OWLNext 7.0
Borland's Object Windows Library for the modern age
Directories | |
CB | |
msc | |
Files | |
appdesc.cpp | |
Application class factory and type library implementation. | |
autocli.cpp | |
OLE Automation Client Implementation. | |
autodisp.cpp | |
OLE Automation - Implementation of TDispatch, a light-weight version of IDispatch. | |
autoiter.cpp | |
OLE Automation - Implementation of TAutoIterator. | |
autosrv.cpp | |
OLE Automation Server Implementation: TServedObject. | |
autostck.cpp | |
OLE Automation - Implementation of TAutoStack. | |
autosym.cpp | |
OLE Automation Server Implementation, except TServedObject (in typelib.cpp) | |
autoval.cpp | |
TAutoVal implementation. | |
except.cpp | |
ocapp.cpp | |
Implementation of TOcApp Class. | |
occtrl.cpp | |
Implementation of the TOcControl Class and helpers These class encapsulate the hosting of OCX controls... | |
ocdata.cpp | |
Implementation of TOcDataProvider Class. | |
ocdoc.cpp | |
Implementation of TOcDocument Class. | |
ocguid.cpp | |
Actual BOcOle GUIDs spit out here. | |
oclink.cpp | |
Implementation of TOcLinkView Class. | |
ocpart.cpp | |
Implementation of TOcPart Class. | |
ocreg.cpp | |
OLE Registration implementation. | |
ocremvie.cpp | |
Implementation of TOcRemView Class. | |
ocstorag.cpp | |
Implementation of TOcStorage & TOcStream IStorage/IStream encapsulation. | |
ocview.cpp | |
Implementation of TOcView Class. | |
oledialg.cpp | |
Implementation of class TOleDialog. | |
oledoc.cpp | |
Implementation of TOleDocument. | |
oleframe.cpp | |
Implementation of class TOleFrame. | |
olemdifr.cpp | |
Implementation of class TOleMDIFrame. | |
oleutil.cpp | |
OLE Utility class implementations. | |
oleview.cpp | |
Implementation of TOleView. | |
olewindo.cpp | |
Implementation of TOleWindow. | |
stgdoc.cpp | |
Implementation of classes TStorageDocument, TDocFile, and associated streams. | |
typelib.cpp | |
TServedObject implementation and OLE Type library generation. | |
version.cpp | |