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Fully rewritted TFile, and File related classes.

Header File

TFile class was fully rewritten. See "Support classes, structures and enum"-> TFile for full description
Was added support for read/write structures, and changes some functions.
Main changes:
    Constructor and Open get only 2 parameters : filepath and mode.
    Function Write return bool

TRichEditView class

Header File

See fpor example of usage.

TTabbedBase and TTabbedWindow classes.

Header File

See for example of usage.


Header File

TSystemTime wrapper around SYSTEMTIME.


Header File

TFileTime wrapper around FILETIME


Header File

Encapsulation of new ComboBoxEx control Will be rewritted!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TCoolBand, TCoolBar

Header File

Encapsulation of new ReBar control. Will bew rewritteed!!!!!!!!!!!!


Header File

Encapsulation of new flat scroller, see example. If commctrl.dll isn't support flat scroller it emulates standard scroller.


Header File

New common control wrappers classes and macros

1) Definition for DLLVERSIONINFO from new shlwapi.h and lite wrapper to use it TDllVersionInfo.
2) New functions in TCommCtrlDll
        bool InitCommonControlsEx(uint32 type);
        void CheckCommonControl(uint32 type);
        bool GetCtrlVersion(TDllVersionInfo& info);
        Flat scroller functions.
3) Lite wrapper TNmMouse for tagNMMOUSE
4)  Lite wrapper TNmObjectNotify for tagNMOBJECTNOTIFY
5)  Lite wrapper TNmKey for tagNMKEY
6)  Lite wrapper TNmChar for tagNMCHAR
7)  Lite wrapper TNmCustomDrawInfofor tagNMCUSTOMDRAWINFO
8)  Lite wrapper TNmCustomDrawfor tagNMTTCUSTOMDRAW
9)  Lite wrapper TRebarInfo for tagREBARINFO
10)  Lite wrapper TColorScheme for tagCOLORSCHEME
11)  Lite wrapper TRbHitTestInfo for _RB_HITTESTINFO
12)  Lite wrapper TCBExItemInfo  for COMBOBOXEXITEM
13)  Lite wrapper TCBExEditInfo for NMCBEENDEDIT
14)  Lite wrapper TCBExDragInfo for NMCBEDRAGBEGIN
15)  Lite wrapper TCBExNotifyInfo for NMCOMBOBOXEX
16)  New Message notifications:
       EV_COMMCTL_NOTIFY_AND_NMMOUSE(id, notifyCode, method) - int method(TNmMouse& nmHdr)
       EV_COMMCTL_NOTIFY_AND_CUSTOMDRAW(id, notifyCode, method) - int method(TNmCustomDraw far& )
       EV_COMMCTL_NOTIFY_AND_NMCHAR(id, notifyCode, method) - void method(TNmChar far& )
       EV_NM_CUSTOMDRAW(id, method)             -  int method(TNmCustomDraw far& ) 
       EV_NM_HOVER(id, method)                            - void method();
       EV_NM_NCHITTEST(id, method)                    -    int method(TNmMouse& nmHdr)
       EV_NM_KEYDOWN(id, method)                     - void method();
       EV_NM_RELEASEDCAPTURE(id, method)    - void method();
       EV_NM_SETCURSOR(id, method)                   -    int method(TNmMouse& nmHdr)
       EV_NM_CHAR(id, method)                               -   void method(TNmChar far& )
   Rebar notifications
       EV_RBN_AUTOSIZE(id, method)                     - void method(TNotify& not)      
       EV_RBN_BEGINDRAG(id, method)                 - bool method(TNotify& not)
       EV_RBN_CHILDSIZE(id, method)                    - void method(TNotify& not)
       EV_RBN_DELETEDBAND(id, method)            - void method(TNotify& not)
       EV_RBN_DELETINGBAND(id, method)          - void method(TNotify& not)
       EV_RBN_ENDDRAG(id, method)                     - void method(TNotify& not)
       EV_RBN_GETOBJECT(id, method)                  - bool method(TNotify& not)
       EV_RBN_HEIGHTCHANGE(id, method)         - void method(TNotify& not)
       EV_RBN_LAYOUTCHANGED(id, method)   - void method(TNotify& not)
   ComboBoxEx notifications
       EV_CBEN_ITEMINFO_NOTIFY_BOOL(id, notifyCode, method) - bool method(TCBExItemInfo far&)
       EV_CBEN_BEGINEDIT(id, method) - void method(TNotify far&)
       EV_CBEN_DELETEITEM(id, method) - bool method(TCBExItemInfo far&)
       EV_CBEN_DRAGBEGIN(id, method) - void method(TCBExDragInfo far&)
       EV_CBEN_ENDEDIT(id, method) - bool method(TCBExEditInfo far&)
       EV_CBEN_GETDISPINFO(id, method) - bool method(TCBExItemInfo far&)
       EV_CBEN_INSERTITEM(id, method) - bool method(TCBExItemInfo far&)
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