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Using OWL
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| |
A definition of the file formats is available
at the bottom of this page. All file sizes are approximate.

- Patches and additional support files.
- OWL Prebuild libraries.
- OWL Core Examples.
- OWL Ext examples.
- OWL FX examples.
- Projects.
- Additional OWL Examples/Classes.
- Support Files.

All patches was created by BinPatch from http://www.binpatch.com,
For patches with extension *.utp you need dopatch.exe, for patches with extension *.owl get owlinst.zip.
Uncompress patch and run dopatch.exe or
Item |
Size |
Description |
01. |
owl641.zip |
560.5 K |
OWL patch 4 for BC 5.01 users. (patch for OWL source code) |
02. |
owl642.zip |
538.2 K |
OWL patch 4 for BC 5.2 users. (patch for OWL source code) |
03. |
owl642j.zip |
560 K |
OWL patch 4 for BC 5.2 (Japan) users. (patch for OWL source code) |
04. |
owl643.zip |
489.5 K |
OWL patch 4 for Builder 3.0 users. (patch for OWL source code) |
05. |
owl644.zip |
551 K |
OWL patch 4 for Builder 4.0 users. (patch for OWL source code) |
06. |
owl645.zip |
561 K |
OWL patch 4 for Builder 5.0 users. (patch for OWL source code) |
07. |
add_fil.zip |
51 K |
Additional headers commctrl.h, htmlhelp.h, richedit.h, wininet.h |
08. |
bids.zip |
1.0 K |
Dummy bidsdf.lib, bidsdfi.lib,bidsfi.lib,... for use with OWL NExt,
for BC 5.x IDE users |
09. |
compat.zip |
43 K |
Compatibility headers: emulation of BIDS, winsys,osl,services atc. |
10. |
obj32b.zip |
7.3 K |
object files for BC |
11. |
obj32v.zip |
1.8 K |
object files for VC x.x |
12. |
owl_lin.zip |
121 K |
Additional files for GNU compiler (win32api.zip and gnu_test.zip) |
13. |
owl6_41.zip |
265 K |
OWL NExt patch 6.1, works for OWL NExt 6.04/6.09/ 6.091/
6.092 |
14.New |
owl604p19.zip |
380 K |
OWL NExt patch 6.19, works for OWL NExt 6.04 |
15.New |
owl618p19.zip |
31 K |
OWL NExt patch 6.19, works for OWL NExt 6.18 here. |
16. |
ocf_616.zip |
70 K |
OCF NExt patch 6.16 by Jogy, work for BC5.01/BC5.02.
To apply, place ocfinst.exe and ocf_616.exe together and run ocfinst.exe.
Then select the root folders for BC5.01/5.02 and OWLNext |
17.New |
ocf616p19.zip |
32 K |
OCF NExt patch 6.19 by Jogy, work for OCF NExt 6.16. |
18.New |
ocf618p19.zip |
32 K |
OCF NExt patch 6.19 by Jogy, work for OCF NExt 6.18. |
Back to Top

