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OWLNext 7.0
Borland's Object Windows Library for the modern age
This is the complete list of members for owl::TApplication, including all inherited members.
BeginModal(TWindow *window, int flags=MB_APPLMODAL) | owl::TApplication | |
BreakMessageLoop | owl::TMsgThread | protected |
CanClose() | owl::TApplication | virtual |
ClearMainWindow() | owl::TApplication | inline |
Condemn(TWindow *win) | owl::TApplication | |
CopyIcon(HICON hIcon) const | owl::TModule | inline |
Current enum value | owl::TMsgThread | |
Dispatch(TEventInfo &info, TParam1, TParam2=0) | owl::TEventHandler | |
DispatchMsg(TMsgId, uint id, TParam1, TParam2) | owl::TEventHandler | |
EnableTooltip(bool enable=true) | owl::TApplication | virtual |
EndModal(int result) | owl::TApplication | |
Error(TXBase &x, uint captionResId, uint promptResId=0) | owl::TModule | virtual |
Find(TEventInfo &, TEqualOperator=nullptr) -> bool override | owl::TApplication | virtual |
FindResModule(TResId id, TResId type) | owl::TModule | static |
FindResource(TResId id, TResId type) const | owl::TModule | inline |
FindResourceEx(TResId id, TResId type, TLangId langId=LangNeutral) const | owl::TModule | inline |
FlushQueue() | owl::TMsgThread | |
GetClassInfo(TWindowClassName, WNDCLASS *wndclass) const -> bool | owl::TModule | inline |
GetClassInfo(TWindowClassName) const -> WNDCLASS | owl::TModule | |
GetCmdLine() | owl::TApplication | inlinestatic |
GetCmdShow() const | owl::TApplication | inline |
GetCurrentEvent() | owl::TApplication | inline |
GetDocManager() | owl::TApplication | inline |
GetHandle() const | owl::TModule | inline |
GetLangId() const | owl::TApplication | inline |
GetMainWindow() | owl::TApplication | inline |
GetModuleFileName(TCHAR *buff, int maxChars) const | owl::TModule | inline |
GetModuleFileName() const | owl::TModule | |
GetName() const | owl::TModule | inline |
GetPrevInstance() const | owl::TApplication | inline |
GetProcAddress(TNarrowResId) const | owl::TModule | inline |
GetTooltip() const | owl::TApplication | inlinevirtual |
GetWindowPtr(HWND hWnd) const | owl::TApplication | inline |
GetWinMainParams() | owl::TApplication | inline |
HasSuspendedException() const | owl::TApplication | inline |
IdleAction(long idleCount) -> bool override | owl::TApplication | virtual |
InitApplication() | owl::TApplication | protectedvirtual |
InitInstance() override | owl::TApplication | protectedvirtual |
InitMainWindow() | owl::TApplication | protectedvirtual |
InitModule(THandle handle, const tstring &cmdLine) | owl::TModule | |
IsLoaded() const | owl::TModule | inline |
IsRegisteredClass(TWindowClassName) const -> bool | owl::TModule | |
IsRunning() const | owl::TMsgThread | inline |
LoadAccelerators(TResId id) const | owl::TModule | |
LoadBitmap(TResId id) const | owl::TModule | |
LoadCursor(TResId id) const | owl::TModule | |
LoadHtml(TResId) const | owl::TModule | |
LoadIcon(TResId name) const | owl::TModule | |
LoadMenu(TResId id) const | owl::TModule | |
LoadResource(HRSRC hRsrc) const | owl::TModule | inline |
LoadString(uint id, TCHAR *buf, int maxChars) const | owl::TModule | |
LoadString(uint id) const | owl::TModule | |
LoopRunning | owl::TMsgThread | protected |
MessageBox(HWND wnd, const tstring &text, const tstring &caption=tstring(), uint type=MB_OK) const | owl::TApplication | inline |
MessageBox(HWND wnd, LPCTSTR text, LPCTSTR caption=nullptr, uint type=MB_OK) const | owl::TApplication | virtual |
