Header File
This is a conglomeration of ideas from the MSG "Webster" application,
sniffing round the online docs, and from other implementations such as PJ Daughter's
"CTrayIconifyIcon" (http://indigo.i.e./~pjn/tray.html) especially the
"CTrayIcon::OnTrayNotification" member function. This class is a light wrapper
around the windows system tray stuff. It adds an icon to the system tray with the
specified ToolTip text and callback notification value, which is sent back to the Parent
get example trayicon.zip
Form 1
TTrayIcon(TModule* module=gModule);
Form 2
TTrayIcon(TWindow* parent,
uint msg, owl_string& tip, TIcon& icon, uint id, TModule* module=gModule);
Form 3
TTrayIcon(TWindow* parent,
uint msg, owl_string& tip, TResId icon, uint id, TModule* module=gModule);
Creates a TTrayIcon object.
Public Member Functions
virtual void Init(TWindow* parent, uint
msg, owl_string& tip, TIcon* icon=0, uint id=0);
Initialized tray icon object.
bool Enabled() const;
bool Visible() const;
bool Create();
//Change or retrieve the Tooltip text
SetText(const owl_string& text);
SetText(TResId resId);
owl_string GetText() const;
//Change or retrieve the window to send notification messages to
bool SetParent(TWindow* wnd);
TWindow* GetParent() const;
//Change or retrieve the icon displayed
bool SetIcon(TIcon& icon, TAutoDelete = NoAutoDelete);
bool SetIcon(TResId resId);
TIcon* GetIcon() const;
void HideIcon();
void ShowIcon();
void RemoveIcon();
void MoveToRight();
//Default handler for tray notification message
TResult EvTrayNotification(TParam1 param1, TParam2 param2);