166 buffer, size,
Definition of a bitmap Cel array class.
#define PRECONDITION(condition)
TBitmap is the GDI bitmap class derived from TGdiObject.
HBITMAP GetHandle() const
Returns the handle of the bitmap of type BITMAP.
TCelArray is a horizontal array of cels (a unit of animation) created by slicing a portion of or an e...
TResource< DLGTEMPLATEEX, static_cast< int >(RtNewDialog)> * NewResource
DLGTEMPLATEEX * GetTemplateEx() const
TDialogRes(HINSTANCE hInstance, TResId id)
TResource< DLGTEMPLATE, static_cast< int >(RtDialog)> * OldResource
void GetRect(TRect &rect) const
Enumeration of various strings stored with a dialog resource.
@ drtCaption
Caption of dialog.
@ drtClassName
Class name of dialog.
@ drtMenuName
String of menu resource used by dialog.
int GetText(TCHAR *buffer, int size, TDlgResText which=drtCaption) const
DLGTEMPLATE * GetTemplate() const
Derived from TWindow, TGadgetWindow maintains a list of tiled gadgets for a window and lets you dynam...
void Insert(TGadget &, TPlacement=After, TGadget *sibling=nullptr) override
Inserts a gadget before or after a sibling gadget (TPlacement).
virtual void SetCelArray(TCelArray *sharedCels)
Sets a new Shared CelArray for this gadget window.
TRect is a mathematical class derived from tagRect.
TResource simplifies access to a resource by encapsulating the find, load, lock and free steps for ac...
bool IsOK() const
Confirms whether resource was found.
DWORD GetSize() const
Returns the size in bytes of the loaded resource.
TSeparatorGadget is a simple class you can use to create a separator between gadgets.
The tagSIZE struct is defined as.
TModule * GetModule() const
Returns a pointer to the module object.
Definition of TGadgetList, TGadgetWindow & TGadgetWindowFont A list holding gadgets,...
Definition of abstract GDI object class and derived classes.
Flag for Handle ctors to control Handle deletion in dtor.
Object Windows Library (OWLNext Core)
#define CONST_CAST(targetType, object)
Defines classes handling Windows resources.
Structure describing the binary layout of toolbar resources.
ushort width
Width of each bitmap glyph.
ushort ids[1]
Array of ids of glyphs+separators.
ushort height
Height of each bitmap glyph.
ushort count
Number of glyphs.