OWLNext    7.0
Borland's Object Windows Library for the modern age
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 Application class factory and type library implementation.
 OLE Automation Client Implementation.
 OLE Automation - Implementation of TDispatch, a light-weight version of IDispatch.
 OLE Automation - Implementation of TAutoIterator.
 OLE Automation Server Implementation: TServedObject.
 OLE Automation - Implementation of TAutoStack.
 OLE Automation Server Implementation, except TServedObject (in typelib.cpp)
 TAutoVal implementation.
 Implementation of TOcApp Class.
 Implementation of the TOcControl Class and helpers These class encapsulate the hosting of OCX controls...
 Implementation of TOcDataProvider Class.
 Implementation of TOcDocument Class.
 Actual BOcOle GUIDs spit out here.
 Implementation of TOcPart Class.
 OLE Registration implementation.
 Implementation of TOcRemView Class.
 Implementation of TOcStorage & TOcStream IStorage/IStream encapsulation.
 Implementation of TOcView Class.
 Implementation of class TOleDialog.
 Implementation of TOleDocument.
 Implementation of class TOleFrame.
 Implementation of class TOleMDIFrame.
 OLE Utility class implementations.
 Implementation of TOleView.
 Implementation of TOleWindow.
 Implementation of classes TStorageDocument, TDocFile, and associated streams.
 TServedObject implementation and OLE Type library generation.