| Added OwlDumpStack() functionality for VC (???) |
 | Fix TDate -> non UNICODE compatible functions |
 | memory.cpp -> dublicated functions commented |
 | TRichEditView CM_FILENEW, CM_FILEOPEN handles removed |
 | Fixed bug in TTime::GetSystemTime() |
 | UNICODE fixes: uchar in brush.cpp, memory.cpp. |
 | TDocManager:SelectDocPath() - initialize data.FileName now - Greg Bullok |
 | Added SetTextColor in notetab - Jogy |
 | fixed wstream related functions - for UNICODE |
 | fixed objstrm.h -> added new/delete replacements ops for STL |
 | Updated for BCC32 version 0x551 |
 | Fixed CM_FORMATFONT stringtable |
 | fixed makefile in handling memcbox2.cpp (static lib related) |
 | Fixed rcntfile.cpp in 9.02 SetMaxMruItems, suggested by Timothy Byrd |
 | Added function Sqrt(int64 val) and fixed TPoint::Magnitude() & TSize::Magnitude() (Timothy Byrd) |
 | Fixed parsing quoted string in TCmdLine suggested by "Netmare" |
 | Added MINGW specifix fix according to Greg Chicares int module.cpp |
 | Fixed problems with commandLine == 0, in SetWinMainParams() |
 | Mingw changes in filedoc.cpp (Greg Chicares) |
 | Added changed for MingW, BI_SURPRESS_OLE related |
 | Some fixes in makefile *.asm related |
 | Small Fix in notetab.cpp suggested by Jogy |
 | Several fixes in makefiles, dll name convention, fixed gnu makefile. |
 | Compiled with GNU Mingw 2.95.2-1, prebuild static library.(No OLE