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Curent state:
Dan Notestein has succeeded in porting OWLNext to Linux using WINE.
The changes made by him are merged in OWLNext 6.16, but are not tested afterwards.
Previous state:
Currently OWL was compiled and checked with MingW-2.95.2-1 compiler for Win32,
owl6_41.zip was successfully build with GCC MingW 2.95.2-1 compiler as static
library, I built also tutorial examples.
(First who build OWL NExt with GCC was Kenneth Haley his page: http://www.bigfoot.com/~khaley.)
To use OWL with GCC you need:
 | GCC-2.95.2-1 Mingw32 compiler. get it from MinGW -- Minimalist GNU For Windows
You need next files:
 | bin-msvcrt-2000-03-27.zip |
 | binutils-19990818-1-msvcrt.zip |
 | gcc-2.95.2-1-msvcrt.zip |
 | binutils-fixes-msvcrt.zip |
 | Cygwin B20.1 full installation. |
 | Fixed Win32 headers. Get them here owl_lin.zip.You
will find gcc.zip and files in it with additional definitions that are missed in original
distribution.You can use win32api.dif instead. |
 | GNU make - download here. |
After installing Cygwin B20.1 and MingW-2.95.2-1, replace files in i386-mingw32\include
with fixed Win32 headers from owl_lin.zip
 | open UNIX shell (run cygnus.bat) in OWL directory. |
 | Check gnumake,You need setup directories to GCC and OWL |
 | Change OWLROOT environment variable if it exist to: OWLROOT='e:/owl'
( for example as
in my computer) |
 | Type command:
make -f gnumake
(If you have BC++, you will need rename GNU make, for example gmake and run gmake -f
gnumake, or specify full path to make: c:\gcc\bin\make.exe.) |
 | You will see a lot of warnings, its Ok. after all it will create static library libowlwf.a |
 | I have test this library, and you can dowload examples in owl_lin.zip. in file gnu_test.zip |
 | You can also download prebuild library libowlwf.a |
I've try to build DLL, but after 3 hours of working my Computer issues error
"Not enouph virtual memory" and stop. I have 128 M RAM and it was 500
M virtual memory. P-II 350 MH. If you have patience and more powerfull computer
you can try it.
Just uncomment line:
DLL = 1
, and start build.
It's all. Happy coding :)
Revised: December 16, 2003.