OWLNext    7.0
Borland's Object Windows Library for the modern age
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owl::TFloatingFrame Class Reference

Derived from TFrameWindow and TTinyCaption, TFloatingFrame implements a floating frame that can be positioned anywhere in the parent window. More...

#include <owl/floatfra.h>

Inheritance diagram for owl::TFloatingFrame:
owl::TFrameWindow owl::TTinyCaption owl::TWindow owl::TWindow owl::TEventHandler owl::TStreamableBase owl::TEventHandler owl::TStreamableBase owl::TFloatingSlip

Public Types

enum  { DefaultCaptionHeight = 0 }
- Public Types inherited from owl::TWindow
typedef HWND THandle
 TWindow encapsulates an HWND.
using TChildrenIterator = TChildrenIteratorTemplate<TWindow>
using TConstChildrenIterator = TChildrenIteratorTemplate<const TWindow>
using TChildrenRange = TChildrenRangeTemplate<TWindow>
using TConstChildrenRange = TChildrenRangeTemplate<const TWindow>
typedef std::pair< int, intTScrollRange
- Public Types inherited from owl::TEventHandler
typedef bool(* TEqualOperator) (const TGenericTableEntry &, const TEventInfo &)

Public Member Functions

 TFloatingFrame (TWindow *parent, LPCTSTR title=0, TWindow *clientWnd=0, bool shrinkToClient=false, int captionHeight=DefaultCaptionHeight, bool popupPalette=false, TModule *module=0)
 Constructs a TFloatingFrame object attached to the specified parent window.
 TFloatingFrame (TWindow *parent, const tstring &title, TWindow *client=0, bool shrinkToClient=false, int captionHeight=DefaultCaptionHeight, bool popupPalette=false, TModule *=0)
 String-aware overload.
void SetMargins (const TSize &margin)
 Sets the margins of the floating palette window to the size specified in margin and sets the height of the tiny caption bar.
void SetDragFrame (bool dragFrame)
 Sets the flag for additional dragging area.
- Public Member Functions inherited from owl::TFrameWindow
 TFrameWindow (TWindow *parent, LPCTSTR title=nullptr, TWindow *clientWnd=nullptr, bool shrinkToClient=false, TModule *module=nullptr)
 Constructs a window object with the parent window supplied in parent, which is zero if this is the main window.
 TFrameWindow (TWindow *parent, const tstring &title, TWindow *client=nullptr, bool shrinkToClient=false, TModule *=nullptr)
 String-aware overload.
 TFrameWindow (TWindow *parent, const tstring &title, std::unique_ptr< TWindow > client=nullptr, bool shrinkToClient=false, TModule *=nullptr)
 Smart-pointer-aware overload.
 TFrameWindow (HWND hWnd, TModule *module=nullptr)
 Constructor for a TFrameWindow that is being used as an alias for a non-ObjectWindows window.
 ~TFrameWindow () override
 Destructor for a TFrameWindow.
virtual bool AssignMenu (TResId menuResId)
 Perform a high-level menu assignment either before or after the HWND for the window has been created.
virtual bool SetMenu (HMENU newMenu)
 Overrides TWindow's non-virtual SetMenu function, thus allowing derived classes the opportunity to implement this function differently from TWindow.
void SetMenuDescr (const TMenuDescr &menuDescr)
 Sets the menu descriptor to the new menu descriptor.
const TMenuDescrGetMenuDescr () const
 Returns a pointer to the menu descriptor for the frame window.
virtual bool MergeMenu (const TMenuDescr &childMenuDescr)
 Merges the given menu descriptor with this frame's own menu descriptor and displays the resulting menu in this frame.
bool RestoreMenu ()
void SetBarDescr (TBarDescr *barDescr, TAutoDelete=AutoDelete)
 Sets the control bar descriptor to the new bar descriptor.
const TBarDescrGetBarDescr () const
 Returns a pointer to the control bar descriptor.
virtual bool MergeBar (const TBarDescr &childBarDescr)
 Do nothing. Return false. Overriden in TDecoratedFrame.
virtual bool RestoreBar ()
 Do nothing in TFrameWindow. Overriden in TDecoratedFrame.
TModuleGetMergeModule ()
 Returns the module of the merge menu.
HICON GetIcon () const
 Retrieve handle of icon of frame window.
HICON GetIconSm () const
 Retrieve handle of icon of frame window.
bool SetIcon (TModule *iconModule, TResId iconResId)
 Sets the icon in the module specified in iconModule to the resource ID specified in iconResId.
bool SetIconSm (TModule *iconModule, TResId iconResIdSm)
 Set the Small Icon (16 x 16)
virtual TWindowGetClientWindow ()
 Returns a pointer to the client window.
virtual TWindowSetClientWindow (TWindow *clientWnd)
 Sets the client window to the specified window.
auto SetClientWindow (std::unique_ptr< TWindow >) -> std::unique_ptr< TWindow >
 Smart-pointer-aware overload.
void RemoveChild (TWindow *) override
 If someone removes our client with a RemoveChild() call, update our client and restore focus ptrs.
bool GetKeyboardHandling () const
 Returns flag indicating that the receiver has requested "keyboard handling" (translation of keyboard input into control selections).
void SetKeyboardHandling (bool kh=true)
 Sets flag indicating that the receiver has requested "keyboard handling" (translation of keyboard input into control selections).
void EnableKBHandler ()
 Sets the keyboard handling flag to true.
auto PreProcessMsg (MSG &) -> bool override
 Overrides TWindow's virtual function.
auto IdleAction (long idleCount) -> bool override
 Overrides TWindow's virtual function.
auto HoldFocusHWnd (HWND hWndLose, HWND hWndGain) -> bool override
 Overrides TWindow's virtual function.
auto SetDocTitle (LPCTSTR docname, int index) -> bool override
 Overrides TWindow's virtual function.
virtual bool SetDocTitle (LPCTSTR docname, int index)
 Default behavior for updating document title is to pass it to parent frame.
bool SetDocTitle (const tstring &docname, int index)
- Public Member Functions inherited from owl::TWindow
void TraceWindowPlacement ()
 TWindow (TWindow *parent, LPCTSTR title=nullptr, TModule *module=nullptr)
 Adds this to the child list of parent if nonzero, and calls EnableAutoCreate so that this will be created and displayed along with parent.
 TWindow (TWindow *parent, const tstring &title, TModule *module=nullptr)
 String-aware overload.
 TWindow (HWND handle, TModule *module=nullptr)
 Constructs a TWindow that is used as an alias for a non-ObjectWindows window, and sets wfAlias.
virtual ~TWindow () override
 Destroys this window (unless this is an alias) and the children.
TApplicationGetApplication () const
 Gets a pointer to the TApplication object associated with this.
virtual bool Register ()
 Registers the Windows registration class of this window, if this window is not already registered.
TScrollerGetScroller ()
 Returns the associated scroller object for this window.
void SetScroller (TScroller *scroller)
 Sets the scroller object for this window.
virtual void CloseWindow (int retVal=0)
 Determines if it is okay to close a window before actually closing the window.
TWindowAttrGetWindowAttr ()
 Returns the TWindowAttr structure, which contains the window's creation attributes.
const TWindowAttrGetWindowAttr () const
 Returns the TWindowAttr structure, which contains the window's creation attributes.
LPCTSTR GetCaption () const
 Returns the Title member of TWindow.
virtual bool CanClose ()
 Use this function to determine if it is okay to close a window.
void ChildBroadcastMessage (TMsgId, TParam1=0, TParam2=0)
 Sends the specified message to all immediate children using SendMessage.
TResult HandleMessage (TMsgId, TParam1=0, TParam2=0)
 Dispatches the given message using the response table.
virtual TResult EvNotify (uint id, TNotify &notifyInfo)
 Handles WM_NOTIFY and subdispatch messages from child controls.
TResult DefaultProcessing ()
 Handles default processing of events, which includes continued processing of menu/accelerators commands and enablers, as well as notifications.
virtual void Paint (TDC &dc, bool erase, TRect &rect)
 Repaints the client area (the area you can use for drawing) of a window.
void SubclassWindowFunction ()
 Installs the instance thunk as the WindowProc and saves the old window function in DefaultProc.
void SetFlag (uint mask)
 Sets the specified TWindow wfXxxx constant flags (for example wfAlias, wfTransfer, and so on) in the Flags member.
void ClearFlag (uint mask)
 Clears the specified TWindow wfXxxx constant flags (for example wfAlias, wfTransfer, and so on) in the Flags member.
bool IsFlagSet (uint mask)
 Returns the state of the bit flag in Attr.Flags whose mask is supplied.
void EnableAutoCreate ()
 Ensures that an associated child window interface element is created and displayed along with its parent window.
void DisableAutoCreate ()
 Disables the feature that allows an associated child window interface element to be created and displayed along with its parent window.
virtual TTooltipGetTooltip () const
virtual void EnableTooltip (bool enable=true)
void SetTooltip (TTooltip *tooltip)
void EnableTransfer ()
 Enables the transfer mechanism, which allows state data to be transferred between the window and a transfer buffer.
void DisableTransfer ()
