![]() |
OWLNext 7.0
Borland's Object Windows Library for the modern age
This is the complete list of members for ocf::TOleView, including all inherited members.
AdjustWindowRect(TRect &rect, uint32 style, bool menu) | owl::TWindow | inlinestatic |
AdjustWindowRectEx(TRect &rect, uint32 style, bool menu, uint32 exStyle) | owl::TWindow | inlinestatic |
AssignContextMenu(TPopupMenu *menu) | owl::TWindow | |
AttachHandle(HWND handle) | owl::TWindow | |
BringWindowToTop() | owl::TWindow | inline |
BumpNextViewId() | owl::TView | static |
CancelMouseEvent(uint flags=TME_HOVER|TME_LEAVE) | owl::TWindow | |
CanClose() -> bool override | ocf::TOleView | virtual |
CeEditConvert(owl::TCommandEnabler &ce) | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
CeEditCopy(owl::TCommandEnabler &ce) | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
CeEditCut(owl::TCommandEnabler &ce) | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
CeEditDelete(owl::TCommandEnabler &ce) | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
CeEditInsertControl(owl::TCommandEnabler &ce) | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
CeEditInsertObject(owl::TCommandEnabler &ce) | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
CeEditLinks(owl::TCommandEnabler &ce) | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
CeEditObject(owl::TCommandEnabler &ce) | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
CeEditPaste(owl::TCommandEnabler &ce) | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
CeEditPasteLink(owl::TCommandEnabler &ce) | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
CeEditPasteSpecial(owl::TCommandEnabler &ce) | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
CeEditShowObjects(owl::TCommandEnabler &ce) | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
CeEditVerbs(owl::TCommandEnabler &ce) | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
CeFileClose(owl::TCommandEnabler &ce) | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
CheckDlgButton(int buttonId, uint check) | owl::TWindow | inline |
CheckRadioButton(int firstButtonId, int lastButtonId, int checkButtonId) | owl::TWindow | inline |
ChildBroadcastMessage(TMsgId, TParam1=0, TParam2=0) | owl::TWindow | |
ChildWindowFromPoint(const TPoint &point) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
ChildWithId(int id) const -> const TWindow * | owl::TWindow | inline |
ChildWithId(int id) -> TWindow * | owl::TWindow | |
CleanupWindow() override | ocf::TOleView | protectedvirtual |
ClearFlag(uint mask) | owl::TWindow | inline |
ClientToScreen(TPoint &point) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
CloseWindow(int retVal=0) | owl::TWindow | virtual |
CmEditConvert() | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
CmEditCopy() | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
CmEditCut() | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
CmEditDelete() | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
CmEditInsertControl() | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
CmEditInsertObject() | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
CmEditLinks() | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
CmEditPaste() | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
CmEditPasteLink() | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
CmEditPasteSpecial() | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
CmEditShowObjects() | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
ContainerName | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
Create() | owl::TWindow | virtual |
CreateCaret(HBITMAP hBitmap) | owl::TWindow | inline |
CreateCaret(bool isGray, int width, int height) | owl::TWindow | inline |
CreateChildren() | owl::TWindow | |
CreateOcView(owl::TRegLink *, bool isEmbedded, IUnknown *outer) -> TOcView *override | ocf::TOleView | protectedvirtual |
CreateVerbPopup(const TOcVerb &ocVerb) | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
Deactivate() | ocf::TOleWindow | protectedvirtual |
ocf::TOleWindow::DECLARE_RESPONSE_TABLE(TOleWindow) | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
ocf::TOleWindow::DECLARE_STREAMABLE_OCF(TOleWindow, 1) | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
DefaultProcessing() | owl::TWindow | |
DefWindowProc(TMsgId, TParam1, TParam2) | owl::TWindow | virtual |
Destroy(int retVal=0) | owl::TWindow | virtual |
DestroyCaret() | owl::TWindow | inlinestatic |
DetachHandle() | owl::TWindow | |
DisableAutoCreate() | owl::TWindow | inline |
DisableTransfer() | owl::TWindow | inline |
Dispatch(TEventInfo &info, TParam1, TParam2=0) | owl::TEventHandler | |
DispatchMsg(TMsgId, uint id, TParam1, TParam2) | owl::TEventHandler | |
DispatchScroll(uint scrollCode, uint thumbPos, HWND hWndCtrl) | owl::TWindow | protected |
DoExecute() | owl::TWindow | virtual |
DragAcceptFiles(bool accept) | owl::TWindow | |
DragDC | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
DragHit | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
DragPart | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
DragPt | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
DragRect | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
DragStart | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
DrawMenuBar() | owl::TWindow | inline |
EnableAutoCreate() | owl::TWindow | inline |
EnableScrollBar(uint sbFlags=SB_BOTH, uint arrowFlags=ESB_ENABLE_BOTH) | owl::TWindow | inline |
EnableTooltip(bool enable=true) | owl::TWindow | virtual |
EnableTransfer() | owl::TWindow | inline |
EnableWindow(bool enable) | owl::TWindow | inlinevirtual |
EnumProps(PROPENUMPROC proc) | owl::TWindow | inline |
EvActivate(uint active, bool minimized, HWND hWndOther) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvActivateApp(bool active, DWORD threadId) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvAskCBFormatName(uint bufLen, TCHAR *buffer) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvCancelMode() | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvChangeCBChain(HWND hWndRemoved, HWND hWndNext) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvChar(uint key, uint repeatCount, uint flags) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvCharToItem(uint ch, HWND hWndListBox, int caretIndex) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvChildInvalid(HWND hWnd) | owl::TWindow | protected |
EvClose() | owl::TWindow | protected |
EvCommand(owl::uint id, HWND hWndCtl, owl::uint notifyCode) -> owl::TResult override | ocf::TOleWindow | protectedvirtual |
EvCommandEnable(owl::TCommandEnabler &) override | ocf::TOleWindow | protectedvirtual |
EvCompacting(uint compactRatio) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvCompareItem(uint ctrlId, const COMPAREITEMSTRUCT &compareInfo) | owl::TWindow | protected |
EvContextMenu(HWND childHwnd, int x, int y) | owl::TWindow | protected |
EvCopyData(HWND hwnd, const COPYDATASTRUCT &) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvCreate(CREATESTRUCT &) | owl::TWindow | protected |
EvCtlColor(HDC hDC, HWND hWndChild, uint ctlType) | owl::TWindow | protected |
EvDeadChar(uint deadKey, uint repeatCount, uint flags) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvDeleteItem(uint ctrlId, const DELETEITEMSTRUCT &deleteInfo) | owl::TWindow | protected |
EvDestroy() | owl::TWindow | protected |
EvDestroyClipboard() | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvDevModeChange(LPCTSTR devName) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvDoVerb(owl::uint whichVerb) | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
EvDrawClipboard() | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvDrawItem(uint ctrlId, const DRAWITEMSTRUCT &drawInfo) | owl::TWindow | protected |
EvDropFiles(owl::TDropInfo dropInfo) | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
EvEnable(bool enabled) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvEndSession(bool endSession, uint flags) | owl::TWindow | protected |
EvEnterIdle(uint source, HWND hWndDlg) | owl::TWindow | protected |
EvEraseBkgnd(HDC) | owl::TWindow | protected |
EvFontChange() | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvGetDlgCode(const MSG *msg) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvGetFont() | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvGetIcon(bool isBigIcon) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvGetMinMaxInfo(MINMAXINFO &minmaxinfo) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvGetText(int bufSize, TCHAR *buf) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvGetTextLength() | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvHotKey(int idHotKey, uint modifiers, uint vk) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvHScroll(owl::uint scrollCode, owl::uint thumbPos, HWND hWndCtl) | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
EvHScrollClipboard(HWND hCBViewer, uint scrollCode, uint pos) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvInitMenu(HMENU hMenu) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvInitMenuPopup(HMENU hPopupMenu, uint index, bool isSysMenu) | owl::TWindow | protected |
EvKeyDown(uint key, uint repeatCount, uint flags) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvKeyUp(uint key, uint repeatCount, uint flags) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvKillFocus(HWND hWndGetFocus) | owl::TWindow | protected |
EvLButtonDblClk(owl::uint modKeys, const owl::TPoint &point) | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
EvLButtonDown(owl::uint modKeys, const owl::TPoint &point) | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
EvLButtonUp(owl::uint modKeys, const owl::TPoint &point) | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
EvMButtonDblClk(uint modKeys, const TPoint &point) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvMButtonDown(uint modKeys, const TPoint &point) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvMButtonUp(uint modKeys, const TPoint &point) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvMDIActivate(HWND hWndActivated, HWND hWndDeactivated) | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
EvMeasureItem(uint ctrlId, MEASUREITEMSTRUCT &measureInfo) | owl::TWindow | protected |
EvMenuChar(uint nChar, uint menuType, HMENU hMenu) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvMenuSelect(owl::uint menuItemId, owl::uint flags, HMENU hMenu) | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
EvMouseActivate(HWND topParent, owl::uint hitCode, owl::uint msg) | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
owl::TWindow::EvMouseActivate(HWND hTopLevel, uint hitCode, TMsgId) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvMouseHWheel(uint modKeys, int zDelta, const TPoint &point) | owl::TWindow | protected |
EvMouseMove(owl::uint modKeys, const owl::TPoint &point) | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
EvMouseWheel(uint modKeys, int zDelta, const TPoint &point) | owl::TWindow | protected |
EvMove(const TPoint &clientOrigin) | owl::TWindow | protected |
EvNCActivate(bool active) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvNCCalcSize(bool calcValidRects, NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS &) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvNCCreate(CREATESTRUCT &) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvNCDestroy() | owl::TWindow | protected |
EvNCHitTest(const TPoint &) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvNCLButtonDblClk(uint codeHitTest, const TPoint &) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvNCLButtonDown(uint codeHitTest, const TPoint &) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvNCLButtonUp(uint codeHitTest, const TPoint &) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvNCMButtonDblClk(uint codeHitTest, const TPoint &) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvNCMButtonDown(uint codeHitTest, const TPoint &) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvNCMButtonUp(uint codeHitTest, const TPoint &) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvNCMouseMove(uint codeHitTest, const TPoint &) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvNCPaint(HRGN) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvNCRButtonDblClk(uint codeHitTest, const TPoint &) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvNCRButtonDown(uint codeHitTest, const TPoint &) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvNCRButtonUp(uint codeHitTest, const TPoint &) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvNextDlgCtl(TParam1 handleOrDirectionFlag, bool isHandle) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvNotify(uint id, TNotify ¬ifyInfo) | owl::TWindow | virtual |
EvOcAmbientGetBackColor(long *rgb) | ocf::TOleWindow | protectedvirtual |
EvOcAmbientGetDisplayAsDefault(bool *disp) | ocf::TOleWindow | protectedvirtual |
EvOcAmbientGetDisplayName(owl::TString **name) | ocf::TOleWindow | protectedvirtual |
EvOcAmbientGetFont(IDispatch **font) | ocf::TOleWindow | protectedvirtual |
EvOcAmbientGetForeColor(long *rgb) | ocf::TOleWindow | protectedvirtual |
EvOcAmbientGetLocaleID(long *locale) | ocf::TOleWindow | protectedvirtual |
EvOcAmbientGetMessageReflect(bool *msgReflect) | ocf::TOleWindow | protectedvirtual |
EvOcAmbientGetScaleUnits(owl::TString **units) | ocf::TOleWindow | protectedvirtual |
EvOcAmbientGetShowGrabHandles(bool *show) | ocf::TOleWindow | protectedvirtual |
EvOcAmbientGetShowHatching(bool *show) | ocf::TOleWindow | protectedvirtual |
EvOcAmbientGetSupportsMnemonics(bool *support) | ocf::TOleWindow | protectedvirtual |
EvOcAmbientGetTextAlign(short *align) | ocf::TOleWindow | protectedvirtual |
EvOcAmbientGetUIDead(bool *dead) | ocf::TOleWindow | protectedvirtual |
EvOcAmbientGetUserMode(bool *mode) | ocf::TOleWindow | protectedvirtual |
EvOcAmbientSetBackColor(long rgb) | ocf::TOleWindow | protectedvirtual |
EvOcAmbientSetDisplayAsDefault(bool disp) | ocf::TOleWindow | protectedvirtual |
EvOcAmbientSetDisplayName(owl::TString *name) | ocf::TOleWindow | protectedvirtual |
EvOcAmbientSetFont(IDispatch *font) | ocf::TOleWindow | protectedvirtual |
EvOcAmbientSetForeColor(long rgb) | ocf::TOleWindow | protectedvirtual |
EvOcAmbientSetLocaleID(long locale) | ocf::TOleWindow | protectedvirtual |
EvOcAmbientSetMessageReflect(bool msgReflect) | ocf::TOleWindow | protectedvirtual |
EvOcAmbientSetScaleUnits(owl::TString *units) | ocf::TOleWindow | protectedvirtual |
EvOcAmbientSetShowGrabHandles(bool show) | ocf::TOleWindow | protectedvirtual |
EvOcAmbientSetShowHatching(bool show) | ocf::TOleWindow | protectedvirtual |
EvOcAmbientSetSupportsMnemonics(bool support) | ocf::TOleWindow | protectedvirtual |
EvOcAmbientSetTextAlign(short align) | ocf::TOleWindow | protectedvirtual |
EvOcAmbientSetUIDead(bool dead) | ocf::TOleWindow | protectedvirtual |
EvOcAmbientSetUserMode(bool mode) | ocf::TOleWindow | protectedvirtual |
EvOcCtrlClick(TCtrlEvent *pev) | ocf::TOleWindow | protectedvirtual |
EvOcCtrlCustomEvent(TCtrlCustomEvent *pev) | ocf::TOleWindow | protectedvirtual |
EvOcCtrlDblClick(TCtrlEvent *pev) | ocf::TOleWindow | protectedvirtual |
EvOcCtrlErrorEvent(TCtrlErrorEvent *pev) | ocf::TOleWindow | protectedvirtual |
EvOcCtrlFocus(TCtrlFocusEvent *pev) | ocf::TOleWindow | protectedvirtual |
EvOcCtrlKeyDown(TCtrlKeyEvent *pev) | ocf::TOleWindow | protectedvirtual |
EvOcCtrlKeyUp(TCtrlKeyEvent *pev) | ocf::TOleWindow | protectedvirtual |
EvOcCtrlMouseDown(TCtrlMouseEvent *pev) | ocf::TOleWindow | protectedvirtual |
EvOcCtrlMouseMove(TCtrlMouseEvent *pev) | ocf::TOleWindow | protectedvirtual |
EvOcCtrlMouseUp(TCtrlMouseEvent *pev) | ocf::TOleWindow | protectedvirtual |
EvOcCtrlPropertyChange(TCtrlPropertyEvent *pev) | ocf::TOleWindow | protectedvirtual |
EvOcCtrlPropertyRequestEdit(TCtrlPropertyEvent *pev) | ocf::TOleWindow | protectedvirtual |
EvOcEvent(owl::TParam1 param1, owl::TParam2 param2) | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
EvOcPartInvalid(TOcPart &) | ocf::TOleWindow | inlineprotected |
EvOcViewAttachWindow(bool attach) | ocf::TOleView | protected |
EvOcViewBorderSpaceReq(owl::TRect *rect) | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
EvOcViewBorderSpaceSet(owl::TRect *rect) | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
EvOcViewBreakLink(TOcLinkView &view) | ocf::TOleView | protected |
EvOcViewClipData(TOcFormatData &format) | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
EvOcViewClose() | ocf::TOleView | protected |
EvOcViewDoVerb(owl::uint verb) | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
EvOcViewDrag(TOcDragDrop &ddInfo) | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
EvOcViewDrop(TOcDragDrop &ddInfo) | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
EvOcViewGetItemName(TOcItemName &item) | ocf::TOleView | protected |
EvOcViewGetPalette(LOGPALETTE **palette) | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
EvOcViewGetScale(TOcScaleFactor &scaleFactor) | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
EvOcViewGetSiteRect(owl::TRect *rect) | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
EvOcViewInsMenus(TOcMenuDescr &sharedMenu) | ocf::TOleView | protected |
EvOcViewLoadPart(TOcSaveLoad &ocLoad) | ocf::TOleView | protected |
EvOcViewOpenDoc(LPCTSTR path) | ocf::TOleView | protected |
EvOcViewPaint(TOcViewPaint &vp) | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
EvOcViewPartActivate(TOcPart &ocPart) | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
EvOcViewPartInvalid(TOcPartChangeInfo &changeInfo) -> bool override | ocf::TOleView | protectedvirtual |
EvOcViewPartSize(TOcPartSize &size) | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
EvOcViewPasteObject(TOcInitInfo &init) | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
EvOcViewSavePart(TOcSaveLoad &ocSave) | ocf::TOleView | protected |
EvOcViewScroll(TOcScrollDir scrollDir) | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
EvOcViewSetData(TOcFormatData &format) | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
EvOcViewSetLink(TOcLinkView &view) | ocf::TOleView | protected |
EvOcViewSetScale(TOcScaleFactor &scaleFactor) | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
EvOcViewSetSiteRect(owl::TRect *rect) | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
EvOcViewSetTitle(LPCTSTR title) | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
EvOcViewShowTools(TOcToolBarInfo &tbi) | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
EvOcViewTitle() | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
EvOcViewTransformCoords(owl::uint verb) | ocf::TOleWindow | protectedvirtual |
EvPaint() | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
EvPaintClipboard(HWND hWnd, const PAINTSTRUCT &) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvPaletteChanged(HWND hWndPalChg) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvPaletteIsChanging(HWND hWndPalChg) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvParentNotify(const TParentNotify &) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvQueryDragIcon() | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvQueryEndSession(uint flags) | owl::TWindow | protected |
EvQueryNewPalette() | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvQueryOpen() | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvQueueSync() | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvRButtonDblClk(uint modKeys, const TPoint &point) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvRButtonDown(owl::uint modKeys, const owl::TPoint &point) | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
EvRButtonUp(uint modKeys, const TPoint &point) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvRenderAllFormats() | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvRenderFormat(uint dataFormat) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvSetCursor(HWND hWndCursor, owl::uint hitTest, owl::uint mouseMsg) | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
owl::TWindow::EvSetCursor(HWND hWndCursor, uint codeHitTest, TMsgId mouseMsg) | owl::TWindow | protected |
EvSetFocus(HWND hWndLostFocus) | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
EvSetFont(HFONT hFont, bool redraw) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvSetIcon(bool isBigIcon, HICON) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvSetRedraw(bool redraw) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvSetText(LPCTSTR text) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvSettingChange(uint flags, LPCTSTR section) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvShowWindow(bool show, uint status) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvSize(owl::uint sizeType, const owl::TSize &size) | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
EvSizeClipboard(HWND hWndViewer, const TRect &) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvSpoolerStatus(uint jobStatus, uint jobsLeft) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvSysChar(uint key, uint repeatCount, uint flags) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvSysColorChange() | owl::TWindow | protected |
EvSysCommand(uint cmdType, const TPoint &point) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvSysDeadChar(uint key, uint repeatCount, uint flags) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvSysKeyDown(uint key, uint repeatCount, uint flags) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvSysKeyUp(uint key, uint repeatCount, uint flags) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvTimeChange() | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvTimer(uint timerId) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvVKeyToItem(uint key, HWND hWndListBox, int caretIndex) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvVScroll(owl::uint scrollCode, owl::uint thumbPos, HWND hWndCtl) | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
EvVScrollClipboard(HWND hCBViewer, uint scrollCode, uint pos) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvWindowPosChanged(const WINDOWPOS &windowPos) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
EvWindowPosChanging(WINDOWPOS &) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
Execute() | owl::TWindow | virtual |
Find(TEventInfo &info, TEqualOperator op=0) | owl::TEventHandler | virtual |
FindProperty(LPCTSTR name) | owl::TView | virtual |
FindProperty(const tstring &name) | owl::TView | inline |
FlashWindow(bool invert) | owl::TWindow | inline |
FormatMessageBox(const tstring &formatStr, const tstring &caption, uint flags,...) const -> int | owl::TWindow | |
FormatMessageBox(const tstring &, std::nullptr_t, uint,...) const -> int=delete | owl::TWindow | |
ForwardMessage(HWND handle, bool send=true) | owl::TWindow | |
ForwardMessage(bool send=true) | owl::TWindow | |
GetActiveWindow() | owl::TWindow | inlinestatic |
GetApplication() const | owl::TWindow | inline |
GetBkgndColor() const -> TColor | owl::TWindow | inline |
GetCaption() const | owl::TWindow | inline |
GetCapture() | owl::TWindow | inlinestatic |
GetCaretBlinkTime() | owl::TWindow | inlinestatic |
GetCaretPos(TPoint &point) | owl::TWindow | inlinestatic |
GetCaretPos() | owl::TWindow | inlinestatic |
GetChildRect(HWND hWnd) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
GetChildRect(const TWindow &wnd) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
GetChildren() | owl::TWindow | inline |
GetChildren() const | owl::TWindow | inline |
GetClassLong(int index) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
GetClassName(TCHAR *className, int maxCount) const -> int | owl::TWindow | inline |
GetClassWord(int index) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
GetClientRect(TRect &rect) const | owl::TWindow | |
GetClientRect() const | owl::TWindow | inline |
GetContextMenu() const | owl::TWindow | inline |
GetCurrentEvent() | owl::TWindow | inline |
GetCursorPos(TPoint &pos) | owl::TWindow | inlinestatic |
GetCursorPos() | owl::TWindow | inlinestatic |
GetDesktopWindow() | owl::TWindow | inlinestatic |
GetDlgCtrlID() const | owl::TWindow | inline |
GetDlgItem(int childId) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
GetDlgItemFont(int childId) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
GetDlgItemInt(int childId, bool *translated=0, bool isSigned=true) const | owl::TWindow | |
GetDlgItemRect(int childId) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
GetDlgItemText(int childId, TCHAR *text, int maxValue) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
GetDlgItemText(int childId) const | owl::TWindow | |
GetDocument() | owl::TView | inline |
GetExStyle() const | owl::TWindow | |
GetFileName() -> LPCTSTR override | ocf::TOleView | inlineprotectedvirtual |
GetFirstChild() | owl::TWindow | inline |
GetFirstChild() const -> const TWindow * | owl::TWindow | inline |
GetFocus() | owl::TWindow | inlinestatic |
GetHandle() const | owl::TWindow | inline |
GetHWndState(bool forceStyleSync=false) | owl::TWindow | protected |
GetId() const | owl::TWindow | inline |
GetInsertPosition(owl::TRect &rect) | ocf::TOleWindow | protectedvirtual |
GetLastActivePopup() const | owl::TWindow | inline |
GetLastChild() | owl::TWindow | inline |
GetLastChild() const -> const TWindow * | owl::TWindow | inline |
GetLogPerUnit(owl::TSize &logPerUnit) | ocf::TOleWindow | protectedvirtual |
GetMenu() const | owl::TWindow | inline |
GetMessagePos() | owl::TWindow | inlinestatic |
GetModule() const | owl::TWindow | inline |
GetNextDlgGroupItem(HWND hWndCtrl, bool previous=false) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
GetNextDlgTabItem(HWND hWndCtrl, bool previous=false) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
GetNextView() | owl::TView | inline |
GetNextViewId() | owl::TView | inlinestatic |
GetNextWindow(uint dirFlag) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
GetOcApp() | ocf::TOleWindow | inline |
GetOcControlOfOCX(CLSID ocxIID, owl::uint id=0) | ocf::TOleWindow | |
GetOcDoc() | ocf::TOleWindow | inline |
GetOcRemView() | ocf::TOleWindow | inline |
GetOcView() | ocf::TOleWindow | inline |
GetParent() const | owl::TWindow | inline |
GetParentH() const | owl::TWindow | inline |
GetParentO() const | owl::TWindow | inline |
GetProp(uint16 atom) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
GetProp(LPCTSTR str) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
GetProp(const tstring &str) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
GetProperty(int index, void *dest, int textlen=0) | owl::TView | virtual |
GetScroller() | owl::TWindow | inline |
GetScrollInfo(int bar, SCROLLINFO *scrollInfo) const | owl::TWindow | |
GetScrollInfo(int bar, uint mask=SIF_ALL) const | owl::TWindow | |
GetScrollPage(int bar) const | owl::TWindow | |
GetScrollPos(int bar) const | owl::TWindow | |
GetScrollRange(int bar, int &minPos, int &maxPos) const | owl::TWindow | |
GetScrollRange(int bar) const | owl::TWindow | |
GetScrollTrackPos(int bar) const | owl::TWindow | |
GetStyle() const | owl::TWindow | |
GetSystemMenu(bool revert=false) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
GetTag() const | owl::TView | inline |
GetTextColor() const -> TColor | owl::TWindow | inline |
GetTooltip() const | owl::TWindow | inlinevirtual |
GetTopWindow() const | owl::TWindow | inline |
GetTransferBuffer() const | owl::TWindow | inline |
GetTransferBufferSize() const | owl::TWindow | inline |
GetUpdateRect(TRect &rect, bool erase=true) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
GetUpdateRgn(TRegion &rgn, bool erase=true) const | owl::TWindow | |
GetViewBar() | owl::TView | inlinevirtual |
GetViewId() | owl::TView | inline |
GetViewMenu() -> owl::TMenuDescr *override | ocf::TOleView | protectedvirtual |
GetViewName() -> LPCTSTR override | ocf::TOleView | inlinevirtual |
GetWindow() -> owl::TWindow *override | ocf::TOleView | inlinevirtual |
ocf::TOleWindow::GetWindow(uint cmd) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
GetWindowAttr() | owl::TWindow | inline |
GetWindowAttr() const | owl::TWindow | inline |
GetWindowClass(WNDCLASS &wndClass) | owl::TWindow | protectedvirtual |
GetWindowClassName() -> TWindowClassName | owl::TWindow | protectedvirtual |
GetWindowFont() | owl::TWindow | inline |
GetWindowLong(int index) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
GetWindowLongPtr(int index) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
GetWindowPlacement() const | owl::TWindow | |
GetWindowProc() const | owl::TWindow | inline |
GetWindowPtr(HWND hWnd) const | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
GetWindowRect(TRect &rect) const | owl::TWindow | |
GetWindowRect() const | owl::TWindow | inline |
GetWindowRgn(TRegion &) const -> int | owl::TWindow | inline |
GetWindowTask() const | owl::TWindow | inline |
GetWindowText(TCHAR *str, int maxCount) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
GetWindowText() const | owl::TWindow | |
GetWindowTextLength() const | owl::TWindow | inline |
GetWindowTextTitle() | owl::TWindow | protected |
GetWindowWord(int index) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
HandleMessage(TMsgId, TParam1=0, TParam2=0) | owl::TWindow | |
HasActivePart() | ocf::TOleWindow | |
HideCaret() | owl::TWindow | inline |
HiliteMenuItem(HMENU hMenu, uint idItem, uint hilite) | owl::TWindow | inline |
HoldFocusHWnd(HWND hLose, HWND hGain) | owl::TWindow | virtual |
IdleAction(long idleCount) | owl::TWindow | virtual |
InClient(owl::TDC &dc, owl::TPoint &point) | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
Init() | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
owl::TWindow::Init(TWindow *parent, LPCTSTR title, TModule *module) | owl::TWindow | protected |
owl::TWindow::Init(TWindow *parent, const tstring &title, TModule *module) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
owl::TWindow::Init(HWND hWnd, TModule *module) | owl::TWindow | protected |
InitWndProc(HWND, UINT msg, WPARAM, LPARAM) | owl::TWindow | protectedstatic |
InsertControl(TOcInitInfo &initInfo, owl::TRect *pos=0, int id=0) | ocf::TOleWindow | |
InsertControl(CLSID &ocxIID, owl::TRect *pos=0, int id=0) | ocf::TOleWindow | |
InsertControl(const owl::TString &ocxProgID, owl::TRect *pos=0, int id=0) | ocf::TOleWindow | |
InsertObject(TOcInitInfo &initInfo, owl::TRect *pos=0) | ocf::TOleWindow | |
InsertObject(CLSID &objIID, owl::TRect *pos=0) | ocf::TOleWindow | |
InsertObject(owl::TString &objProgId, owl::TRect *pos=0) | ocf::TOleWindow | |
Invalidate(bool erase=true) | owl::TWindow | inlinevirtual |
InvalidatePart(TOcInvalidate invalid) | ocf::TOleWindow | protectedvirtual |
InvalidateRect(const TRect &rect, bool erase=true) | owl::TWindow | inlinevirtual |
InvalidateRgn(HRGN hRgn, bool erase=true) | owl::TWindow | inline |
IsChild(HWND hWnd) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
IsDlgButtonChecked(int buttonId) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
IsFlagSet(uint mask) | owl::TWindow | inline |
IsIconic() const | owl::TWindow | inline |
IsOK() | owl::TView | inline |
IsOpenEditing() const | ocf::TOleWindow | |
IsRemote() const | ocf::TOleWindow | inline |
IsWindow() const | owl::TWindow | inline |
IsWindowEnabled() const | owl::TWindow | inline |
IsWindowVisible() const | owl::TWindow | inline |
IsZoomed() const | owl::TWindow | inline |
KillTimer(UINT_PTR timerId) | owl::TWindow | inline |
LoadAccelerators(TResId id) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
LoadAcceleratorTable() | owl::TWindow | protected |
LoadBitmap(TResId id) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
LoadCursor(TResId id) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
LoadHtml(TResId id) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
LoadIcon(TResId id) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
LoadMenu(TResId id) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
LoadString(uint id) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
LockWindowUpdate(bool lock=true) | owl::TWindow | inline |
MapClientRect(HWND hWndTo) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
MapClientRect(const TWindow &wndTo) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
MapClientToScreen(const TPoint &p) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
MapClientToScreen(TPoint *p, int count) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
MapClientToScreen(TPoint(&p)[Count]) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
MapClientToScreen(const TRect &r) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
MapScreenToClient(const TPoint &p) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
MapScreenToClient(TPoint *p, int count) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
MapScreenToClient(TPoint(&p)[Count]) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
MapScreenToClient(const TRect &r) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
MapWindowPoints(HWND hWndTo, TPoint *pts, int count) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
MapWindowPoints(const TWindow &wndTo, TPoint *p, int n) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
MapWindowPoints(HWND hWndTo, TPoint(&p)[Count]) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
MapWindowPoints(const TWindow &wndTo, TPoint(&p)[Count]) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
MapWindowPoints(HWND hWndTo, const TPoint &p) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
MapWindowPoints(const TWindow &wndTo, const TPoint &p) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
MapWindowPoints(HWND hWndTo, const TRect &r) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
MapWindowPoints(const TWindow &wndTo, const TRect &r) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
MapWindowRect(HWND hWndTo) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
MapWindowRect(const TWindow &wndTo) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
MessageBox(LPCTSTR text, LPCTSTR caption=0, uint flags=MB_OK) const | owl::TWindow | |
MessageBox(const tstring &text, const tstring &caption=tstring(), uint flags=MB_OK) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
MessageBox(uint resId, LPCTSTR caption=0, uint flags=MB_OK) const | owl::TWindow | |
MessageBox(uint resId, const tstring &caption, uint flags=MB_OK) const | owl::TWindow | |
MessageBoxIndirect(HINSTANCE resourceModule, TResId text, TResId caption, uint flags, TResId icon, DWORD_PTR contextHelpId, MSGBOXCALLBACK, DWORD languageId) const -> int | owl::TWindow | |
MessageBoxIndirect(TResId icon, const tstring &text, const tstring &caption, uint flags=MB_OK) const -> int | owl::TWindow | |
MinHeight | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
MinWidth | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
ModifyExStyle(uint32 offBits, uint32 onBits, uint swpFlags=0) | owl::TWindow | |
ModifyStyle(uint32 offBits, uint32 onBits, uint swpFlags=0) | owl::TWindow | |
MoveWindow(int x, int y, int w, int h, bool repaint=false) | owl::TWindow | inline |
MoveWindow(const TRect &rect, bool repaint=false) | owl::TWindow | inline |
Next() | owl::TWindow | inline |
Next() const -> const TWindow * | owl::TWindow | inline |
NextProperty enum value | owl::TView | |
NotOK() | owl::TView | inlineprotected |
NumChildren() const | owl::TWindow | |
OcApp | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
OcDoc | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
OcView | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
OleShutDown() -> bool override | ocf::TOleView | virtual |
operator HWND() const | owl::TWindow | inline |
OtherViewExists() | ocf::TOleView | protected |
Paint(TDC &dc, bool erase, TRect &rect) | owl::TWindow | virtual |
PaintLink(owl::TDC &dc, bool erase, owl::TRect &rect, owl::TString &moniker) | ocf::TOleWindow | inlineprotectedvirtual |
PaintParts(owl::TDC &dc, bool erase, owl::TRect &rect, bool metafile) | ocf::TOleWindow | protectedvirtual |
PaintSelection(owl::TDC &dc, bool erase, owl::TRect &rect, void *userData=0) | ocf::TOleWindow | inlineprotectedvirtual |
PerformCreate() | owl::TWindow | protectedvirtual |
PerformSetupAndTransfer() | owl::TWindow | protected |
Pos | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
PostMessage(TMsgId, TParam1=0, TParam2=0) | owl::TWindow | inline |
PreProcessMsg(MSG &msg) | owl::TWindow | virtual |
Previous() | owl::TWindow | |
Previous() const -> const TWindow * | owl::TWindow | inline |
PrevProperty enum value | owl::TView | |
PropertyCount() | owl::TView | inlinevirtual |
PropertyFlags(int index) | owl::TView | virtual |
PropertyName(int index) | owl::TView | virtual |
QueryMouseEventTracking() const | owl::TWindow | |
RedrawWindow(TRect *update, HRGN hUpdateRgn, uint redrawFlags=RDW_INVALIDATE|RDW_UPDATENOW|RDW_ERASE) | owl::TWindow | inline |
Register() | owl::TWindow | virtual |
RegisterHotKey(int idHotKey, uint modifiers, uint virtKey) | owl::TWindow | inline |
ReleaseCapture() | owl::TWindow | inlinestatic |
Remote | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
RemoveChild(TWindow *child) | owl::TWindow | protectedvirtual |
RemoveProp(uint16 atom) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
RemoveProp(LPCTSTR str) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
RemoveProp(const tstring &str) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
ResetWindowRgn(bool repaint=false) | owl::TWindow | inline |
RouteCommandEnable(HWND hInitCmdTarget, TCommandEnabler &ce) | owl::TWindow | |
Scale | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
ScreenToClient(TPoint &point) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
ScrollWindow(int dx, int dy, const TRect *scroll=nullptr, const TRect *clip=nullptr) | owl::TWindow | inline |
ScrollWindowEx(int dx, int dy, const TRect *scroll=0, const TRect *clip=0, HRGN hUpdateRgn=nullptr, TRect *update=0, uint flags=0) | owl::TWindow | inline |
SearchEntries(const TGenericTableEntry *entries, TEventInfo &info, TEqualOperator op) | owl::TEventHandler | protected |
Select(owl::uint modKeys, owl::TPoint &point) | ocf::TOleWindow | protectedvirtual |
SelectEmbedded() | ocf::TOleWindow | inline |
SendDlgItemMessage(int childId, TMsgId, TParam1=0, TParam2=0) | owl::TWindow | inline |
SendMessage(TMsgId, TParam1=0, TParam2=0) const | owl::TWindow | |
SendNotification(int id, int notifyCode, HWND hCtl, TMsgId=WM_COMMAND) | owl::TWindow | inline |
SendNotification(HWND receiver, int id, int notifyCode, HWND hCtl, TMsgId=WM_COMMAND) | owl::TWindow | inline |
SendNotification(int id, NMHDR &, TMsgId=WM_NOTIFY) | owl::TWindow | inline |
SendNotification(HWND receiver, uint id, NMHDR &, TMsgId=WM_NOTIFY) | owl::TWindow | inline |
SetAcceleratorTable(TResId resId) | owl::TWindow | |
SetActiveWindow() | owl::TWindow | inline |
SetBkgndColor(TColor color, bool shouldUpdate=true) | owl::TWindow | inline |
SetCaption(LPCTSTR title) | owl::TWindow | |
SetCaption(const tstring &title) | owl::TWindow | inline |
SetCaption(uint resourceStringId) | owl::TWindow | |
SetCapture() | owl::TWindow | inline |
SetCaretBlinkTime(uint16 milliSecs) | owl::TWindow | inlinestatic |
SetCaretPos(int x, int y) | owl::TWindow | inlinestatic |
SetCaretPos(const TPoint &pos) | owl::TWindow | inlinestatic |
SetClassLong(int index, long newLong) | owl::TWindow | inline |
SetClassWord(int index, uint16 newWord) | owl::TWindow | inline |
SetCursor(TModule *module, TResId resId) | owl::TWindow | |
SetDlgItemFont(int childId, HFONT f, bool redraw=false) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
SetDlgItemInt(int childId, uint value, bool isSigned=true) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
SetDlgItemText(int childId, LPCTSTR text) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
SetDlgItemText(int childId, const tstring &text) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
SetDlgItemText(int childId, uint resourceStringId) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
SetDocTitle(LPCTSTR docname, int index) -> bool override | ocf::TOleView | inlinevirtual |
ocf::TOleWindow::SetDocTitle(const tstring &docname, int index) | owl::TWindow | inline |
owl::TView::SetDocTitle(const tstring &docname, int index) | owl::TView | inline |
SetDocument(TDocument &) | owl::TView | |
SetExStyle(uint32 style) | owl::TWindow | |
SetFlag(uint mask) | owl::TWindow | inline |
SetFocus() | owl::TWindow | inline |
SethAccel(HACCEL) | owl::TWindow | |
SetHandle(THandle) | owl::TWindow | inlineprotected |
SetMenu(HMENU hMenu) | owl::TWindow | inline |
SetModule(TModule *module) | owl::TWindow | inline |
SetNext(TWindow *next) | owl::TWindow | inline |
SetParent(TWindow *newParent) | owl::TWindow | virtual |
SetProp(uint16 atom, HANDLE data) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
SetProp(LPCTSTR str, HANDLE data) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
SetProp(const tstring &str, HANDLE data) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
SetProperty(int index, const void *src) | owl::TView | inlinevirtual |
SetRedraw(bool redraw) | owl::TWindow | inline |
SetScale(owl::uint16 percent) | ocf::TOleWindow | protectedvirtual |
SetScroller(TScroller *scroller) | owl::TWindow | |
SetScrollInfo(int bar, SCROLLINFO *scrollInfo, bool redraw=true) | owl::TWindow | |
SetScrollPage(int bar, int page, bool redraw=true) | owl::TWindow | |
SetScrollPos(int bar, int pos, bool redraw=true) | owl::TWindow | |
SetScrollRange(int bar, int minPos, int maxPos, bool redraw=true) | owl::TWindow | |
SetScrollRange(int bar, const TScrollRange &, bool redraw=true) | owl::TWindow | |
SetSelection(TOcPart *part) | ocf::TOleWindow | protectedvirtual |
SetStyle(uint32 style) | owl::TWindow | |
SetTag(void **tag) | owl::TView | inline |
SetTextColor(TColor color, bool shouldUpdate=true) | owl::TWindow | inline |
SetTimer(UINT_PTR timerId, uint timeout, TIMERPROC proc=0) | owl::TWindow | inline |
SetTooltip(TTooltip *tooltip) | owl::TWindow | |
SetTransferBuffer(void *transferBuffer, uint size) | owl::TWindow | inline |
SetTransferBuffer(TBuffer *transferBuffer) | owl::TWindow | inline |
SetTransferBuffer(TElement(&transferBuffer)[Count]) | owl::TWindow | inline |
SetupDC(owl::TDC &dc, bool scale=true) | ocf::TOleWindow | virtual |
SetupWindow() override | ocf::TOleWindow | protectedvirtual |
SetViewBar(TBarDescr *bar) | owl::TView | |
SetViewMenu(TMenuDescr *menu) | owl::TView | |
SetWindowFont(HFONT font, bool redraw=true) | owl::TWindow | inline |
SetWindowFont(const TFont &font, bool redraw=true) | owl::TWindow | |
SetWindowLong(int index, long newLong) | owl::TWindow | inline |
SetWindowLongPtr(int index, LONG_PTR newLong) | owl::TWindow | inline |
SetWindowPlacement(const WINDOWPLACEMENT &place) | owl::TWindow | |
SetWindowPos(HWND hWndInsertAfter, const TRect &rect, uint flags) | owl::TWindow | inline |
SetWindowPos(HWND hWndInsertAfter, int x, int y, int w, int h, uint flags) | owl::TWindow | |
SetWindowProc(WNDPROC wndProc) | owl::TWindow | inline |
SetWindowRgn(HRGN, bool repaint=false) -> bool | owl::TWindow | inline |
SetWindowRgn(const TRegion &, bool repaint=false) -> bool=delete | owl::TWindow | |
SetWindowRgn(TRegion &&r, bool repaint=false) -> bool | owl::TWindow | |
SetWindowText(LPCTSTR str) | owl::TWindow | inline |
SetWindowText(const tstring &str) | owl::TWindow | inline |
SetWindowText(uint resourceStringId) | owl::TWindow | inline |
SetWindowWord(int index, uint16 newWord) | owl::TWindow | inline |
ShowCaret() | owl::TWindow | inline |
ShowCursor(HWND wnd, owl::uint hitTest, owl::uint mouseMsg) | ocf::TOleWindow | protectedvirtual |
ShowObjects | ocf::TOleWindow | protected |
ShowOwnedPopups(bool show) | owl::TWindow | inline |
ShowScrollBar(int bar, bool show=true) | owl::TWindow | inline |
ShowWindow(int cmdShow) | owl::TWindow | virtual |
ShutDownWindow(TWindow *win, int retVal=0) | owl::TWindow | static |
ShutDownWindow(int retVal=0) | owl::TWindow | inline |
StartDrag(owl::uint modKeys, owl::TPoint &point) | ocf::TOleWindow | protectedvirtual |
StaticName() | ocf::TOleView | inlinestatic |
SubclassWindowFunction() | owl::TWindow | |
TChildrenIterator typedef | owl::TWindow | |
TChildrenRange typedef | owl::TWindow | |
TConstChildrenIterator typedef | owl::TWindow | |
TConstChildrenRange typedef | owl::TWindow | |
TEqualOperator typedef | owl::TEventHandler | |
THandle typedef | owl::TWindow | |
TOleView(owl::TDocument &doc, owl::TWindow *parent=0) | ocf::TOleView | |
TOleWindow(owl::TWindow *parent=0, owl::TModule *module=0) | ocf::TOleWindow | |
TraceWindowPlacement() | owl::TWindow | |
TrackMouseEvent(uint flags=TME_HOVER|TME_LEAVE, int hoverTime=HOVER_DEFAULT) | owl::TWindow | |
Transfer(void *buffer, TTransferDirection direction) | owl::TWindow | virtual |
TransferData(TTransferDirection direction) | owl::TWindow | virtual |
TScrollRange typedef | owl::TWindow | |
TView(TDocument &doc) | owl::TView | |
TViewProp enum name | owl::TView | |
TWindow(TWindow *parent, LPCTSTR title=nullptr, TModule *module=nullptr) | owl::TWindow | explicit |
TWindow(TWindow *parent, const tstring &title, TModule *module=nullptr) | owl::TWindow | explicit |
TWindow(HWND handle, TModule *module=nullptr) | owl::TWindow | explicit |
TWindow() | owl::TWindow | protected |
UnregisterHotKey(int idHotKey) | owl::TWindow | inline |
UpdateWindow() | owl::TWindow | inline |
Validate() | owl::TWindow | inline |
ValidateRect(const TRect &rect) | owl::TWindow | inline |
ValidateRgn(HRGN hRgn) | owl::TWindow | inline |
ViewClass enum value | owl::TView | |
ViewName enum value | owl::TView | |
VnDocClosed(int omode) | ocf::TOleView | protected |
VnDocOpened(int omode) | ocf::TOleView | protected |
VnInvalidate(owl::TRect &rect) | ocf::TOleView | protected |
WindowFromPoint(const TPoint &point) | owl::TWindow | inlinestatic |
WindowProc(TMsgId, TParam1, TParam2) | owl::TWindow | virtual |
WinHelp(LPCTSTR helpFile, uint command, ULONG_PTR data) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
WinHelp(const tstring &helpFile, uint command, ULONG_PTR data) const | owl::TWindow | inline |
~TOleView() | ocf::TOleView | |
~TOleWindow() | ocf::TOleWindow | |
~TStreamableBase() | owl::TStreamableBase | virtual |
~TView() | owl::TView | virtual |
~TWindow() override | owl::TWindow | virtual |