OWLNext    7.0
Borland's Object Windows Library for the modern age
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 Definition of class TAnimateCtrl.
 Definition of class TAppDictionary.
 Definition of class TApplication.
 Class definition for TBarDescr.
 Definition of class TBitmapGadget Definition of class TDynamicBitmapGadget.
 Definition of a bit set and a character set.
 Definition of classes TButtonTextGadget.
 Definition of class TButton.
 Definition of class TButtonGadget.
 Definition of a bitmap Cel array class.
 Definition of class TCheckBox.
 Definition of class TCheckList, an ownerdrawn listbox to select multiple items.
 Definition of Choose Color Common Dialog class.
 Definition of Choose Font Common Dialog class.
 Definition of classes for clipboard Encapsulation.
 Mixin class TClipboardViewer that allows a TWindow derived class to hook in on the clipboard notification chain.
 Command line parsing class.
 Utilities for accessing and setting code page information.
 Definition of class TColumnHeader and helper classes.
 Definition of windowing system color classes.
 Definition of class TComboBoxEx.
 Definition of class TComboBox and TComboBoxData the base class for all combobox controls.
 Definition of classes for CommonControl encapsulation.
 Definition of Common Dialog abstract base class.
 Class definition for TTreeViewCtrlView (TTreeViewCtrl).
 This header file declares the class: TConfigFile,TIniConfigFile, TRegConfigFile and TConfigFileSection.
 Definition of container classes used and made available by OWL.
 Definition of class TControl.
 Definition of class TControlBar.
 Class TControlGadget definition.
 Definition of class TCoolBar.
 Definition of class TDateTimePicker.
 Definition of GDI DC encapsulation classes: TDC, TWindowDC, TScreenDC, TDesktopDC, TClientDC, TPaintDC, TMetaFileDC, TCreatedDC, TIC, TMemoryDC, TDibDC, TPrintDC.
 Definition of class TDecoratedFrame, a TFrameWindow that can manage decorations around the client window.
 Definition of TDecoratedMDIFrame class.
 General definitions used by all ObjectWindows programs.
 Definition of TDialog class and TDialogAttr struct.
 Definition of DeviceIndependent Bitmap object class.
 Dispatch functions (crackers) to crack a Windows message and pass control to a member function via a pointer (Handler).
 TDockable classes: TDockableGadgetWindow & TDockableControlBar TDockingSlip classes: TFloatingSlip & TEdgeSlip and the THarbor docking manager.
 Definition of class TDocManager.
 Definition of class TDocTemplate, and class template TDocTemplateT<D,V>
 Definition of classes TDocument, TView, TWindowView, TStream, TInStream, TOutStream.
 Definition of class TDragList, a listbox that has dragging capabilities for items.
 Definitions of classes TDrawItemProxy, TDrawItem,TButtonTextDrawItem, TDrawMenuItem, TDrawMenuItemProxy.
 Definition of class TEdit.
 Definition of class TEditFile, a text edit which can find/replace and read/write from/to a file.
 Definition of class TEditSearch, an edit control that responds to Find, Replace and FindNext menu commands.
 Definition of TEventHandler and related classes & macros.
 Base exception support for framework exceptions.
 ObjectWindows exception class & function definitions.
 Definition of class TFileDocument.
 Definition of FindReplace- abstract, Find-, Replace- common Dialog classes.
 Simple fixed point class that maintains numbers as 16.16 Fixed by Bidus Yura to work with Micro$oft VC–.
 Another implementation of Flat controls.
 Definition of class TFloatingFrame.
 Definition of class TFrameWindow.
 Definition of class TFlatScroller.
 C++ Functor template implementation.
 Base class TGadget and simple derived TSeparatorGadget.
 Definition of TGadgetList, TGadgetWindow & TGadgetWindowFont A list holding gadgets, & a window class owning & managing tiled gadgets.
 Definition of class TGauge, a gauge control encapsulation & implementation.
 Definition of base most abstract GDI object class, and associated exception class.
 Definition of abstract GDI object class and derived classes.
 Utilities for GDI+ interoperability.
 Classes for window system geometry.
 Definition of class TGlyphButton.
 Definition of class TGroupBox.
 Declares THelpContext and THelpFileManager.
 Definition of class THotKey.
 Definition of class TImageList, an ImageList Common Control wrapper.
 Definition of TInputDialog class.
 Definition of class TLayoutConstraint.
 Definition of classes TLayoutMetrics & TLayoutWindow.