 Disables (for the interface object) the transfer mechanism, which allows state data to be transferred to and from a transfer buffer.
TModuleGetModule () const
 Returns a pointer to the module object.
void SetModule (TModule *module)
 Sets the default module for this window.
tstring LoadString (uint id) const
HBITMAP LoadBitmap (TResId id) const
HACCEL LoadAccelerators (TResId id) const
HMENU LoadMenu (TResId id) const
HCURSOR LoadCursor (TResId id) const
HICON LoadIcon (TResId id) const
std::string LoadHtml (TResId id) const
virtual bool Create ()
 Creates the window interface element to be associated with this ObjectWindows interface element.
bool CreateChildren ()
 Creates the child windows in the child list whose auto-create flags (with wfAutoCreate mask) are set.
virtual void Destroy (int retVal=0)
 Destroys an MS-Windows element associated with the TWindow.
virtual int Execute ()
 Creates the underlying HWND and makes it modal with the help of TApplication's BeginModal support.
virtual int DoExecute ()
 Do actual modal execution using the Begin/End Modal support of TApplication.
void AttachHandle (HWND handle)
void DetachHandle ()
int GetId () const
 Returns Attr.Id, the ID used to find the window in a specified parent's child list.
auto ChildWithId (int id) const -> const TWindow *
auto ChildWithId (int id) -> TWindow *
 Returns a pointer to the window in the child window list that has the supplied id.
HWND GetParentH () const
 Return the handle of the parent.
TWindowGetParentO () const
 Return the OWL's parent for this window.
TWindowGetParent () const
 Retrieves the OWL object of the parent window. If none exists, returns 0.
virtual void SetParent (TWindow *newParent)
 Sets the parent for the specified window by setting Parent to the specified new Parent window object.
void SetNext (TWindow *next)
 Sets the next window in the sibling list.
bool SetDocTitle (const tstring &docname, int index)
void SetCaption (LPCTSTR title)
 Copies title to an allocated string pointed to by title.
void SetCaption (const tstring &title)
void SetCaption (uint resourceStringId)
 Sets the window title to the resource string identified by the given id.
bool SetCursor (TModule *module, TResId resId)
 Sets the mouse cursor for the window, loading the given resId from the given module.
auto GetBkgndColor () const -> TColor
 Returns the overriding background color set for the window.
void SetBkgndColor (TColor color, bool shouldUpdate=true)
 Sets the background color for the window.
auto GetTextColor () const -> TColor
 Returns the overriding text color set for the window.
void SetTextColor (TColor color, bool shouldUpdate=true)
 Sets the text color for the window.
void SetAcceleratorTable (TResId resId)
TResult ForwardMessage (HWND handle, bool send=true)
 Forwards the window's current message.
TResult ForwardMessage (bool send=true)
 Forwards the window's current message.
void SendNotification (int id, int notifyCode, HWND hCtl, TMsgId=WM_COMMAND)
 Repacks a command message (msg) so that a child window (hCtl) can send a message to its parent regardless of whether this is a WIN16 or WIN32 application.
void SendNotification (HWND receiver, int id, int notifyCode, HWND hCtl, TMsgId=WM_COMMAND)
 Repacks a command message (msg) so that a child window (hCtl) can send a message to its parent regardless of whether this is a WIN16 or WIN32 application.
TResult SendNotification (int id, NMHDR &, TMsgId=WM_NOTIFY)
 Repacks a command message (msg) so that a child window (hCtl) can send a message to its parent regardless of whether this is a WIN16 or WIN32 application.
TResult SendNotification (HWND receiver, uint id, NMHDR &, TMsgId=WM_NOTIFY)
 Repacks a command message (msg) so that a child window (hCtl) can send a message to its parent regardless of whether this is a WIN16 or WIN32 application.
virtual TResult WindowProc (TMsgId, TParam1, TParam2)
 First virtual function called to handling incoming messages to a TWindow.
virtual TResult DefWindowProc (TMsgId, TParam1, TParam2)
 Virtual function provides final default processing for an incoming message Calls original window proc that was subclassed, using ::CallWindowProc to make sure that registers get setup correctly.
void RouteCommandEnable (HWND hInitCmdTarget, TCommandEnabler &ce)
 Walks the chain of windows from the initial target window to this window.
void SetTransferBuffer (void *transferBuffer, uint size)
 Sets TransferBuffer and TransferBufferSize.
template<class TBuffer >
void SetTransferBuffer (TBuffer *transferBuffer)
 Sets TransferBuffer and TransferBufferSize.
template<class TElement , uint Count>
void SetTransferBuffer (TElement(&transferBuffer)[Count])
 Sets TransferBuffer and TransferBufferSize.
voidGetTransferBuffer () const
uint GetTransferBufferSize () const
virtual uint Transfer (void *buffer, TTransferDirection direction)
 Transfers data to or from any window with or without children and returns the total size of the data transferred.
virtual void TransferData (TTransferDirection direction)
 Transfers data between the TWindow's data buffer and the child windows in its ChildList (data is not transfered between any child windows whose wfTransfer flag is not set)
HWND GetHandle () const
 Returns the handle of the window.
 operator HWND () const
 Allows a TWindow& to be used as an HWND in Windows API calls by providing an implicit conversion from TWindow to HWND.
bool IsWindow () const
 Returns true if an HWND is being used.
auto GetClassName (TCHAR *className, int maxCount) const -> int
 Returns the Windows class name for this object's window handle.
long GetClassLong (int index) const
 Retrieves the 32-bit value containing information about the window class.
long SetClassLong (int index, long newLong)
 Sets the long value at the specified offset (index).
uint16 GetClassWord (int index) const
 Gets a 16-bit value containing information about the class or style of the window.
uint16 SetClassWord (int index, uint16 newWord)
 Sets the word value at the specified offset (index).
LONG_PTR GetWindowLongPtr (int index) const
 Retrieves information about the window depending on the value stored in index.
LONG_PTR SetWindowLongPtr (int index, LONG_PTR newLong)
 Changes information about the window. For a list of constants, see GetWindowLongPtr()
long GetWindowLong (int index) const
 Retrieves information about the window depending on the value stored in index.
long SetWindowLong (int index, long newLong)
 Changes information about the window.
uint16 GetWindowWord (int index) const
 Retrieves information about this window depending on the value of index.
uint16 SetWindowWord (int index, uint16 newWord)
 Changes information about the window.
WNDPROC GetWindowProc () const
WNDPROC SetWindowProc (WNDPROC wndProc)
int EnumProps (PROPENUMPROC proc)
 Enumerates all the items in the property list of the current window and passes them one by one to the callback function indicated in proc.
HANDLE GetProp (uint16 atom) const
 Returns a handle to the property list of the specified window.
HANDLE RemoveProp (uint16 atom) const
 Removes the property specified by atom from the application's property list.
bool SetProp (uint16 atom, HANDLE data) const
 Adds an item to the property list of the specified window.
HANDLE GetProp (LPCTSTR str) const
 Returns a handle to the property list of the specified window.
HANDLE GetProp (const tstring &str) const
HANDLE RemoveProp (LPCTSTR str) const
 Removes the property specified by str, a null-terminated string, from the application's property list.
HANDLE RemoveProp (const tstring &str) const
bool SetProp (LPCTSTR str, HANDLE data) const
 Adds an item to the property list of the specified window.
bool SetProp (const tstring &str, HANDLE data) const
uint32 GetStyle () const
 Gets the style bits of the underlying window or the 'Style' member of the attribute structure associated with this TWindow object.
uint32 SetStyle (uint32 style)
 Sets the style bits of the underlying window or the 'Style' member of the attribute structure associated with this TWindow object.
uint32 GetExStyle () const
 Gets the extra style bits of the window.
uint32 SetExStyle (uint32 style)
 Sets the extra style bits of the window.
bool ModifyStyle (uint32 offBits, uint32 onBits, uint swpFlags=0)
 Modifies the style bits of the window.
bool ModifyExStyle (uint32 offBits, uint32 onBits, uint swpFlags=0)
 Modifies the style bits of the window.
bool MoveWindow (int x, int y, int w, int h, bool repaint=false)
 Repositions the specified window.
bool MoveWindow (const TRect &rect, bool repaint=false)
 Repositions the window.
virtual bool ShowWindow (int cmdShow)
 Displays this TWindow in a given state.
void ShowOwnedPopups (bool show)
 Shows or hides all owned pop-up windows according to the value of show.
bool IsWindowVisible () const
 Returns true if the window is visible.
bool IsZoomed () const
 Returns true if window is zoomed or maximized.
bool IsIconic () const
