OWLNext    7.0
Borland's Object Windows Library for the modern age
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owl::TBidirCharIterator< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for owl::TBidirCharIterator< T >, including all inherited members.

Current() constowl::TCharIterator< T >inline
Next() constowl::TCharIterator< T >inline
operator T*() constowl::TCharIterator< T >inline
operator++()owl::TCharIterator< T >inline
operator++(int)owl::TCharIterator< T >inline
operator--()owl::TBidirCharIterator< T >inline
operator--(int)owl::TBidirCharIterator< T >inline
Powl::TCharIterator< T >protected
Prev() constowl::TBidirCharIterator< T >inline
TBidirCharIterator(T *begin, T *p)owl::TBidirCharIterator< T >inline
TCharIterator(T *p)owl::TCharIterator< T >inline