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OWLNext 7.0
Borland's Object Windows Library for the modern age
This is the complete list of members for owl::TTrayIcon, including all inherited members.
bEnabled | owl::TTrayIcon | protected |
bHidden | owl::TTrayIcon | protected |
Create() | owl::TTrayIcon | |
Enabled() const | owl::TTrayIcon | inline |
EvTrayNotification(TParam1, TParam2) | owl::TTrayIcon | |
GetIcon() const | owl::TTrayIcon | |
GetParent() const | owl::TTrayIcon | inline |
GetText() const | owl::TTrayIcon | |
HideIcon() | owl::TTrayIcon | |
Icon | owl::TTrayIcon | protected |
Init(TWindow *parent, TMsgId, const tstring &tip, TIcon *icon=0, uint id=0) | owl::TTrayIcon | virtual |
Module | owl::TTrayIcon | protected |
MoveToRight() | owl::TTrayIcon | |
Parent | owl::TTrayIcon | protected |
RemoveIcon() | owl::TTrayIcon | |
SetIcon(TIcon &icon, TAutoDelete=NoAutoDelete) | owl::TTrayIcon | |
SetIcon(TResId resId) | owl::TTrayIcon | inline |
SetParent(TWindow *wnd) | owl::TTrayIcon | |
SetText(const tstring &text) | owl::TTrayIcon | |
SetText(TResId resId) | owl::TTrayIcon | inline |
ShouldDelete | owl::TTrayIcon | protected |
ShowIcon() | owl::TTrayIcon | |
TTrayIcon(TModule *module=&GetGlobalModule()) | owl::TTrayIcon | |
TTrayIcon(TWindow *parent, TMsgId, const tstring &tip, TIcon &icon, uint id, TModule *module=&GetGlobalModule()) | owl::TTrayIcon | |
TTrayIcon(TWindow *parent, TMsgId, const tstring &tip, TResId icon, uint id, TModule *module=&GetGlobalModule()) | owl::TTrayIcon | |
Visible() const | owl::TTrayIcon | inline |
~TTrayIcon() | owl::TTrayIcon | virtual |