 Returns true if window is iconic or minimized.
int GetWindowTextLength () const
 Returns the length, in characters, of the specified window's title.
int GetWindowText (TCHAR *str, int maxCount) const
 Copies the window's title into a buffer pointed to by string.
tstring GetWindowText () const
 String-aware overload.
void SetWindowText (LPCTSTR str)
 Sets the window's text to the given string (by copying).
void SetWindowText (const tstring &str)
void SetWindowText (uint resourceStringId)
 Sets the window title to the resource string identified by the given id.
WINDOWPLACEMENT GetWindowPlacement () const
 Wrapper for Windows API.
void SetWindowPlacement (const WINDOWPLACEMENT &place)
 Wrapper for Windows API.
virtual void Invalidate (bool erase=true)
 Invalidates (mark for painting) the entire client area of a window.
virtual void InvalidateRect (const TRect &rect, bool erase=true)
 Invalidates a specified client area.
void InvalidateRgn (HRGN hRgn, bool erase=true)
 Invalidates a client area within a region specified by the hRgn parameter when the application receives a WM_PAINT message.
void Validate ()
 Calls the function ValidateRect to validate (that is, remove from the area to be updated) the entire client area (the area you can use for drawing).
void ValidateRect (const TRect &rect)
 Validates a portion of the client area indicated by rect.
void ValidateRgn (HRGN hRgn)
 Validates the client area within a region of the current window.
void UpdateWindow ()
 Updates the client area of the specified window by immediately sending a WM_PAINT message.
bool FlashWindow (bool invert)
 Changes the window from active to inactive or vice versa.
bool GetUpdateRect (TRect &rect, bool erase=true) const
 Retrieves the screen coordinates of the rectangle that encloses the updated region of the specified window.
int GetUpdateRgn (TRegion &rgn, bool erase=true) const
 Copies a window's update region into a region specified by region.
bool LockWindowUpdate (bool lock=true)
 Prevents or enables window drawing for one window at a time.
bool RedrawWindow (TRect *update, HRGN hUpdateRgn, uint redrawFlags=RDW_INVALIDATE|RDW_UPDATENOW|RDW_ERASE)
 Redraws the rectangle specified by update and the region specified by hUpdateRgn.
auto GetWindowRgn (TRegion &) const -> int
 Obtains a copy of the region of the window within which the system permits drawing.
void ResetWindowRgn (bool repaint=false)
 Calls SetWindowRgn(nullptr, repaint).
auto SetWindowRgn (HRGN, bool repaint=false) -> bool
 Sets the area within the window where the system permits drawing.
auto SetWindowRgn (const TRegion &, bool repaint=false) -> bool=delete
auto SetWindowRgn (TRegion &&r, bool repaint=false) -> bool
 Overload for TRegion.
int GetDlgCtrlID () const
 Returns the ID of the control.
HWND GetDlgItem (int childId) const
 Retrieves the handle of a control specified by childId.
uint GetDlgItemInt (int childId, bool *translated=0, bool isSigned=true) const
 Translates the text of a specified control into an integer value and returns it.
void SetDlgItemInt (int childId, uint value, bool isSigned=true) const
 Sets the child window with the Id (childId) in the window to the integer value specified in value.
int GetDlgItemText (int childId, TCHAR *text, int maxValue) const
 Retrieves the text of a control specified by childId.
tstring GetDlgItemText (int childId) const
 String-aware overload.
void SetDlgItemText (int childId, LPCTSTR text) const
 Sets the title or text of a control in a dialog box.
void SetDlgItemText (int childId, const tstring &text) const
void SetDlgItemText (int childId, uint resourceStringId) const
uint IsDlgButtonChecked (int buttonId) const
 Indicates if the child button specified in the integer parameter, buttonId, is checked, or if a button is grayed, checked, or neither.
bool IsChild (HWND hWnd) const
 Returns true if the window is a child window or a descendant window of this window.
HWND GetNextDlgGroupItem (HWND hWndCtrl, bool previous=false) const
 Returns either the next or the previous control in the dialog box.
HWND GetNextDlgTabItem (HWND hWndCtrl, bool previous=false) const
 Returns the handle of the first control that lets the user press the Tab key to move to the next control (that is, the first control with the WS_TABSTOP style associated with it).
void CheckDlgButton (int buttonId, uint check)
 Places a check mark in (or removes a check mark from) the button specified in buttonId.
void CheckRadioButton (int firstButtonId, int lastButtonId, int checkButtonId)
 Checks the radio button specified by checkButtonId and removes the check mark from the other radio buttons in the group.
void SetDlgItemFont (int childId, HFONT f, bool redraw=false) const
HFONT GetDlgItemFont (int childId) const
TRect GetDlgItemRect (int childId) const
 Returns the window rectangle of the given child, specified in this window's client coordinates.
HMENU GetMenu () const
 Returns the handle to the menu of the indicated window.
HMENU GetSystemMenu (bool revert=false) const
 Returns a handle to the system menu so that an application can access the system menu.
bool SetMenu (HMENU hMenu)
 Sets the specified window's menu to the menu indicated by hMenu.
bool HiliteMenuItem (HMENU hMenu, uint idItem, uint hilite)
 Either highlights or removes highlighting from a top-level item in the menu.
void DrawMenuBar ()
 DrawMenuBar redraws the menu bar.
bool KillTimer (UINT_PTR timerId)
 Gets rid of the timer and removes any WM_TIMER messages from the message queue.
UINT_PTR SetTimer (UINT_PTR timerId, uint timeout, TIMERPROC proc=0)
 Creates a timer object associated with this window.
bool RegisterHotKey (int idHotKey, uint modifiers, uint virtKey)
 Registers a hotkey ID with the current application.
bool UnregisterHotKey (int idHotKey)
 Unregisters a hotkey ID with the current application.
bool WinHelp (LPCTSTR helpFile, uint command, ULONG_PTR data) const
 Invokes a specified help system.
bool WinHelp (const tstring &helpFile, uint command, ULONG_PTR data) const
void AssignContextMenu (TPopupMenu *menu)
 Associates a pop-up menu with the window so that it can automatically handle a WM_CONTEXTMENU message.
TPopupMenuGetContextMenu () const
 Returns the associated popup menu used by the window.
int MessageBox (LPCTSTR text, LPCTSTR caption=0, uint flags=MB_OK) const
 Creates and displays a message box that contains a message (text), a title (caption), and icons or push buttons (type).
int MessageBox (const tstring &text, const tstring &caption=tstring(), uint flags=MB_OK) const
int MessageBox (uint resId, LPCTSTR caption=0, uint flags=MB_OK) const
int MessageBox (uint resId, const tstring &caption, uint flags=MB_OK) const
auto MessageBoxIndirect (HINSTANCE resourceModule, TResId text, TResId caption, uint flags, TResId icon, DWORD_PTR contextHelpId, MSGBOXCALLBACK, DWORD languageId) const -> int
 Displays a standard message box.
auto MessageBoxIndirect (TResId icon, const tstring &text, const tstring &caption, uint flags=MB_OK) const -> int
 Displays a standard message box using the given icon.
auto FormatMessageBox (const tstring &formatStr, const tstring &caption, uint flags,...) const -> int
auto FormatMessageBox (const tstring &, std::nullptr_t, uint,...) const -> int=delete
HTASK GetWindowTask () const
 Returns a handle to the task that created the specified window.
void DragAcceptFiles (bool accept)
 If a window can process dropped files, DragAcceptFiles sets accept to true.
TCurrentEventGetCurrentEvent ()
 Returns the current event to be processed in the message queue.
void SethAccel (HACCEL)
auto GetChildren ()
 Returns a TWindow::TChildrenRange that can be iterated by standard means.
auto GetChildren () const
 Const overload of TWindow::GetChildren.
TWindowNext ()
 Returns a pointer to the next sibling window in the window's sibling list.
auto Next () const -> const TWindow *
TWindowPrevious ()
 Returns a pointer to the TWindow's previous sibling (the window previous to the TWindow in its parent's child window list)
auto Previous () const -> const TWindow *
TWindowGetFirstChild ()
 Returns a pointer to the first child window, which is the first window created in the interface object's child list.
auto GetFirstChild () const -> const TWindow *
TWindowGetLastChild ()
 Returns a pointer to the last child window in the interface object's child list.
auto GetLastChild () const -> const TWindow *
uint NumChildren () const
 Returns the number of child windows of the window.
bool GetScrollInfo (int bar, SCROLLINFO *scrollInfo) const
 Retrieves the properties of the given scroll bar.
SCROLLINFO GetScrollInfo (int bar, uint mask=SIF_ALL) const
 Function-style overload Returns selected properties of the given scroll bar.
int SetScrollInfo (int bar, SCROLLINFO *scrollInfo, bool redraw=true)
 Sets the properties of the given scroll bar.
int GetScrollPos (int bar) const
 Returns the thumb position in the scroll bar.
