| animctrl.cpp |
| Implementation of the TAnimateCtrl class.
| appdict.cpp |
| Implementation of class TAppDictionary, a dictionary of associations between pids (Process IDs) and TApplication pointers.
| applicat.cpp |
| Implementation of class TApplication.
| bardescr.cpp |
| Implementation of class TBarDescr.
| bitmap.cpp |
| Implementation of GDI Bitmap object class.
| bitmapga.cpp |
| Implementation of class TBitmapGadget Implementation of class TDynamicBitmapGadget.
| bitset.cpp |
| Implementation of TBitSet, a set of up to 256 bit flags.
| brush.cpp |
| Implementation for TBrush GDI Brush object.
| btntextg.cpp |
| Implementation of class TButtonTextGadget.
| button.cpp |
| Implementation of class TButton.
| buttonga.cpp |
| Implementation of class TButtonGadget.
| castable.cpp |
| RTTI replacement class.
| celarray.cpp |
| Implementation of a bitmap Cel array class.
| checkbox.cpp |
| Implemenation of class TCheckBox.
| checklst.cpp |
| Implements TCheckList and TCheckListItem.
| checks.cpp |
| chooseco.cpp |
| Implementation of TChooseColorDialog, a Choose Color Common Dialog class.
| choosefo.cpp |
| Implementation of TChooseFontDialog, a Choose Font Common Dialog class.
| clipboar.cpp |
| Implementation of TClipboard which provides clipboard encapsulation.
| clipview.cpp |
| Implementation of class TClipboardViewer, a TWindow mixin that allows a window to receive clipboard notifications appropriate for being a viewer.
| cmdline.cpp |
| class TCmdLine implementation
| codepages.cpp |
| Utilities for accessing and setting code page information.
| colmnhdr.cpp |
| color.cpp |
| Implementation of color classes.
| combobex.cpp |
| Implementation of the TComboBoxEx class.
| combobox.cpp |
| Implementation of TComboBox & TComboBoxData.
| commctrl.cpp |
| Implementation of TCommCtrlDll, a wrapper for the common control dll.
| commdial.cpp |
| Implementation of Common Dialog abstract base class.
| commview.cpp |
| Source file for implementation of TTreeViewCtrlView (TTreeViewCtrl).
| configfl.cpp |
| This source file implements TConfigFile,TIniConfigFile,TRegConfigFile and TConfigFileSection.
| control.cpp |
| Implementation of class TControl.
| controlb.cpp |
| Implementation of class TControlBar.
| controlg.cpp |
| Implementation of class TControlGadget.
| coolbar.cpp |
| Implementation of the TCoolBar class.
| createdc.cpp |
| Implementation of classes TCreatedDC, and TIC.
| cursor.cpp |
| Implementation of TCursor, a GDI Cursor object class.
| date.cpp |
| TDate class implementation.
| dateio.cpp |
| TDate class IO and conversion implementation.
| datep.cpp |
| TDate class persistant streaming implementation.
| datetime.cpp |
| Implementation of the TDateTimePicker class.
| dc.cpp |
| Implementation of class TDC.
| decframe.cpp |
| Implementation of class TDecoratedFrame.
| decmdifr.cpp |
| Implementation of class TDecoratedMDIFrame.
| diaginit.cpp |
| Implementation of diagnostic initialization functions.
| dialog.cpp |
| Implementation of class TDialog.
| dib.cpp |
| Implementation of TDib class, an encapsulation of Device Independent Bitmaps on disk and in memory.
| dibdc.cpp |
| Implementation of TDibDC encapsulation class.
| dibitmap.cpp |
| Implementation of TDiBitmap class, a combination of a GDI TBitmap object and a Device Independent Bitmap TDib object.
| docking.cpp |
| Implementation of docking window classes.
| docmanag.cpp |
| Implementation of class TDocManager.
| doctpl.cpp |
| Implementation of class TDocTemplate.
| document.cpp |
| Implementation of class TDocument.
| draglist.cpp |
| Implementation of TDragList.
| drawitem.cpp |
| Implementation of class TDrawItemProxy, TDrawItem,TButtonTextDrawItem, TDrawMenuItem, TDrawMenuItemProxy.