a) Prebuild Libraries for BC 5.02 users:
Item |
Size |
Description |
01.New |
bc5_619f.zip |
1150 K |
Static single-thread libraries: owlwf.lib, ocfwf.lib |
02.New |
bc5_619fi.zip |
958 K |
Dynamic single-thread libraries: owlwfi.lib, owl619f.dll, ocfwfi.lib, ocf619f.dll |
03.New |
bc5_619t.zip |
1190 K |
Static multi-thread libraries: owlwt.lib, ocfwt.lib |
04.New |
bc5_619ti.zip |
973 K |
Dynamic multi-thread libraries: owlwti.lib, owl619t.dll, ocfwti.lib, ocf619t.dll |
b) Prebuild Libraries for Borland Builder 5.0/ Borland BCC 5.5 users:
Item |
Size |
Description |
01.New |
bcc55_619f.zip |
1137 K |
Static single-thread libraries: owlwf.lib, ocfwf.lib |
02.New |
bcc55_619fi.zip |
824 K |
Dynamic single-thread libraries: owlwfi.lib, owl619f.dll, ocfwfi.lib, ocf619f.dll |
03.New |
bcc55_619t.zip |
1185 K |
Static multi-thread libraries: owlwt.lib, ocfwt.lib |
04.New |
bcc55_619ti.zip |
844 K |
Dynamic multi-thread libraries: owlwti.lib, owl619t.dll, ocfwti.lib, ocf619t.dll |
c) Prebuild Libraries for Borland Builder 6.0 users:
Item |
Size |
Description |
01.New |
bcb6_619f.zip |
1247 K |
Static single-thread libraries: owlwf.lib, ocfwf.lib |
02.New |
bcb6_619fi.zip |
821 K |
Dynamic single-thread libraries: owlwfi.lib, owl619f.dll, ocfwfi.lib, ocf619f.dll |
03.New |
bcb6_619t.zip |
1282 K |
Static multi-thread libraries: owlwt.lib, ocfwt.lib |
04.New |
bcb6_619ti.zip |
821 K |
Dynamic multi-thread libraries: owlwti.lib, owl619t.dll, ocfwti.lib, ocf619t.dll |
d) Prebuild Libraries for VC 6.0 users:
Item |
Size |
Description |
01. |
3,342 K |
DLL, DEBUG: OWL61vd.dll,owlvdi lib |
02. |
owl616v.zip |
1,853 K |
03. |
owl616vi.zip |
981 K |
DLL,RELEASE: OWL61v.dll,owlvi.lib |
04. |
owl616vui.zip |
993 K |
DLL, Release, UNICODE: owlvui.lib |
e) Prebuild Libraries for GCC Mingw32 2.95.2-1 users:
Item |
Size |
Description |
01. |
owl61g.zip |
1,805 K |
STATIC library for GCC 2.95.2-1 |
Back to Top