int SetScrollPos (int bar, int pos, bool redraw=true)
 Sets the thumb position in the scroll bar.
int GetScrollTrackPos (int bar) const
 Returns the thumb track position in the scroll bar.
void GetScrollRange (int bar, int &minPos, int &maxPos) const
 Returns the minimum and maximum positions in the scroll bar.
TScrollRange GetScrollRange (int bar) const
 Function-style overload.
void SetScrollRange (int bar, int minPos, int maxPos, bool redraw=true)
 Sets the thumb position in the scroll bar.
void SetScrollRange (int bar, const TScrollRange &, bool redraw=true)
 Overload taking the range as a pair.
int GetScrollPage (int bar) const
 Returns the page property (SCROLLINFO::nPage) of the given scroll bar.
void SetScrollPage (int bar, int page, bool redraw=true)
 Sets the page property (SCROLLINFO::nPage) of the given scroll bar.
bool EnableScrollBar (uint sbFlags=SB_BOTH, uint arrowFlags=ESB_ENABLE_BOTH)
 Disables or enables one or both of the scroll bar arrows on the scroll bars associated with this window.
void ShowScrollBar (int bar, bool show=true)
 Displays or hides the scroll bar.
void ScrollWindow (int dx, int dy, const TRect *scroll=nullptr, const TRect *clip=nullptr)
 Scrolls a window in the vertical (dx) and horizontal (dy) directions.
void ScrollWindowEx (int dx, int dy, const TRect *scroll=0, const TRect *clip=0, HRGN hUpdateRgn=nullptr, TRect *update=0, uint flags=0)
 Scrolls a window in the vertical (dx) and horizontal (dy) directions.
void ShutDownWindow (int retVal=0)
 This inline version of ShutDownWindow calls the static version of ShutDownWindow.
TResult SendMessage (TMsgId, TParam1=0, TParam2=0) const
 Sends a message (msg) to a specified window or windows.
TResult SendDlgItemMessage (int childId, TMsgId, TParam1=0, TParam2=0)
 Sends a message (msg) to the control specified in childId.
bool PostMessage (TMsgId, TParam1=0, TParam2=0)
 Posts a message (msg) to the window in the application's message queue.
HWND SetCapture ()
 Sets the mouse capture to the current window.
HWND SetFocus ()
 Sets the keyboard focus to current window and activates the window that receives the focus by sending a WM_SETFOCUS message to the window.
bool IsWindowEnabled () const
 Returns true if the window is enabled.
virtual bool EnableWindow (bool enable)
 Allows the given window to receive input from the keyboard of mouse.
void SetRedraw (bool redraw)
 Sends a WM_SETREDRAW message to a window so that changes can be redrawn (redraw = true) or to prevent changes from being redrawn (redraw = false).
bool TrackMouseEvent (uint flags=TME_HOVER|TME_LEAVE, int hoverTime=HOVER_DEFAULT)
 Posts messages when the mouse pointer leaves a window or hovers over a window for a specified amount of time.
bool CancelMouseEvent (uint flags=TME_HOVER|TME_LEAVE)
 Encapsulates a call to TrackMouseEvent, passing the TME_CANCEL flag.
TRACKMOUSEEVENT QueryMouseEventTracking () const
 Returns the current state of mouse event tracking initiated by TrackMouseEvent.
void ClientToScreen (TPoint &point) const
 Converts the client coordinates specified in point to screen coordinates for the new window.
TPoint MapClientToScreen (const TPoint &p) const
 Function-style version of ClientToScreen.
void MapClientToScreen (TPoint *p, int count) const
 Maps the given points, specified in client coordinates in this window, to screen coordinates.
template<size_t Count>
void MapClientToScreen (TPoint(&p)[Count]) const
 Overload for array See MapClientToScreen(TPoint*, int).
TRect MapClientToScreen (const TRect &r) const
 Functional-style overload for TRect; converts the given rectangle coordinates and returns the result.
void ScreenToClient (TPoint &point) const
 Uses the screen coordinates specified in point to calculate the client window's coordinates and then places the new coordinates into point.
TPoint MapScreenToClient (const TPoint &p) const
 Functional-style version of ScreenToClient.
void MapScreenToClient (TPoint *p, int count) const
 Maps the given points, specified in screen coordinates, to client coordinates in this window.
template<size_t Count>
void MapScreenToClient (TPoint(&p)[Count]) const
 Overload for array See MapScreenToClient(TPoint*, int).
TRect MapScreenToClient (const TRect &r) const
 Functional-style overload for TRect; converts the given rectangle coordinates and returns the result.
void MapWindowPoints (HWND hWndTo, TPoint *pts, int count) const
 Maps a set of points in one window to a relative set of points in another window.
void MapWindowPoints (const TWindow &wndTo, TPoint *p, int n) const
 Overload for TWindow See MapWindowPoints(HWND, TPoint*, int).
template<size_t Count>
void MapWindowPoints (HWND hWndTo, TPoint(&p)[Count]) const
 Overload for array See MapWindowPoints(HWND, TPoint*, int).
template<size_t Count>
void MapWindowPoints (const TWindow &wndTo, TPoint(&p)[Count]) const
 Overload for TWindow and array See MapWindowPoints(HWND, TPoint*, int).
TPoint MapWindowPoints (HWND hWndTo, const TPoint &p) const
 Functional-style overload for TPoint; converts the given point coordinates and returns the result.
TPoint MapWindowPoints (const TWindow &wndTo, const TPoint &p) const
 Overload for TWindow and TPoint See MapWindowPoints(HWND, const TPoint&).
TRect MapWindowPoints (HWND hWndTo, const TRect &r) const
 Functional-style overload for TRect; converts the given rectangle coordinates and returns the result.
TRect MapWindowPoints (const TWindow &wndTo, const TRect &r) const
 Overload for TWindow and TRect See MapWindowPoints(HWND, const TRect&).
TRect MapWindowRect (HWND hWndTo) const
 Maps the window's rectangle (GetWindowRect) to client coordinates in the given destination window.
TRect MapWindowRect (const TWindow &wndTo) const
 Overload for TWindow See MapWindowRect(HWND).
TRect MapClientRect (HWND hWndTo) const
 Maps the window's client rectangle (GetClientRect) to client coordinates in the given destination window.
TRect MapClientRect (const TWindow &wndTo) const
 Overload for TWindow See MapClientRect(HWND).
void GetClientRect (TRect &rect) const
 Gets the coordinates of the window's client area and then copies them into the object referred to by TRect.
TRect GetClientRect () const
 Gets the coordinates of the window's client area (the area in a window you can use for drawing).
HWND ChildWindowFromPoint (const TPoint &point) const
 Determines which of the child windows contains the point specified in TPoint.
void GetWindowRect (TRect &rect) const
 Gets the screen coordinates of the window's rectangle and copies them into rect.
TRect GetWindowRect () const
 Gets the screen coordinates of the window's rectangle.
TRect GetChildRect (HWND hWnd) const
 Returns the window rectangle of the given window, specified in this window's client coordinates.
TRect GetChildRect (const TWindow &wnd) const
 Overload for TWindow See GetChildRect(HWND).
void BringWindowToTop ()
 Brings a pop-up or child window to the top of the stack of overlapping windows and activates it.
HWND SetActiveWindow ()
 Activates a top-level window.
HWND GetLastActivePopup () const
 Returns the last active pop-up window in the list.
HWND GetNextWindow (uint dirFlag) const
 Finds the handle associated with either the next or previous window in the window manager's list.
HWND GetTopWindow () const
 Returns a handle to the top window currently owned by this parent window.
HWND GetWindow (uint cmd) const
 Returns the handle of the window that has the indicated relationship to this window.
bool SetWindowPos (HWND hWndInsertAfter, const TRect &rect, uint flags)
 Changes the size of the window pointed to by rect.
bool SetWindowPos (HWND hWndInsertAfter, int x, int y, int w, int h, uint flags)
 Set the new window position.
void CreateCaret (HBITMAP hBitmap)
 Creates a new caret for the system.
void CreateCaret (bool isGray, int width, int height)
 Create a new caret for the system with the specified shape, bitmap shade, width, and height.
void HideCaret ()
 Removes the caret from the specified display screen.
void ShowCaret ()
 Displays the caret in the specified shape in the active window at the current position.
void SetWindowFont (HFONT font, bool redraw=true)
 Sets the font that a control uses to draw text.
void SetWindowFont (const TFont &font, bool redraw=true)
 Sets the font that a control uses to draw text.
HFONT GetWindowFont ()
 Gets the font the control uses to draw text.
- Public Member Functions inherited from owl::TEventHandler
virtual bool Find (TEventInfo &info, TEqualOperator op=0)
 Searches the list of response table entries looking for a match.
TResult Dispatch (TEventInfo &info, TParam1, TParam2=0)
 Takes the message data from TEventInfo's Msg data member and dispatches it to the correct event-handling function.
TResult DispatchMsg (TMsgId, uint id, TParam1, TParam2)
 Search for the event given the message and it and dispatch to the event handler if found.
- Public Member Functions inherited from owl::TStreamableBase
virtual ~TStreamableBase ()

