90 Data =
new char[Length];
TEventHandler is a base class from which you can derive classes that handle messages.
Mix-in class that automatically puts together the block of data sent by TSerializer.
virtual void DataReceived(uint32 length, void *data)
This virtual function will be called whenever the data has been reconstructed.
TResult BlockReceived(TParam1, TParam2)
Automatically puts the data blocks back together.
@ Data3
data is stored in bits 0x00FFFFFF of lParam
@ Data2
data is stored in bits 0x0000FFFF of lParam
@ Data4
data is stored in bits 0xFFFFFFFF of lParam
@ End
end of data, lParam == 0
@ Data1
data is stored in bits 0x000000FF of lParam
@ Begin
beginning of data, lParam length of data
TSerializer(HWND hwndTarget, uint32 length, void *data)
Breaks down the data into blocks and sends each block to the window via SendMessage.
#define DEFINE_RESPONSE_TABLE1(cls, base)
Macro to define a response table for a class with one base.
Object Windows Library (OWLNext Core)
uint16 HiUint16(LRESULT r)
Second parameter type.
First parameter type.
uint16 LoUint16(LRESULT r)
Result type.
Definition of TSerializer class.
#define SerializerMessage
Serializer window targets should catch the following registered message to receive the block of data.
Event response table macros for windows messages.
#define EV_REGISTERED(str, method)
Resonse table entry for a registered message.