a) Applications:
Item |
Time |
Size |
Description |
01. |
aclock.zip |
03/19/99 |
46 |
Example compiled with BCB 3.0/BC 5.01/VC5.0/VC6.0 |
02. |
htmlhelp.zip |
11/27/98 |
244.1 K |
Show how use html help. Not finished. |
03. |
mtgdix.zip |
03/19/99 |
15 K |
Multithread example, created in VC 6.0 |
04. |
console.zip |
06/05/98 |
2.6 K |
Console application with OWL. |
05. |
replace+.zip |
10/01/2000 |
51 K |
Find/Replace in files. Shows many new OWL NExt
features (Created by Jogy) |
06. |
bmpview.zip |
10/01/2000 |
66 K |
Shows how to use TScroller. |
07. |
tabbar.zip |
10/01/2000 |
18 K |
OWL NoteTab control inserted in control bar. |
08. |
owl2vcl.zip |
06/10/2000 |
96 K |
How to create an OWL MDI Doc/View application using VCL form view and
document classes in a DLL |
Back to Top
b) Classes:
Item |
Time |
Size |
Description |
01. |
apxrevdv.zip |
05/03/99 |
71.0 K |
Example using TRichEditView |
02. |
bardescr.zip |
01/06/98 |
47.9 K |
Two examples of using TBarDescr - tool bar descriptor, class
like TMenuDescr. |
03. |
checklst.zip |
01/06/99 |
21.4 |
Example compiled with BCB 3.0/BC 5.01/VC5.0/VC6.0 |
04. |
cmdenabl.zip |
01/06/99 |
42 K |
Command enabling, VC5.0/6.0 BC5.02, added cmdenabling in
dialog |
05. |
ctxthelp.zip |
12/07/98 |
20.6 K |
Context help example |
06. |
datetime.zip |
10/23/98 |
18 |
Show new DateTime control |
07. |
docview.zip |
01/06/99 |
66.1 K |
Example of using TBarDescr in doc-view |
08. |
gadgets.zip |
01/06/99 |
22.9 K |
Show new gadgets controls, with Flat painting |
09. |
gadgetx.zip |
11/27/98 |
22.9 K |
Show new gadgets controls |
10. |
glyphbtn.zip |
01/06/99 |
25.4 |
TGlyphButton example |
11. |
ipaddres.zip |
11/27/98 |
18.2 K |
Show new IP Adress control |
12. |
lineiter.zip |
07/23/98 |
18.8 K |
Example using TTextFile and TFileLineIterator |
13. |
monthcal.zip |
01/06/99 |
18.2 K |
Show new Month Calendar control |
14. |
mru.zip |
07/06/98 |
18.8 K |
Example TRecentFileList class |
15. |
picker.zip |
05/03/98 |
36 K |
OWL Picker control example. |
16. |
scroller.zip |
12/07/98 |
16.3 |
TFlatScroller example |
17. |
tabbed.zip |
03/19/99 |
20.8 K |
Example usage TTabbedBase and TTabbedWindow classes, to create
tabbed windows |
18. |
tabchlst.zip |
07/23/98 |
24.0 K |
Example writed by Dieter Windau, TCheckList and TTabCheckList
classes |
19. |
trayicon.zip |
07/06/98 |
28 K |
Example TTrayIcon class |
20. |
urllink.zip |
05/03/98 |
44.8 K |
Example TUrlLink class |
21. |
drawitem.zip |
03/22/99 |
44.6 K |
TDrawItem family example (Owner draw items) VC 6.0 and BC 5.x |
22. |
notetabx.zip |
05/03/99 |
20.1 K |
New features of TNoteTab control (created by Jogy) |
23. |
tabbedx.zip |
05/03/99 |
15.5 K |
Some features of using TNoteTab control (tabbed windows)
(sample by David Lynch) |
24. |
diagtst.zip |
01/06/99 |
22. K |
Example using OWL Diagnostic, Diagnostic window.(See System
menu) |
25. |
dlgview.zip |
03/10/2000 |
12.8 K |
Example TDialogView class (MSVC project) |
26. |
tooltipx.zip |
10/01/2000 |
32 K |
Some new features and tricks with Tooltip. OWL
NExt specific |
Back to Top
d) Tasks:
Item |
Time |
Size |
Description |
1. |
sniptst.zip |
65.0 K |
Snippets with TStatusDlg class and TTipDlg. Isn't OWL NExt
related. |
2. |
mdistrm.zip |
03/19/99 |
23 K |
Persistent stream example for VC 6.0/BC 5.x/BCB 3.0 |
3. |
apxmdidv.zip |
05/03/99 |
68.5 |
Example shows how to convert APX OWL project to ClassExpert
fot VC project. |
4. |
apxdlg.zip |
05/03/99 |
38 K |
Example shows how to convert APX OWL project to ClassExpert
fot VC project. |
5. |
prot_strm.zip |
11/06/99 |
13 K |
Creating Streamable Class with VC 6.0 |
6. |
owl2vcl.zip |
06/10/2000 |
96.5 K |
Using VCL form with OWL, by Greg Bullock |
Back to Top
e) Tutorial:
Item |
Time |
Size |
Description |
01. |
owltutor.zip |
05/01/99 |
406.8 K |
Files from Borland Tutorial changed to use OWL NExt (STL
templates).Compiled with BCB 3.0, BC 5.01 and VC 6.0 |
02. |
gnu_test.zip |
10/01/2000 |
41 K |
OWL Files comiled with GCC Mingw32 2.95.2-1 |
Back to Top

Back to Top

Item |
Time |
Size |
Description |
01. |
tear.zip |
01/31/2000 |
51 K |
INTERNET: HTTP example: Read html file.(uses not finished
internet support classes) |
02. |
ftptree.zip |
01/31/2000 |
62.4 K |
INTERNET: FTP file iterator. (uses not finished internet
support classes) |
03. |
db_tutor.zip |
01/31/2000 |
59 K |
DBASE: Several samples of BDE wrapper in OWLFX |
04. |
address.zip |
01/31/2000 |
50 K |
DBASE: Address example of BDE support in OWLFX |
05. |
animals.zip |
04/18/2000 |
70 K |
DBASE: Example of BDE support in OWLFX (DataBase controls) |
06. |
imgview.zip |
03/18/2000 |
10 K |
Example Bitmap Graphic support and Picture PreviewDialog |
Back to Top

