OWLNext    7.0
Borland's Object Windows Library for the modern age
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owlcore Directory Reference




 Implementation of the TAnimateCtrl class.
 Implementation of class TAppDictionary, a dictionary of associations between pids (Process IDs) and TApplication pointers.
 Implementation of class TApplication.
 Implementation of class TBarDescr.
 Implementation of GDI Bitmap object class.
 Implementation of class TBitmapGadget Implementation of class TDynamicBitmapGadget.
 Implementation of TBitSet, a set of up to 256 bit flags.
 Implementation for TBrush GDI Brush object.
 Implementation of class TButtonTextGadget.
 Implementation of class TButton.
 Implementation of class TButtonGadget.
 RTTI replacement class.
 Implementation of a bitmap Cel array class.
 Implemenation of class TCheckBox.
 Implements TCheckList and TCheckListItem.
 Implementation of TChooseColorDialog, a Choose Color Common Dialog class.
 Implementation of TChooseFontDialog, a Choose Font Common Dialog class.
 Implementation of TClipboard which provides clipboard encapsulation.
 Implementation of class TClipboardViewer, a TWindow mixin that allows a window to receive clipboard notifications appropriate for being a viewer.
 class TCmdLine implementation
 Utilities for accessing and setting code page information.
 Implementation of color classes.
 Implementation of the TComboBoxEx class.
 Implementation of TComboBox & TComboBoxData.
 Implementation of TCommCtrlDll, a wrapper for the common control dll.
 Implementation of Common Dialog abstract base class.
 Source file for implementation of TTreeViewCtrlView (TTreeViewCtrl).
 This source file implements TConfigFile,TIniConfigFile,TRegConfigFile and TConfigFileSection.
 Implementation of class TControl.
 Implementation of class TControlBar.
 Implementation of class TControlGadget.
 Implementation of the TCoolBar class.
 Implementation of classes TCreatedDC, and TIC.
 Implementation of TCursor, a GDI Cursor object class.
 TDate class implementation.
 TDate class IO and conversion implementation.
 TDate class persistant streaming implementation.
 Implementation of the TDateTimePicker class.
 Implementation of class TDC.
 Implementation of class TDecoratedFrame.
 Implementation of class TDecoratedMDIFrame.
 Implementation of diagnostic initialization functions.
 Implementation of class TDialog.
 Implementation of TDib class, an encapsulation of Device Independent Bitmaps on disk and in memory.
 Implementation of TDibDC encapsulation class.
 Implementation of TDiBitmap class, a combination of a GDI TBitmap object and a Device Independent Bitmap TDib object.
 Implementation of docking window classes.
 Implementation of class TDocManager.
 Implementation of class TDocTemplate.
 Implementation of class TDocument.
 Implementation of TDragList.
 Implementation of class TDrawItemProxy, TDrawItem,TButtonTextDrawItem, TDrawMenuItem, TDrawMenuItemProxy.
 Implementation of class TEdit.
 Implementation of class TEditFile, a text edit which can find/replace and read/write from/to a file.
 Implementation of class TEditWindow, an edit control that responds to Find, Replace and FindNext commands.
 Implementation of class TEditView.
 Implementation of class TEventHandler.
 TXBase class implementation.
 Implementation of class TXOwl, the base exception class for OWL exceptions that can forward handling to the app module by default.
 TFile class implementation.
 Implementation of classes TFileDocument, TFileInStream, TFileOutStream, TFileBuf.
 TFileName class implementation.
 Implementation of TFilterValidator, a validator that filters out keys that are not in the valid character set.
 Implementation of abstract class TFindReplaceDialog, and leaf classes TFindDialog and TReplaceDialog that encapsulate Common Dialogs.
 Implementation of classes TFlatComboBox,TFlatEdit, TFlatListBox Implementation of classes TGadgetComboBox,TGadgetEdit, TGadgetListBox.
 Implementation of class TFloatingFrame, a popup frame window that has a small title bar.
 Implementation of TFont, an encapsulation of the GDI Font object.
 Implementation of class TFrameWindow, a TWindow with additional features for frames, such as client window, menus, icons, etc.
 Implementation of class TFlatScroller.
 C++ Functor template implementation.
 Implementation of classes TGadget, TSeparatorGadget and TSizeGripGadget.
 Implementation of class TGadgetList, the base for classes that own gadgets.
 Implementation of class TGadgetWindow and TGadgetWindowFont.
 Implementation of TGauge, a gauge user interface widget.
 Implementation of TGdiBase, base abstract class for all GDI objects that have Handles.
 Implementation of TGdiObject, abstract class for GDI objects that can be selected into TDCs.
 Implementation of persistent streaming for window system structure and type encapsulation.
 Implementation of persistent streaming for window system geometry classes.
 Implementation of classes for windowing system geometry.
 Global data required for every module using OWL.
 Implementation of TGlyphButton.
 Implementation of class TGroupBox.
 Implementation of class THelpFileManager & THelpContext.
 Implementation of THSlider, a horizontal slider UI widget.
 Implementation of class TIcon, a GDI Icon object encapsulation.
 Implementation of class TImageList, an ImageList 'common control' wrapper.
 Default OwlMain to satisfy LibMain in DLLs that aren't components.
 Implementation of TInputDialog.
 Implementation of the TIPAddress class.
 Implementation of class TLayoutWindow.
 Default implementation of DLlEntryPoint()/LibMain() for user DLLs.
 Implementation of class TListBox and TListBoxData.
 Implementation of class TListBoxView.
 Implementation of TListViewCtrl and support classes.
