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OWLNext 7.0
Borland's Object Windows Library for the modern age
The transfer buffer is a structure with one member for each control participating in the transfer.
These members are known as instance variables. A window or dialog box can also have controls with no states to transfer. For example, by default, buttons, group boxes, and static controls do not participate in transfer. The type of the control determines the type of member needed in the transfer buffer.
To define a transfer buffer, define an instance variable for each participating control in the dialog box or window. It is not necessary to define an instance variable for every control, only for those controls you want to transfer values to and from. The transfer buffer stores one of each type of control, except buttons, group boxes, and static controls. For example:
Each type of control has different information to store. The following table explains the transfer buffer for each of ObjectWindows' controls.
Transfer buffer members for each type of control
Control type | Type | Description |
Static | char array | A character array up to the maximum length of text allowed, plus the terminating NULL. By default, static controls do not participate in transfer, but you can explicitly enable them. |
Edit | char array | A character array up to the maximum length of text allowed, plus the terminating NULL. |
List box | TListBoxData | An instance of the TListBoxData class; TListBoxData has several members for holding the list box strings, item data, and the selected indexes. |
Combo box | TComboBoxData | An instance of the TComboBoxData class; TComboBoxData has several members for holding the combo box list area strings, item data, the selection index, and the contents of the edit area. |
Check box or radio button | uint16 | BF_CHECKED, BF_UNCHECKED, or BF_GRAYED, indicating selection box state. |
Scroll bar | TScrollBarData | An instance of TScrollBarData, which has three int members: