler for WM_GETTEXTLENGTH. | |
void | EvKillFocus (HWND hWndGetFocus) |
Handle WM_KILLFOCUS so that we can have a parent window hold onto our Handle and possibly restore focus later. | |
uint | EvMouseActivate (HWND hTopLevel, uint hitCode, TMsgId) |
The default message handler for WM_MOUSEACTIVATE. | |
void | EvHotKey (int idHotKey, uint modifiers, uint vk) |
bool | EvCopyData (HWND hwnd, const COPYDATASTRUCT &) |
void | EvNextDlgCtl (TParam1 handleOrDirectionFlag, bool isHandle) |
void | EvParentNotify (const TParentNotify &) |
The default message handler for WM_PARENTNOTIFY. | |
HICON | EvQueryDragIcon () |
The default message handler for WM_QUERYDRAGICON. | |
bool | EvQueryOpen () |
The default message handler for WM_QUERYOPEN. | |
void | EvQueueSync () |
The default message handler for WM_QUEUESYNC. | |
bool | EvSetCursor (HWND hWndCursor, uint codeHitTest, TMsgId mouseMsg) |
Response method for an incoming WM_SETCURSOR message. | |
void | EvSetFocus (HWND hWndLostFocus) |
The default message handler for WM_SETFOCUS. | |
HFONT | EvGetFont () |
The default message handler for WM_GETFONT. | |
void | EvSetFont (HFONT hFont, bool redraw) |
The default message handler for WM_SETFONT. | |
void | EvSetRedraw (bool redraw) |
The default message handler for WM_SETREDRAW. | |
void | EvSetText (LPCTSTR text) |
The default message handler for WM_SETTEXT. | |
void | EvShowWindow (bool show, uint status) |
The default message handler for WM_SHOWWINDOW. | |
void | EvWindowPosChanged (const WINDOWPOS &windowPos) |
The default message handler for WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED. | |
bool | EvWindowPosChanging (WINDOWPOS &) |
The default message handler for WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING. | |
HBRUSH | EvCtlColor (HDC hDC, HWND hWndChild, uint ctlType) |
Handler for control color messages (WM_CTLCOLOR family). | |
void | EvChar (uint key, uint repeatCount, uint flags) |
The default message handler for WM_CHAR. | |
void | EvDeadChar (uint deadKey, uint repeatCount, uint flags) |
The default message handler for WM_DEADCHAR. | |
void | EvKeyDown (uint key, uint repeatCount, uint flags) |
The default message handler for WM_KEYDOWN. | |
void | EvKeyUp (uint key, uint repeatCount, uint flags) |
The default message handler for WM_KEYUP. | |
void | EvSysChar (uint key, uint repeatCount, uint flags) |
The default message handler for WM_SYSCHAR. | |
void | EvSysDeadChar (uint key, uint repeatCount, uint flags) |
The default message handler for WM_SYSDEADCHAR. | |
void | EvSysKeyDown (uint key, uint repeatCount, uint flags) |
The default message handler for WM_SYSKEYDOWN. | |
void | EvSysKeyUp (uint key, uint repeatCount, uint flags) |
The default message handler for WM_SYSKEYUP. | |
void | EvLButtonDblClk (uint modKeys, const TPoint &point) |
The default message handler for WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK. | |
void | EvLButtonUp (uint modKeys, const TPoint &point) |
The default message handler for WM_LBUTTONUP. | |
void | EvMButtonDblClk (uint modKeys, const TPoint &point) |
The default message handler for WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK. | |
void | EvMButtonDown (uint modKeys, const TPoint &point) |
The default message handler for WM_MBUTTONDOWN. | |
void | EvMButtonUp (uint modKeys, const TPoint &point) |
The default message handler for WM_MBUTTONUP. | |
void | EvMouseMove (uint modKeys, const TPoint &point) |
The default message handler for WM_MOUSEMOVE. | |
void | EvMouseHWheel (uint modKeys, int zDelta, const TPoint &point) |
Event handler for WM_MOUSEHWHEEL. | |
void | EvMouseWheel (uint modKeys, int zDelta, const TPoint &point) |
Event handler for WM_MOUSEWHEEL. | |
void | EvRButtonDblClk (uint modKeys, const TPoint &point) |
The default message handler for WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK. | |
void | EvRButtonDown (uint modKeys, const TPoint &point) |
The default message handler for WM_RBUTTONDOWN. | |
void | EvRButtonUp (uint modKeys, const TPoint &point) |
The default message handler for WM_RBUTTONUP. | |
void | EvInitMenu (HMENU hMenu) |
The default message handler for WM_INITMENU. | |
void | EvInitMenuPopup (HMENU hPopupMenu, uint index, bool isSysMenu) |
Handle WM_INITMENUPOPUP while embeded to generate command enable messages for our server menu items. | |
int32 | EvMenuChar (uint nChar, uint menuType, HMENU hMenu) |
The default message handler for WM_MENUCHAR. | |
void | EvMenuSelect (uint menuItemId, uint flags, HMENU hMenu) |
The default message handler for WM_MENUSELECT. | |
