Converting BC AppExpert Generated project to VC OWL ClassExpert project

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Install new OWL Development Toolkit for VC.
Create empty application in OWL Wizard for VC (there is new options: empty project)
Copy to newly created directory your files, and include them in VC project.
You have to convert all embedded BITMAP's, ICON's, CURSOR's in separated files (VC don't supported this). copy context Borland RC in new VC *.rc.Note  there are special markers in VC rc, so the optimal way not to replace VC rc, but copy it context. Please note: VC doesn't support multiple *.rc files.
Also copy context of BC *.rh in resource.h.
You can also change all references from *.rh to resource.h.
You have change <owl/pch.h> to "owlpch.h". You can use another precompiled header file, of course, but you need to setup VC right.
Press ClassExpert. You will get dialog: ClassExpert DataBase not found, rescan? Press Ok. It will work some time (very fast) and open ClassExpert with all your files in it.
It's all.

I've check tagged scanner in several projects, but it if it will hang in your project I would like to get some short sample where it fail.
ClassExpert DataBase is very simple text file with the same name as your project *.dsp. After rescan it advisable to check it, if all Ok. If something wrong I would like to know what, to fix this.
Attention, Old version ClassExpert had a BUG, when you creates new class it wrote OWL CLX Tag in reverse order:

//{NewClass = BaseClass}
class NewClass : public BaseClass{

have to be

//{BaseClass = NewClass}
class NewClass : public BaseClass{

Tagged scan will fail on this, you have manually fix this place.
Revised: December 04, 1999.

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