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Creating Console Application

  1. In Visual C++, select New from File menu.

  2. You will see "New" dialog. I section Projects select OWL AppExpert for VC. Enter project name, location and press Ok

  3. You will see first Dialog of OWL AppExpert - Selection Module Type, Select Console Application and Press Finish button.

  4. On "New Project Information" dialog, press Enter.

  5. Press enter on "Important notes" Dialog.

  6. Now you have to reload VC project. This is due to some settings, OWL AppExpert doing directly in VC project file, limitation VC interface not allows do this in other way. If you will save VC project this setting will be overridden and lost. So press Alt-F-K (close project)  and Alt-F-R-1 (Open last closed project).

  7. Its All :)

Revised: December 03, 1999.
Copyright © 1998-2001 Yura Bidus. All rights reserved.