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Date: 11/30/99
Time: 12:06:28 AM
Q.I am having trouble figureing out how to create custom dialog boxes and
get information in and out of them. If you could send me any simple examples you might
have hanging around your hard drive, I would appreciate it.
A.The first step in transferring data to and from a dialog box is to decide on
the data that is to be transferred:
A TCheckbox will need to transfer a uint16
data type;
A TEdit will need to transfer a char[MAX_CHARS]
where MAX_CHARS is defined as some integer value e.g.
#define MAXCHARS 50
A TComboBox will need to transfer a TComboBoxData
In this example, I will transfer 3 radiobuttons, a checkbox, and a
Once you've decided on the data to be transferred (i.e. the controls in
dialog box), you need to define a structure which holds this data. This
structure, called a transfer buffer, is used to transfer data to and
your dialog box.
struct MyDialogXfer{
uint16 radio1;
uint16 radio2;
uint16 radio3;
uint16 check1;
char textline[MAX_CAHRS];
this section is optional it is one of three places where you can
initialize your dialog box
radio1 = BF_CHECKED; // radiobutton 1 checked
radio2 = BF_UNCHECKED; // radiobuttons 2&3 unchecked
radio3 = BF_UNCHECKED;
check1 = BF_CHECKED; // checkbox 1 checked
*textline = 0; // clear text line;
If you initialize your transfer buffer in this way, every time you
create a
new MyDialogXfer, it will automatically be initialized with these
This method has the advantage that you can use the same transfer buffer
and over, keeping the same status from one use to the next. Note that
either of the other two ways will override this method.
Next you have to declare your dialog box class. In the constructor you
should include a pointer to the above defined transfer buffer.
class MyDialog : public TDialog{
// class constructor:
// note that the second variable is a pointer to the transfer buffer
MyDialog(TWindow *parent, MyDialogXfer
*tb, TModule *module = 0);
// pointers to dialog box controls
TRadioButton *radio1;
TRadioButton *radio2;
TRadioButton *radio3;
TCheckBox *check1;
TEdit *textline;
After this, the only thing left to do is define the dialog box's
constructor. In the constructor you must define the controls in the
order in which they appear in your transfer buffer. Also, you must make
call to SetTransferBuffer; this function will cause the member
variables in
the transfer buffer to automatically update upon exiting the dialog box
reflect the status of the controls.
MyDialog::MyDialog(TWindow *parent, MyDialogXfer *tb, TModule
TDialog(parent, IDD_MYDIALOG, module)
// construct the controls
// Note that they _must_ be constructed in the same order in
// which the are defined in the transfer buffer
radio1 = new TRadioButton(this, IDC_RADIO1, 0, module);
radio2 = new TRadioButton(this, IDC_RADIO2, 0, module);
radio3 = new TRadioButton(this, IDC_RADIO3, 0, module);
check1 = new TCheckBox(this, IDC_CHECK1, 0, module);
textline = new TEdit(this, IDC_TEXTLINE, MAX_CHARS, module);
The second possible place to initialize the controls is in the dialog
SetupWindow. If you initialize you dialog box in this way, the values
be set every time you create the dialog box.
void MyDialog::SetupWindow()
Finally, your program needs to create the dialog box. The third way you
initialize your transfer buffer data is to create it and then modify
member variables before creating your dialog box. The advantage to this
method is that it allows you to load default values from a file, the
registry, or some other source. If, instead of defining it here, you
your transfer buffer in the class header, the status of the controls in
dialog box will remain unchanged from one use to the next.
int MyProgram::CallDialog()
MyDialogXfer tb;
// At this time you can initialize your transfer buffer
tb.radio1 = BF_CHECKED;
tb.radio2 = BF_UNCHECKED;
tb.radio3 = BF_UNCHECKED;
tb.check1 = BF_CHECKED;
*tb.textline = 0;
int retval = new MyDialog(this, &tb);
return retval;
Now let's put this all together. The following program fragment will
call a
dialog box from a TWindow object called MyWindow. The transfer buffer
be created in the declaration of MyWindow. Because of this, SetupWindow
will not be over-ridden in MyDialog.
// file mydialog.h
#if !defined(mydialog_h)
#define mydialog.h
#include <owl\dialog.h>
#include <owl\radiobut.h>
#include <owl\checkbox.h>
#include <owl\edit.h>
#include "resources.rh"
#define MAX_CHARS 50
struct MyDialogXfer;
uint radio1;
uint radio2;
uint radio3;
uint check1;
char textline[MAX_CAHRS];
radio1 = BF_CHECKED; // radiobutton 1 checked
radio2 = BF_UNCHECKED; // radiobuttons 2&3 unchecked
radio3 = BF_UNCHECKED;
check1 = BF_CHECKED; // checkbox 1 checked
*textline = 0; // clear text line;
class MyDialog : public TDialog
// class constructor:
// note that the second variable is a pointer to the transfer buffer
MyDialog(TWindow *parent,
MyDialogXfer *tb,
TModule *module = 0);
// pointers to dialog box controls
TRadioButton *radio1;
TRadioButton *radio2;
TRadioButton *radio3;
TCheckBox *check1;
TEdit *textline;
// file mydialog.cpp
#include <owl\pch.h>
#include "mydialog.h"
MyDialog::MyDialog(TWindow *parent, MYDialogXfer *tb, TModule *module)
: TDialog(parent, IDD_MYDIALOG, module)
// construct the controls
// Note that they _must_ be constructed in the same order in
// which the are defined in the transfer buffer
radio1 = new TRadioButton(this, IDC_RADIO1, 0, module);
radio2 = new TRadioButton(this, IDC_RADIO2, 0, module);
radio3 = new TRadioButton(this, IDC_RADIO3, 0, module);
check1 = new TCheckBox(this, IDC_CHECK1, 0, module);
textline = new TEdit(this, IDC_TEXTLINE, MAX_CHARS, module);
// file mywindow.h
#if !defined(mywindow_h)
#define mywindow_h
#include "mydialog.h"
class MyWindow : public TWindow
MyWindow(TWindow* parent,
const char far* title = 0,
TModule* module = 0);
MyDialogXfer tb;
void LoadDefaults(MyDialogXfer &buffer);
// file mywindow.cpp
#include <owl\pch.h>
#include "mywindow.h"
MyWindow::MyWindow(TWindow* parent, const char far* title, TModule* module)
: TWindow(parent, title, module)
int MyWindow::CallDailog()
return MyDialog(this, tb).Execute();
void MyWindow::LoadDefaults(MyDialogXfer &buffer)
// In this function you can set the initial status of the dialog box
// of, if left empty, the defaults defined in "mydialog.h" apply
buffer.radio1 = BF_CHECKED;
buffer.radio2 = BF_UNCHECKED;
buffer.radio3 = BF_UNCHECKED;
buffer.check1 = BF_CHECKED;
*buffer.textline = 0;
I hope this will be of help to you.