OWLNext    7.0
Borland's Object Windows Library for the modern age
No Matches
owl::TImageList Member List

This is the complete list of members for owl::TImageList, including all inherited members.

Add(const TBitmap &image)owl::TImageList
Add(const TBitmap &image, const TBitmap &mask)owl::TImageList
Add(const TBitmap &image, const TColor &mask)owl::TImageList
Add(const TIcon &)owl::TImageList
BeginDrag(int index, int dxHotspot, int dyHotspot)owl::TImageList
Copy(TImageList &imgsrc, int ifrom, int ito, uint flags=ILCF_MOVE)owl::TImageList
DragEnter(HWND hwndLock, int x, int y)owl::TImageListstatic
DragLeave(HWND hwndLock)owl::TImageListstatic
DragMove(int x, int y)owl::TImageListstatic
DragShowNolock(bool show)owl::TImageListstatic
Draw(int index, TDC &, int x, int y, uint style=ILD_NORMAL, int overlay=0)owl::TImageList
Draw(int index, TDC &dc, const TPoint &p, uint style=ILD_NORMAL, int overlay=0)owl::TImageListinline
Draw(int index, TDC &, int x, int y, int dx, int dy, const TColor &bgClr, const TColor &fgClr, uint style=ILD_NORMAL, int overlay=0)owl::TImageList
Draw(int index, TDC dc, const TPoint &p, const TSize &s, const TColor &bgClr, const TColor &fgClr, uint style=ILD_NORMAL, int overlay=0)owl::TImageListinline
DrawIndirect(const TImageListDrawParam &imldp)owl::TImageList
GetBkColor() constowl::TImageList
GetIcon(int index, uint flags) constowl::TImageList
GetIconSize(int &cx, int &cy)owl::TImageList
GetImageCount() constowl::TImageList
GetImageInfo(int index, TImageInfo &celInfo) constowl::TImageList
GetImageInfo(int index) constowl::TImageList
GetImageOffset(int cel) constowl::TImageListinline
GetImageRect(int cel) constowl::TImageListinline
GetImageSize() constowl::TImageListinline
operator HIMAGELIST() constowl::TImageListinline
operator TBitmap &()owl::TImageList
operator=(const TImageList &)owl::TImageList
operator[](int cel) constowl::TImageListinline
Remove(int index)owl::TImageList
Replace(int index, const TBitmap &image)owl::TImageList
Replace(int index, const TBitmap &image, const TBitmap &mask)owl::TImageList
ReplaceIcon(int index, HICON hicon)owl::TImageList
SetBkColor(const TColor &newColor)owl::TImageList
SetDragCursorImage(int drag, int dxHotspot, int dyHotspot)owl::TImageList
SetImageCount(uint newcount)owl::TImageList
SetOverlayImage(int index, int overlay)owl::TImageList
TImageList(const TSize &imageSize, uint flags, int initCapacity, int growBy)owl::TImageList
TImageList(const TBitmap &bmp, uint flags, int imageCount, int growBy)owl::TImageList
TImageList(const TDib &dib, uint flags, int imageCount, int growBy)owl::TImageList
TImageList(HINSTANCE, TResId, int imageWidth, int growBy, const TColor &mask, uint type=IMAGE_BITMAP, uint flags=LR_CREATEDIBSECTION)owl::TImageList
TImageList(HIMAGELIST imageList)owl::TImageList
TImageList(TPoint &pt, TPoint &hotspot)owl::TImageList
TImageList(const TImageList &src)owl::TImageList