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OWLNext 7.0
Borland's Object Windows Library for the modern age
This is the complete list of members for owl::TWinSockDll, including all inherited members.
_htonl(ulong hostLong) | owl::TWinSockDll | static |
_htons(ushort hostShort) | owl::TWinSockDll | static |
_ntohl(ulong netLong) | owl::TWinSockDll | static |
_ntohs(ushort netShort) | owl::TWinSockDll | static |
accept(SOCKET s, struct sockaddr *addr, int *addrLen) | owl::TWinSockDll | static |
bind(SOCKET s, struct sockaddr *addr, int nameLen) | owl::TWinSockDll | static |
closesocket(SOCKET s) | owl::TWinSockDll | static |
connect(SOCKET s, struct sockaddr *name, int nameLen) | owl::TWinSockDll | static |
CopyIcon(HICON hIcon) const | owl::TModule | inline |
Error(TXBase &x, uint captionResId, uint promptResId=0) | owl::TModule | virtual |
FindResModule(TResId id, TResId type) | owl::TModule | static |
FindResource(TResId id, TResId type) const | owl::TModule | inline |
FindResourceEx(TResId id, TResId type, TLangId langId=LangNeutral) const | owl::TModule | inline |
GetClassInfo(TWindowClassName, WNDCLASS *wndclass) const -> bool | owl::TModule | inline |
GetClassInfo(TWindowClassName) const -> WNDCLASS | owl::TModule | |
GetHandle() const | owl::TModule | inline |
gethostbyaddr(LPCSTR addr, int len, int type) | owl::TWinSockDll | static |
gethostbyname(LPCSTR name) | owl::TWinSockDll | static |
gethostname(char *name, int nameLen) | owl::TWinSockDll | static |
GetModuleFileName(TCHAR *buff, int maxChars) const | owl::TModule | inline |
GetModuleFileName() const | owl::TModule | |
GetName() const | owl::TModule | inline |
getpeername(SOCKET s, struct sockaddr *name, int *nameLen) | owl::TWinSockDll | static |
GetProcAddress(TNarrowResId) const | owl::TModule | inline |
getprotobyname(LPCSTR name) | owl::TWinSockDll | static |
getprotobynumber(int proto) | owl::TWinSockDll | static |
getservbyname(LPCSTR name, LPCSTR proto) | owl::TWinSockDll | static |
getservbyport(int port, LPCSTR proto) | owl::TWinSockDll | static |
getsockname(SOCKET s, struct sockaddr *name, int *nameLen) | owl::TWinSockDll | static |
getsockopt(SOCKET s, int level, int optName, char *optVal, int *optLen) | owl::TWinSockDll | static |
inet_addr(const char *cp) | owl::TWinSockDll | static |
inet_ntoa(struct in_addr in) | owl::TWinSockDll | static |
InitModule(THandle handle, const tstring &cmdLine) | owl::TModule | |
ioctlsocket(SOCKET s, long cmd, ulong *argp) | owl::TWinSockDll | static |
IsAvailable() | owl::TWinSockDll | static |
IsLoaded() const | owl::TModule | inline |
IsRegisteredClass(TWindowClassName) const -> bool | owl::TModule | |
listen(SOCKET s, int backlog) | owl::TWinSockDll | static |
LoadAccelerators(TResId id) const | owl::TModule | |
LoadBitmap(TResId id) const | owl::TModule | |
LoadCursor(TResId id) const | owl::TModule | |
LoadHtml(TResId) const | owl::TModule | |
LoadIcon(TResId name) const | owl::TModule | |
LoadMenu(TResId id) const | owl::TModule | |
LoadResource(HRSRC hRsrc) const | owl::TModule | inline |
LoadString(uint id, TCHAR *buf, int maxChars) const | owl::TModule | |
LoadString(uint id) const | owl::TModule | |
NextModule(TModule *module=nullptr) | owl::TModule | static |
