25#if defined(CHECK_REFCOUNT)
28 count =
31# define RefCountCheck(si)
64static LPCTSTR sObjCompErrMsgs[] = {
68 _T(
"Could not obtain BOle ClassMgr"),
69 _T(
"Document factory [un]registration failed"),
70 _T(
"Missing Root IStorage in OcDocument"),
71 _T(
"Internal OcPart creation error"),
72 _T(
"OcPart initialization failure"),
73 _T(
"Unable to open/create RootStorage on '%s'"),
74 _T(
"Unable to open/create Storage '%s'"),
75 _T(
"Unable to open/create Storage on ILockBytes"),
76 _T(
"Unable to open/create Stream '%s'")
572 return ::StgIsStorageILockBytes(
#define WARNX(group, condition, level, message)
#define PRECONDITION(condition)
#define DIAG_DEFINE_GROUP_INIT(f, g, e, l)
HRESULT SetElementTimes(LPCTSTR name, FILETIME const *pctime, FILETIME const *patime, FILETIME const *pmtime)
HRESULT OpenStream(LPCTSTR name, void *rsrvd1, owl::uint32 grfMode, owl::uint32 rsrvd2, IStream **stream)
static HRESULT SetTimes(LPCTSTR lpszName, FILETIME const *pctime, FILETIME const *patime, FILETIME const *pmtime)
HRESULT MoveElementTo(LPCTSTR name, TOcStorage &dest, LPCTSTR newName, owl::uint32 grfFlags)
HRESULT CreateStorage(LPCTSTR name, owl::uint32 mode, owl::uint32 rsrvd1, owl::uint32 rsrvd2, IStorage **storage)
HRESULT CopyTo(owl::uint32 ciidExclude, IID const *rgiidExclude, SNB snbExclude, TOcStorage &dest)
HRESULT SwitchToFile(LPCTSTR newPath)
TOcStorage(LPCTSTR fileName, bool create, owl::uint32 mode=STGM_READWRITE|STGM_TRANSACTED)
HRESULT Commit(owl::uint32 grfCommitFlags)
HRESULT CreateStream(LPCTSTR name, owl::uint32 mode, owl::uint32 rsrvd1, owl::uint32 rsrvd2, IStream **stream)
static HRESULT IsStorageFile(LPCTSTR pwcsName)
HRESULT RenameElement(LPCTSTR oldName, LPCTSTR newName)
HRESULT EnumElements(owl::uint32 reserved1, void *reserved2, owl::uint32 reserved3, IEnumSTATSTG **ppenm)
HRESULT SetStateBits(owl::uint32 grfStateBits, owl::uint32 grfMask)
HRESULT DestroyElement(LPCTSTR name)
static HRESULT IsStorageILockBytes(ILockBytes *plkbyt)
HRESULT Stat(STATSTG *pstatstg, owl::uint32 grfStatFlag)
HRESULT SetClass(const IID &clsid)
HRESULT OpenStorage(LPCTSTR name, IStorage *stgPriority, owl::uint32 mode, SNB snbExclude, owl::uint32 rsrvd, IStorage **storage)
HRESULT Clone(IStream **ppstm)
HRESULT LockRegion(owl::uint64 offset, owl::uint64 cb, owl::uint32 lockType)
HRESULT Write(void const *pv, owl::ulong cb, owl::ulong *written=0)
HRESULT CopyTo(TOcStream &stream, owl::uint64 cb, owl::uint64 *read=0, owl::uint64 *written=0)
HRESULT SetSize(owl::uint64 newSize)
HRESULT Commit(owl::uint32 commitFlags)
HRESULT UnlockRegion(owl::uint64 offset, owl::uint64 cb, owl::uint32 lockType)
HRESULT Read(void *pv, owl::ulong cb, owl::ulong *read=0)
HRESULT Seek(owl::int64 move, owl::uint32 origin=STREAM_SEEK_SET, owl::uint64 *newPosition=0)
HRESULT Stat(STATSTG *statstg, owl::uint32 statFlag)
TOcStream(TOcStorage &storage, LPCTSTR name, bool create, owl::uint32 mode=STGM_READWRITE)
static void Check(HRESULT stat, TError err, LPCTSTR msg=0)
TXObjComp(TError err, const owl::tstring &msg, HRESULT stat=HR_FAIL)
static void OleErrorFromCode(HRESULT stat, TCHAR *buffer, int size)
Classes for window system geometry.
Include for OC, gets common headers when precompiled headers are enabled.
Object Component Framework (COM encapsulation)
bool HRSucceeded(HRESULT hr)
Object Windows Library (OWLNext Core)
ObjectComponents BOcOle engine linking & embedding interfaces.
interface _ICLASS IStorage
Various general OC enums and structs.
#define RefCountCheck(si)
Definition of TOcStorage & TOcStream classes.
interface _ICLASS ILockBytes
interface _ICLASS IRootStorage
interface _ICLASS IStream
interface _ICLASS IEnumSTATSTG