OWLNext    7.0
Borland's Object Windows Library for the modern age
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docview.h File Reference

Definition of classes TDocument, TView, TWindowView, TStream, TInStream, TOutStream. More...

#include <owl/private/defs.h>
#include <owl/applicat.h>
#include <owl/dialog.h>
#include <owl/framewin.h>
#include <commdlg.h>
#include <owl/private/strmdefs.h>
#include <owl/preclass.h>
#include <owl/posclass.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


class  owl::TDocument
 An abstract base class, TDocument is the base class for all document objects and serves as an interface between the document, its views, and the document manager (TDocManager class). More...
class  owl::TDocument::TList
 Document list class. More...
class  owl::TView
 Abstract base class for view access from document. More...
class  owl::TWindowView
 Derived from both TWindow and TView, TWindowView is a streamable base class that can be used for deriving window-based views. More...
class  owl::TDialogView
 Derived from TDialog and TView. More...
class  owl::TStream
 An abstract base class, TStream provides links between streams and documents, views, and document files. More...
class  owl::TInStream
 Derived from TStream and istream, TInStream is a base class used to define input streams for documents. More...
class  owl::TOutStream
 Derived from TStream and ostream, TOutStream is a base class used to create output storage streams for a document. More...
struct  owl::TDispatch< WM_OWLDOCUMENT >
struct  owl::TDispatch< WM_OWLVIEW >
struct  owl::TDispatch< WM_OWLNOTIFY >
struct  owl::TDispatch< WM_OWLNOTIFY >::TNotificationDispatchBase
struct  owl::TDispatch< WM_OWLNOTIFY >::TNotificationDispatchBase< NotificationCode, void >
struct  owl::TDispatch< WM_OWLNOTIFY >::TNotificationDispatch< vnDocOpened >
struct  owl::TDispatch< WM_OWLNOTIFY >::TNotificationDispatch< vnDocClosed >
struct  owl::TDispatch< WM_OWLNOTIFY >::TNotificationDispatch< vnViewOpened >
struct  owl::TDispatch< WM_OWLNOTIFY >::TNotificationDispatch< vnViewClosed >
struct  owl::TDispatch< WM_OWLNOTIFY >::TNotificationDispatch< vnCommit >
struct  owl::TDispatch< WM_OWLNOTIFY >::TNotificationDispatch< vnRevert >
struct  owl::TDispatch< WM_OWLNOTIFY >::TNotificationDispatch< vnIsDirty >
struct  owl::TDispatch< WM_OWLNOTIFY >::TNotificationDispatch< vnIsWindow >


namespace  owl
 Object Windows Library (OWLNext Core)


#define PREV_OPEN   (ofNoCreate|ofNoReplace)
#define IS_PREV_OPEN(omode)   ((omode & PREV_OPEN)==PREV_OPEN)
#define VN_DEFINE(id, method, dispatcher)    {{WM_OWLNOTIFY}, static_cast<::owl::uint>(id), OWL_DISPATCH(dispatcher, method)}
 Defines a DocView notification response entry.
#define VN_DEFINE_STANDARD_(id, method)
Standard view notificaton events

These macros handle view-related messages generated by the document manager.

#define EV_VN_VIEWOPENED   VN_DEFINE_STANDARD_(::owl::vnViewOpened, VnViewOpened)
#define EV_VN_VIEWCLOSED   VN_DEFINE_STANDARD_(::owl::vnViewClosed, VnViewClosed)
#define EV_VN_DOCOPENED   VN_DEFINE_STANDARD_(::owl::vnDocOpened, VnDocOpened)
#define EV_VN_DOCCLOSED   VN_DEFINE_STANDARD_(::owl::vnDocClosed, VnDocClosed)
#define EV_VN_COMMIT   VN_DEFINE_STANDARD_(::owl::vnCommit, VnCommit)
#define EV_VN_REVERT   VN_DEFINE_STANDARD_(::owl::vnRevert, VnRevert)
#define EV_VN_ISDIRTY   VN_DEFINE_STANDARD_(::owl::vnIsDirty, VnIsDirty)
#define EV_VN_ISWINDOW   VN_DEFINE_STANDARD_(::owl::vnIsWindow, VnIsWindow)


enum  { owl::ofRead_workaround = std::ios::in , owl::ofWrite_workaround = std::ios::out }
enum  owl::TDocMode {
  owl::ofParent = 0 , owl::ofRead = std::ios::in , owl::ofWrite = std::ios::out , owl::ofReadWrite = ofRead_workaround | ofWrite_workaround , owl::ofAtEnd = std::ios::ate , owl::ofAppend = std::ios::app , owl::ofTruncate = std::ios::trunc , owl::ofNoCreate = 0x40 , owl::ofNoReplace = 0x80 , owl::ofBinary = std::ios::binary ,
  owl::ofIosMask = 0x00FF , owl::ofTransacted = 0x1000 , owl::ofPreserve = 0x2000 , owl::ofPriority = 0x4000 , owl::ofTemporary = 0x8000 , owl::shCompat = 0x0600 , owl::shNone = 0x0800 , owl::shRead = 0x0A00 , owl::shWrite = 0x0C00 , owl::shReadWrite = 0x0E00 ,
  owl::shDefault = 0 , owl::shMask = (shCompat|shNone|shRead|shWrite)
 Document open and sharing modes - used in storage and stream constructors. More...


Definitions of WM_OWLNOTIFY event IDs (view notifications)

event ID's up to vnCustomBase reserved for general doc-view notifications

const uint owl::vnViewOpened = 1
 a new view has just been constructed
const uint owl::vnViewClosed = 2
 another view is about to be destructed
const uint owl::vnDocOpened = 3
 document has just been opened
const uint owl::vnDocClosed = 4
 document has just been closed
const uint owl::vnCommit = 5
 document is committing, flush cached changes
const uint owl::vnRevert = 6
 document has reverted, reload data from doc
const uint owl::vnIsDirty = 7
 respond true if uncommitted changes present
const uint owl::vnIsWindow = 8
 respond true if passed HWND is that of view
const uint owl::vnCustomBase = 100
 base of document class specific notifications
Document and view property access flags

Define document and view property attributes.

Documents, views, and applications use these attributes to determine how to process a document or view.

const uint owl::pfGetText = 1
 property accessible as text format
const uint owl::pfGetBinary = 2
 property accessible as native non-text format
const uint owl::pfConstant = 4
 property is invariant for object instance
const uint owl::pfSettable = 8
 property settable as native format
const uint owl::pfUnknown = 16
 property defined but unavailable in object
const uint owl::pfHidden = 32
 property should be hidden from normal browse
const uint owl::pfUserDef =128
 property has been user-defined at run time

Detailed Description

Definition of classes TDocument, TView, TWindowView, TStream, TInStream, TOutStream.

Definition in file docview.h.

Macro Definition Documentation



Definition at line 1260 of file docview.h.