 TLocaleString implementation - localized name support TRegList implementation - runtime component and object registration list TRegItem implementation - runtime component and object registration item.
 TLocaleString default NLS compare function - used only if non-OLE2.
 TLocaleString default native language for symbols, only if not user-defined.
 Implementation of class TMailer which provides Mail enabling.
 Implementation of WinMain for user exes.
 Implements TMci and TMciHiddenWindow.
 Implements TMciWaveAudio.
 Implementation of TMDIChild.
 Implementation of class TMDIClient.
 Implementation of class TMDIFrame.
 Source file for implementation of TMemComboBox (TComboBox).
 Implementation of memory manipulation functions.
 Implementation of TMemoryDC and TDibDC encapsulation classes.
 Implementation of classes TMenu and TXMenu, Window Menu encapsulation class and its associated exception.
 Implementation of class TMenuDescr.
 Defines TMenuGadget.
 Implementation of class TMessageBar.
 Implementation of TMetaFilePict class.
 Implementation of class TMetaFileDC, a Metafile DC encapsulation.
 Defines TModeGadget.
 Implementation of class TModule.
 Implementation of class TModuleVersionInfo, version resource parser & accessor class.
 Implementation of the TMonthCalendar class.
 Implementation of class TMsgThread.
 Implementation of class TNoteTab Added Scroll handling.
 Implementation of OpenSave abstract, FileOpen, FileSave Common Dialog classes.
 Internal window object instance proc creation & maintenance.
 Default OwlMain to satisfy LibMain in DLLs that aren't components.
 Implementation of the TPageScroller class.
 Implementation of TPaintDC, an encapsulation of client DCs used when responding to paint messages.
 Implementation of TPalette, an encapsulation of the GDI Palette object.
 Implementation of Pane Splitter classes.
 Implementation of TPen, an encapsulation of the GDI Pen object.
 Implementation of classes TPickListPopup & TPickListDialog.
 Implementation of TPXPictureValidator, Paradox-picture input validator.
 Implements TPictureWindow.
 Implementation of print preview classes.
 Implementation of TPreviewWin.
 Implementation of TPrintDC.
 Implementation of class TPrintDialog, a Print and PrintSetup common Dialog encapsulation.
 Implementation of TProfile class.
 Encapsulation for Windows ProgressBar common control.
 Implementation of TPropertyPage and TPropertySheet classes.
 Source file for implementation of TPaneSplitterView (TPaneSplitter).
 Implementation of class TRadioButton.
 Implementation of TRangeValidator, integer numeric range input validator.
 Implementation of class TRecentFiles.
 TRegItem and TRegList members that need to be linked into user app and not the WinSys DLL.
 Implementation of class TRegion, a GDI Region object encapsulation.
 General Registry access & registration implementation.
 Implementation classes handling Windows resources.
 Implementation of class TRichEdit.
 Implementation of support classes for Print/PrintPreview of TRichEdits.
 Implementation of class TRichEditView.
 Implementation of class TRollDialog, an automatic roll-up dialog.
 Implementation of class TScrollBar.
 Implementation of class TScroller.
 Implementation of classes TSerializer and TSerializeReceiver.
 Implementations of the following Win95 Shell Classes: TPidl, TShellItem, and TShellItemIterator.
 Implementations of Windows light-weight utility APIs: TSHReg, TSHPath.
 Implementation of TSlider, slider UI widget abstract base class.
 Implementation of TSplashWindow.
 Implementation of class TStatic.
 Implementation of TStatusBar.
 Streamable object implementation for TWindow.
 Implementation of TSystem class.
 Source file for implementation of TTabbedBase.
 Implementation of classes TTabItem and TTabControl.
 Implementation of TTextGadget.
 Microsoft UxTheme Library Encapsulation.
 TThread class implementation.
 TTime class implementation.
 TTime class IO and conversion implementation.
 TTime class persistent streaming implementation.
 Implementation of TTinyCaption.
 Module used to explicit expand/export templates used by ObjectWindows.
 Implementation of class TToolBox, a 2-d arrangement of TButtonGadgets.
 Implements the TTooltip class.
 Implementation of the private TTraceWindow class.
 Definition of private class TTraceWindow.
 Utilities for transferring data in and out of controls.
 Safe transfer buffers.
 This is a conglomeration of ideas from the MSJ "Webster" application, sniffing round the online docs, and from other implementations such as PJ Naughter's "CTrayIconifyIcon" (http://indigo.ie/~pjn/ntray.html) especially the "CTrayIcon::OnTrayNotification" member function.
 Implements TTreeViewCtrl, TTreeNode, TTvItem.
 Implements TUIFace.
 Implementation of TUIMetric class.
 GNU suport functions.
 GNU support

 Implementation of the TUpDown class.
 TString (& TUString) implementation (others functions are inline)
 Implementation of TValidator, user input validator abstract base class.
 Library version and build information header (template).
 Implementation of classes TView & TWindowView.
 Implementation of TVSlider, vertical slider UI widget.
 Implementation of TWindow.
 Implementation of classes TWindowDC, TScreenDC, TDesktopDC & TClientDC.
 Implementation of WinMain for user exes.
 Implementation of TWinSockDll, a WinSock dll loader & wrapper.
 Winsock for OWL subsystem.
 Winsock for OWL subsystem.
 Winsock for OWL subsystem.
 Winsock for OWL subsystem.
 Winsock for OWL subsystem.
 Winsock for OWL subsystem.
 Winsock for OWL subsystem.
 Implementation of window system structure and type encapsulation.