Properties Group
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Simple type Property templates

TProperty<T>              -     Read/write property that holds a simple type: int, char, pointer.
TConstProperty<T>    -    Read property that holds a simple type: int, char, pointer.

Object Property templates

TObjProperty<T>             -     Read/write property that own pointer into class instance.
TConstObjProperty<T>   -    Read property that holds pointer into class instance.

Simple type Aray Property templates

TArrayProperty<T,I>              -     Read/write property that holds aray of simple type: int, char, pointer.     
TConstArrayProperty<T,I>    -    Read property that holds aray of simple type: int, char, pointer.

Object Aray Property templates

TConstObjArrayProperty<T,I>    -    Read property that holds pointer into array of class instances.

Simple Functor Property templates

TFuncProperty<T>                 -     Read/write property that uses functors to get/set simple type.
TFuncPropertyGet<T>          -     Write only property that uses functors to set simple type. 
TFuncPropertyPut<T>           -     Read/write property that uses functors to get/set simple type. 
TFuncPropertyVarPut<T>     -    Read/write property that holds aray of simple type: int, char, pointer.    

Object Functor Property templates

TFuncObjProperty<T>                 -     Read/write property that uses functors to get/set class instance.
TFuncObjPropertyGet<T>          -     Read only property that uses functors to get class instance.   
TFuncObjPropertyPut<T>          -     Write only property that uses functors to set class instance.
TFuncObjPropertyVarPut<T>    -    Read/write property that uses functors to set class instance, and reference to variable to get it..

Simple Functor Index Property templates

TFuncPropertyIdxGet<T,index>    -    Read only property that uses functors with index to get simple type.
TFuncPropertyIdxPut<T,index>    -    Write only property that uses functors with index to set simple type.
TFuncPropertyIdx<T,index>         -     Read/write property that uses functors with index to get/set simple type.

Object Functor Index Property templates

TFuncObjPropertyIdxGet<T,index>    -    Read only property that uses functors with index to get class type.
TFuncObjPropertyIdxPut<T,index>     -    Write only property that uses functors with index to set class type.
TFuncObjPropertyIdx<T,index>          -     Read/write property that uses functors with index to get/set class type.


GETFUNCTOR(T,func)         - Creates TFunctor instance for function, for using with TFuncPropertyGet and TFuncProperty.
PUTFUNCTOR(T,func)         - Creates TFunctor instance for function, for using with TFuncPropertyPut and TFuncProperty, TFuncPropertyVarPut.
GETPUTFUNCTOR(T,funcGet,funcPut) - Creates two TFunctor instances for function, for using with TFuncProperty.

GETOBJFUNCTOR(T,func)   - Creates TFunctor instance for function, for using with TFuncObjPropertyGet and TFuncObjProperty.  
PUTOBJFUNCTOR(T,func)   - Creates TFunctor instance for function, for using with TFuncObjPropertyPut and TFuncObjProperty, TFuncObjPropertyVarPut.
GETPUTOBJFUNCTOR(T,funcGet,funcPut) - Creates two TFunctor instances for function, for using with TFuncObjProperty.
GETMFUNCTOR(T,type,memberFunc)     - Creates TFunctor instance for member function, for using with TFuncPropertyGet and TFuncProperty.
PUTMFUNCTOR(T,type,memberFunc)     - Creates TFunctor instance for member function, for using with TFuncPropertyPut and TFuncProperty, TFuncPropertyVarPut.
GETPUTMFUNCTOR(T,type,memberGet,memberPut) - Creates two TFunctor instances for member function, for using with TFuncProperty.

GETOBJMFUNCTOR(T,type,memberFunc)     - Creates TFunctor instance for member function, for using with TFuncObjPropertyGet and TFuncObjProperty.
PUTOBJMFUNCTOR(T,type,memberFunc)     - Creates TFunctor instance for member function, for using with TFuncPropertyPut and TFuncObjProperty, TFuncObjPropertyVarPut.
GETPUTOBJMFUNCTOR(T,type,memberGet,memberPut) - Creates two TFunctor instances for member function, for using with TFuncObjProperty.

Using example you can see in  TBarDescr and TDecoratedFrame, You can read about them in books by Ted Neward: "Advanced OWL 5.0 : Power Tools for OWL Programmers" and "Core OWL 5.0 : OWL Internals for Advanced"
Templates TProperty<T> and TConstProperty<T> from OWL Ext library, others templates written by me.
    class TCar{
           TProperty<int>  Speed;
           void Run(){....}
    class TPicture{
            TObjProperty<TDib> Picture;
        TCar car1,car2;
        car1.Speed = 5;
        car2.Speed = car1.Speed;
        int curSpedd = car1.Speed;
       TPicture pic;
       pic.Picture = new TDib(...);
       TDib* DibPtr =  pic.Picture;
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