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OWLNext 7.0
Borland's Object Windows Library for the modern age
This is the complete list of members for owl::TShell, including all inherited members.
DragAcceptFiles(HWND, BOOL) | owl::TShell | static |
DragFinish(HDROP) | owl::TShell | static |
DragQueryFile(HDROP, UINT, TCHAR *, UINT) | owl::TShell | static |
DragQueryPoint(HDROP, LPPOINT) | owl::TShell | static |
ExtractIcon(HINSTANCE, LPCTSTR, UINT) | owl::TShell | static |
GetModule() | owl::TShell | static |
SHAddToRecentDocs(UINT, LPCVOID) | owl::TShell | static |
SHBrowseForFolder(LPBROWSEINFO) | owl::TShell | static |
SHChangeNotify(LONG, UINT, LPCVOID, LPCVOID) | owl::TShell | static |
Shell_NotifyIcon(DWORD, PNOTIFYICONDATA) | owl::TShell | static |
ShellExecute(HWND, LPCTSTR, LPCTSTR, LPCTSTR, LPCTSTR, INT) | owl::TShell | static |
SHFileOperation(LPSHFILEOPSTRUCT) | owl::TShell | static |
SHGetDesktopFolder(LPSHELLFOLDER *) | owl::TShell | static |
SHGetFileInfo(LPCTSTR, DWORD, SHFILEINFO *, UINT, UINT) | owl::TShell | static |
SHGetMalloc(LPMALLOC *) | owl::TShell | static |
SHGetPathFromIDList(LPCITEMIDLIST, TCHAR *) | owl::TShell | static |
SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(HWND, int, LPITEMIDLIST *) | owl::TShell | static |