OwlGadget, 1,
"TControlGadget::SetBounds() enter @" << (
this <<
OwlGadget, 1,
"TControlGadget::SetBounds() leave @" << (
this <<
OwlGadget, 1,
"TControlGadget::GetDesiredSize() enter @" << (
this <<
90 size.cx +=
92 size.cy +=
OwlGadget, 1,
"TControlGadget::GetDesiredSize() leave @" << (
this <<
#define PRECONDITION(condition)
#define DIAG_DECLARE_GROUP(group)
#define TRACEX(group, level, message)
void SetBounds(const TRect &) override
Calls TGadget::SetBounds and passes the dimensions of the control gadget's rectangle.
TWindow * GetControl() const
Return the control that is simulating a gadget.
void Inserted() override
Called when the control gadget is inserted in the parent window.
void InvalidateRect(const TRect &rect, bool erase=true)
Invalidate a rectangle within this gadget by invalidating the rect in the control window in addition ...
void Created() override
Virtual called after the window holding a gadget has been created.
TControlGadget(TWindow &control, TBorderStyle=None)
Creates a TControlGadget object associated with the specified TControl window.
void Removed() override
Called when the control gadget is removed from the parent window.
void SetVisible(bool visible) override
Sets the visibility of this gadget and the encapsulated control.
void Update()
Updates the client area of the specified window by immediately sending a WM_PAINT message.
void GetDesiredSize(TSize &) override
Calls TGadget::GetDesiredSize and passes the size of the control gadget.
~TControlGadget() override
Destroys a TControlGadget object and removes it from the associated window.
TGadget is the base class for the following derived gadget classes:
void InvalidateRect(const TRect &rect, bool erase=true)
Invalidate a rectangle in our containing window.
TGadgetWindow * GetGadgetWindow()
Return a pointer to the owning or parent window for the gadget.
virtual void SetBounds(const TRect &rect)
Called by the gadget window to inform the gadget of a change in its bounding rectangle.
Gadget border styles.
virtual void SetVisible(bool visible)
Changes the visibility of the gadget.
virtual void GetDesiredSize(TSize &size)
Request by the gadget window to query the gadget's desired size.
auto GetTooltip() const -> TTooltip *override
Returns Tooltip.
TRect is a mathematical class derived from tagRect.
The tagSIZE struct is defined as.
TWindow, derived from TEventHandler and TStreamableBase, provides window-specific behavior and encaps...
virtual void SetParent(TWindow *newParent)
Sets the parent for the specified window by setting Parent to the specified new Parent window object.
bool SetWindowPos(HWND hWndInsertAfter, const TRect &rect, uint flags)
Changes the size of the window pointed to by rect.
virtual void Destroy(int retVal=0)
Destroys an MS-Windows element associated with the TWindow.
virtual bool Create()
Creates the window interface element to be associated with this ObjectWindows interface element.
virtual void InvalidateRect(const TRect &rect, bool erase=true)
Invalidates a specified client area.
TWindowAttr & GetWindowAttr()
Returns the TWindowAttr structure, which contains the window's creation attributes.
void GetWindowRect(TRect &rect) const
Gets the screen coordinates of the window's rectangle and copies them into rect.
bool ModifyStyle(uint32 offBits, uint32 onBits, uint swpFlags=0)
Modifies the style bits of the window.
void UpdateWindow()
Updates the client area of the specified window by immediately sending a WM_PAINT message.
virtual bool ShowWindow(int cmdShow)
Displays this TWindow in a given state.
HWND GetHandle() const
Returns the handle of the window.
Class TControlGadget definition.
Definition of TGadgetList, TGadgetWindow & TGadgetWindowFont A list holding gadgets,...
Object Windows Library (OWLNext Core)
int H
height of the window