void | EvContextMenu (HWND childHwnd, int x, int y) |
The default message handler for WM_CONTEXTMENU. | |
uint | EvGetDlgCode (const MSG *msg) |
The default message handler for WM_GETDLGCODE. | |
void | EvEnterIdle (uint source, HWND hWndDlg) |
The default message handler for WM_ENTERIDLE. | |
void | EvSpoolerStatus (uint jobStatus, uint jobsLeft) |
The default message handler for WM_SPOOLERSTATUS. | |
void | EvAskCBFormatName (uint bufLen, TCHAR *buffer) |
The default message handler for WM_ASKCBFORMATNAME. | |
void | EvChangeCBChain (HWND hWndRemoved, HWND hWndNext) |
The default message handler for WM_CHANGECBCHAIN. | |
void | EvDrawClipboard () |
The default message handler for WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD. | |
void | EvDestroyClipboard () |
The default message handler for WM_DESTROYCLIPBOARD. | |
void | EvHScrollClipboard (HWND hCBViewer, uint scrollCode, uint pos) |
The default message handler for WM_HSCROLLCLIPBOARD. | |
void | EvPaintClipboard (HWND hWnd, const PAINTSTRUCT &) |
The default message handler for WM_PAINTCLIPBOARD. | |
void | EvRenderAllFormats () |
The default message handler for WM_RENDERALLFORMATS. | |
void | EvRenderFormat (uint dataFormat) |
The default message handler for WM_RENDERFORMAT. | |
void | EvSizeClipboard (HWND hWndViewer, const TRect &) |
The default message handler for WM_SIZECLIPBOARD. | |
void | EvVScrollClipboard (HWND hCBViewer, uint scrollCode, uint pos) |
The default message handler for WM_VSCROLLCLIPBOARD. | |
void | EvPaletteChanged (HWND hWndPalChg) |
The default message handler for WM_PALETTECHANGED. | |
void | EvPaletteIsChanging (HWND hWndPalChg) |
The default message handler for WM_PALETTEISCHANGING. | |
bool | EvQueryNewPalette () |
The default message handler for WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE. | |
void | EvDropFiles (TDropInfo dropInfo) |
The default message handler for WM_DROPFILES. | |
int | EvCharToItem (uint ch, HWND hWndListBox, int caretIndex) |
The default message handler for WM_CHARTOITEM. | |
int | EvVKeyToItem (uint key, HWND hWndListBox, int caretIndex) |
The default message handler for WM_VKEYTOITEM. | |
bool | EvNCActivate (bool active) |
The default message handler for WM_NCACTIVATE. | |
uint | EvNCCalcSize (bool calcValidRects, NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS &) |
The default message handler for WM_NCCALCSIZE. | |
bool | EvNCCreate (CREATESTRUCT &) |
The default message handler for WM_NCCREATE. | |
uint | EvNCHitTest (const TPoint &) |
The default message handler for WM_NCHITTEST. | |
void | EvNCLButtonDblClk (uint codeHitTest, const TPoint &) |
The default message handler for WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK. | |
void | EvNCLButtonDown (uint codeHitTest, const TPoint &) |
The default message handler for WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN. | |
void | EvNCLButtonUp (uint codeHitTest, const TPoint &) |
The default message handler for WM_NCLBUTTONUP. | |
void | EvNCMButtonDblClk (uint codeHitTest, const TPoint &) |
The default message handler for WM_NCMBUTTONDBLCLK. | |
void | EvNCMButtonDown (uint codeHitTest, const TPoint &) |
The default message handler for WM_NCMBUTTONDOWN. | |
void | EvNCMButtonUp (uint codeHitTest, const TPoint &) |
The default message handler for WM_NCMBUTTONUP. | |
void | EvNCMouseMove (uint codeHitTest, const TPoint &) |
The default message handler for WM_NCMOUSEMOVE. | |
void | EvNCPaint (HRGN) |
The default message handler for WM_NCPAINT. | |
void | EvNCRButtonDblClk (uint codeHitTest, const TPoint &) |
The default message handler for WM_NCRBUTTONDBLCLK. | |
void | EvNCRButtonDown (uint codeHitTest, const TPoint &) |
The default message handler for WM_NCRBUTTONDOWN. | |
void | EvNCRButtonUp (uint codeHitTest, const TPoint &) |
The default message handler for WM_NCRBUTTONUP. | |
HICON | EvGetIcon (bool isBigIcon) |
HICON | EvSetIcon (bool isBigIcon, HICON) |
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bool | SearchEntries (const TGenericTableEntry *entries, TEventInfo &info, TEqualOperator op) |
Low-level response table search function. | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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typedef HWND | THandle |
TWindow encapsulates an HWND. | |
using | TChildrenIterator = TChildrenIteratorTemplate<TWindow> |
using | TConstChildrenIterator = TChildrenIteratorTemplate<const TWindow> |
using | TChildrenRange = TChildrenRangeTemplate<TWindow> |
using | TConstChildrenRange = TChildrenRangeTemplate<const TWindow> |