| dumpstack.cpp |
| edit.cpp |
| Implementation of class TEdit.
| editfile.cpp |
| Implementation of class TEditFile, a text edit which can find/replace and read/write from/to a file.
| editsear.cpp |
| Implementation of class TEditWindow, an edit control that responds to Find, Replace and FindNext commands.
| editview.cpp |
| Implementation of class TEditView.
| eventhan.cpp |
| Implementation of class TEventHandler.
| exbase.cpp |
| TXBase class implementation.
| except.cpp |
| Implementation of class TXOwl, the base exception class for OWL exceptions that can forward handling to the app module by default.
| file.cpp |
| TFile class implementation.
| filedoc.cpp |
| Implementation of classes TFileDocument, TFileInStream, TFileOutStream, TFileBuf.
| filename.cpp |
| TFileName class implementation.
| filtval.cpp |
| Implementation of TFilterValidator, a validator that filters out keys that are not in the valid character set.
| findrepl.cpp |
| Implementation of abstract class TFindReplaceDialog, and leaf classes TFindDialog and TReplaceDialog that encapsulate Common Dialogs.
| flatctrl.cpp |
| Implementation of classes TFlatComboBox,TFlatEdit, TFlatListBox Implementation of classes TGadgetComboBox,TGadgetEdit, TGadgetListBox.
| floatfra.cpp |
| Implementation of class TFloatingFrame, a popup frame window that has a small title bar.
| font.cpp |
| Implementation of TFont, an encapsulation of the GDI Font object.
| framewin.cpp |
| Implementation of class TFrameWindow, a TWindow with additional features for frames, such as client window, menus, icons, etc.
| fscroll.cpp |
| Implementation of class TFlatScroller.
| functor.cpp |
| C++ Functor template implementation.
| gadget.cpp |
| Implementation of classes TGadget, TSeparatorGadget and TSizeGripGadget.
| gadgetli.cpp |
| Implementation of class TGadgetList, the base for classes that own gadgets.
| gadgetwi.cpp |
| Implementation of class TGadgetWindow and TGadgetWindowFont.
| gauge.cpp |
| Implementation of TGauge, a gauge user interface widget.
| gdibase.cpp |
| Implementation of TGdiBase, base abstract class for all GDI objects that have Handles.
| gdiobjec.cpp |
| Implementation of TGdiObject, abstract class for GDI objects that can be selected into TDCs.
| geometrp.cpp |
| Implementation of persistent streaming for window system structure and type encapsulation.
| geometrs.cpp |
| Implementation of persistent streaming for window system geometry classes.
| geometry.cpp |
| Implementation of classes for windowing system geometry.
| global.cpp |
| Global data required for every module using OWL.
| glyphbtn.cpp |
| Implementation of TGlyphButton.
| groupbox.cpp |
| Implementation of class TGroupBox.
| hlpmanag.cpp |
| Implementation of class THelpFileManager & THelpContext.
| hotkey.cpp |
| hslider.cpp |
| Implementation of THSlider, a horizontal slider UI widget.
| icon.cpp |
| Implementation of class TIcon, a GDI Icon object encapsulation.
| imagelst.cpp |
| Implementation of class TImageList, an ImageList 'common control' wrapper.
| initdll.cpp |
| Default OwlMain to satisfy LibMain in DLLs that aren't components.
| inputdia.cpp |
| Implementation of TInputDialog.
| ipaddres.cpp |
| Implementation of the TIPAddress class.
| layoutwi.cpp |
| Implementation of class TLayoutWindow.
| libmain.cpp |
| Default implementation of DLlEntryPoint()/LibMain() for user DLLs.
| listbox.cpp |
| Implementation of class TListBox and TListBoxData.
| listboxview.cpp |
| Implementation of class TListBoxView.
| listviewctrl.cpp |
| Implementation of TListViewCtrl and support classes.
| locale.cpp |
| TLocaleString implementation - localized name support TRegList implementation - runtime component and object registration list TRegItem implementation - runtime component and object registration item.
| localeco.cpp |
| TLocaleString default NLS compare function - used only if non-OLE2.
