OWLNext    7.0
Borland's Object Windows Library for the modern age
No Matches
Turning an application into an OCX container and OLE container using OWL

Follow these steps to turn an application into an OCX container and OLE container using OWL:

  1. Including OWL header files.
  2. Create an application dictionary.
  3. Derive the application class from TOcModule.
  4. Create registration tables.
  5. Create a registrar object.
  6. Set up the client window.
  7. Program the user interface.
  8. Compile and link the application.

Code excerpts are from the OWLOCF0.CPP sample in the EXAMPLES/OWL/TUTORIAL/OLE directory. The OWLOCF0.CPP sample is based on the STEP10.CPP sample used in the ObjectWindows Tutorial. It does not support OLE. OWLOCF1.CPP modifies the first program to create an OLE container.