Protected Member Functions

void Init (int captionHeight, bool popupPalette)
auto GetCommandTarget () -> HWND override
void EvCommandEnable (TCommandEnabler &) override
auto EvCommand (uint id, HWND hWndCtl, uint notifyCode) -> TResult override
 Resolves ambiguous mixin reference by passing EvCommand first to the tiny caption and then to the frame bases.
TEventStatus DoNCHitTest (const TPoint &screenPt, uint &evRes)
 Event handler helper.
void EvSysCommand (uint cmdType, const TPoint &p)
 This is an example of a mix-in that does partial event handling.
uint EvNCCalcSize (bool calcValidRects, NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS &calcSize)
 Handles WM_NCCALCSIZE to possibly add in the drag frame margins.
void EvNCPaint (HRGN)
 Handles WM_NCPAINT to paint the non-client areas of this window.
uint EvNCHitTest (const TPoint &screenPt)
 Returns where in the non-client area the mouse is.
bool EvNCActivate (bool active)
uint EvMouseActivate (HWND hTopLevel, uint hitCode, TMsgId)
void EvActivateApp (bool active, DWORD taskId)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from owl::TFrameWindow
 TFrameWindow ()
 < String-aware overload
void Init (TWindow *clientWnd, bool shrinkToClient)
 Normal initialization of a default constructed TFrameWindow.
auto EvCommand (uint id, HWND hWndCtl, uint notifyCode) -> TResult override
 Handle WM_COMMAND to provide extra processing for commands: Extra processing for commands: starts with the command target window (usually the focus window) and gives it and its parent windows an opportunity to handle the command.
void EvCommandEnable (TCommandEnabler &) override
 Handle WM_COMMAND_ENABLE to provide command enable distribution and default support for windows without command enable handlers.
void BroadcastResizeToChildren (uint sizeType, const TSize &size)
 Tell child windows frame has minimized/maximized/restored (They may want to change enabled state or release/restore resources)
void EvInitMenuPopup (HMENU hPopupMenu, uint index, bool isSysMenu)
 Responds to WM_INITMENUPOPUP by performing a command enable run on each of the menu items in the popup menu.
HICON EvQueryDragIcon ()
 Responds to a WM_QUERYDRAGICON message sent to a minimized (iconic) window that is going to be dragged.
void EvSetFocus (HWND hWndLostFocus)
 Restores the focus to the active window.
void EvSize (uint sizeType, const TSize &size)
 Response method for an incoming WM_SIZE message.
void EvParentNotify (const TParentNotify &)
 Responds to a message to notify the parent window that a given event has occurred.
void EvPaletteChanged (HWND hWndPalChg)
 Forwards the WM_PALETTECHANGED message to the client window.
bool EvQueryNewPalette ()
 Forwards the WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE message to the client window.
void SetupWindow () override
 Calls TWindow::SetUpWindow to create windows in a child list.
void CleanupWindow () override
 Cleans up any associated icons.
HWND GetHWndRestoreFocus ()
 Returns the handle of the window to restore the focus to.
void SetHWndRestoreFocus (HWND hwndRestoreFocus)
 Sets the remembered focused window.
int GetDocTitleIndex () const
 Returns the document title index.
void SetDocTitleIndex (int index)
 Sets the current document's title index.
void SetMergeModule (TModule *module)
 Remembers where the merged menu came from.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from owl::TWindow
 TWindow ()
 Protected constructor for use by immediate virtually derived classes.
void Init (TWindow *parent, LPCTSTR title, TModule *module)
 Normal initialization of a default constructed TWindow.
void Init (TWindow *parent, const tstring &title, TModule *module)
void Init (HWND hWnd, TModule *module)
 Wrapper initialization of a default constructed TWindow.
virtual THandle PerformCreate ()
 Called from Create to perform the final step in creating an Windows interface element to be associated with a TWindow.
void SetHandle (THandle)
 Sets the window handle in a derived class.
void GetHWndState (bool forceStyleSync=false)
 Copies the style, coordinate, and the resource id (but not the title) from the existing HWnd into the TWindow members.
void GetWindowTextTitle ()
 Updates the TWindow internal caption (Title) from the current window's caption.
virtual void GetWindowClass (WNDCLASS &wndClass)
 Redefined by derived classes, GetWindowClass fills the supplied MS-Windows registration class structure with registration attributes, thus, allowing instances of TWindow to be registered.
virtual auto GetWindowClassName () -> TWindowClassName
void PerformSetupAndTransfer ()
 Ensures that the window is fully set up; then transfers data into the window.
void DispatchScroll (uint scrollCode, uint thumbPos, HWND hWndCtrl)
 Called by EvHScroll and EvVScroll to dispatch messages from scroll bars.
void LoadAcceleratorTable ()
 Loads a handle to the window's accelerator table specified in the TWindowAttr structure (Attr.AccelTable).
TWindowGetWindowPtr (HWND hWnd) const
 Calls TApplication:GetWindowPtr on the application associated with this window.
void EvClose ()
 The default response to a WM_CLOSE message is to call CloseWindow() and then have the window deleted if the Handle was really destroyed.
bool EvCreate (CREATESTRUCT &)
 Response method for an incoming WM_CREATE message.
void EvDestroy ()
 Responds to an incoming WM_DESTROY message.
int EvCompareItem (uint ctrlId, const COMPAREITEMSTRUCT &compareInfo)
 Handles WM_COMPAREITEM message (for owner draw controls) by forwarding message to control itself.
void EvDeleteItem (uint ctrlId, const DELETEITEMSTRUCT &deleteInfo)
 Handles WM_DELETEITEM message (for owner draw controls) by forwarding message to control itself.
void EvDrawItem (uint ctrlId, const DRAWITEMSTRUCT &drawInfo)
void EvMeasureItem (uint ctrlId, MEASUREITEMSTRUCT &measureInfo)
 Handles WM_MEASUREITEM message (for owner draw controls & menus) by forwarding message to control itself.
void EvHScroll (uint scrollCode, uint thumbPos, HWND hWndCtl)
 Response method for an incoming WM_HSCROLL message.
void EvVScroll (uint scrollCode, uint thumbPos, HWND hWndCtl)
 Response method for an incoming WM_VSCROLL message.
void EvMove (const TPoint &clientOrigin)
 Save the normal position of the window.
void EvNCDestroy ()
 Responds to an incoming WM_NCDESTROY message, the last message sent to an MS-Windows interface element.
bool EvQueryEndSession (uint flags)
 Respond to Windows attempt to close down.
void EvSize (uint sizeType, const TSize &size)
 Response method for an incoming WM_SIZE message.
void EvLButtonDown (uint modKeys, const TPoint &point)
 Response method for an incoming WM_LBUTTONDOWN message.
bool EvEraseBkgnd (HDC)
 Handler for WM_ERASEBKGND.
void EvPaint ()
 Response method for an incoming WM_PAINT message.
void EvSysColorChange ()
 Respond to WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE by broadcasting it to all children.
void EvChildInvalid (HWND hWnd)
 Handle message posted to us by a control needing assistance in dealing with invalid inputs.
void EvCompacting (uint compactRatio)
 The default message handler for WM_COMPACTING.
void EvDevModeChange (LPCTSTR devName)
 The default message handler for WM_DEVMODECHANGE.
void EvEnable (bool enabled)
 The default message handler for WM_ENABLE.
void EvEndSession (bool endSession, uint flags)
 Provides default handling for WM_ENDSESSION.
void EvFontChange ()
 The default message handler for WM_FONTCHANGE.
void EvSysCommand (uint cmdType, const TPoint &point)
 Responds to a user-selected command from the System menu or when the user selects the maximize or minimize box.
void EvTimeChange ()
 The default message handler for WM_TIMECHANGE.
void EvTimer (uint timerId)
 The default message handler for WM_TIMER.
void EvSettingChange (uint flags, LPCTSTR section)
void EvActivate (uint active, bool minimized, HWND hWndOther)
 Default message handler for WM_ACTIVATE.
void EvActivateApp (bool active, DWORD threadId)
 The default message handler for WM_ACTIVATEAPP.
void EvCancelMode ()
 The default message handler for WM_CANCELMODE.
void EvGetMinMaxInfo (MINMAXINFO &minmaxinfo)
 The default message handler for WM_GETMINMAXINFO.
int EvGetText (int bufSize, TCHAR *buf)
 The default message handler for WM_GETTEXT.
int EvGetTextLength ()
 The default message handler for WM_GETTEXTLENGTH.
void EvKillFocus (HWND hWndGetFocus)
 Handle WM_KILLFOCUS so that we can have a parent window hold onto our Handle and possibly restore focus later.
uint EvMouseActivate (HWND hTopLevel, uint hitCode, TMsgId)
 The default message handler for WM_MOUSEACTIVATE.
void EvHotKey (int idHotKey, uint modifiers, uint vk)
bool EvCopyData (HWND hwnd, const COPYDATASTRUCT &)
void EvNextDlgCtl (TParam1 handleOrDirectionFlag, bool isHandle)
void EvParentNotify (const TParentNotify &)
 The default message handler for WM_PARENTNOTIFY.
HICON EvQueryDragIcon ()
 The default message handler for WM_QUERYDRAGICON.
bool EvQueryOpen ()
 The default message handler for WM_QUERYOPEN.
void EvQueueSync ()
 The default message handler for WM_QUEUESYNC.
bool EvSetCursor (HWND hWndCursor, uint codeHitTest, TMsgId mouseMsg)
 Response method for an incoming WM_SETCURSOR message.
void EvSetFocus (HWND hWndLostFocus)
 The default message handler for WM_SETFOCUS.
HFONT EvGetFont ()
 The default message handler for WM_GETFONT.
void EvSetFont (HFONT hFont, bool redraw)
 The default message handler for WM_SETFONT.
void EvSetRedraw (bool redraw)
 The default message handler for WM_SETREDRAW.
void EvSetText (LPCTSTR text)
 The default message handler for WM_SETTEXT.
void EvShowWindow (bool show, uint status)
 The default message handler for WM_SHOWWINDOW.
void EvWindowPosChanged (const WINDOWPOS &windowPos)
 The default message handler for WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED.
bool EvWindowPosChanging (WINDOWPOS &)
 The default message handler for WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING.
HBRUSH EvCtlColor (HDC hDC, HWND hWndChild, uint ctlType)
 Handler for control color messages (WM_CTLCOLOR family).
void EvChar (uint key, uint repeatCount, uint flags)
 The default message handler for WM_CHAR.
void EvDeadChar (uint deadKey, uint repeatCount, uint flags)