| localeid.cpp |
| TLocaleString default native language for symbols, only if not user-defined.
| lookval.cpp |
| mailer.cpp |
| Implementation of class TMailer which provides Mail enabling.
| main.cpp |
| Implementation of WinMain for user exes.
| mci.cpp |
| Implements TMci and TMciHiddenWindow.
| mciwav.cpp |
| Implements TMciWaveAudio.
| mdichild.cpp |
| Implementation of TMDIChild.
| mdiclien.cpp |
| Implementation of class TMDIClient.
| mdiframe.cpp |
| Implementation of class TMDIFrame.
| memcbox.cpp |
| Source file for implementation of TMemComboBox (TComboBox).
| memory.cpp |
| Implementation of memory manipulation functions.
| memorydc.cpp |
| Implementation of TMemoryDC and TDibDC encapsulation classes.
| menu.cpp |
| menudesc.cpp |
| menugadg.cpp |
| messageb.cpp |
| Implementation of class TMessageBar.
| metafile.cpp |
| Implementation of TMetaFilePict class.
| metafldc.cpp |
| Implementation of class TMetaFileDC, a Metafile DC encapsulation.
| modegad.cpp |
| Defines TModeGadget.
| module.cpp |
| Implementation of class TModule.
| modversi.cpp |
| Implementation of class TModuleVersionInfo, version resource parser & accessor class.
| monthcal.cpp |
| Implementation of the TMonthCalendar class.
| msgthred.cpp |
| Implementation of class TMsgThread.
| notetab.cpp |
| Implementation of class TNoteTab Added Scroll handling.
| objstrm.cpp |
| opensave.cpp |
| Implementation of OpenSave abstract, FileOpen, FileSave Common Dialog classes.
| owl.cpp |
| Internal window object instance proc creation & maintenance.
| owlmain.cpp |
| Default OwlMain to satisfy LibMain in DLLs that aren't components.
| pager.cpp |
| paintdc.cpp |
| Implementation of TPaintDC, an encapsulation of client DCs used when responding to paint messages.
| palette.cpp |
| Implementation of TPalette, an encapsulation of the GDI Palette object.
| panespli.cpp |
| Implementation of Pane Splitter classes.
| pen.cpp |
| Implementation of TPen, an encapsulation of the GDI Pen object.
| picker.cpp |
| picklist.cpp |
| Implementation of classes TPickListPopup & TPickListDialog.
| pictval.cpp |
| Implementation of TPXPictureValidator, Paradox-picture input validator.
| pictwind.cpp |
| Implements TPictureWindow.
| popupgad.cpp |
| preview.cpp |
| Implementation of print preview classes.
| prevwin.cpp |
| Implementation of TPreviewWin.
| printdc.cpp |
| Implementation of TPrintDC.
| printdia.cpp |
| Implementation of class TPrintDialog, a Print and PrintSetup common Dialog encapsulation.
| printer.cpp |
| printout.cpp |
| profile.cpp |
| Implementation of TProfile class.
| progressbar.cpp |
| Encapsulation for Windows ProgressBar common control.
| propsht.cpp |
| Implementation of TPropertyPage and TPropertySheet classes.
| psview.cpp |
| Source file for implementation of TPaneSplitterView (TPaneSplitter).
| radiobut.cpp |
| Implementation of class TRadioButton.
| rangeval.cpp |
| Implementation of TRangeValidator, integer numeric range input validator.
| rcntfile.cpp |
| Implementation of class TRecentFiles.
| regexp.cpp |
| regheap.cpp |
| TRegItem and TRegList members that need to be linked into user app and not the WinSys DLL.
| region.cpp |
| Implementation of class TRegion, a GDI Region object encapsulation.
| registry.cpp |
| General Registry access & registration implementation.
| reglink.cpp |
| resource.cpp |
| Implementation classes handling Windows resources.
| richedit.cpp |
| Implementation of class TRichEdit.
| richedpr.cpp |
| Implementation of support classes for Print/PrintPreview of TRichEdits.
| richedv.cpp |
| Implementation of class TRichEditView.
| rolldial.cpp |
| Implementation of class TRollDialog, an automatic roll-up dialog.