 TLocaleString - localized name support.
 Definition of class TListBox and TlistBoxData.
 Definition of class TListBoxView.
 Definition of class TListView.
 Definition of TListViewCtrl class.
 Definition of TListWindow class.
 Class definition for implementation of Mail enabling.
 Windows MCI (Media Control Interface) encapsulation classes.
 Definition of TMDIClient and TMDIFrame classes.
 Definition of class TMDIChild.
 Class definition for TMemComboBox (TComboBox).
 Definition of Window Menu encapsulation class.
 Definition TMenuGadget class.
 Definition of class TMessageBar.
 Definition of TMetafilePict, a MetaFile wrapper class.
 Definition of mode-tracking text gadget class TModeGadget.
 Definition of class TModule.
 Definition of class TMonthCalendar.
 Definition of message queue oriented thread class support.
 Definition of class TNoteTab.
 Definition of TOpenSave abstract, TFileOpen, TFileSave common Dialog classes.
 Super include for getting all of ObjectWindows.
 Definition of class TPageScroller.
 Definition of classes TPickerCell, TColorCell, TBitmapCell, TTextCell, TGridPicker, TPopupPicker, TColorPicker, TPickerGadget, TColorPickerGadget and TBitmapPickerGadget.
 Definition of classes TPickListPopup & TPickListDialog.
 Definition of class TPictureWindow.
 Various types of smart pointer templatized classes.
 Definition of classes TPopupButtonGadget and TPopupMenuGadget.
 Definition of print preview classes.
 Definition of TPreviewWin, the Preview Window class.
 Definition of Print and PrintSetup common Dialogs classes.
 Definition of TProfile class.
 Encapsulation for Windows ProgressBar common control.
 Credits: The Property pattern is taken from "Patterns in Practice: A Property Template for C++", from "C++ Report", Nov/Dec 1995, p.
 Definition of classes encapsulating PropertySheets and PropertyPages.
 Class definition for TPaneSplitterView (TPaneSplitter, TView).
 Definition of class TRadioButton.
 Definition of TRecentFiles class.
 General Registry access & registration implementation TRegKey, TRegValue, TRegKeyIterator, TRegValueIterator TXRegistry TRegItem, TRegList, TRegLink - associative array of localizable string parameters OC registry functions.
 Defines classes handling Windows resources.
 Definition of class TRichEdit.
 Definition of classes supporting Printing/PrintPreview for TRichEdit.
 Definition of class TRichEditView Based on Russell Morris class.
 Definition of class TScrollBar.
 Definition of class TScroller.
 Definition of TSerializer class.
 Definitions of Win95 Shell Clases: TShellItem, TShellItemIterator, TPidl, TShellMalloc.
 Definitions of Windows light-weight utility APIs: TSHReg, TSHPath.
 Message handler signature templates.
 Definition of classes TSlider & TVSlider.
 Definition of class TSplashWindow.
 Definition of helper classes for Pane Splitters.
 Definition of class TStatic, the class for static controls and base for any control that manages simple text.
 Definition of class TStatusBar.
 Class definitions for object streaming.
 Definition of class TString, a flexible universal string envelope class.
 Definition of TSystem, a system information provider class.
 Class definition for TTabbedBase .
 Definition of class TTabItem and TTabControl.
 Definition of container classes used and made available by OWL.
 Definition of text gadget class TGadget.
 Microsoft UxTheme Library Encapsulation.
 Definition of class TTimeGadget.
 Definition of class TToolBox.
 Definition of the TTooltip class and helper objects.
 Utilities for transferring data in and out of controls.
 Safe transfer buffers.
 Declares TTreeViewCtrl, TTreeNode, and TTvItem.
 Declares aliases TTreeWindow and TTreeItem for backwards compatibility.
 Definition of the UI Helper Classes: TUIHandle, TUIBorder, TUIFace, TUIPart.
 Definition of TUIMetric, a UI metrics provider class.
 Definition of class TUpDown.
 Library version and build information header (template).
 Base window class TWindow definition, including HWND encapsulation.
 Event response table macros for windows messages.
 Main header of the Winsock OWL subsystem.
 Winsock for OWL subsystem.
 Winsock for OWL subsystem.
 Winsock for OWL subsystem.
 Winsock for OWL subsystem.
 Winsock for OWL subsystem.
 Winsock for OWL subsystem.
 Winsock for OWL subsystem.
 Classes for window system structure and type encapsulation.
 Includes windowing system headers, with necessary macros defined.