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Class TFileNameIterator

new operators:

operator const TFileStatus&() const;


TFileNameIterator iterator("file?.exe");
  TFileStatus& status = iterator; 
  //do something
const TFileStatus& operator *()const; similar with STL.


TFileNameIterator iterator("file?.exe");
  TFileStatus& status = *iterator; 
  //do something

Please note:

const WIN32_FIND_DATA& operator ++();
const ffblk& operator ++();
const ffblk& Current() const;

All this stuff has been replaced with TFileStatus& as return value.

Its recommended don't use explicit return value of this operators, :use TFileStatus, it is more portable.

TFileNameIterator iterator("file?.exe");
  TFileStatus& status = iterator; 
  //do something

Additions in to gadget system.

Gadgets system now support flat style ala I.E. .
To enable this functionality call static functions TGadgetWindow::EnableFlatStyle(true); and static function: bool TGadgetWindow::GetFlatStyle()
New TFlatHandleGadget to support handle for docked toolbar.
New predefined gadget Id: IDG_FLATHANDLE

Additions in Docking system


Additions into TWindow

TWindow now has Tooltip member, this allow simple additions tooltip in every window(include dialog box)
New members of TWindow:

LPCSTR GetClassName();                         - Now it return const _TCHAR*
bool LockWindowUpdate(bool lock=true) - lock/unlock windows update
bool IsWindowVisible()                              - now if window not created use WS_VISIBLE flag

Not documented TFixedPoint

I don't found documentation on TFixedPoint class also OWL uses it.
TFixedPoint defined in "fixedpnt.h"

    TFixedPoint a,b,c;
    a = 5;
    b = 10;
    c = 25;
    a = (a *b)/c *25;
    b = a -34
    int  result = b;

Revised TRecentFiles class

Added Registry support and enhanced visual representation recent file in menu.

Changed constructor:

TRecentFiles(LPCTSTR iniOrKeyName, int numSavedFiles = MaxMenuItems, int namelen = 30, bool useRegistry=false);

    iniOrKeyName  - ini file name or Registry filename:
            ini file name:     "some file"
            registry name:  "Software\\OWL NExt\\MRUTest"
numSavedFiles    - number files shown in menu and saved to registry.
    namelen                - maximal file length as it will be shown if menu
    useRegistry         - Use registry if true, for compatibility reasons default false

Get example

Additions in TDecoratedFrame and TFrameWindow

Additions in TFrameWindow => support for Control Bar switching:
This are base do nothing functions
void                      SetBarDescr(TBarDescr* barDescr, TAutoDelete = AutoDelete);
const TBarDescr*   GetBarDescr() const;
virtual bool           MergeBar(const TBarDescr& childBarDescr);
virtual bool           RestoreBar();
Additions in TDecoratedFrame => support for Control Bar switching:
virtual bool MergeBar(const TBarDescr& childBarDescr);
virtual bool RestoreBar();
virtual bool CreateBar();

Actual implementation of ControlBar switching

Additional Functions:
        void SetBarCreator(const TGadgetWndFunctor& funct);
        void SetBarInserter(const TBarInsertFunctor& funct);
        TGadgetWndFunctor* GetBarCreator();
        TBarInsertFunctor* GetBarInserter();
-> function callback property called in CreateBar()  to create ControlBar, default implementation:
static TGadgetWindow* CreateToolBar(TWindow* wnd)
    return new TControlBar(wnd);

To replace it you have to define function like this
TGadgetWindow* CreateToolBar(TWindow* wnd)
return new TDockableControlBar(wnd);
TGadgetWindow* TMyWindow::CreateToolBar(TWindow* wnd)
   returnnew TDockableControlBar(wnd);

And use for function
or for member function

-> called in CreateBar() to Insert ControlBar, default implementation:
bool EvBarInserter(TDecoratedFrame& frame, TGadgetWindow& destWindow, TAbsLocation loc)
    // Setup the toolbar ID
    destWindow.Attr.Id = IDW_TOOLBAR;
    frame.Insert(destWindow, TDecoratedFrame::TLocation(loc));
    return true;
To replace it, you have to define function like this
bool EvBarInserter(TDecoratedFrame& frame, TGadgetWindow& destWindow, TAbsLocation loc)
return ..;
bool TMyApplication::EvBarInserter(TDecoratedFrame& frame, TGadgetWindow& destWindow, TAbsLocation loc)

