What's New
Using OWL
Class Reference
Knowledge Base
OWL Dev Toolkit
OWL & Linux
Who and Where
| |
This page displays an up-to-date listing of changes to OWL NExt web. We'll also place
notices here regarding product updates, scheduled releases, or problems and work-arounds
that may affect all customers. When bugs reported by you get fixed, we'll place a notice
here, along with an estimate of when the fix will be shipped.
A new article by Vidar Hasfjord about installing OWLNext.
Minor updates to the article about installing OWLNext.
Added an article about upgrading OWL 1.0 applications.
Prebuild 6.19. libraries for BC5.02, BCC5.5 and BCB6.0 now available on the download page.
Updated the OWLNext 6.1x instalation article.
Updated the OWL & Linux page.
Prebuild libraries for BC5.02, BCC5.5 and BCB6.0 now available on the download page.
To simplify the patching process there will be two sets of patches available:
one which will bring from OWLNext 6.04 and OCFNext 6.16 to the latest version and
one which will update the previous version released.
New patch naming scheme suggested by Andrew Bond:
owl***p$, where *** is the version number of the source that is being patched
and $ is the "increment" (so that the version you get at the end is *** + $).
New version of OWLMaker - added progress indication at the console caption and
circumvented a problem with BC5.02 make reporting error "Fatal - command line too long".
New example added - colors.zip. Demonstrates custom color dialogs and other TColor-related functionalities.
OWLMaker - the friendly GUI front-end for building OWLNext is now available for download
New patch 6.17. - download: owl_617.zip. Needs OWL 6.14/6.16.
More info about the changes here
New OCF patch 6.17! - download: ocf_617.zip. Needs OCF 6.16.
New patch 6.16. - download: owl_616.zip.
Includes WINE port changes, and some fixes. Should work with OWL6.12, 6.13, 6.14 and 6.15.
First OCF patch - 6.16! - download: ocf_616.zip.
This is a version of OCF compatible with OWLNext 6.16, thanks to Mark Hatsell.
Download ocfinst.zip, unzip it together with ocf_616.exe and run ocfinst.exe.
You will be asked first for the location of the root folder of Borland C++ 5.01 or 5.02 and after that - for the root of OWLNext.
 | 10-17-2003
 | 10-09-2003
 | Revised the OWL Links page |
 | 10-08-2003
 | Using the Microsoft Layer for Unicode with OWLNext - article by Domenico Zucchetti |
 | 10-06-2003
 | OWLNext 6.1x instalation - article by Greg Chicares |
 | 10-01-2003
 | New patch 6.14. - download: owl_1214.zip. A "fixed" version of the OWL6.13 patch, tested with different compilers and settings. More info about the changes here |
 | 09-30-2003
 | 09-29-2003
 | 08-05-2001
 | 07-17-2001
 | 03-10-2001
 | Site was moved to new location http://members.nbci.com/owlnext |
 | 10-01-2000
 | New patch 6.1.See installation page, download: owl6_41.zip |
 | New examples. |
 | New article "Configuring and using BC 5.5 Free Commandline tools" |
 | New links. |
 | New FAQ in Knowledge Base. |
 | 06-11-2000
 | New weekly patch 6.092.See installation page: owl6_92.zip |
 | New project: OWL Internalization. Download new patch and intl_res.zip |
 | New example: How to use VCL form with OWL, by Greg Bullock. Download owl2vcl.zip.