operator THandle() const | owl::TModule | inline |
operator==(const TModule &m) const | owl::TModule | inline |
recv(SOCKET s, char *buf, int len, int flags) | owl::TWinSockDll | static |
recvfrom(SOCKET s, char *buf, int len, int flags, struct sockaddr *from, int *fromLen) | owl::TWinSockDll | static |
select(int nfds, struct fd_set *readfds, struct fd_set *writefds, struct fd_set *exceptfds, const struct timeval *timeout) | owl::TWinSockDll | static |
send(SOCKET s, LPCSTR buf, int len, int flags) | owl::TWinSockDll | static |
sendto(SOCKET s, LPCSTR buf, int len, int flags, const struct sockaddr *to, int toLen) | owl::TWinSockDll | static |
SetHandle(THandle handle) | owl::TModule | protected |
SetName(LPCTSTR name) | owl::TModule | |
SetName(const tstring &name) | owl::TModule | |
setsockopt(SOCKET s, int level, int optName, LPCSTR optVal, int optLen) | owl::TWinSockDll | static |
shutdown(SOCKET s, int how) | owl::TWinSockDll | static |
SizeofResource(HRSRC hRsrc) const | owl::TModule | inline |
socket(int af, int type, int protocol) | owl::TWinSockDll | static |
THandle typedef | owl::TModule | |
TModule(const tstring &name, bool shouldLoad=true, bool mustLoad=true, bool addToList=true) | owl::TModule | explicit |
TModule(LPCTSTR name, THandle handle, bool addToList=true) | owl::TModule | explicit |
TModule(const tstring &name, THandle handle, bool addToList=true) | owl::TModule | explicit |
TModule(LPCTSTR name, THandle handle, const tstring &cmdLine, bool addToList=true) | owl::TModule | explicit |
TModule(const tstring &name, THandle handle, const tstring &cmdLine, bool addToList=true) | owl::TModule | explicit |
TWinSockDll() | owl::TWinSockDll | |
WinSockModule() | owl::TWinSockDll | static |
WSAAsyncGetHostByAddr(HWND hWnd, uint msg, LPCSTR addr, int len, int type, char *buf, int bufLen) | owl::TWinSockDll | static |
WSAAsyncGetHostByName(HWND hWnd, uint msg, LPCSTR name, char *buf, int bufLen) | owl::TWinSockDll | static |
WSAAsyncGetProtoByName(HWND hWnd, uint msg, LPCSTR name, char *buf, int bufLen) | owl::TWinSockDll | static |
WSAAsyncGetProtoByNumber(HWND hWnd, uint msg, int number, char *buf, int bufLen) | owl::TWinSockDll | static |
WSAAsyncGetServByName(HWND hWnd, uint msg, LPCSTR name, LPCSTR proto, char *buf, int bufLen) | owl::TWinSockDll | static |
WSAAsyncGetServByPort(HWND hWnd, uint msg, int port, LPCSTR proto, char *buf, int bufLen) | owl::TWinSockDll | static |
WSAAsyncSelect(SOCKET s, HWND hWnd, uint msg, long event) | owl::TWinSockDll | static |
WSACancelAsyncRequest(HANDLE hTaskHandle) | owl::TWinSockDll | static |
WSACancelBlockingCall(void) | owl::TWinSockDll | static |
WSACleanup(void) | owl::TWinSockDll | static |
WSAGetLastError(void) | owl::TWinSockDll | static |
WSAIsBlocking(void) | owl::TWinSockDll | static |
WSARecvEx(SOCKET s, char *buf, int len, int *flags) | owl::TWinSockDll | static |
WSASetBlockingHook(FARPROC blockFunc) | owl::TWinSockDll | static |
WSASetLastError(int error) | owl::TWinSockDll | static |
WSAStartup(uint16 versionRequested, LPWSADATA WSAData) | owl::TWinSockDll | static |
WSAUnhookBlockingHook(void) | owl::TWinSockDll | static |
~TModule() | owl::TModule | virtual |
~TStreamableBase() | owl::TStreamableBase | virtual |