OWLNext    7.0
Borland's Object Windows Library for the modern age
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Control Classes

The following table lists all the control classes provided by ObjectWindows:

ClassControl nameDescription
TAnimateCtrlAnimateUsed to play simple animation loops in a window.
TButtonButtonA button with an associated text label.
TCheckBoxCheck boxA box that can be checked (on) or unchecked (off), with an associated text label.
TColumnHeaderHeader WindowDisplays labels above columnar lists. Also accepts user input to control column widths and sorting order.
TComboBoxCombo boxA combined list box and edit or static control.
TControlBarControl barContains a row of gadgets.
TDragListDrag List BoxAn augmented listbox that lets the user arrange list items with the mouse.
TEditEdit controlA field for the user to type text in.
TGaugeProgress BarStatic controls that display a range of process completion.
TGlyphButtonA button with a bitmap in addition to text.
TGroupBoxGroup boxA static rectangle with optional text in the upper-left corner.
THotKeyHot KeyA simple edit-like control for accepting hot-key strokes from the user.
THSlider and TVSliderTrackbarHorizontal and vertical controls that let the user choose from an upper and lower range (similar to scroll bars).
TListBoxList boxA list of items to choose from.
TListViewCtrlList ViewDisplays items in four ways: large (regular) icons, small icons, as a list, or as a report. (Right pane of Win95 Explorer).
TPropertySheetProperty SheetAllows multipage windows to be displayed. The user switches between pages using a built-in tab control.
TRadioButtonRadio buttonA button that can be checked (on) or unchecked (off), usually in mutually exclusive groups.
TRichEditRich EditThis control is a full-featured rich text format (RTF) editor. The Win95 WordPad editor is essentially a frame around this control.
TScrollBarScroll barA scroll bar (like those in scrolling windows and list boxes) with direction arrows and an elevator thumb.
TStaticStatic controlVisible text the user cannot change.
TStatusBarStatus barProvides support for status bars, inserted gadgets, hint text, and keyboard modes.
TTabControlTabPresents a number of tabbed pages in a dialog box. Provides emulation functionality when the common control is not available.
TTooltipTool TipProvides small popup help tip windows.
TTreeViewCtrlTree ViewProvides hierarchical tree display in a list. (Left pane of Win95 Explorer).
TUpDownUp-DownUsed to manipulate information in a single step, up and down manner. (Sometimes called a spinner or spin button).

Control object sample programs can be found in EXAMPLES\OWL\OWLAPI and EXAMPLES\OWL\OWLAPPS.