His mail with description is included in archive. |
 | New articles in "OWL Dev Toolkit" section. |
 | 05-11-2000
 | OWLFX library: Added language translations in Dew library (suggestion
by V. Vinokurov). |
 | New weekly patch 6.091.See installation page. |
 | New patch for users Builder 5.0. See installation page. |
 | 04-18-2000
 | Fixed OWLFX library. |
 | 04-11-2000
 | Updated Site. Adding examples for OWLFX, BDE enabled controls |
 | 03-10-2000
 | Updated Site |
 | Added docs and links for OWL NExt Ver 6.09. |
 | 02-04-2000
 | Updated Site |
 | New section Class Reference |
 | A lot of examples. |
 | BIDS library for OWL NExt. |
 | 01-25-2000
 | Updated CoolEdit, see Projects, it inludes now BC 5.02 ide, (thanks to Jogy). |
 | Updated OWLFX library with NEW BDE support. |
 | Classlib library for OWL NExt, (only BIDS, provided but not supported, use STL instead) |
 | 01-14-2000
 | Updated CoolEdit, CoolGrid, see Projects. |
 | Updated CoolEdit, CoolGrid, see Projects. |
 | New weekly patch 6.083, fix for memory leeks and Win95/98 crash |
 | 12-13-99
 | Updated add_fil.zip -> added file wininet.h |
 | Updated owl_lin.zip -> added support files for GNU 2.95.2 compiler |
 | Updated OWl Dev Toolkit for VC (version 1.55) fixed several bugs in AppExpert and
ClassExpert |
 | New weekly patch 6.082, support for new GNU Mingw32 2.95.2 compiler. |
 | 12-03-99
 | Updated OWL Dev Toolkit (version 1.54). Fixed several bugs in AppExpert and ClassExpert,
Added Version Info. |
 | Added Articles "Using AppExpert" in OWL Dev Toolkit section. |
 | 12-02-99
 | Added articles to Tips Trick Traps sections. |
 | Added articles to Knowledg Base. |
 | Added patch for BC OWL experts. see dowload->software. |
 | Updated file owlnext.zip -> full copy owl OWL NExt site(without binaries +60M) |
 | 11-30-99
 | Renaming FAQ section to Knowledge Base, |
 | Changing Others section in FAQ to Knowledge Bse and adding search engine |
 | Adding new items in Searchable Knowledge Base |
 | Adding New Supsection: Open Source Projects and adding several
projects, See under Projects |
 | Updated version OWL Dev Toolkit 1.53 |
 | Added new articles in Tips, Trips, Traps section. |
 | 11-17-99
 | Fix in OWL Wizard and OWL ClassExpert, and removed debug logging. |
 | 11-16-99
 | New Version OWL Dev Toolkit For VC 6.0. Added options create new GENERIC class, add new
virtual functions int ClassExpert and It automatically select class in active window.
Writen new CodeGenerator/Script Interpreter for ClassExpert and OWL AppExpert. Check it
and please report me all problems with it. |
 | 11-14-99
 | New OWL 6.08 version. |
 | 11-05-99
 | Added searchable bug list. |
 | Updated OWL 6.x help file (thanks to D.O. Scott). |
 | 10-22-99
 | New, redesigned WEB. |
 | Added links. |
 | 10-18-99
 | OWL NExt weekly patch 6.074, only for testing purposes., after testing will be release
patch 6.08. |
 | 05-30-99
 | OWL NExt weekly patch,Only for testing purposes. |
 | Section Useful Tips renamed to OWL Articles. New Articles: "OWL Coding Style",
"Document/View and you" |
 | 05-24-99
 | New patch 6.07. Fixed BUG with BC 5.02 startup, adds Builder 4.0 support, fixed several
memory leaks.New Tips: How to convert BC project to VC with OWL ClassExpert. |
 | 05-10-99
 | Updated links. New prebuild static library for BC 5.02 users. |
 | 05-07-99
 | Added zipped OWL NExt html pages for download. |
 | 05-04-99
 | Added prebuild libraries. |
 | 05-03-99
 | New OWL NExt patch 6.05. New Version OWL Development Toolkit for VC. New examples. |
 | 04-25-99
 | Added new doc's in Q&A TTT area, added java menu. |
 | 04-20-99
 | Added and revised F&A section, added doc's. |
 | 03-29-99
 | Updated OWL Help file. Prebuild binaries OWL NExt Ver 6.05 for VC 6.0. |
 | 02-22-99
 | New example: New support for owner draw controls. |
 | 02-19-99
 | New samples,new Doc's, Updated OWL Dev Toolkit, |
 | 02-06-99
 | New Patch 5 see installation page. Updated OWL
Development Toolkit for VC 6.0 |
 | New preview of OWL Development toolkit for VC 6.0: Target Wizard and ClassExpert. See
download page. |
 | New version of OwlExt. |
 | 01-31-99
 | New documentation in Using OWL |
 | 01-07-99
 | New OWL HLP available. It isn't finished but you can use it. owl60hlp.zip 2.5 Mb |
 | 01-06-99
 | New OWL NExt location http://owlnext.starbase21.com
 | New OWL NExt mirror site http://members.xoom.com/yuri_b |
 | New main OWL 6.0 patch 4. Many new features, new examples, precompiled binaries for BC
5.01,BCB 3.0, VC 5.0, VC 6.0. See "installation and test" page for info. |
 | New OWL Wizard for VC 5.0 and VC 6.0. See download page. |
 | New preview version OWLExt 3.0, it will be finished soon. |
 | 11-03-98
 | New books in OWL NExt Bookstore. |
 | 10-22-98
 | Additional documentaton on Patch 03, see Using OWL, Tip,Tricks and Traps, Download page. |
 | 10-18-98
 | Additional documentaton on Patch 03, see Using OWL |
 | 10-09-98
 | New patch 03, see download section, New classes, fixes, examples.See Using OWL section
for descriptions of new classes, and Installation section for list of new features. |
 | 08-03-98
 | Additions in Using OWL. New OWL help file, get in Download Page. |
 | 07-24-98
 | New patch 02, see download section,. New classes and some fixes, new examples.See Using
OWL section for descriptions of new classes, and Installation section for list of new
 | 07-03-98
 | Additions in Q&A, Using OWL, BugTracking, OWL BookStore sections
 | 06-16-98
 | For users IE4 added OWL NExt active channel. It's very simple to subscribe, just click
 | 06-13-98
 | New OWL Patch 01. It include:
 | OWL 5.01/5.2/5.3 changes, more stable, added OCF library |
 | OWLExt library from OWL Dev group. |
 | New GUI installer, new patch engine from Kay Hayen Software. |
 | New section USING OWL with documentation's and examples. |
 | New section Tips,Tricks and Traps. |
 | New OWL Book Store in association with Amazon.com. |
 | And many other... |
 | 06-01-98
 | Large addition in Q&A section. |
 | 05-21-98
 | New. Just created alpha preview of OWL Wizard for VC, to help you create OWL application
on the fly. Get from download area owlapx.zip. |
 | 05-19-98
 | Enhanced version DiagExpert.exe for Win32 in download area.
How write truly console application and use advantages of OWL. Download console.zip. |
 | 05-18-98
 | Get Help on OWL from VC++. Download owlhlp.zip in "download area". |
 | 05-14-98
 | Now OWL Next has own Discussion Mail List, You can sent mail to all members of list and
get news about OWL Next. |
 | 05-13-98
 | Added some links, Fixed bug in documentation: OWL needs source from BC++ 5.01. |
 | 05-09-98
 | Added new page my plans, what I think do next. |
 | 05-08-98
 | Added new links; |
 | 05-06-98
 | Added Bug Tracking page; |
 | Added OWL Next FAG page; |
 | Added GuestBook. |
 | New topics in Using OWL page; |
 | 05-03-98
 | New in this release:
 | Removing all Borland depended stuff, OWL compatible with Micro$oft VC++ |
 | OWL uses STL now, internal implementations of array linked list,
maps and all other uses STL, and it reworked to be compatible with STL, (and STL patched
to be compatible with Windows :-).) External containers now just classes due to problem
with VC--, I hope it will be corrected soon. |
 | Fixed many bug's in OWL. |
 | Added Flat look support. (see example) |
 | Added tray bar support. (see example) |
 | Added URL link support for dialog (see example) |
 | Enhanced sting class added operator + with numbers, you can now use it like : string i =
"number: "; i += 25; i += string("float: ") + 3.5 |
 | Enhanced ToolTip support you can use it in every window or dialog |
 | And many other. |
 | 05-03-98
 | Created this What's New page. |
Revised: April 1, 2005.