

OWLMaker is a free GUI front-end for easier building of OWLNext libraries.

Currently it supports Borland C++ 5.01/5.02 (only 32-bit build), Borland C++ 5.5 and C++ Builder 6.0. The plans for future is to add support for Visual C++ 6.0 and Visual C++ .Net and later GCC.


  • The output of the build process is shown in a window, so the error and warning messages can be examined.
  • Integrates Yura's CoolEdit so that source and make files can be edited from OWLMaker.
  • Can build multiple libraries in succession.
  • Easy selection of different build settings.
  • Allows to specifiy the output folders.
  • Can perform full rebuild by cleaning ouput files before running the build process.
  • Can clean intermediate files after each successful build to minimize disk space usage.


Download owlmaker.zip, extract it and run the program.


  1. Click on the Owl button (first button on the toolbar) or select File -> OWL Make Wizard.

  2. The Select Product page will appear. Select which product will be used to build OWLNext and click Next.

  3. The Locations page will appear.
    Select the location of the product, or use the Locate button if available (it is not available for Borland C++ 5.5).
    Select the root folder of OWLNext and the intermediate and final output folders and click Next.

  4. The Libraries page will appear.
    Select which combination of libraries will be built - OWLNext, OCFNext or both, etc.
    Note that not all combinations will work, for example:
    • Unicode/Unicows libraries cannot be build with Borland C++ 5.01/5.02
    • OCFNext can be build only as Dynamic-linked single-byte library
    • Codeguard is not available for Borland C++ 5.5
    You must select at least one of the main options in each group for the Next button to become available.

  5. The General options page follows.
    Select compatibility/alignment options and click Next.

  6. The Build page follows.
    You must have TASM32 to be able to compile assembler files, otherwise uncheck the option, and the neccessary .obj files will be taken from (OWLMaker root)\BC5\OBJ and copied in the intermediate folders.
    The incremental linker is not reccommended for Borland C++ 5.01/5.02.
    Borland C++ 5.5 and C++ Builder 6.0 have only incremental linker ILINK32, so if the option is unchecked, ILINK32 will be used, but with a flag to not create state files (*.il?).
    The "Delete output files before build" option will force a full rebuild of the library.
    The "Delete intermediate files after build" option will clean the .obj and other intermediate files after successful build in order to free disk space.

  7. The last page shows the commands which will be executed and the detected version of OWLNext.
    Click finish to start the build process

  8. The build will executed in a command-prompt window, and after it finishes, it's contents will be shown in a list window inside OWLMaker.
    Scroll to the bottom to see if it was successful (indicated by the line "Exit Code: 0") or not.
    Use the red and yellow arrow buttons on the toolbar to jump on error and warning messages, then double-click the line with the message to open it in the integrated editor and correct the problem.


Revised: December 12, 2003.

Copyright © 1998-2001 Yura Bidus. All rights reserved.