OWLNext    7.0
Borland's Object Windows Library for the modern age
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Constructing Edit Controls

One of TEdit's constructors takes parameters for an initial text string, maximum string length (including the terminating NULL), and a bool flag specifying whether or not it Is a multiline edit control (in addition to the parent window, resource identifier, and placement coordinates).

This TEdit constructor is declared as follows:

TEdit(TWindow *parent, int resourceId, const
char far *text, int x, int y, int w, int h, UINT textLen = 0, bool multiline =
false, TModule *module = 0);

By default, the edit control has the styles ES_LEFT (for left-aligned text), ES_AUTOHSCROLL (for automatic horizontal scrolling), and WS_BORDER (for a visible border surrounding the edit control). Multiline edit controls get the additional styles ES_MULTILINE (specifies a multiline edit control), ES_AUTOVSCROLL (automatic vertical scrolling), WS_VSCROLL (vertical scroll bar), and WS_HSCROLL (horizontal scroll bar).

The following are typical edit control constructor calls, one for a single-line control, the other multiline:

Edit1 = new TEdit(this, ID_EDIT1, "Default Text", 20, 50, 150, 30, MAX_TEXTLEN, false);
Edit2 = new TEdit(this, ID_EDIT2, "", 260, 50, 150, 30, MAX_TEXTLEN, true);

See Also