Item |
Time/Ver |
Size |
Description |
01. |
owlapx5.zip |
81 K |
OWL Wizard for VC++ 5.0. Copy it to SharedIDE\Templates directory. |
02.Upd |
owlclx6.zip | |
894 K |
OWL Development Toolkit for VC 6.0. Version 1.5.6. |
03. |
owlxt30.zip |
3.0 |
423 K |
OWLExt library Version 3.0 |
04. |
owlfx.zip |
1.0 |
296 K |
OWL FX library version 1.0 |
05. |
owl60hlp.zip |
02/14/2000 |
2,156 K |
OWL NExt help file |
06. |
coolprj.zip |
01/31/2000 |
326.3 K |
CoolEdit and CoolGrid Project (see more), and read Projects
page |
08. |
menubar.zip |
11/30/1999 |
44 K |
MenuBar Project, read Projects page |
09. |
owlclx4.zip |
02/15/2000 |
448 K |
OWL AppExpert for BCB 4.0 (Preview) |
10. |
classlib.zip |
03/10/2000 |
61.6 K |
BIDS for OWL NExt (Not supported) |
Back to Top

(Partly checked with OWL NExt, only BC 5.0/4.5 ide)
Item |
Time |
Size |
Description |
01. |
256bgrnd.zip |
02/03/2000 |
16.8 K |
Show 256-color background as in "install" programs |
02. |
256bmp.zip |
02/03/2000 |
47.1 K |
How to display 256-color .BMP file |
03. |
3dctlbar.zip |
02/03/2000 |
21.5 K |
Make control bar look 3D |
04. |
aboutscr.zip |
02/03/2000 |
18 K |
Scroll a bitmap in dialog box using timer |
05. |
backgrnd.zip |
02/03/2000 |
17.1 K |
Use a bitmap as background of client area |
06. |
browser.zip |
02/04/2000 |
34.5 K |
Simple Address book. |
07. |
capmsg.zip |
02/04/2000 |
17.5 |
Paint caption when program minimized. |
08. |
captfram.zip |
02/04/2000 |
43.7 K |
Shaded Caption Bar like MS-Excel/WinWord |
09. |
cbvalid.zip |
02/04/2000 |
17.2 K |
How to use edit validate in combo box |
10. |
centrdlg.zip |
02/04/2000 |
17.8 K |
Dialog as main window, show up at center |
11. |
cls4cr.zip |
02/04/2000 |
26.5 K |
Class for Crystal Reports |
12. |
colctlfr.zip |
02/04/2000 |
12.1 K |
Change colors of controls in TFrameWindow |
13.New |
colors.zip |
11/23/2000 |
541 K |
Example showing custom color dialogs,
owner-drawn color combobox,
Luigi Bianchi's color picker dialog
and new capabilities of TColor class. |
14. |
comboexp.zip |
02/04/2000 |
9.5 K |
TComboBox derivatives that provide disabling of selected list
items, horizontal scrolling and dynamic switching between single & multiple selection. |
15. |
combogad.zip |
02/04/2000 |
10.7 K |
demo of combo box as a gadget control |
16. |
dde_pr.zip |
02/04/2000 |
10.8 K |
DDE communication class |
17. |
decchild.zip |
02/04/2000 |
1.4 K |
Decorated child |
18. |
diabar.zip |
02/04/2000 |
59.5 K |
Using a dialog box to be painted and used like a normal
control gadget |
19. |
diagbmp.zip |
02/04/2000 |
14 K |
Show bitmap in dialog (2 different ways) |
20. |
diagmenu.zip |
02/04/2000 |
11.8 K |
Dialog as main window, menu & accelerator |
21. |
dlgman.zip |
02/04/2000 |
4.8 K |
22. |
draglstb.zip |
02/04/2000 |
33 K |
Draggable ListBox |
23. |
dymdimnu.zip |
02/04/2000 |
15.2 K |
MDI, change menu according to child windows |
24. |
dyndlg.zip |
02/04/2000 |
6.3 K |
25. |
editdate.zip |
02/04/2000 |
22.4 K |
custom control allowing a standard edit field to behave like a
calendar control |
26. |
02/04/2000 |
27. |
enhdlg.zip |
02/04/2000 |
88.9 K |
enhanced dialog classes |
28. |
fadeblck.zip |
02/04/2000 |
12.6 K |
Class that fades a bitmap into black background |
29. |
gauge2.zip |
02/04/2000 |
11.1 K |
30. |
landsca.zip |
02/04/2000 |
14.1 K |
simple method to print in landscape |
31. |
ldh_werr.zip |
02/04/2000 |
75 K |
debugging console |
32. |
listfont.zip |
02/04/2000 |
11 |
Change TListBox's font using SetWindowFont() |
33. |
mmplayer.zip |
02/04/2000 |
54 |
TMMPlayer multimedia play class |
34. |
movewin.zip |
02/04/2000 |
11 |
Move FrameWindow across the screen |
35. |
mselm1.zip |
02/04/2000 |
19.6 |
This listbox implementation provides single or multiple
selections and moving of the choosen items similary to the Borlands project window |
36. |
o2mpd2.zip |
02/04/2000 |
14.9 |
37. |
odbutfrm.zip |
02/04/2000 |
13.4 |
Owner-Draw Button in FrameWindow |
38. |
ontop.zip |
02/04/2000 |
11.3 |
How to always stay on top of other apps |
39. |
owl2comm.zip |
02/04/2000 |
21.4 |
Communication example |
40. |
owlavidg.zip |
02/04/2000 |
17 |
OWL 2.0 example of playing an AVI video in an about dialog box |
41. |
ownlist.zip |
02/04/2000 |
3.5 |
42. |
pop3.zip |
02/04/2000 |
65.8 |
Post Office Protocol sample app |
43. |
popupmnu.zip |
02/04/2000 |
11.8 |
Popup menu which you can add/delete menu items |
44. |
printing.zip |
02/04/2000 |
38.4 |
using a TPrintout object to handle a file or database listing
over multiple pages |
45. |
prnpre.zip |
02/04/2000 |
7.8 |
full height preview, two pages on screen in portrait mode |
46. |
prtstrea.zip |
02/04/2000 |
43.2 |
Windows stream printing in OWL v2.0 |
47. |
rptlib.zip |
02/04/2000 |
150 |
report library for Windows |
48. |
show.zip |
02/04/2000 |
71.5 |
49. |
smapi.zip |
02/04/2000 |
9.1 |
simple MAPI class |
50. |
smtimer.zip |
02/04/2000 |
9.5 |
Ed Cayce's smart timers |
51. |
staticbm.zip |
02/04/2000 |
3.7 |
The StaticBitmap class allows you to include a bitmap in your
dialogs |
52. |
submenu.zip |
02/04/2000 |
11 |
Enable submenu items |
53. |
tdibctl.zip |
02/04/2000 |
4.6 |
54. |
02/04/2000 |
55. |
transbmp.zip |
02/04/2000 |
14.2 |
How to draw non-rectangular bitmap |
56. |
winlimit.zip |
02/04/2000 |
10.8 |
Limit window size |
57. |
wmserial.zip |
02/04/2000 |
9.8 |
58. |
xlbapp.zip |
02/04/2000 |
39 |
extended listbox |
54. |
Back to Top

