14#if defined(OWL_SUPPORT_BWCC)
114#if defined(OWL_SUPPORT_BWCC)
214 is >> GetObject()->Group;
225 os << GetObject()->Group;
Definition of class TApplication.
Legacy support for Borland Windows Custom Controls (BWCC)
Definition of class TCheckBox.
#define PRECONDITION(condition)
#define DIAG_DECLARE_GROUP(group)
#define TRACEX(group, level, message)
TCheckBox is a streamable interface class that represents a check box control.
void Toggle()
Toggles the check state of the check box.
~TCheckBox() override
Output a trace message if using the diagnostic libraries.
uint GetCheck() const
Returns the state of the check box.
TCheckBox(TWindow *parent, int id, LPCTSTR title, int x, int y, int w, int h, TGroupBox *=0, TModule *=0)
constructor for a TCheckBox object
auto GetWindowClassName() -> TWindowClassName override
Return name of Windows check box class.
void BNClicked()
Responds to an incoming BN_CLICKED message.
void Transfer(WORD &state, TTransferDirection direction)
Safe overload.
void SetCheck(uint check)
Forces the check box into the state specified by check.
An instance of a TGroupBox is an interface object that represents a corresponding group box element.
virtual void SelectionChanged(int controlId)
If NotifyParent is true, SelectionChanged notifies the parent window of the group box that one of its...
ObjectWindows dynamic-link libraries (DLLs) construct an instance of TModule, which acts as an object...
Type-safe encapsulation of a Windows class name, a union between ATOM and LPCTSTR.
TWindow, derived from TEventHandler and TStreamableBase, provides window-specific behavior and encaps...
long GetWindowLong(int index) const
Retrieves information about the window depending on the value stored in index.
void EnableTransfer()
Enables the transfer mechanism, which allows state data to be transferred between the window and a tr...
TResult DefaultProcessing()
Handles default processing of events, which includes continued processing of menu/accelerators comman...
TResult SendMessage(TMsgId, TParam1=0, TParam2=0) const
Sends a message (msg) to a specified window or windows.
HWND THandle
TWindow encapsulates an HWND.
HWND GetHandle() const
Returns the handle of the window.
ipstream, a specialized input stream derivative of pstream, is the base class for reading (extracting...
#define DEFINE_RESPONSE_TABLE1(cls, base)
Macro to define a response table for a class with one base.
void ReadBaseObject(Base *base, ipstream &in)
#define IMPLEMENT_STREAMABLE1(cls, base1)
void WriteBaseObject(Base *base, opstream &out)
The TTransferDirection enum describes the constants that the transfer function uses to determine how ...
@ tdSizeData
Return the size of data transferred by the class.
@ tdSetData
Set data from the buffer into the window.
@ tdGetData
Get data from the window into the buffer.
Definition of class TGroupBox.
Object Windows Library (OWLNext Core)
#define EV_NOTIFY_AT_CHILD(notifyCode, method)
Response table entry for a child ID notification handled at the child.