    Harbor = new THarbor(frame);
    TDockable* dockable = TYPESAFE_DOWNCAST(&destWindow, TDockable); // not checked, maybe REINTERPRET_CAST
return false;
dockable, loc);
   return true;

And use for function
or for member function

Additions in TApplication

typedef int (*TMessageBox)(HWND wnd, LPCTSTR text, LPCTSTR caption, uint type);

Global funcitons:
_OWLFUNC(TMessageBox) SetDefMessageBox(TMessageBox);
_OWLFUNC(int) OWLMessageBox(HWND wnd, LPCTSTR text, LPCTSTR caption, uint type);
_OWLFUNC(int) OWLMessageBox(TWindow* wnd, TResId resId, LPCTSTR caption, uint type, TModule* module = 0);

New functions to change default MessageBox

New member function of TApplication:

int MessageBox(HWND wnd, uint resId, LPCTSTR caption=0, uint type = MB_OK, ...);


Enhanced TAnimateCtrl

bool Open(LPCTSTR fileOrRes, TModule* module=0); - Added TModule where look for resource, Only for new Commctrl.dll

TCheckListItem and TCheckList

Numerous enhancement, see source and example


// Virtuals from TFrameWindow
virtual bool MergeBar(const TBarDescr& childBarDescr);
virtual bool RestoreBar();
virtual bool     CreateBar();
virtual TGadgetWindow* GetControlBar();

TObjProperty<TGadgetWndFunctor>    BarCreator;       
TObjProperty<TBarInsertFunctor>         EvBarInsert;


Added handler for WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED.


New functions:
    virtual TBarDescr* GetViewBar();
    void SetViewBar(TBarDescr* bar);


New Functions:
     void Scroll(int horizontalUnit, int verticalUnit);
     void ScrollCaret(); // EM_SCROLLCARET
     int     LineDown();      // EM_SCROLL, SB_LINEDOWN    Scrolls down one line.
     int     LineUp(); // EM_SCROLL, SB_LINEUP     Scrolls up one line.
     int     PageDown(); // EM_SCROLL, SB_PAGEDOWN     Scrolls down one page.
     int     PageUp(); // EM_SCROLL, SB_PAGEUP     Scrolls up one page.
    EvUpDown() -  UpDown handler
   throw out GetHahdle()/SetHandle(), it now only GetMemHandle()/SetMemHandle() valid


New functionality:
    Added GetSearchData().Flags |= FR_HIDEUPDOWN,  because Search Up  Down isn't suppoted by RichEdit.
    Added percistent stream support
    Implemented SetOleInterface(),   it was but empty


New functionality:
    Added recal/invalidation atc.,
    Added Scroller

TPoint, TPointL, TPointF, TRect

New functionality:
    Default constructor initialize to 0 all member.


New functionality:
   Added sdupport for Save/Load for *.pal, *.dib,*.aco,*.act formats.


New functionality:
   Aded 3 parameter in constructor show separator, and added Property ShowSeparator;


New functionality:
   Added support for flat style


New functionality:
   Revised All TGlyphButton
    Added new predefined styles, atc.


New functionality:
   Added new GetItemRect(int index, TRect&, TItemRectType); should replase GetItemRect(int index, LPRECT, TItemRectType);
    Revized some functions look for OWL5_COMPAT


New functionality:
    void SetWindow(TWindow* win)  now virtual
    Added:    virtual bool      EnableScrollBar(uint flags=SB_BOTH, uint arrow=ESB_ENABLE_BOTH);
    Added:    virtual void      ShowScrollBar(int code, bool show=true);


New functionality:
    TBrush::TBrush(const TColor& color, bool useCache=true) -   added parameter to constructor, use caching of brush, if you use TBrush object for all time of programm run, you can consider do not put HANDLE of brush in cache.

Revised: February 08, 2000.
Copyright © 1998-2001 Yura Bidus. All rights reserved.