88 Attr.X, Attr.Y, Attr.W, Attr.H,
89 Parent ? Parent->GetHandle() :
#define PRECONDITION(condition)
#define DIAG_DECLARE_GROUP(group)
TControl unifies its derived control classes, such as TScrollBar, TControlGadget, and TButton.
ObjectWindows dynamic-link libraries (DLLs) construct an instance of TModule, which acts as an object...
TUpDown encapsulates an up-down control, which is a window with a pair of arrow buttons that the user...
void EvVScroll(uint, uint, HWND)
Keeps TWindow from rerouting these. Must be left as is for updown control.
auto GetWindowClassName() -> TWindowClassName override
Returns the ClassName of the underlying control.
TUpDown(TWindow *parent, int id, int x, int y, int w, int h, TWindow *buddy=0, TModule *module=0)
Constructor of UpDown control.
void EvHScroll(uint, uint, HWND)
Keeps TWindow from rerouting these; must be left as is for updown control.
auto PerformCreate() -> THandle override
Overriden to invoke the OS' 'CreateUpDownControl' method on systems that use the native implementatio...
Type-safe encapsulation of a Windows class name, a union between ATOM and LPCTSTR.
TWindow, derived from TEventHandler and TStreamableBase, provides window-specific behavior and encaps...
TModule * GetModule() const
Returns a pointer to the module object.
void DisableTransfer()
Disables (for the interface object) the transfer mechanism, which allows state data to be transferred...
TResult DefaultProcessing()
Handles default processing of events, which includes continued processing of menu/accelerators comman...
HWND THandle
TWindow encapsulates an HWND.
HWND GetHandle() const
Returns the handle of the window.
#define DEFINE_RESPONSE_TABLE1(cls, base)
Macro to define a response table for a class with one base.
Definition of abstract GDI object class and derived classes.
Object Windows Library (OWLNext Core)
void InitializeCommonControls(uint controlFlags)
Wrapper for the Windows API function InitCommmonControlsEx.
const uint UpDownTimerID1
const uint UpDownTimerID2
General definitions used by all ObjectWindows programs.
Definition of the UI Helper Classes: TUIHandle, TUIBorder, TUIFace, TUIPart.
Definition of class TUpDown.