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OWLNext 7.0
Borland's Object Windows Library for the modern age
This is the complete list of members for owl::TDate, including all inherited members.
AssertIndexOfMonth(MonthTy m) | owl::TDate | inlineprotectedstatic |
AssertWeekDayNumber(DayTy d) | owl::TDate | inlineprotectedstatic |
AsString() const | owl::TDate | |
Between(const TDate &d1, const TDate &d2) const | owl::TDate | inline |
CompareTo(const TDate &) const | owl::TDate | |
Day() const | owl::TDate | |
DayName(DayTy weekDayNumber) | owl::TDate | static |
DayOfMonth() const | owl::TDate | |
DayOfWeek(const tstring &dayName) | owl::TDate | static |
DaysInMonth(MonthTy month=0) const | owl::TDate | |
DaysInYear(YearTy) | owl::TDate | static |
DayWithinMonth(MonthTy, DayTy, YearTy) | owl::TDate | static |
dtMonthNames enum value | owl::TDate | |
dtUCMonthNames enum value | owl::TDate | |
dtUCWeekDayNames enum value | owl::TDate | |
dtWeekDayNames enum value | owl::TDate | |
European enum value | owl::TDate | |
EuropeanNumbers enum value | owl::TDate | |
FirstDayOfMonth() const | owl::TDate | inline |
FirstDayOfMonth(MonthTy) const | owl::TDate | |
GetIntlName(TDateType type, int index) | owl::TDate | static |
GetSystemTime() const | owl::TDate | |
Hash() const | owl::TDate | |
HowToPrint enum name | owl::TDate | |
IndexOfMonth(const tstring &monthName) | owl::TDate | static |
IsValid() const | owl::TDate | inline |
Jday(MonthTy, DayTy, YearTy) | owl::TDate | static |
Leap() const | owl::TDate | inline |
LeapYear(YearTy year) | owl::TDate | static |
Max(const TDate &dt) const | owl::TDate | |
Min(const TDate &dt) const | owl::TDate | |
Month() const | owl::TDate | |
MonthName(MonthTy monthNumber) | owl::TDate | static |
NameOfDay() const | owl::TDate | inline |
NameOfMonth() const | owl::TDate | inline |
Normal enum value | owl::TDate | |
Numbers enum value | owl::TDate | |
operator!=(const TDate &date) const | owl::TDate | inline |
operator+ | owl::TDate | friend |
operator+ | owl::TDate | friend |
operator++() | owl::TDate | inline |
operator+=(int dd) | owl::TDate | inline |
operator-(const TDate &dt) const | owl::TDate | inline |
operator- | owl::TDate | friend |
operator--() | owl::TDate | inline |
operator-=(int dd) | owl::TDate | inline |
operator<(const TDate &date) const | owl::TDate | inline |
operator<< | owl::TDate | friend |
operator<< | owl::TDate | friend |
operator<=(const TDate &date) const | owl::TDate | inline |
operator==(const TDate &date) const | owl::TDate | inline |
operator>(const TDate &date) const | owl::TDate | inline |
operator>=(const TDate &date) const | owl::TDate | inline |
operator>> | owl::TDate | friend |
operator>> | owl::TDate | friend |
Previous(const tstring &dayName) const | owl::TDate | |
Previous(DayTy) const | owl::TDate | |
SetIntlNames(TDateType type, const tchar **names) | owl::TDate | static |
SetPrintOption(HowToPrint h) | owl::TDate | static |
TDate() | owl::TDate | |
TDate(DayTy day, YearTy year) | owl::TDate | |
TDate(DayTy, const tstring &month, YearTy) | owl::TDate | |
TDate(DayTy, MonthTy, YearTy) | owl::TDate | |
TDate(const tistream &s) | owl::TDate | inline |
TDate(const TTime &) | owl::TDate | |
TDate(const TSystemTime &) | owl::TDate | |
TDate(LPCTSTR str, LPCTSTR format=nullptr) | owl::TDate | inline |
TDate(const tstring &s) | owl::TDate | inline |
TDate(const tstring &s, const tstring &format) | owl::TDate | inline |
TDateType enum name | owl::TDate | |
Terse enum value | owl::TDate | |
WeekDay(DayTy day=0) const | owl::TDate | |
WinIntSection enum value | owl::TDate | |
Year() const | owl::TDate |