Installation of OWL 6.x
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If you haven't installed OWL NExt Ver 6.04 (patch 4) you should install it.

Below instructions for users of Borland Builder 5.0:

You have several *.zip files on SupplementCD. To install OWL 6.04 you wil need extract those files on local disk in the same directoryes as BCB 4.0, for example :


  1. Create directory that will be called BCROOT, for example: 
      mkdir   bcb50

  2. Copy from SupplementCD files: and to directory BCROOT.
    For Example:  c:\bcb50  c:\bcb50

  3. Extract this files in current directory. You have to extract them including stored path names. You will get several directoryes under BCROOT:

  4. Follow instruction from next section, but where you will asked point to BCB installation root, select newly created directory: BCROOT. (in this example c:\bcb50).

Below instructions how to install OWL NExt Ver 6.04:

  1. Create new directory for OWL: for example C:\OWL, I will be called it OWLRoot
  2. Download and ( for BC++ 5.01 or for BC++ 5.02, for BCB 3.0, for BCB 4.0, for BCB 5.0).
  3. Unzip and contents to any directory. You will get 2 file owlinst.exe and owl##.owl -> installer and data file.
  4. Verify that you have Borland C++ 5.01/5.2 or BCB 3.0/4.0/5.0 installed, or CD-ROM available.
  5. Execute owlinst.exe with or without parameter:
    owlinst.exe owl##.owl
    If it executed without name data file, you will be asked to point to data file.
  6. Next Dialog will ask you select BC 5.01/5.02/BCB 3.0/4.0/5.0 directory: You can point it to BC/BCB CD-ROM or to BC/BCB installation place. For 5.01/5.02 CD-ROM it is directory #\BC, for Builder 1 CD you have to use #\bc502\bc5, where # -> CD-ROM name.
  7. After that you have to select OWL directory: point it to OWLRoot. It better install to new directory, and after that move all files to any other place, for example  you can move all files in BC include directory and use only OWL NExt
  8. If any file not found you will be asked to point to this file.
  9. If installer need overwrite some file (directory you install in it not empty), you will be asked by stupid dialog, select Yes. I need finish this part, but better to install in new empty directory.
  10. Patch.engine will copy all files before applying patch to directory Backup. You can delete it.
  11. It's all. You have two batch file in directory source\owlcore: bcowl.bat and mscowl.bat to create binaries, or you can download prebuilded binaries. You need change in each bach file directory of compiler. You also need to reflect actual OWLRoot directory in file located in OWLRoot\source directory. When you run BCOWL.BAT to compile OWL for BCB 3.0/4.0 you will see a lot of wornings in library creating time, don't know why, but resulting library will be Ok.
  12. Default location for for Output DLL files: OWLROOT\bin, you can override it by defining TARGETDIR in batch file:
  13. Default location for for Output LIB files: OWLROOT\lib 
  14. Read the OWL Tips,Trick and Traps.
  15. All new documentation will be in Using OWL section
  16. All fixed bug descriptions in Bug Tracking section.
  17. Note: If you didn't have new commctrl.h, richedit.h, htmlhelp.h, zmouse.h, you need to download this:, to compile OWL NExt. You have to install this files in BC(VC) directory, for example: c:\bc\include (c:\vc\include), or in OWLROOT\include directory. If you have BCB 3.0/4.0/5.0 or VC 6.0 you have to add only htmlhelp.h.
    You can also download, and you have to download from Microsoft HTML help workshop( if you want use html help.
    You have to install new commctrl.dll to use new common controls.
  18. Note: If you don't have tasm32.exe or (for VC) masm you can:
    Download object files: for BC, or for VC.
    Put the files in object directory.  
    Remove option "-DCOMPILE_ASM" from the commands in bcowl.bat 
  19. Note: If you plan to use OWL NExt and OWL 5.x with the same project, download also It includes compatibility layer for OWL 5.xx. You have to place files from it in OWLRoot directory. For example:
        compatibility\include\winsys\*.*    -> will be in OWLRoot\include\winsys\*.*
        compatibility\include\classlib\*.*    -> will be in OWLRoot\include\classlib\*.*
  20. Note: for VC users You have to define OWL include and lib directories in VC environment:

Now you can install OWL NExt Ver 6.10 

  1. Download file and unzip it in OWLRoot directory. You will get executable owl6_41.exe.
  2. Check that you didn't change any file from patch 04, otherwise patch will fail.
  3. Run patch:
    or you can run path from any directory with command line, for example:
       owl6_41.exe c:\owl
    where c:\owl - root directory for OWL NExt (in my computer)

Note: For VC users.

To compile OWL under VC you have to set right the command line compiler. It needs several environment variables and path to its tools. Tipically VC installer creates file named vcvars32.bat that care all this stuff, or it will include this in to autoexec.bat. How I do compilation of OWL libs for VC:

  1. Open DOC window: for Windows 95/98 run: command, for NT run: cmd.
  2. Run vcvars32.bat, it have to be in path or you can type full path name, for example: c:\vc6\bin\vcvars32.bat
  3. and run mscowl.bat.

In Win95/98 can be problem with environment space size, typically default value to small to setup VC environment variables, you need encrease this value.
In Win95/98 VC compiler will fail on compiling OWL see Installation FAQ, how cope with this.

Revised: February 15, 2001.

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