 The default message handler for WM_DEADCHAR.
void EvKeyDown (uint key, uint repeatCount, uint flags)
 The default message handler for WM_KEYDOWN.
void EvKeyUp (uint key, uint repeatCount, uint flags)
 The default message handler for WM_KEYUP.
void EvSysChar (uint key, uint repeatCount, uint flags)
 The default message handler for WM_SYSCHAR.
void EvSysDeadChar (uint key, uint repeatCount, uint flags)
 The default message handler for WM_SYSDEADCHAR.
void EvSysKeyDown (uint key, uint repeatCount, uint flags)
 The default message handler for WM_SYSKEYDOWN.
void EvSysKeyUp (uint key, uint repeatCount, uint flags)
 The default message handler for WM_SYSKEYUP.
void EvLButtonDblClk (uint modKeys, const TPoint &point)
 The default message handler for WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK.
void EvLButtonUp (uint modKeys, const TPoint &point)
 The default message handler for WM_LBUTTONUP.
void EvMButtonDblClk (uint modKeys, const TPoint &point)
 The default message handler for WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK.
void EvMButtonDown (uint modKeys, const TPoint &point)
 The default message handler for WM_MBUTTONDOWN.
void EvMButtonUp (uint modKeys, const TPoint &point)
 The default message handler for WM_MBUTTONUP.
void EvMouseMove (uint modKeys, const TPoint &point)
 The default message handler for WM_MOUSEMOVE.
void EvMouseHWheel (uint modKeys, int zDelta, const TPoint &point)
 Event handler for WM_MOUSEHWHEEL.
void EvMouseWheel (uint modKeys, int zDelta, const TPoint &point)
 Event handler for WM_MOUSEWHEEL.
void EvRButtonDblClk (uint modKeys, const TPoint &point)
 The default message handler for WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK.
void EvRButtonDown (uint modKeys, const TPoint &point)
 The default message handler for WM_RBUTTONDOWN.
void EvRButtonUp (uint modKeys, const TPoint &point)
 The default message handler for WM_RBUTTONUP.
void EvInitMenu (HMENU hMenu)
 The default message handler for WM_INITMENU.
void EvInitMenuPopup (HMENU hPopupMenu, uint index, bool isSysMenu)
 Handle WM_INITMENUPOPUP while embeded to generate command enable messages for our server menu items.
int32 EvMenuChar (uint nChar, uint menuType, HMENU hMenu)
 The default message handler for WM_MENUCHAR.
void EvMenuSelect (uint menuItemId, uint flags, HMENU hMenu)
 The default message handler for WM_MENUSELECT.
void EvContextMenu (HWND childHwnd, int x, int y)
 The default message handler for WM_CONTEXTMENU.
uint EvGetDlgCode (const MSG *msg)
 The default message handler for WM_GETDLGCODE.
void EvEnterIdle (uint source, HWND hWndDlg)
 The default message handler for WM_ENTERIDLE.
void EvSpoolerStatus (uint jobStatus, uint jobsLeft)
 The default message handler for WM_SPOOLERSTATUS.
void EvAskCBFormatName (uint bufLen, TCHAR *buffer)
 The default message handler for WM_ASKCBFORMATNAME.
void EvChangeCBChain (HWND hWndRemoved, HWND hWndNext)
 The default message handler for WM_CHANGECBCHAIN.
void EvDrawClipboard ()
 The default message handler for WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD.
void EvDestroyClipboard ()
 The default message handler for WM_DESTROYCLIPBOARD.
void EvHScrollClipboard (HWND hCBViewer, uint scrollCode, uint pos)
 The default message handler for WM_HSCROLLCLIPBOARD.
void EvPaintClipboard (HWND hWnd, const PAINTSTRUCT &)
 The default message handler for WM_PAINTCLIPBOARD.
void EvRenderAllFormats ()
 The default message handler for WM_RENDERALLFORMATS.
void EvRenderFormat (uint dataFormat)
 The default message handler for WM_RENDERFORMAT.
void EvSizeClipboard (HWND hWndViewer, const TRect &)
 The default message handler for WM_SIZECLIPBOARD.
void EvVScrollClipboard (HWND hCBViewer, uint scrollCode, uint pos)
 The default message handler for WM_VSCROLLCLIPBOARD.
void EvPaletteChanged (HWND hWndPalChg)
 The default message handler for WM_PALETTECHANGED.
void EvPaletteIsChanging (HWND hWndPalChg)
 The default message handler for WM_PALETTEISCHANGING.
bool EvQueryNewPalette ()
 The default message handler for WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE.
void EvDropFiles (TDropInfo dropInfo)
 The default message handler for WM_DROPFILES.
int EvCharToItem (uint ch, HWND hWndListBox, int caretIndex)
 The default message handler for WM_CHARTOITEM.
int EvVKeyToItem (uint key, HWND hWndListBox, int caretIndex)
 The default message handler for WM_VKEYTOITEM.
bool EvNCActivate (bool active)
 The default message handler for WM_NCACTIVATE.
uint EvNCCalcSize (bool calcValidRects, NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS &)
 The default message handler for WM_NCCALCSIZE.
bool EvNCCreate (CREATESTRUCT &)
 The default message handler for WM_NCCREATE.
uint EvNCHitTest (const TPoint &)
 The default message handler for WM_NCHITTEST.
void EvNCLButtonDblClk (uint codeHitTest, const TPoint &)
 The default message handler for WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK.
void EvNCLButtonDown (uint codeHitTest, const TPoint &)
 The default message handler for WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN.
void EvNCLButtonUp (uint codeHitTest, const TPoint &)
 The default message handler for WM_NCLBUTTONUP.
void EvNCMButtonDblClk (uint codeHitTest, const TPoint &)
 The default message handler for WM_NCMBUTTONDBLCLK.
void EvNCMButtonDown (uint codeHitTest, const TPoint &)
 The default message handler for WM_NCMBUTTONDOWN.
void EvNCMButtonUp (uint codeHitTest, const TPoint &)
 The default message handler for WM_NCMBUTTONUP.
void EvNCMouseMove (uint codeHitTest, const TPoint &)
 The default message handler for WM_NCMOUSEMOVE.
void EvNCPaint (HRGN)
 The default message handler for WM_NCPAINT.
void EvNCRButtonDblClk (uint codeHitTest, const TPoint &)
 The default message handler for WM_NCRBUTTONDBLCLK.
void EvNCRButtonDown (uint codeHitTest, const TPoint &)
 The default message handler for WM_NCRBUTTONDOWN.
void EvNCRButtonUp (uint codeHitTest, const TPoint &)
 The default message handler for WM_NCRBUTTONUP.
HICON EvGetIcon (bool isBigIcon)
HICON EvSetIcon (bool isBigIcon, HICON)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from owl::TEventHandler
bool SearchEntries (const TGenericTableEntry *entries, TEventInfo &info, TEqualOperator op)
 Low-level response table search function.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from owl::TTinyCaption
 TTinyCaption ()
 Constructs a TTinyCaption object attached to the given parent window.
 ~TTinyCaption () override
 Destroys a TTinyCaption object and deletes the caption font.
void EnableTinyCaption (int ch=0, bool closeBox=false)
 Pass closeBox=true to replace SystemMenu box with a box that will close window when clicked Used for floating palettes, etc.
TEventStatus DoNCHitTest (const TPoint &screenPt, uint &evRes)
 If the caption bar is not enabled, returns esPartial.
TEventStatus DoNCPaint ()
 If the caption bar is not enabled or is iconized, returns esPartial.
TEventStatus DoNCCalcSize (bool calcValidRects, NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS &calcSize, uint &evRes)
 Return the size of our client area, leaving room for caption bar.
TEventStatus DoNCLButtonDown (uint hitTest, const TPoint &screenPt)
 If the caption bar is not enabled, returns esPartial.
TEventStatus DoMouseMove (uint hitTest, const TPoint &screenPt)
 Returns TEventStatus.
TEventStatus DoLButtonUp (uint hitTest, const TPoint &screenPt)
 Releases the mouse capture if the caption bar is enabled and a mouse button is pressed.
TEventStatus DoNCActivate (bool active, bool &evRes)
 If the tiny caption is not enabled or is iconic, returns esPartial.
TEventStatus DoCommand (uint id, HWND hWndCtl, uint notifyCode, TResult &evRes)
 Displays the system menu using ::TrackPopup so that TTinyCaption sends WM_COMMAND instead of WM_SYSCOMMAND messages.
TEventStatus DoSysCommand (uint cmdType, const TPoint &p)
 Handle WM_SYSCOMMAND to make sure that SC_KEYMENU and SC_MOUSEMENU bring up our sys menu at the right coord w/ respect to the tiny sys box.
void PaintButton (TDC &dc, TRect &boxRect, bool pressed)
 Paints a blank button.
void PaintCloseBox (TDC &dc, TRect &boxRect, bool pressed)
 Paints a close box on the tiny caption bar.
void PaintSysBox (TDC &dc, TRect &boxRect, bool pressed)
 Paints the system box.
void PaintMinBox (TDC &dc, TRect &boxRect, bool pressed)
 Paints a minimize box on the tiny caption bar.
void PaintMaxBox (TDC &dc, TRect &boxRect, bool pressed)
 Paints a maximize box on the tiny caption bar.
void PaintCaption (bool active)
 Calls dc.SelectObject() to select the given rectangle and dc.PatBlt() to paint the tiny caption bar using the currently selected brush for this device context.
void DoSysMenu ()
 Gets the system menu and sets up menu items.
TRect GetCaptionRect ()
 Gets the area of the caption for changing or repainting.
TRect GetSysBoxRect ()
 Returns the size of the system box rectangle.
TRect GetMinBoxRect ()
 Returns the size of the minimize box rectangle.
TRect GetMaxBoxRect ()
 Returns the size of the maximize box rectangle.
uint EvNCHitTest (const TPoint &screenPt)
 Return where in the non client area we are.
void EvNCPaint (HRGN)
 Responds to a request to change a title bar or icon.
uint EvNCCalcSize (bool calcValidRects, NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS &calcSize)
 Calculates the size of the command window including the caption and border so that it can fit within the window.
void EvNCLButtonDown (uint hitTest, const TPoint &screenPt)
 Responds to a press of the left mouse button while the cursor is within the nonclient area of the caption bar by calling DoNCLButtonDown.
void EvMouseMove (uint hitTest, const TPoint &screenPt)
 Responds to a mouse-move message by calling DoMouseMove.
void EvLButtonUp (uint hitTest, const TPoint &screenPt)
 Responds to a mouse button-up message by calling DoLButtonUp.
bool EvNCActivate (bool active)
 Responds to a request to change a title bar or icon by calling DoNCActivate.
auto EvCommand (uint id, HWND hWndCtl, uint notifyCode) -> TResult override
 EvCommand provides extra processing for commands, but lets the focus window and its parent windows handle the command first.
void EvSysCommand (uint cmdType, const TPoint &p)
 Responds to a WM_SYSCOMMAND message by calling DoSysCommand.

