Features of patch 02

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Fixed some problem with OWLExt and OCF linking, e.g Very cool feature, automatic selection right library that work very well with VC, has problem with BC. You can still use it, just include header private/owllink.h, but it must be included only in one file.
Checked TTextFile, TBuferedFile,TFileLineIterator,TFileIterator.
New classes TFileLineIterator, TRiffFile, TQtFile, TTabCheckList,TTabedBase,TTabbedWindow
New very cool group of classes that like property in Delphi, see property.h, and examples of using you can find in TDecoratedFrame and TBarDesct. Later I will write full documentation.
From now OWL 6.0 heavily uses very cool group of classes TFunctor...(function callbacks), See TDecoratedFrame and TBarDesct.Later will be documentation.
New functionality in TEdit, will be documented.
New functionality in TRichEdit, will be documented.
New TRichEditView class
New functionality in TCheckList (written mostly by Dieter Windau).
New OWL functionality. TBarDescr like TMenuDescr, and window sensitive toolbar like MDI menubar. See examples
And of course fixed some OWL bugs.
Now OWL 6.0 uses its own template classes. Them like BIDS, this give you ability in meantime use OWL templates, and you can use BC STL or VC STL or SGI STL them not exactly the same therefore you can handle difference as you want. Second using BIDS like templates give to OWL ability stay with the same design (to effectively use STL you have to design your classes with STL in mind). I will document template classes, them in most cases the same as BIDS, or have additional functions with the same names.
Now by default OWL compiled without persistent streaming. You can enable it, simply comment BI_NO_OBJ_STREAMING in include/owl/private/defs.h
Revised: December 04, 1999.

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