typedef std::pair< int, int > | TScrollRange |
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typedef bool(* | TEqualOperator) (const TGenericTableEntry &, const TEventInfo &) |
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static void | ShutDownWindow (TWindow *win, int retVal=0) |
This version of ShutDownWindow unconditionally shuts down a given window, calls Destroy on the interface element, and then deletes the interface object. | |
static HWND | GetCapture () |
Returns the handle of the window that has captured the mouse. | |
static void | ReleaseCapture () |
Releases the mouse capture from this window. | |
static HWND | GetFocus () |
Gets a handle to the window that has the focus. | |
static HWND | WindowFromPoint (const TPoint &point) |
Returns the handle of the window in which the specified point (point) lies. | |
static void | AdjustWindowRect (TRect &rect, uint32 style, bool menu) |
Calculates the size of the window rectangle according to the indicated client-rectangle size. | |
static void | AdjustWindowRectEx (TRect &rect, uint32 style, bool menu, uint32 exStyle) |
Calculates the size of a window rectangle that has an extended style. | |
static HWND | GetActiveWindow () |
Retrieves the handle of the active window. | |
static HWND | GetDesktopWindow () |
Returns a handle to the desktop window. | |
static uint | GetCaretBlinkTime () |
Retrieves the caret blink rate in milliseconds. | |
static void | GetCaretPos (TPoint &point) |
Gets the position of the caret in the coordinates of the client window. | |
static TPoint | GetCaretPos () |
static void | SetCaretBlinkTime (uint16 milliSecs) |
Sets the caret blink rate in milliseconds. | |
static void | SetCaretPos (int x, int y) |
Sets the position of the caret in the coordinates of the client window. | |
static void | SetCaretPos (const TPoint &pos) |
Sets the position of the caret in the coordinates of the client window. | |
static void | DestroyCaret () |
DestroyCaret first checks the ownership of the caret. | |
static void | GetCursorPos (TPoint &pos) |
Retrieves the cursor's current position (in window screen coordinates) and copies the values into the structure pointed to by pos. | |
static TPoint | GetCursorPos () |
static TPoint | GetMessagePos () |
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Callback process for hooking TWindow to native window. | |
THotKey encapsulates the hot-key control, a window that allows the user to enter a combination of keystrokes to be used as a a hot key.
[A hot key is a key combination that the user can press to perform an action quickly].
owl::THotKey::THotKey | ( | TWindow * | parent, |
int | id, | ||
int | x, | ||
int | y, | ||
int | w, | ||
int | h, | ||
TModule * | module = 0 ) |
Constructors for THotKey initialize data fields using parameters passed and default values.
By default, a Hotkey control associated with the TColumnHeader will be visible upon creation and will have a border.
Definition at line 21 of file hotkey.cpp.
References owl::InitializeCommonControls(), and owl::TWindow::ModifyStyle().
Constructs a hot key control from resource.
Definition at line 35 of file hotkey.cpp.
References owl::InitializeCommonControls().
Constructs a hot key object to encapsulate (alias) an existing control.
Definition at line 47 of file hotkey.cpp.
References owl::InitializeCommonControls().
uint16 owl::THotKey::GetHotKey | ( | ) |
Returns the 16-bit virtual key code for the control.
Definition at line 81 of file hotkey.cpp.
References owl::LoUint16(), and owl::TWindow::SendMessage().
protectedvirtual |
Return the class name for a hot key control.
Reimplemented from owl::TWindow.
Definition at line 57 of file hotkey.cpp.
Sets the virtual key code and modifier flags for the hot key.
See the Windows API for more details on VK_xxxx and modifier flags.
Definition at line 91 of file hotkey.cpp.
References owl::TWindow::SendMessage().
Sets the virtual key code and modifier flags for the hot key.
Definition at line 100 of file hotkey.cpp.
References owl::MkUint16(), and SetHotKey().
Set the invalid key combinations for this control.
Sets the invalid key combinations for the hotkey control.
Definition at line 109 of file hotkey.cpp.
References owl::MkParam2(), and owl::TWindow::SendMessage().
inline |
protectedvirtual |
Transfer a uint16 (the virtual key code) for the control.
Reimplemented from owl::TWindow.
Definition at line 66 of file hotkey.cpp.
References GetHotKey(), SetHotKey(), owl::tdGetData, owl::tdSetData, and owl::tdSizeData.