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from owl::TWindow
static void ShutDownWindow (TWindow *win, int retVal=0)
 This version of ShutDownWindow unconditionally shuts down a given window, calls Destroy on the interface element, and then deletes the interface object.
static HWND GetCapture ()
 Returns the handle of the window that has captured the mouse.
static void ReleaseCapture ()
 Releases the mouse capture from this window.
static HWND GetFocus ()
 Gets a handle to the window that has the focus.
static HWND WindowFromPoint (const TPoint &point)
 Returns the handle of the window in which the specified point (point) lies.
static void AdjustWindowRect (TRect &rect, uint32 style, bool menu)
 Calculates the size of the window rectangle according to the indicated client-rectangle size.
static void AdjustWindowRectEx (TRect &rect, uint32 style, bool menu, uint32 exStyle)
 Calculates the size of a window rectangle that has an extended style.
static HWND GetActiveWindow ()
 Retrieves the handle of the active window.
static HWND GetDesktopWindow ()
 Returns a handle to the desktop window.
static uint GetCaretBlinkTime ()
 Retrieves the caret blink rate in milliseconds.
static void GetCaretPos (TPoint &point)
 Gets the position of the caret in the coordinates of the client window.
static TPoint GetCaretPos ()
static void SetCaretBlinkTime (uint16 milliSecs)
 Sets the caret blink rate in milliseconds.
static void SetCaretPos (int x, int y)
 Sets the position of the caret in the coordinates of the client window.
static void SetCaretPos (const TPoint &pos)
 Sets the position of the caret in the coordinates of the client window.
static void DestroyCaret ()
 DestroyCaret first checks the ownership of the caret.
static void GetCursorPos (TPoint &pos)
 Retrieves the cursor's current position (in window screen coordinates) and copies the values into the structure pointed to by pos.
static TPoint GetCursorPos ()
static TPoint GetMessagePos ()
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from owl::TWindow
 Callback process for hooking TWindow to native window.