Item |
Version |
Size |
Description |
01. |
owlinst.zip |
42.2 K |
Patch installer for OWL NExt |
02. |
owlhlp.zip |
15.6 K |
Get Help on OWL from VC++ |
03. |
diagxprt.zip |
137.4 K |
Enhanced version DiagExpert for Win32 |
04. |
BinPatch |
BinPatch from http://www.binpatch.com |
05. |
vc6addin.zip |
9.6 K |
VC 6.0 files. See article How Customize VC environment for
OWL.(Articles) |
06. |
owlnext.zip |
12/02/99 |
1,960 K |
Download all OWL NExt html pages. |
07. |
expert.zip |
12/02/99 |
27.9 K |
Fixed files for BC 5.02 OWL Experts, place this in BC\expert\owl
directory. |
08. |
stlbc5.zip |
02/02/2000 |
156.8 K |
STL for BC 5.02 support also 16-Bit (dated October 31, 1995) |
09. |
pal.zip |
02/02/2000 |
1.077 M |
Self-study course on palettes |
10.New |
ocfinst.zip |
23/10/2003 |
200 K |
Patch installer for OCF NExt |
11.New |
owlmaker.zip |
21/11/2003 |
800 K |
OWLMaker - GUI for building OWLNext |
Back to Top

.bas Visual Basic source file, in text format
.exe Windows executable program
.ps PostScript file .ps
.Z Compressed PostScript file, for UNIX
.tar UNIX archive file .tar
.Z Compressed UNIX archive file
.zip Compressed DOS/Windows archive file
.arj Compressed DOS/Windows archive file
.lha Compressed DOS/Windows archive file
.rar Compressed archive file
Back to Top

by LinkExchange Revised: February 06, 2005.