OWLNext    7.0
Borland's Object Windows Library for the modern age
No Matches
Modifying List Boxes

After you create a list box, you need to fill it with list items (which must be strings).

Later, you can add, insert, or remove items or clear the list completely. The following table summarizes the member functions you use to perform these actions.

TListBox member functions for modifying list boxes

Member functionDescription
TListBox::ClearListDelete every item.
TListBox::DirectoryListPut file names in the list.
TListBox::AddStringAdd an item.
TListBox::InsertStringInsert an item.
TListBox::DeleteStringDelete an item.
TListBox::SetSelIndex, TListBox::SetSel, or TListBox::SetSelStringSelect an item.
TListBox::SetSelStrings, TListBox::SetSelIndexes, or TListBox::SetSelItemRangeSelect multiple items.
TListBox::SetTopIndexScroll the list box so the specified item is visible.
TListBox::SetTabStopsSet tab stops for multicolumn list boxes.
TListBox::SetHorizontalExtentSet number of pixels by which the list box can scroll horizontally.
TListBox::SetColumnWidthSet width of all columns in multicolumn list boxes.
TListBox::SetCaretIndexSet index of the currently focused item.
TListBox::SetItemDataSet a uint32 value to be associated with the specified index.
TListBox::SetItemHeightSet the height of item at the specified index or height of all items.

See Also