| scrollba.cpp |
| Implementation of class TScrollBar.
| scroller.cpp |
| Implementation of class TScroller.
| serialze.cpp |
| Implementation of classes TSerializer and TSerializeReceiver.
| shellitm.cpp |
| Implementations of the following Win95 Shell Classes: TPidl, TShellItem, and TShellItemIterator.
| shelwapi.cpp |
| Implementations of Windows light-weight utility APIs: TSHReg, TSHPath.
| slider.cpp |
| Implementation of TSlider, slider UI widget abstract base class.
| splashwi.cpp |
| Implementation of TSplashWindow.
| Stackwalker.cpp |
| Stackwalker.h |
| static.cpp |
| Implementation of class TStatic.
| statusba.cpp |
| Implementation of TStatusBar.
| swindow.cpp |
| Streamable object implementation for TWindow.
| syslink.cpp |
| Implementation of class TSysLink.
| system.cpp |
| Implementation of TSystem class.
| tabbed.cpp |
| Source file for implementation of TTabbedBase.
| tabctrl.cpp |
| Implementation of classes TTabItem and TTabControl.
| textgadg.cpp |
| Implementation of TTextGadget.
| theme.cpp |
| Microsoft UxTheme Library Encapsulation.
| thread.cpp |
| TThread class implementation.
| time.cpp |
| TTime class implementation.
| timegadg.cpp |
| timeio.cpp |
| TTime class IO and conversion implementation.
| timep.cpp |
| TTime class persistent streaming implementation.
| tinycapt.cpp |
| Implementation of TTinyCaption.
| tmplinst.cpp |
| Module used to explicit expand/export templates used by ObjectWindows.
| toolbox.cpp |
| Implementation of class TToolBox, a 2-d arrangement of TButtonGadgets.
| tooltip.cpp |
| Implements the TTooltip class.
| tracewnd.cpp |
| Implementation of the private TTraceWindow class.
| tracewnd.h |
| Definition of private class TTraceWindow.
| transfer.cpp |
| Utilities for transferring data in and out of controls.
| transferbuffer.cpp |
| Safe transfer buffers.
| trayicon.cpp |
| This is a conglomeration of ideas from the MSJ "Webster" application, sniffing round the online docs, and from other implementations such as PJ Naughter's "CTrayIconifyIcon" (http://indigo.ie/~pjn/ntray.html) especially the "CTrayIcon::OnTrayNotification" member function.
| treeviewctrl.cpp |
| Implements TTreeViewCtrl, TTreeNode, TTvItem.
| uiborder.cpp |
| uiface.cpp |
| Implements TUIFace.
| uihandle.cpp |
| uimetric.cpp |
| Implementation of TUIMetric class.
| uipart.cpp |
| unix.cpp |
| GNU suport functions.
| unixxcpt.cpp |
| GNU support
| updown.cpp |
| Implementation of the TUpDown class.
| ustring.cpp |
| TString (& TUString) implementation (others functions are inline)
| validate.cpp |
| Implementation of TValidator, user input validator abstract base class.
| version.cpp |
| version.h |
| Library version and build information header (template).
| view.cpp |
| Implementation of classes TView & TWindowView.
| vslider.cpp |
| Implementation of TVSlider, vertical slider UI widget.
| window.cpp |
| Implementation of TWindow.
| windowdc.cpp |
| Implementation of classes TWindowDC, TScreenDC, TDesktopDC & TClientDC.
| winmain.cpp |
| Implementation of WinMain for user exes.
| winsock.cpp |
| Implementation of TWinSockDll, a WinSock dll loader & wrapper.
| wskaddr.cpp |
| Winsock for OWL subsystem.
| wskerr.cpp |
| Winsock for OWL subsystem.
| wskhostm.cpp |
| Winsock for OWL subsystem.
| wskservm.cpp |
| Winsock for OWL subsystem.
| wsksock.cpp |
| Winsock for OWL subsystem.
| wsksockd.cpp |
| Winsock for OWL subsystem.
| wsksockm.cpp |
| Winsock for OWL subsystem.
| wsyscls.cpp |
| Implementation of window system structure and type encapsulation.