Configuring and using BC 5.5 Free Commandline tools

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Supplementary Information regarding Borland C++ 5.5 Command-line Tools
To install the Borland C++ 5.5 Free Command-line Tools, simply
double-click on the downloaded file and choose all of the default
options. After the compiler installs to your hard disk, it must be
configured following the directions in the file README.TXT.
Clarification of the instructions found in that file are included below.
Now, the compiler you downloaded is a command-line compiler application,
as distinguished from a Windows application. In Windows, usually
double-clicking on an icon or file is all that is necessary to execute
an application. Then, after the program loads, a graphical interface is
presented to the user.
Console applications, on the other hand, accept various parameters and
switches that are typed in at the command line or from a batch file.
Though not as common under Windows, many operating systems, such as UNIX
or Linux use this format. Use of Borland C++ 5.5 assumes the user is
comfortable working within a console interface. Typically, the user will
run an application such as edit or Notepad to actually write their
program (an editor is not supplied with the compiler). When the user
wishes to compile source code, they save the file out as "filename.cpp"
and then use the command-line tools from within DOS to compile and
create an executable. Like so:
bcc32 filename.cpp
The first argument is name of the compiler tool, and the second argument
contains the C++ source file. This application will attempt to compile
the source code and will notify the user of any errors in the code. If
no errors are found it will create an executable. To display information
regarding the various switches, type "bcc32"
Step-by-step Instructions for Setting Up and Using the Command-Line Compiler
Configuring the compiler for use:
Open a console box.
1. Start | Run...
2. Type "cmd" into the field [Enter]
* If Windows 95/98:
Navigate to the root in order to modify the PATH reference in the
autoexec.bat file.
3. Type "cd\" [Enter]
4. Type "edit autoexec.bat" [Enter]
5. Insert a line and type "PATH=C:\BORLAND\BCC55\BIN;%PATH%"
6. Save the changes (Alt-F then hit S).
7. Exit edit. (Alt+F then press X).
* If Windows NT:
Add a path reference to the Environment variables:
3. Using the mouse, right-click on the "My Computer" icon (on your
desktop) and choose "Properties".
4. Click on the "Environment" tab.
5. Click on "Path" in the "System Variables" field.
6. Highlight the "Path" System variable (bottom).
7. Click in the "Value" field.
5. Append the line with ";C:\BORLAND\BCC55\BIN;" (exactly 1 semi-colon
between references)
6. Click on the "Set" button.
7. Click OK (in the "System Properties" window)
* Or, if Windows 2000:
Add a path reference to the Environment variables:
3. Using the mouse, right-click on the "My Computer" icon (on your
desktop) and choose "Properties".
4. Click on the "Advanced" tab.
5. Click on the "Environment Variables..." button.
6. Highlight the "Path" System variable (bottom).
7. Click on the "Edit..." button.
5. Append the line with ";C:\BORLAND\BCC55\BIN;"
6. Click OK (in the "Edit System Variables")
7. Click OK (in the "Environment Variables" window) and click OK (in
the "System Properties" window)
Navigating to the directory, "c:\Borland\bcc55\bin"
8. cd borland [Enter]
9. cd bcc55 [Enter]
10. cd bin [Enter]
Creating the configuration files.
Note: The command line should read: C:\BORLAND\BCC55\BIN
Part 1: Creating BCC32.CFG.
9. Type "edit bcc32.cfg" [Enter] (This creates the file and opens a
blank window in the editor).
10. Add these lines:
11. Save the changes (Alt-F then hit S).
12. Exit edit. (Alt+F then press X).
Part 2: Creating ILINK32.CFG
13. Type "edit ilink32.cfg" (This creates the file and opens a blank
window in the editor).
14. Add these lines:
15. Save the changes (Alt-F then hit S).
16. Exit edit. (Alt+F then press X).
17. Type "exit" [Enter]
18. Restart Windows.
The following is an example of how to use the compiler:
Open a console box.
1. Start | Run...
2. Type "cmd" into the field [Enter]
Create a directory or navigate to where you want to store your source.
For example:
3. Type "cd\"
4. Type "mkdir MySource"
5. cd Mysource
(Now in c:\MySource)
Create a new source file:
For example:
6. Type "edit hello.cpp"
7. Paste or type the following code in the editor:
#include <iostream.h>
int main(void)
cout << "Hello." << endl;
return 0;
8. Save the changes (Alt-F then hit S).
9. Exit edit. (Alt+F then press X).
Compiling the program to create an executable:
10. Type "bcc32 hello.cpp"
Now, run the application you created.
11. Type "hello"
(The output will appear below your last command line.)
2000 Borland Technical Support
Revised: October 01, 2000.