MessageLoop() -> int override | owl::TApplication | virtual |
MessageLoopResult | owl::TMsgThread | protected |
NextModule(TModule *module=nullptr) | owl::TModule | static |
ObjectSignaled(HANDLE, bool) | owl::TApplication | inlinevirtual |
operator THandle() const | owl::TModule | inline |
operator==(const TModule &m) const | owl::TModule | inline |
PostDispatchAction() | owl::TApplication | |
PreProcessMenu(HMENU hMenubar) | owl::TApplication | virtual |
ProcessAppMsg(MSG &msg) | owl::TApplication | virtual |
ProcessMsg(MSG &) -> bool override | owl::TApplication | virtual |
PumpWaitingMessages() | owl::TMsgThread | |
ResumeThrow() | owl::TApplication | |
Run() -> int override | owl::TApplication | virtual |
SearchEntries(const TGenericTableEntry *entries, TEventInfo &info, TEqualOperator op) | owl::TEventHandler | protected |
SetCmdShow(int cmdshow) | owl::TApplication | inline |
SetDocManager(TDocManager *docManager) | owl::TApplication | protected |
SetDocManager(std::unique_ptr< TDocManager >) -> std::unique_ptr< TDocManager > | owl::TApplication | protected |
SetHandle(THandle handle) | owl::TModule | protected |
SetLangId(TLangId landid) | owl::TApplication | inline |
SetMainWindow(TFrameWindow *window) | owl::TApplication | protected |
SetMainWindow(std::unique_ptr< TFrameWindow >) -> std::unique_ptr< TFrameWindow > | owl::TApplication | protected |
SetName(LPCTSTR name) | owl::TModule | |
SetName(const tstring &name) | owl::TModule | |
SetPrevInstance(HINSTANCE pi) | owl::TApplication | inline |
SetTooltip(TTooltip *tooltip) | owl::TApplication | protected |
SetWinMainParams(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, const tstring &cmdLine, int cmdShow) | owl::TApplication | inlinestatic |
SizeofResource(HRSRC hRsrc) const | owl::TModule | inline |
Start() noexcept | owl::TApplication | virtual |
SuspendThrow(std::exception_ptr) | owl::TApplication | |
TApplication(LPCTSTR name=nullptr, TModule *&=owl::Module, TAppDictionary *=nullptr) | owl::TApplication | |
TApplication(const tstring &name, TModule *&=owl::Module, TAppDictionary *=nullptr) | owl::TApplication | |
TApplication(LPCTSTR name, HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, const tstring &cmdLine, int cmdShow, TModule *&=owl::Module, TAppDictionary *=nullptr) | owl::TApplication | |
TApplication(const tstring &name, HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, const tstring &cmdLine, int cmdShow, TModule *&=owl::Module, TAppDictionary *=nullptr) | owl::TApplication | |
TCurrent enum name | owl::TMsgThread | |
TEqualOperator typedef | owl::TEventHandler | |
TermInstance(int status) -> int override | owl::TApplication | protectedvirtual |
THandle typedef | owl::TModule | |
TModule(const tstring &name, bool shouldLoad=true, bool mustLoad=true, bool addToList=true) | owl::TModule | explicit |
TModule(LPCTSTR name, THandle handle, bool addToList=true) | owl::TModule | explicit |
TModule(const tstring &name, THandle handle, bool addToList=true) | owl::TModule | explicit |
TModule(LPCTSTR name, THandle handle, const tstring &cmdLine, bool addToList=true) | owl::TModule | explicit |
TModule(const tstring &name, THandle handle, const tstring &cmdLine, bool addToList=true) | owl::TModule | explicit |
TMsgThread(TCurrent) | owl::TMsgThread | |
Uncondemn(TWindow *win) | owl::TApplication | |
WaitOnObject(HANDLE handle, bool wait) | owl::TApplication | virtual |
~TApplication() override | owl::TApplication | |
~TModule() | owl::TModule | virtual |
~TStreamableBase() | owl::TStreamableBase | virtual |