Default constructor. Initializes all data members to 0.
int Startup()
The Startup() function is equivalent to the Winsock WSAStartup() function.
int LastError
Last error code.
short StartupCount
Make sure to not overflow number of connects.
void Init(short versionMajor=1, short versionMinor=1)
The ITSocketManager function does some initialization for the TSocketManager.
TSocketManager(short versionMajor=1, short versionMinor=1, bool autoStartup=true)
The SocketManager constructor takes a major and minor version as parameters.
int ShutDown()
The ShutDown() function is the equivalent to the Winsock WSACleanup() function.
virtual ~TSocketManager()
The TSocketManager destructor cleans up after itself.
short VersionMajor
Major verion number.
TSocketInfo SocketInfo
Information about this WinSocket implementation.
short VersionMinor
Minor verion number.
static int WSAGetLastError(void)
static int WSAStartup(uint16 versionRequested, LPWSADATA WSAData)
static int WSACleanup(void)
static bool IsAvailable(void)
Returns true if the DLL implementing WinSock is available and loaded, or false otherwise.
Object Windows Library (OWLNext Core)
General definitions used by all ObjectWindows programs.
Main header of the Winsock OWL subsystem.