9#if !defined(OWL_CONTROLB_H)
13#if defined(BI_HAS_PRAGMA_ONCE)
Derived from TGadgetWindow, TControlBar implements a control bar that provides mnemonic access for it...
TFont derived from TGdiObject provides constructors for creating font objects from explicit informati...
Derived from TWindow, TGadgetWindow maintains a list of tiled gadgets for a window and lets you dynam...
Enumeration describing how gadgets should be laid out within the gadget window.
ObjectWindows dynamic-link libraries (DLLs) construct an instance of TModule, which acts as an object...
TWindow, derived from TEventHandler and TStreamableBase, provides window-specific behavior and encaps...
Definition of TGadgetList, TGadgetWindow & TGadgetWindowFont A list holding gadgets,...
Object Windows Library (OWLNext Core)