Features of Patch 5

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Persistent stream support for VC 6.0 added.
UNICODE support added, it was checked for VC 6.0 only !
New constructors for creation Dialog from DIALOGTEMPLATE
New functionality Use BeginModal/EndModal functions to emulate ModalDialog, EnableModalEmulation(bool enable = true)
Internally Throw out IsModal member, don’t use it. Use GetIsModal/SetIsModal().
Internally DoCreate() changed to PerformCreate() as it should be.
New class TDialogView
New class TListWindowView
New class TTreeWindowView
New family of classes for read/write configurations:
TConfigFile        - base class
TMemConfigFile  - read/write data to memory
TRegConfigFile   - read/write data to registry
TIniConfigFile     - read/write data to ini file
TConfigFileSection - support class
Revisit templates Added memory manager.
Added support for debug run-time library for VC.
OWL going to support multithreading, it still under development, for now it uses thread local storage for local data or uses CriticalSection.
    New classes to support this features:
       a) TTlsAllocator  - TLS Alloc.Free/Getvalue/SetValu
       b) Several internal classes. see thread.h: TLocalObject,TLocalData,TTlsDataManager,  TProcessContainer<T>, TTlsContainer<T>
   c) TMRSWSection - multi read, single write, class uses undocumented functions of WinNT, if it exist, else uses CriticalSection.
New class TWaitableTimer (suggested by Marco Savegnago)
OWL uses now new typedef  owl_string for all string variables, If defined to use BC string it uses string, if defined BI_STD_STRING - it uses std::string, else for Unicode it used std::wstring.
Fixed bug in cmdline.cpp
In TComboBox add new class FindStringExact for Win32
TNoteTab - add scroller support (Contributed by Jogy)
Added EV_WM_MOUSEWHEEL support (cheched partly, and still under development).
TModule new function FindResourceEx
TApplication Added LangId, adn SetLangId/GetLangId, all resource loaded functions will use this to load language depended resource - under development, not finished.
Fixed bug in NotifyViews (OWL 6.0 patch 4 bug)
Added LVIS_OVERLAYMASK parameter in TListState enum of TListWindow
Fixed bugs in makefiles.
Make file - object code for every target have different place
TDocManager  - New virtual functions FileNew(),FileOpen(),FileSave(), FileSaveAs(),ViewOpen(). CmFileNew (), CmFileOpen() and others  CmXXX were virtual but it is bug them never called as virtuals: Dispatcher always call
      TDocManager CmXXX.
memory.h  Added conversion macros to support UNICODE
BI_PDOXWINJ_SUPPORT  Define to support Paradox/J for Windos
BI_AUTO_COMPLETION_DBCS_BY_SPACE  From Japanese version of OWL see pictvalcpp line 424
Added language support for Japan.
New macros:
VALIDORNULLPTR(p)     Check Pointer
COMPILE_ASSERT(B)    This guy generates a compiler error such as 'Array must have at least one element' if the boolean condition argument is false
New family: TDrawItem, TDrawItemProxy, TDrawMenuItem, TDrawMenuItemProxy, TTextBitmapItem,  support owner draw for listBox,ComboBox,Menu,ListWindow,TreeWindow. It will be documented.
Revised: December 04, 1999.

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