OWLNext    7.0
Borland's Object Windows Library for the modern age
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2// ObjectComponents
3// Copyright (c) 1994, 1996 by Borland International, All Rights Reserved
4/// \file
5/// Include for OC, gets common headers when precompiled headers are enabled.
8#if defined(_OCFPCH)
9#ifndef _OWLPCH
10#define _OWLPCH
12# include <owl/pch.h>
13# include <ocf/defs.h>
14# include <ocf/oleutil.h>
15# include <ocf/autodefs.h>
16# include <ocf/automacr.h>
17# include <ocf/ocobject.h>
18# include <ocf/ocstorag.h>
19# include <ocf/ocreg.h>
20# include <ocf/ocapp.h>
21# include <ocf/ocdoc.h>
22# include <ocf/ocpart.h>
23# include <ocf/ocview.h>
24# include <ocf/ocremvie.h>
25# include <ocf/oledialg.h>
26# include <ocf/except.h>
27# include <ocf/oledoc.h>
28# include <ocf/olefacto.h>
29# include <ocf/oleframe.h>
30# include <ocf/olemdifr.h>
31# include <ocf/oleview.h>
32# include <ocf/olewindo.h>
33# include <ocf/stgdoc.h>
OLE Automation Class Definitions.
Automation Symbol Table, Command, and Proxy Macro Definitions.
Definition of TOcApp application connection class.
Definition of TOcDocument Class.
ObjectComponents fundamental definitions.
OCF Exception classes.
Various general OC enums and structs.
Definition of TOcPart class.
OLE Registration definitions.
Definition of TOcRemView Class.
Definition of TOcStorage & TOcStream classes.
Definition of Compound Document TOcView Class.
Definition of class TOleDialog, a TDialog that can host OLE controls.
Templatized class implementation of OLE component creation code for TComponentFactory callback for Ob...
Low level OLE Utility class definitions.
TOleWindow - Class encapsulating a window which can be an OLE container or server window.