| Scroller -> small fix scroller.cpp line 95,106 |
 | RecentFileList -> new function RemoveMenuChoice |
 | Fix ToolTip handling, add Tooltip in TApplication( note: not finished design) |
 | Fix in TrayIcon -> SetIcon(TResId) |
 | Added class TPaneSplitterView |
 | Added function DeleteOnClose in panesplitter class, if true pane splitter will automatically delete window, default false. |
 | Fix in drawitem.cpp painting of menu |
 | Fix in ListView set BkColor |
 | Fix 100% Idle if Enable(false) in TControlEnabler |
 | Added option to use RichEdit Ver 1.0, just call TRichEditModule::GetVersion(true), before using RichEdit |
 | TDate()/TTime() default constructor uses GetLocaleTime() |
 | Checked with BCB 5.0 and BCC 5.5. |