Detailed Description

Derived from TFrameWindow and TTinyCaption, TFloatingFrame implements a floating frame that can be positioned anywhere in the parent window.

Except for the addition of a tiny caption bar, the default behavior of TFrameWindow and TFloatingFrame is the same. Therefore, an application that uses TFrameWindow can easily gain the functionality of TFloatingFrame by just changing the name of the class to TFloatingFrame.

If there is a client window, the floating frame shrinks to fit the client window, leaving room for margins on the top, bottom, left, and right of the frame. Because the floating frame expects the client window to paint its own background, it does nothing in response to a WM_ERASEBKGND message. However, if there is no client window, the floating frame erases the client area background using TColor::SysUIFace.

If popupPalette is true then, dragFrame is enabled, styles are set to popup with a tiny close box, and a border.

When dragFrame mode is enabled the floating frame adds an extra non-client margin around the outside to allow moving of the frame. This works well with a thin frame and is nice when the client area is too full to allow dragging from there.

Definition at line 52 of file floatfra.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ anonymous enum


Definition at line 76 of file floatfra.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ TFloatingFrame() [1/2]

owl::TFloatingFrame::TFloatingFrame ( TWindow * owner,
LPCTSTR title = 0,
TWindow * client = 0,
bool shrinkToClient = false,
int captionHeight = DefaultCaptionHeight,
bool popupPalette = false,
TModule * module = 0 )

Constructs a TFloatingFrame object attached to the specified parent window.

By default, the floating frame window doesn't shrink to fit the client window, and the floating palette style isn't enabled. Set popupPalette to true if you want to enable a floating palette style for the window. The floating palette is a popup window with a tiny caption, a standard window border, and a close box instead of a system menu box. There are no maximize or minimize buttons. A one pixel border is added around the client area in case a toolbox is implemented. This style must be turned on before the window is created. After the window is created, its style can't be changed.

Definition at line 46 of file floatfra.cpp.

◆ TFloatingFrame() [2/2]

owl::TFloatingFrame::TFloatingFrame ( TWindow * parent,
const tstring & title,
TWindow * client = 0,
bool shrinkToClient = false,
int captionHeight = DefaultCaptionHeight,
bool popupPalette = false,
TModule * module = 0 )

String-aware overload.

Definition at line 62 of file floatfra.cpp.

References Init().

Member Function Documentation

◆ DoNCHitTest()

TEventStatus owl::TFloatingFrame::DoNCHitTest ( const TPoint & screenPt,
uint & evRes )

Event handler helper.

If the floating palette is not enabled, returns esPartial.

Otherwise, sends a message to the floating palette that the mouse or the cursor has moved, and returns esComplete.

Definition at line 260 of file floatfra.cpp.

References owl::TWindow::ClientToScreen(), owl::esComplete, owl::esPartial, and owl::TWindow::GetClientRect().

◆ EvActivateApp()

void owl::TFloatingFrame::EvActivateApp ( bool active,
DWORD taskId )

Definition at line 317 of file floatfra.cpp.

References owl::TWindow::DefaultProcessing(), and EvNCActivate().

◆ EvCommand()

TResult owl::TFloatingFrame::EvCommand ( uint id,
HWND hWndCtl,
uint notifyCode ) -> TResult

Resolves ambiguous mixin reference by passing EvCommand first to the tiny caption and then to the frame bases.

Reimplemented from owl::TWindow.

Definition at line 150 of file floatfra.cpp.

References owl::TTinyCaption::DoCommand(), owl::esComplete, owl::TWindow::EvCommand(), owl::TFrameWindow::EvCommand(), and owl::TWindow::GetParentO().

◆ EvCommandEnable()

void owl::TFloatingFrame::EvCommandEnable ( TCommandEnabler & commandEnabler)

Reimplemented from owl::TWindow.

Definition at line 131 of file floatfra.cpp.

References owl::TWindow::EvCommandEnable(), owl::TWindow::GetHandle(), and owl::TWindow::GetParentO().

◆ EvMouseActivate()

uint owl::TFloatingFrame::EvMouseActivate ( HWND hTopLevel,
uint hitCode,
TMsgId  )

◆ EvNCActivate()

bool owl::TFloatingFrame::EvNCActivate ( bool active)

◆ EvNCCalcSize()

uint owl::TFloatingFrame::EvNCCalcSize ( bool calcValidRects,

Handles WM_NCCALCSIZE to possibly add in the drag frame margins.

Definition at line 185 of file floatfra.cpp.

References owl::TUIMetric::CxBorder, owl::TUIMetric::CyBorder, owl::TTinyCaption::DoNCCalcSize(), owl::TWindow::EvNCCalcSize(), and owl::TWindow::IsIconic().

◆ EvNCHitTest()

uint owl::TFloatingFrame::EvNCHitTest ( const TPoint & screenPt)

Returns where in the non-client area the mouse is.

Delegates to tiny caption for the caption bar area, and when in DragFrame mode, makes the frame act like a caption for dragging.

Definition at line 245 of file floatfra.cpp.

References DoNCHitTest(), owl::TTinyCaption::DoNCHitTest(), owl::esComplete, and owl::TWindow::EvNCHitTest().

◆ EvNCPaint()

void owl::TFloatingFrame::EvNCPaint ( HRGN )

Handles WM_NCPAINT to paint the non-client areas of this window.

Implementation: This function only needs to paint the drag frame margins. TWindow (via DefWindowProc) automatically paints the borders, and TTinyCaption automatically paints the caption.

Definition at line 212 of file floatfra.cpp.

References owl::TWindow::DefaultProcessing(), EvNCActivate(), owl::TTinyCaption::GetCaptionRect(), owl::TWindow::GetWindowRect(), owl::TRect::InflatedBy(), owl::TDC::SetBkColor(), owl::TColor::Sys3dFace, and owl::TDC::TextRect().

◆ EvSysCommand()

void owl::TFloatingFrame::EvSysCommand ( uint cmdType,
const TPoint & p )

This is an example of a mix-in that does partial event handling.

This function calls the 'do' function for the mixin instead of the 'Ev' function, to avoid duplicate default processing.

Definition at line 166 of file floatfra.cpp.

References owl::TTinyCaption::DoSysCommand(), owl::esComplete, owl::TWindow::EvSysCommand(), owl::TWindow::GetApplication(), owl::TApplication::GetMainWindow(), and owl::TWindow::SetActiveWindow().

◆ GetCommandTarget()

HWND owl::TFloatingFrame::GetCommandTarget ( ) -> HWND

Reimplemented from owl::TFrameWindow.

Definition at line 120 of file floatfra.cpp.

References owl::TWindow::GetHandle(), owl::TWindow::GetParentO(), and TRACEX.

◆ Init()

void owl::TFloatingFrame::Init ( int captionHeight,
bool popupPalette )

◆ SetDragFrame()

void owl::TFloatingFrame::SetDragFrame ( bool dragFrame)

Sets the flag for additional dragging area.

Definition at line 134 of file floatfra.h.

◆ SetMargins()

void owl::TFloatingFrame::SetMargins ( const TSize & margin)

Sets the margins of the floating palette window to the size specified in margin and sets the height of the tiny caption bar.

Definition at line 126 of file floatfra.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: