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OWLNext 7.0
Borland's Object Windows Library for the modern age
This is the complete list of members for ocf::TOcStorage, including all inherited members.
AddRef() | ocf::TOcStorage | protected |
Commit(owl::uint32 grfCommitFlags) | ocf::TOcStorage | |
CopyTo(owl::uint32 ciidExclude, IID const *rgiidExclude, SNB snbExclude, TOcStorage &dest) | ocf::TOcStorage | |
CreateStorage(LPCTSTR name, owl::uint32 mode, owl::uint32 rsrvd1, owl::uint32 rsrvd2, IStorage **storage) | ocf::TOcStorage | protected |
CreateStream(LPCTSTR name, owl::uint32 mode, owl::uint32 rsrvd1, owl::uint32 rsrvd2, IStream **stream) | ocf::TOcStorage | protected |
DestroyElement(LPCTSTR name) | ocf::TOcStorage | |
EnumElements(owl::uint32 reserved1, void *reserved2, owl::uint32 reserved3, IEnumSTATSTG **ppenm) | ocf::TOcStorage | |
GetIStorage() | ocf::TOcStorage | |
IsStorageFile(LPCTSTR pwcsName) | ocf::TOcStorage | static |
IsStorageILockBytes(ILockBytes *plkbyt) | ocf::TOcStorage | static |
MoveElementTo(LPCTSTR name, TOcStorage &dest, LPCTSTR newName, owl::uint32 grfFlags) | ocf::TOcStorage | |
OpenStorage(LPCTSTR name, IStorage *stgPriority, owl::uint32 mode, SNB snbExclude, owl::uint32 rsrvd, IStorage **storage) | ocf::TOcStorage | protected |
OpenStream(LPCTSTR name, void *rsrvd1, owl::uint32 grfMode, owl::uint32 rsrvd2, IStream **stream) | ocf::TOcStorage | protected |
Release() | ocf::TOcStorage | protected |
RenameElement(LPCTSTR oldName, LPCTSTR newName) | ocf::TOcStorage | |
Revert() | ocf::TOcStorage | |
SetClass(const IID &clsid) | ocf::TOcStorage | |
SetElementTimes(LPCTSTR name, FILETIME const *pctime, FILETIME const *patime, FILETIME const *pmtime) | ocf::TOcStorage | |
SetStateBits(owl::uint32 grfStateBits, owl::uint32 grfMask) | ocf::TOcStorage | |
SetTimes(LPCTSTR lpszName, FILETIME const *pctime, FILETIME const *patime, FILETIME const *pmtime) | ocf::TOcStorage | static |
Stat(STATSTG *pstatstg, owl::uint32 grfStatFlag) | ocf::TOcStorage | |
StorageI | ocf::TOcStorage | protected |
SwitchToFile(LPCTSTR newPath) | ocf::TOcStorage | |
TOcStorage(LPCTSTR fileName, bool create, owl::uint32 mode=STGM_READWRITE|STGM_TRANSACTED) | ocf::TOcStorage | |
TOcStorage(ILockBytes *lkbyt, bool create, owl::uint32 mode=STGM_READWRITE|STGM_TRANSACTED) | ocf::TOcStorage | |
TOcStorage(TOcStorage &parent, LPCTSTR name, bool create, owl::uint32 mode=STGM_READWRITE) | ocf::TOcStorage | |
TOcStorage(IStorage *storage) | ocf::TOcStorage | |
TOcStream | ocf::TOcStorage | protected |
~TOcStorage() | ocf::TOcStorage |